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(Tavern) City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn I

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"Excellent, and thank you for your assistance."

Velbrik reaches into his belt pouch to retrieve the coins, placing his payment on the bar while he waits for Tiggle to fetch the items from storage.

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Tiggle hops off the bar, and heads down a trap door behind. He emerges a few minutes later encumberd by a shortbow, quiver and arrows, all added together are too large and awkward for the small gnome. "Here.....you....are...." he gasps dropping the equipment on the bar and scooping up the coins. "Hope they come in handy."


First Post
Milo starts fidgeting. Snark starts to wake up, but he soothes the little weasel back to sleep.

"What to do... what to do...." Milo mutters. Then it hits him.

"Anyone up for chess?"


First Post
Llolian tips back the last of the Naked Eye. He coughs and sputters, then jumps up. He starts scratching his harms, then bends over and lifts a leather pantsleg to scratch a pale shin.

"Whoo, wooo wooo," he says, then jumps up from his stool and runs out the door. It bangs several times in his wake.

After about 15 seconds, Llolian returns, sits down with the rest.

"Tiggle, another Naked Eye, if you please!"

Jade Solstar

First Post
Wippit Guud said:
Ned has spent that last little while scribbling in a notebook he pulled from his backpack. At the moment, however, he's doodling in the margin. Looks like a picture of a dart hitting a dart board, if anyone peeks over shis shoulder.

Torindel, though leaning backwards in his chair, sees that Ned is drawing and with interest walks over and looking down at what he was drawing says "Well that would hit the spot for me there, Ned is it ? Would you mind so much of drawing a unicorn if you can ? I am willing to pay, it is for my niece...sho just loves the things! Can I get you drink ? I was just fixing to order myself another. Sorry but if you didn't hear me when I came in I am Torindel, a master of the bow."

Looking over towards the bar where Tingle is looking to bored for his own good Torindel grins and then belts out "Hey Tingle!!! Can I get another Tossed Treant with an extra couple of goodberries... Oh and looks like Ned here needs another..."


First Post
"Nice to meet you. Rule slipped my mind. Caught up in my uncles health. Khaz Dustwind, cleric of the laughing warrior"

Guilt Puppy

First Post
In the crowded tavern, it's easy to miss the stout, square four-foot-tall figure who comes shuffling in, tattered, wet, dirty, even a little bloody... Harder to miss is the end of the scythe, strapped to his back, which bobs about over his head, nearly skewering one or two patrons in its oscillation. Those in his way can hear him muttering to himself: "Lousy vexin 'ounds in this town... Am I lookin like meat or somethin'?"

The dwarf gets pushed along to meet Joe, seeming utterly loathe to obey the customs of this place.

"Shout my name? You shout your own name, Joe, and shout it so loud you spill a bit o' drink in my cup while yer at it."

He is not, however, immune to coaxing, and gets soon enough when he's got to give.

He stands on his chair, and pipes up: "Excuse me! 'ey!" He waves his arms until a fair contingent is looking at him. "I've been tole that I got to introduce myself, and I'll do that rightly: Name's Sturm Gerwycht, of the Boer Tunnel Gerwycht's if ye know 'em, an' my quest this night is to get a vexin' drink from this pesky wag Joe, who seems t'ave forgotten what's he gettin' paid for."

He turns back to Joe, rudeness in his eyes.

"I'll take whatever you got that warms a stomach, and a big plate of the cheapest stuff you sell which in finer days had four-abouts legs attached t' it, that good?"

His right eye is clamped shut, bruised apparently, but his left eye stares out with glaring intent.

Jade Solstar

First Post
Hearing an all to familiar voice that haunts even his soundest sleep with episodes of laughter, Torindel stands up and waves over to Sturm Gerwycht and says "Long time nop see, ehh Sturm ? What happened to you, last I saw of ya's we were running out of that cave and when I looked around once outside I couldn't find ya! I figured you maybe shook the walls in on you and that oversized maggot chasing us...hahaha Boy what a day that was! Come over and have a seat,. I was just trying to convince this lad here to draw my niece a picture..."

Torindel pulls another chair up for Sturm and looks over at him with a mischevious grin.

"Tiggle, another Naked Eye, if you please!"

Tiggle seems to ponder the request for a moment, studying Llorian and seeing if he thinks another Naked Eye would be a good idea, ending the contemplative look with a minnor shrug he begins to pour the drinks to make a Naked Eye and when hes finished he places the seeminly empty glass on the bar. "Careful now, never seen a man drink more than two of these in a night and not end up naked on the street"

Looking over towards the bar where Tingle is looking to bored for his own good Torindel grins and then belts out "Hey Tingle!!! Can I get another Tossed Treant with an extra couple of goodberries... Oh and looks like Ned here needs another..."

