D&D General Talking about Stepping Away from D&D?


Have any of you had "the talk" at your table?
My players don't follow the news and likely know nothing (and care nothing) about the situation. But I'm running two weekly 5e games, and I'm not feeling it anymore.
I don't want to look at the books. I don't want to go with the group to watch the movie together. I don't want to drink from my D&D Tumbler. I don't want this brand in my life.
I'm wondering how the discussion might go. How do I address that I want to stop playing their favorite game because of some idealogical dispute with a corporation? How do I frame this in a way so we can all keep having fun without me looking even more dishevelled than usual?

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Tell them it's burnout. Whether they understand or have an opinion on the OGL situation can help them understand why you're feeling this way. But even if they don't they should understand burnout. Asking to try a new system, switching to board/video games, or some other group activity for a while doesn't hurt. Worse case scenario if they want to come back to DnD and you don't then perhaps it's a parting of ways.


Morkus from Orkus
Have any of you had "the talk" at your table?
My players don't follow the news and likely know nothing (and care nothing) about the situation. But I'm running two weekly 5e games, and I'm not feeling it anymore.
I don't want to look at the books. I don't want to go with the group to watch the movie together. I don't want to drink from my D&D Tumbler. I don't want this brand in my life.
I'm wondering how the discussion might go. How do I address that I want to stop playing their favorite game because of some idealogical dispute with a corporation? How do I frame this in a way so we can all keep having fun without me looking even more dishevelled than usual?
Before they released 5.1 into CC I wasn't going to touch WotC with a 10' pole. Now? I'm open to seeing what they do with 5.5. Their actions will determine if I spend any more money on their products. That said, my group was on the verge of going back to 3.5 anyway. We may do that when I start my next campaign. I really don't know.

First, this is a discussion that should be had away from the gaming table. You can get the group together for a non-gaming event, or discuss it with people individually; whatever works for you social dynamic. But don't interrupt scheduled game time for it.

Second, whatever the outcome, make sure your current games come to some type of natural conclusion. Don't cut off a story. You owe it to yourself and the group to not let a company take that from you.

I told my players after the current campaign is done I'm going run something different. I'm fortunate in that they have experienced other rpg systems and they're more than willing to explore.

I think for the OP you could try one or more once-off sessions using other rpgs and take it from there, noting your players' preferences.
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I think my group (of about 25-30 players, ie several intermixed tables & VTT groups) is kind of in flux. I'm still running 5e but am running Dragonbane for the first time Sunday, and in future am definitely looking at less D&D, especially Current D&D and more other systems. In particular no one aware of the situation wants to give WoTC more money. I was happily relieved that the players I spoke with were very much up for trying Dragonbane, except my son (15) - "I don't like new things". :LOL:


I did that back at the very end of D&D 3.5, when I went to Pathfinder as a player and a publisher. I haven't returned to D&D since. As a publisher, I got encouraged to create custom Spelljammer ships and deck plans to release as 3PP on the DM's Guild, which I'm about to release. So as a publisher, I am trying to support D&D once again, but my table doesn't play 5e at all. While I am doing this one book at least, so am supporting the game, but not playing it, maybe never...

Greg K

I was just talking with my "brother from another mother". We had been discussing gaming via either a vtt or something like Zoom once we both get over some health issues. D&D was one of the possible games since his daughter had begun playing 5e and he had bought the core books as a result.

The OGL issue came up in our most recent coversation. I told him that my preference is to run Savage Worlds, but I would be willing to run 5e using primarily the online Basic set, SRD, and third party material (mostly free or inexpensive material). He was fine with either and, being a bit annoyed with WOTC, was willing to play with what he had.

Although, I am annoyed with WOTC, I just took advantage of a very good sale to get the DMG and PHB. At some point, I'll probably also pick up the Monster Manual, both Mordenkainen books, Ghosts of Saltmarsh, and, maybe, Tasha's. However, any WOTC books I do purchase will either be second hand or at a good sale price. Anything else will be third party.

Voidrunner's Codex

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