A gand
Neutral medium-sized Gand Soldier 4/Scout 1/Elite Trooper 1/Jedi 1
Force 5/8 (1d4+1 to a roll)
Init +4
Passive perception 20 visual (otherwise 15)
Languages: Gand, Basic, Binary, Durese (lingua franca of spacers), 1 other
Species Trait: Exoskeleton (+1 AC), Compound Eyes (Avd visual), Oxygen sensitivity (As Kel Dor)
Defenses Ref 21 (10+1 Exoskel+2 Scout+4 armor+4 Dex), Fort 20/18 without armor (Advantage vs gas), Will 16 (10+1 Jedi)
HP 73/73 (-1HP per wound); Threshold 20/18 without armor; Second Wind 1d10+8 (Unused); 0/7 recovery dice used
Proficiency bonus +3
Damage Bonus +3 (1/2 heroic Level round down)
Speed 12
Melee +2/+7 Finesse (Vibroblade 2d6+7, Finesse, Light)
Ranged +8/+7 long range (Elite Blaster carbine, +1 tohit, 3d8+8/+7 long range, 50/50 rounds, range 40/160 or 60/600, Quick-deploy Folding stock (Free action), grav bipod)
Autofire +7-2/+7 if braced (Elite Blaster carbine, +1 tohit, 3d8+3, half if miss but >9)
Smoke grenades +7/+6 long range (Heavy Obscure, for 1 minute/10 rounds), WT. 0.5kg, Area (8-meter sphere), range 10/30).
Str 10, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 15, Wis 15, Cha 10
Skills: Perception +5 (Adv visual), Survival +5, Galactic Lore +5, Computer Use +5, Pilot +7, Ancient Articfacts +5, Use The Force +0
Talents: Devastating Attack (-5 dam threshold), Researcher (If you don't know, you know where to find it), Evasion (Area attacks do half damage or no damage), Demolitionist (advantage and +2 damage die with explosives), Controlled Burst (-2 autofire, -0 if braced)
Feats: Armor prof (Light, Medium), WP (Simple, Martial, Pistols, Rifles, Heavy), Tool (Explosives, advantage and +2 damage die), Pistoleer (No disadv at close range; If Attack, can attack as Bonus), Action Surge (Extra action, short rest to recover), Shake it Off (Advantage to recover from Reeling), Point Black Shot (+1 tohit at short range), Double Attack (Attack twice per attack action), Far Shot (No disadvantage from range), Delay Damage (as a Reaction, til after ENR, short rest to recover), Damage Reduction (1/2 ET level when wearing armor=0), Force Sensitivity (can Use The Force)
Force Talents and Feats: Telepathic Link with Machines (as a Bonus action, 1 km, can use target's powers, can allow target to use yours, one link active at a time, resets on short rest)
Possessions: Dusty poncho with pointed hood (All-temp cloak (100 cr)), Scout trooper armor, Ammonia breather + Vocoder, Mechanical toolkit strapped to upper left arm, Short-range comlink watch with video on left wrist
Bandolier with 3 smoke grenades
Utility belt (3-days supply of food rations, a medpac, 1 spare energy cell, 1 energy pack, a glow rod, a liquid cable dispenser with small grapple hook, pirate explosive disc, a couple of empty pouches, 70 paper credit bills, a credstik with 940 credits)
- Elite blaster carbine on right hip
- Vibroblade on left hip
- Tucked in: A flare gun of her own construction + 3 flares,
- A datapad in holster (see below) with holorecorder capability (100 cr)
A set of common clothes
Briefcase with 3 blocks of detonite and 4 detonators (Currently carried by GE3-T3). 4d6, 8m radium blast each.
[sblock=Datapad content]Datacards (Adv on Wis or Int rolls in)
1. Galactic Lore
2. Galactic Dictionary
3. Dead languages
4. Ultimate Alien Anthology
5. Xenobio and Botanical Almanac (AKA Nature)
6. Chemistry and chemical compounds
7. Physics of Space and Time
8. Vehicle maintenance/mechanics
9. First aid/Medicine
10. Mining Engineering in a Modern Galaxy
11. Dathomir compendium (including topo maps)
12. Detailed History of the Quelii sector
Republic representative contract (from the Coruscant Survey Corp)
Holovid of the first meeting with the Kwi
Holo of the hole created by the Crater Worm and the Crater Worm scale
Holo of dead Rakata, one skinned and one whole lesser worms and the demon crystal.
Holo of the glowing runes on the Force Door, with sound file translation.[/sblock]
Background: One without name leaves no trace. Nameless artifact hunter, probably part of a diaspora team working for a Gand
Janwuine. Maneuvered to get onboard the Survey Corp rescue expedition to get a free ride to Dathomir, the birthplace of the Kwa.
Wish list: Science Sensor pack (forearm-mounted if possible), Jetpack, Camera droid.