"Not a problem my good friend, mind you that the flame egniting with the extra berries may be a bit violent, but I trust you not to make a mess or hurt yerself. As for Ned, well he says that alchohol be a bit powerful for him, so unless he begs me the one Nervous Newcommer should be enough.

"Nice to meet you. Rule slipped my mind. Caught up in my uncles health. Khaz Dustwind, cleric of the laughing warrior"

"Alrighty then now that formalities be in order, here be the Black Widow Ale I promissed ye, but now I feel you have something to get off your cheat about yer uncle there but don't worry gnomes have great ears and bargnomes be even better at it so drink up and speak up if yer so inclined.

He stands on his chair, and pipes up: "Excuse me! 'ey!" He waves his arms until a fair contingent is looking at him. "I've been tole that I got to introduce myself, and I'll do that rightly: Name's Sturm Gerwycht, of the Boer Tunnel Gerwycht's if ye know 'em, an' my quest this night is to get a vexin' drink from this pesky wag Joe, who seems t'ave forgotten what's he gettin' paid for."

He turns back to Joe, rudeness in his eyes.

Despite the rude remarks and angry tone Tiggle smiles happily at the aggressive dwarf. "Sorry my names Tiggle, Joes not in right now and Ive got the bar so you'll have to order through me. Ive got hundreds of drinks to warm your stomach, I think Milo over there just had the Flametail you can ask him how he liked that, or you can get something else, just giving suggestions. As for our food I can offer you a lot better than bread and waterdowned soup, free of charge. Joe's rule no cost for the poor adventurig soul, and from your attitude looks like you fit the bill." Tiggle beams another bright smile Sturm's direction after he finished, not at all the least bit bothered by the dwarfs surly attitude.


Living EN World Judge
The doors of the red Dragon open, letting in the 'fresh' smell of the City, and something else .

A figure, thin to the point of emaciation, taller than most men and dressed all in greys and blacks, the man stepped smoothly and with purpose into the commons of the Inn. A sweep of his hand removed the tall top-hat that he wore, a tattered Griffon feather adorning it's band, a single pale Opal set in silver pin holding the feather in place. Greasy and lank hair hung from his pate, ofset by eyes of a brilliant green, keen and aware. Despite his disheaveled state, his teeth were pearly white and his gait strong and sure.

'Brindle...' muttered a Dwarf into his cups, a word repeated by several of those in the room.
The man, for his part, smiled a rictus grin more at home on a corpse and said in an all-too-strong-voice 'Brindle at your service, Lords and Ladies...and what a delicious new lot I see before me.' The man then went over to the boards and, uncorking a large scroll-tube, pulled forth several sheets of parchment and a small hammer and began nailing them up.

Several times did Brindle look at a sheet, then at the assembled group and mutter 'No, not this one, I think...too green, yes they are definatley too green...' before depositing it back into his scrollcase.

When he was finished, there were three notices posted.

First Notice

WANTED: Brave Souls to delve deep into the crypts under Volstein Manor. Family Heir seeks his Birthright, rumoured located
within the crypts. 1,000 Gold Crowns paid upon completion.
No looting of the crypts will be tolerated.
Expect encounters with the Undead, particularly Ghouls.

Brindle leans into the ear of an onlooking adventurer and whispers 'Oh, I wouldn't want to go on THAT one, lad...'

Second Notice

WANTED: Rumours abound of Trolls in the Fens south of the City.
Agents of the Crown willing to pay 2,000 crowns for proof of said beasts (at least one severed and cauterized head will do).
High rewards come with High danger, so a large group is recommended.

Brindle laughs a bit at the faces of those reading when they see the word Troll. To Khaz he says 'What's that your God says about 'not wanting to live forever,mate?'

Third Notice

WANTED: Agents to ascertain what has happened to my business Partners, the Vingarius Vinyard, located 20 miles South-East of the City. Shipments have ceased some 5 days back, usually arrive ever other day. Good coin payed for information.

- Fenton Bellidar, Owner Fenton's Wines & Spirits.

Brindle dusts his long and tattered coat of a bit of dust and sidles up to the bar, ordering a cider from Tiggle., depositing a shiny silver coin on the bar. Sipping, he looks to the assembled Adventurers for reactions.
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