D&D 5E Take a look at my Character Sheet and give me feedback, please.


I'm not sure putting the skills under the appropriate attributes is actually helpful, depending on your check flow. Are you planning to call for attribute checks and have players validate if a skill will apply, or are you planning to call for specific skill checks? The former makes sense for the current layout, the latter would benefit from a conventionally alphabetized skill section.

I try to think about what actions a player will need to take in play to get to a given piece of information. The current setup will make it easier to fill out at character creation, but that's a one-time cost, vs. every time a player is looking for where "Animal Handling" lives exactly, until they've memorized that it's under wisdom. Putting all the checks in one place and giving them useful heuristics for where to look (alphabetical, all combat specific stuff goes here, all reactive stuff goes here, etc. cuts down on that training time.

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Jacob Rodgers
I'm not sure putting the skills under the appropriate attributes is actually helpful, depending on your check flow. Are you planning to call for attribute checks and have players validate if a skill will apply, or are you planning to call for specific skill checks? The former makes sense for the current layout, the latter would benefit from a conventionally alphabetized skill section.

My usual personal procedure is to ask what they Player wants the Character, to do, and then announce 'make a X check'. Only if they whinge, do I remind them that alternative Skill + Attribute combinations are possible.

Here's a new version, sharing out a bit further development:
Character Sheet 5e (v5.4b).jpg

Everything but the last line on the right should be self-explanatory. Status is where Hit Points (including Temporary ones), Recovery Dice, Total Encumbrance, and Recovery Dice (Hit Dice, but they can be used to remove Conditions, restore uses of a Trait or Feat, etc.).

Below that will be Conditions (perhaps), maybe an area for Effects (Spells or Psionics), or notes on the Character. Also, I'm seriously considering making 10(or 14)th) Level being the max, and moving the Capstone up, making more room for other things.


Jacob Rodgers
Character Sheet 5e (v5.5a).jpg

Latest version, based on feedback here, and elsewhere. I am going to 15th level as max, and rearranging some of the Focus (subclass) material to squeeze it all in.

I like the skills under the stats but, as was mentioned, skill proficiency doesn’t have much to do with specific ability checks. The classic one being intimidation using strength or charisma.

Is this form fillable? That is the biggest thing I look for when looking for a pdf character sheet.

Besides that, I like it


Jacob Rodgers
This might be the last update, at least until after Gen Con. I decided to have an open notes space to keep it useful for all PCs, though the bottom spaces will have cantrips & spells for the casters (Invokers):

Character Sheet 5e (v5.6h).jpg

Oh, one note I almost forgot.. the Conditions are just the ones that have a Value to track. Other Conditions are just referenced by the GM, or tracked by the Player.

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