Pathfinder 1E Sword of Valor, Wrath of the Righteous AP Part 2 with your hosts Scotley and MLeibrock


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
OOC: Just in case, if the priest was flat-footed - doubtfull since they were aware of the disturbance - but if they were, Viridian does 2 extra damage PER ATTACK HIT (6). On the other hand, I did 2 less damage with the tail (forgot half-modifier on secondary attack). I also explicitely named extra damage to avoid confusion. My description may still say 'rend' IC post

Green goblin kobold continues his furious assault. Now that he isn't rushing it, the attacks little beast makes are absolutely devastating. Dead flesh flies around as the assault on the undead priest legs and lower torso shredds them pieces and black-metal encased tail swipes overhead to slam into its chest. Savage growl comes as from the narrow throat, wisps of acidic vapors coming between the teeth cleaning undead filth before it infects the living body of the attacker.

Move: 5' step if needed to get adjacent to both priests
Full Attack:
Bite vs Priest; damage (1D20+12 = [11]+12 = 23; 1D4+5+1 = [3]+5+1 = 9)
Claws vs Priest; damage(1D20+12 = [10]+12 = 22;1D3+5 = [3]+5 = 8; 1D20+12 = [9]+12 = 21;1D3+5 = [2]+5 = 7)
Tail vs Priest; B damage (1D20+7 = [17]+7 = 24;1D6+3 = [2]+3 = 5)
Boar style extra damage (2D6 = [3, 6] = 9)

Nice streak! 8 + 8 + 7 + 5 = 28 damage+1 acid (bite) +9 damage if any one target hit twice or more

If first one falls, continue on the other - boar style damage happens after first two attacks unless the priest falls before that.
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First Post
As the priest falls in pieces to the floor, Thorn whirls and lashes out with the spiked braided iron of her chains. Though one of the ghouls ducks aside in time to avoid the attack, another one is snared! The chains curl around the ghoul's arms and upper body, not only piercing and tearing its flesh, but also making it much harder to move!

(Attacking with Power Attack: Attacks: 1d20+9 28 1d20+4 9 2d4+11 17 2d4+11 17
Using my Tangling Attack trick on the successful attack; the ghoul becomes Entangled for 1 round. That's -2 to attack, -4 Dexterity, move reduced to 1/2 and it can't run or charge. Oh, also, if the priest ghoul did NOT die, then this attack is on it. :))

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!

As the last of the Gargoyles falls to the ground, Vakeva calmly turns his attention to the ghouls rushing headlong toward him. Four arrows streak toward their targets; one flies wide in a rare miss, one pings from a falling bit of Gargoyle. Two find their marks in Ghoul flesh.


I'm assuming the 14 and 13 miss. Split the two hits between the two rushing ghouls; hopefully it's enough to drop them both.

Attack 01 (14) Damage 01 (--)
Attack 02 (25) Damage 02 (19)
Attack 03 (13) Damage 03 (--)
Attack 04 (21) Damage 04 (15)

[SIZE=+1]Vakeva Kiihko[/SIZE]
HP: 66/66, Speed: 40' Perception: +15 (Darkvision 60')

Ki Pool: 11/11
Mythic Surge: 05/05

AC: 19, Touch: 19, Flat-footed: 17, CMD: 25 (29 vs Bull Rush/Trip)
Fort: +9, Ref: +8, Will: +11 (+2 vs. Poison/Spells/SLAs)
Defensive Abilities: Defensive Training (+4 Dodge Bonus to AC vs Giants), Hard to Kill

BAB: +4, CMB: +6 (+8 vs Demons)
  • Raivo (+1 Adaptive Evil Outsider Bane Composite Longbow):-----+12/+12/+7 (1d8+ 5 (20/×3))
    --------------------------------------------------------------+14/+14/+9 (1d8+ 7 (20/×3) +2d6 vs Evil Outsiders)
    ---------------------------------------(Ki Extra Attack): +12/+12/+12/+7 (1d8+ 5 (20/×3))
    ----------------------------------------------------------+14/+14/+14/+9 (1d8+ 7 (20/×3) +2d6 vs Evil Outsiders)
    --------------------------------------------(Deadly Aim):-----+10/+10/+5 (1d8+11 (20/×3))
    --------------------------------------------------------------+12/+12/+7 (1d8+13 (20/×3) +2d6 vs Evil Outsiders)
    ---------------------------------------(Ki + Deadly Aim): +10/+10/+10/+5 (1d8+11 (20/×3))
    ----------------------------------------------------------+12/+12/+12/+7 (1d8+13 (20/×3) +2d6 vs Evil Outsiders)
  • ------------------------------------------Unarmed Strike:------------ +6 (1d8+ 2 (20/×2))
  • --------------------------------------------------Dagger:------------ +6 (1d4+ 2 (19/×2))

Weapon in Hand: Raivo

Abilities: Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 22, Cha 10

Condition: None


Thorn 21
Gargoyles 16
Vakeva 15
Mel 63 (or 13)
Denir 13
Vir 10
Banaq (npc for now) 7

The dwarf's archery makes short work of the advancing Ghouls outside. Mel, Denir and Banaq advance to the door.

