Black Flag Tales of the Valiant Playtest Packet 4 from Kobold Press


I crit!
Kobolds and small folk.


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Kobolds and small folk.

Holy crap, Kobold Press is running rings around WotC in their handling of short races.

These kobolds are great and I like Kobold Press merging gnomes and halflings into a single smallfolk ancestry and breaking them out into halfling and gnome groups. The cottage heritage is a great example over the cultural overlap between the two traditional races.

The only thing WotC gnomes have over the Kobold Press ones are mechanical support for illusionists and other tricky gnome types, but there's already a lot of that available.
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Holy crap, Kobold Press is running rings around WotC in their handling of short races.

These kobolds are great and I like Kobold Press merging gnomes and halflings into a single smallfolk ancestry and breaking them out into halfling and gnome groups. The cottager lineage is a great example over the cultural overlap between the two traditional races.

The only thing WotC gnomes have over the Kobold Press ones are mechanical support for illusionists and other tricky gnome types, but there's already a lot of that available.
Awesome! Glad you dig it!

Hey there, please be sure to submit this feedback using the Feedback form on the first page of the PDF! :)
I'm going to provide feedback on scurry, which I enjoy the flavor of

Also, over on the KP website the direct download link just links to the page that the direct download button is on

The only thing I don't like is the Warrens heritage--specifically, that young are raised in clutches, because that very strongly implies that it's kobold-only. Since, let's face it, clutches mean eggs, which halflings and gnomes don't have. If they were described as being in creches instead, then it becomes open to everyone.

Beyond that, though, I love them! I've always envisioned kobolds as tinkerers, just not as fancy as other species, so I'm glad to see that they're this way here.

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