D&D 5E Talk to me about Monster Math


I'm starting a Next campaign on Wednesday. For folks who've been playing regularly, how is the math looking? Are there any quick tweaks I can make so that things balance a little better? (Say, bump up To Hit or AC or knock down HP or something?)

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Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
I'm starting a Next campaign on Wednesday. For folks who've been playing regularly, how is the math looking? Are there any quick tweaks I can make so that things balance a little better? (Say, bump up To Hit or AC or knock down HP or something?)

It works fine as it is. If anything, I am finding the 1HD monsters to be a tad on the weak side (they often go down in a single hit), but I am also finding they're really worth very little in terms of XP (10XP, divided by number of party members) so that seems to be the intent.


It mostly works, for the most part. Mostly it's too easy. The game mostly isn't dependent on the tightness of the math, so don't feel bad about doubling HP or increasing to-hit by 1 or 2.


Just heed the advice in the playtest docs about multiple opponents. Most evenly matched encounters 1:1 ratio are not so hard for PCs. 1:2 ratio gets harder. 1:3 gets really hard possibly deadly.

Also, creatures with area of effect attacks make the encounter much harder, especially if there are multiple creatures who can use those attacks (this includes spellcasters as well).

When I want a fight to go on longer...I generally beef up 1 or 2 of the opponents -- a chief or sub-chief.

Also, ranged attacks are also more deadly, especially if the ranged attacker can fire and duck behind cover, and/or if the PCs cannot get to them so easily (because they have to engage melee attackers or as a result of terrain features).

Things can get swingy, so you can always start with fewer foes, and send reinforcements in if you feel the need to challenge a group during a specific encounter.

Part of the thing that takes getting used to (especially if you've DMd or played a lot of 4e) is that equal encounters may seem really easy at the beginning of an adventuring day when casters have all their spells and others have use of all their limited resources...but...the same encounter after the party has used a lot of resources could be more deadly.


First Post
With all due apologies to Bobby Pickett:

"I was working on the playtest, late one night
When my eyes beheld an eerie sight
For my monster from his slab, began to rise
And suddenly to my surprise

He did the math, he did the monster math
The monster math, it was a FLGS smash
He did the math, it caught on in a flash
He did the math, he did the monster math

From the wizards, on the coast east
To the dining room where the players feast
The testers all came from their humble abodes
To get a jolt from my electrodes

They did the math, they did the monster math
The monster math, it was a FLGS smash
They did the math, it caught on in a flash
They did the math, they did the monster math

The testers were having fun
The game had just begun
The players included Wolfman,
Dracula, and his son

The game was rockin', all were digging the d20 bounds
Kyton on chains, backed by his baying hounds
The coffin-bangers were about to arrive
With their vocal group, 'The Crypt-Kicker Five'

They played the math, they played the monster math
The monster math, it was a FLGS smash
They played the math, it caught on in a flash
They played the math, they played the monster math

Out from his coffin, Mearl's voice did ring
Seems he was troubled by just one thing
Opened the 'net and shook his fist and said
"Whatever happened to my Advanced Modular Bits? "

It's now the math, it's now the monster math
The monster math, it was FLGS smash
It's now the math, it caught on in a flash
It's now the math, it's now the monster math

Now everything's cool, Mearl's a part of the band
And my Monster Math is the hit of the land
For you, the buyer, this math was meant too
When you get to my door, tell them Mearl's sent you

Then you can math, then you can monster math
The monster math, and do my FLGS smash
Then you can math, you'll catch on in a flash
Then you can math, then you can monster math"

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