Pathfinder 1E Sword of Valor, Wrath of the Righteous AP Part 2 with your hosts Scotley and MLeibrock


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
(OOC - Hm, I could use Fleet Charge to run in as a swift action and get another attack in...though I couldn't run back out for free, so I wouldn't get a full attack action..but it does make sense. I'll adjust my post! Thanks for reminding me about mythic stuff. Been awhile! :))
OOC: Hmmm, now it is I who didn't think things through :)
I expected your full attack, my attack with flanking bonus and full attack afterwards :) - I guess I go in and see if I survive...

Small green streak follows immediately in Thorn steps. But instead of running in and out, after initial attack it starts worrying at the priest like a small dog. It clings to it and literally shreds parts of the undead body flinging gore all around. After he releases the priest Viridian jumps off, lashing the unholy thing with its tail before crouching in front of it, hissing.

"Surrend'r anon, defil'rs and thee shall findeth peace!"

Assuming AC 17 or less:
Total damage: 40+2 acid damage
(most is cutting - unless he notices some damage resistance. Tail is bludgeoning, no options)

Swift: Move to the priest and Bite vs priest; damage: 1D20+12 = [10]+12 = 22
1D4+5+1 = [4]+5+1 = 10

Full attack:
Full attack (bite); damage: 1D20+12 = [6]+12 = 18;1D4+5+1 = [1]+5+1 = 7
Claws vs priest; damage: 1D20+12 = [18]+12 = 30; 1D3+5 = [3]+5 = 8; 1D20+12 = [5]+12 = 17;1D3+5 = [1]+5 = 6
Tail vs priest; damage; rend (if both claws hit): 1D20+7 = [3]+7 = 10;1D6+5 = [2]+5 = 7;2D6 = [4, 6] = 10

Claugendeem Calaun (Green Claw Vengeance) - Viridian for humans
Fighter 4/Monk 2 (Champion 1)

STR 10; DEX 20; CON 14; INT 12; WIS 12; CHA 9
HP: 58 / 58
AC: 25
Move: 30'
Init: +6

to hit: +5 BAB +5 Dex +1 WF +1 size (-1 in bright light)
damage +2 if flanking +2d6 if hits with 2 or more attacks

Standard: +12 (1d4+5 / x2)
- bite (+12 / 1d4+5+1 acid and Fort DC 18 or nauseated for 1+CON (3) rounds)
- claw x 2 (+12 / 1d3+5)
- tail (+12 / 1d6+3) (1d4+3 if tail pounder is removed)
Breath weapon: acid 2d6 cone 15' Ref DC 18 for half
Long bow: (+11/+6) / 1d6 (100', 20/x3)

Stunning Fist 3/day Fort DC 14

Saves: (+4 vs. sleep/paralysis/stun; +2 vs spells; +1 vs fear)
Fort: 7 + 2 + 0 = 9
Ref: 4 + 5 + 0 = 9
Will: 4 + 1 + 1 = 6

CMB = 5 (BAB) + 0 (Str) -1 (size) =4
CMD = 10 + 5 (BAB) + 0 (Str) + 5 (Dex) -1 (size) = 19
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Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!

As the gargoyles zip down to the attack, 'Keva pivots smoothly and targets his attacker. This time he gets off four arrows, each finding its mark to deadly effect, and the Dwarf grunts in satisfaction as another enemy shatters and his arrows fall to the ground.


Four hits on another Gargoyle for 70 damage.

Attack 01 (27) Damage 01 (20)
Attack 02 (22) Damage 02 (15)
Attack 03 (27) Damage 03 (15)
Attack 04 (23) Damage 04 (20)

[SIZE=+1]Vakeva Kiihko[/SIZE]
HP: 66/66, Speed: 40' Perception: +15 (Darkvision 60')

Ki Pool: 11/11
Mythic Surge: 05/05

AC: 19, Touch: 19, Flat-footed: 17, CMD: 25 (29 vs Bull Rush/Trip)
Fort: +9, Ref: +8, Will: +11 (+2 vs. Poison/Spells/SLAs)
Defensive Abilities: Defensive Training (+4 Dodge Bonus to AC vs Giants), Hard to Kill