Inside, Vir continues his furious assault. Now that he isn't rushing it, the attacks little beast makes are absolutely devastating. Dead flesh flies around as the assault on the undead priest legs and lower torso are shredded to pieces and black-metal encased tail swipes overhead to slam into its chest. Savage growl comes as from the narrow throat, wisps of acidic vapors coming between the teeth cleaning undead filth before it infects the living body of the attacker. The savagery of the attack brings down the first priest.

As the priest falls in pieces to the floor, Thorn whirls and lashes out with the spiked braided iron of her chains. Though one of the ghouls ducks aside in time to avoid the attack, another one is snared! The chains curl around the ghoul's arms and upper body, not only piercing and tearing its flesh, but also making it much harder to move! The creature was clearly trying to reach a door leading deeper into the building. Perhaps to get more help?

The first Ghoul who ducks it seems is also a priest as he steps clear of the fray and begins to read a scroll. Powerful magic is in play here as a swirling vortex of power suggests something is being summoned. Banaq shouts from the doorway. "That's a very potent spell, something very bad is coming!"

The remaining free animate Ghoul in the room takes up a place in front of the summoner as if to protect him while the one Thorn has snared struggles fiercely to get at its captor, but it cannot get past his defenses and Thorn is unmarked.

OOC: Thorn may act before the summoned creature arrives, all others will have to wait until after. It is too late stop the summoning.


First Post
Thorn grimaces and twists the chain around her captive ghoul, then YANKS on it...sawing at the undead flesh with all of her might! First one way, then the other. The spellcasters were priorities, but ANY of the ghouls would be dangerous if they landed a blow...and priests were less threatening if they had no one else to buff up.

(22 to hit for 19, 14 to hit for 15...and the ghoul is still entangled and therefore Dex is reduced until the end of this turn.)

Power attacking: 1d20+9 22 1d20+4 14 2d4+11 19 2d4+11 15


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
OOC: Viridian will follow the ghoul to prevent him from leaving (presumably to get reinforcements). Unless the summoning is something that can stop him of course. :D


The feted smell of the abyss rolls over all of you as something appears in a red fog. The smell of something acrid quickly overlays the unpleasant mist. A spear tip stabs forth from the mist at the darting little green fellow, but he just manages to duck under the sweep of the long spear's tip as he chases the Ghoul. The mist clears to reveal an emaciated figure that looks like a horned human skeleton smothered within a bone-tight hide of slimy leather.

OOC: All but Thorn may act. [sblock=knowledge planes 21-25]This is a Babau Demon, they are assassins, murderers, and sadists often working alone in the shadows.[/sblock] [sblock=DC26-30]The lower entry plus, they use darkness and teleportation to hide and attack from stealth when they can. [/sblock] [sblock=DC31+]Previous entries plus, Babau are covered in an acidic slime that damages attackers who use natural weapons/unarmed strikes as well at the weapons of armed attackers.[/sblock]


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Arrival of Fatoon Human Male Oracle 6/Hierophant 1

The strange-looking human male in mithral chainmail rides into camp just after the army has pitched for the night. The man rides like a drunk on a horse that knows her rider is unfit to command such an animal. Coming to a halt near a staircase, the man nearly falls off the horse, dropping the reins to the ground as the sentries arrive to see who he is. "Halt! Who goes there?" asks the first sentry to arrive. The man stretches from the weariness of the long ride, happy to have finally reached the army. I am Fatoon, a follower of the Spirit. I have come to help in any way I can. Where are the others? The sentries look at each other unclear how to answer? One says, "I will report your arrival to the watch commander." The other answers with a confused look on his face, "Up these stairs?" Fatoon stares at the sentry, It would be up a long set of stairs, wouldn't it? Please watch my horse until I return. With that, Fatoon starts climbing the stairs. The sentry calls to Fatoon, "What should we tell the watch commander?" Fatoon calls back over his shoulder, That Fatoon will check in after seeing if the others need any assistance.

As Fatoon climbs the stairs, the sounds of battle are heard ahead. Even as he climbs Fatoon knows that evil is ahead. He hears someone shout, "That's a very potent spell, something very bad is coming!"

Fatoon catches a whiff of the smell of acid as he approaches the doorway to the shrine. He draws his morningstar, ready for whatever is ahead.

init; Perception; Know (planes): 1D20 = [18] = 18
1D20+5 = [9]+5 = 14
1D20+7 = [12]+7 = 19

OOC: Once Fatoon has reached the party, he will cast Prayer to aid the entire party. You and each of your allies gain a +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks, while each of your foes takes a -1 penalty on such rolls.

Behind Fatoon rides tired looking standard bearer, bearing the standard of the Kenebres and smaller standard of the queen Galfrey to signify they are on a mission with direct orders from the queen.

"I am Adrian Graves. We rode long and fast to catch up with you. We are here to help. At ease, soldier, detect evil on us if you must, but we need to see The Guardians of the Seal now."

Without further comment he dismounts and follows Fatton.

--- up the stairs ---
Red standard visible first, Adrian doesn't even bother with hiding, the combat has already started. He hurries after Fatoon. As he nears he erupts in combat hymn raising the spirits of queens (wo)men!

OOC: Move 30' from the stairs. Another move if needed to see what is going on and come within range. Or standard to start inspire courage if already within range (need to check the map)
[MENTION=6667844]eve[/MENTION]ryone: you get +1 morale to hit, damage and saves vs fear. In addition, you get +2 competence bonus to hit, damage and all saves :) --> note different types, it all stacks :D

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