BAB: +4, CMB: +6 (+8 vs Demons)
  • Raivo (+1 Adaptive Evil Outsider Bane Composite Longbow):-----+12/+12/+7 (1d8+ 5 (20/×3))
    --------------------------------------------------------------+14/+14/+9 (1d8+ 7 (20/×3) +2d6 vs Evil Outsiders)
    ---------------------------------------(Ki Extra Attack): +12/+12/+12/+7 (1d8+ 5 (20/×3))
    ----------------------------------------------------------+14/+14/+14/+9 (1d8+ 7 (20/×3) +2d6 vs Evil Outsiders)
    --------------------------------------------(Deadly Aim):-----+10/+10/+5 (1d8+11 (20/×3))
    --------------------------------------------------------------+12/+12/+7 (1d8+13 (20/×3) +2d6 vs Evil Outsiders)
    ---------------------------------------(Ki + Deadly Aim): +10/+10/+10/+5 (1d8+11 (20/×3))
    ----------------------------------------------------------+12/+12/+12/+7 (1d8+13 (20/×3) +2d6 vs Evil Outsiders)
  • ------------------------------------------Unarmed Strike:------------ +6 (1d8+ 2 (20/×2))
  • --------------------------------------------------Dagger:------------ +6 (1d4+ 2 (19/×2))

Weapon in Hand: Raivo

Abilities: Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 22, Cha 10

Condition: None


[sblock=Keva]That Gargolye is indeed toast.[/sblock]

[sblock=Thorn and Vir] The two priest types are AC21 so only Thorn's attack and Vir's initial bite hit. The combined damage wounds him pretty good, but doesn't not put him out of the fight. The aoo vs. Thorn misses. Hopefully, we'll hear from the rest soon.[/sblock]


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
[sblock=Keva]That Gargolye is indeed toast.[/sblock]

[sblock=Thorn and Vir] The two priest types are AC21 so only Thorn's attack and Vir's initial bite hit. The combined damage wounds him pretty good, but doesn't not put him out of the fight. The aoo vs. Thorn misses. Hopefully, we'll hear from the rest soon.[/sblock]

I hit with first claw attack AC 30. 8 damage more, but the important thing is rend for 10 since two attacks hit. Add 18 more


I hit with first claw attack AC 30. 8 damage more, but the important thing is rend for 10 since two attacks hit. Add 18 more

OOC: I did miss a claw attack. My understanding with rend is that both claws must hit, not just any two attacks. A claw and a bite won't do it. Still 8 more damage has that undead looking pretty close to regular dead again.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
OOC: I did miss a claw attack. My understanding with rend is that both claws must hit, not just any two attacks. A claw and a bite won't do it. Still 8 more damage has that undead looking pretty close to regular dead again.

I shouldn't have used rend as description. It is from boar style. If any two unarmed strikes hit, extra damage triggers. You could rule it as bite plus claw used to support biting off pieces of the enemy and you could exclude wings and tail because blunt attacks and not logically positioned. But by raw any two attacks that hit trigger extra damage.

If I was DM I'd rule that only primaries count. This is monk style which means blunt attack trigger the damage too (deep strike, ki damage, whatever). But in my case tearing seems more logical.
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I shouldn't have used rend as description. It is from board style. If any two unarmed strikes hit, extra damage triggers. You could rule it as bite plus claw used to support biting off pieces of the enemy and you could exclude wings and tail because blunt attacks and not logically positioned. But by raw any two attacks that hit trigger extra damage.

If I was DM I'd rule that only primaries count. This is monk style which means blunt attack trigger the damage too (deep strike, ki damage, whatever). But in my case tearing seems more logical.

OOC: I'll let your 'rend' damage stand, but please note that your own description of the ability references 'claws'. Now, if the other two will post...


Banaq peeks over the edge of the stairs his pointed ears quivering with excitement. He incants briefly and points at an incoming Gargoyle. Those close to him hear him mouth 'pew pew pew pew' as missiles of force fly forth to strike the gargoyle. The creature keeps coming and Denir swings his massive sword lopping a wing off the creature which then crashes in a rolling heap and tumbles over the cliff.

With the gargoyles out of the fight Lia instead roasts the lead Ghoul with rays of searing flame. The two remaining Ghouls come on headless of the loss of the allies. (they are 10' from 'Keva and Denir, 15' from Lia and Banaq.

Inside the building the sounds of combat can be heard, but those outside cannot see what is happening with Thorn and Vir.

OOC: All may act.

Voidrunner's Codex

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