(Tavern) City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn I

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"Oh my! You said you ask twice? I am sorry I didn't answer. It happens some times I talk a bit too much and I concentrate on one person my discussion, it is an habit I have when I trade. I'm sorry if I offend you.

I will present my self to you properly, even it is a bit late, because it is never too late to do well.

My name is Rinaldo di Senzio, and my profession is spice merchant, but it is not my only talent. And now, to at least start to correct my fault, I will offer you a glass of the finest wine of this establishment, which I have no doubt will be one of the best of the region, I hope it will at least stop the insult here. Tiggle, please, can you give this lady her glass of wine."

Zoe smiles a little, happy that the problem has been dealt with. "Ahh, well, apologies accepted. Well met, sir. And thanks for the wine."

"Trust me, it'll be fine." Troi replies quietly. "I know he doesn't look honest, but... I don't think he would honestly hand out somethin' that would outright kill us, y'know? As long as we don't ask for it. So as long as we're careful and whatnot, we should be fine... I've dealt with far worse than 'im, that's for sure..." He lightly rubs his left shoulder as he speaks.

"If you say so, but I still don't trust this. We ought to be carefull." Zoe replies with a frowning face.

Troi nods, then looks to Zoe. "See, there ya go. This place is crowded, y'know, so ya might wanna speak up..." He smiles lightly at her. "Not sayin' you weren't, or nothin', but... yeah, y'know what I mean."

"Hey! Don't you tutor me, Troi Delmontes!" Zoe obviously is a little upset about that last comment. When she continues, she's using a more calmer voice: "Sooo, what should we prepare for tomorrow? It doesn't seem far, but can we count on buying our food supplies there, or should we take it with us? In the latter case we should perhaps take a pack animal along, as not to slow us down."

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The door of the Red Dragon opens to admit a young man into the taproom. He is dressed in brown breeches, a white shirt and a crimson jacket. His golden-blond hair hangs loosely about his head, occasionaly showing the slightly pointed ears which mark him of mixed descent. He carries no other equipment save a belt pouch and a dagger, marking him a local instead of a traveller. His fair face shows a pleasant smile as he looks over the gathered patrons. "Good evening, everyone."

He walks over to the bar, looking around the taproom while he does so. Upon arriving at the bar, he doesn't spot either the owner or the gnome bartender. The young man turns to face the people present, and clear his throat. "Excuse me, I would like to introduce myself. I am Ewald Tain, until recently a member of our proud city guard. As of today, I am no longer under contract. Hence, I seek a group of able-bodied persons who would be willing to join me in travel. I have no set plans yet, except to set out and see what the world has to offer."

After closing his speech with a smile and a nod, Ewals turns back to the bar. "There, that should do it. If I can't find some companions here, I don't know where I would", he thinks to himself. Longing for a drink, he tries to remember the names of the owner and the bartender. "Hullo, anyone there? Joe, err... Tiggle?"


[LEW] Playing Ewald Tain, currently in the Red Dragon Inn.
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Living EN World Judge
Silver Cat smiles, ignoring for the most part the dwarf with the manners of an Orc and the smell of a week-dead Orc. Time enough to win friends later. Walking over to the Boards, he looks at the offrered Jobs, seeing if there were one to his liking.


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Troi shakes his head. "What the hell is with these people, callin' me 'mister' and 'sir'?" He says, to no one in particular. "Makin' me feel old... I'd like to think I'm on a first name basis with people, here, y'know?"

"It is a way to be polite, mist.... huh... Troi. I don't use simply the name before some ask to use it, it is an habit I have, to stay polite, but I'll call you Troi if that's you prefer."


"If you say so, but I still don't trust this. We ought to be carefull."

"In situations like this, I'm always careful." Troi says.

"Hey! Don't you tutor me, Troi Delmontes!"

"Whoa!" Troi exclaims, putting his hands up and smiling. "Hey, I was just sayin'. No need to get all upset with me, y'know? I was just kiddin' around."

"Sooo, what should we prepare for tomorrow? It doesn't seem far, but can we count on buying our food supplies there, or should we take it with us? In the latter case we should perhaps take a pack animal along, as not to slow us down."

"Hmm..." Troi considers. "Well, we need to go to th' Avenue of Merchants, or whatever its called, to get more info, so we could probably buy supplies there. An' I'd say that we should buy 'em here, too, so that we don't have to mess around with that down there."

"And a pack animal... heh," He smiles, "I think my wallet's just a little light for that, y'know?"

"It is a way to be polite, mist.... huh... Troi. I don't use simply the name before some ask to use it, it is an habit I have, to stay polite, but I'll call you Troi if that's you prefer."

"Well, that's what I prefer." Troi says, nodding. "No 'mister', no 'sir', just Troi."


First Post
"Whoa!" Troi exclaims, putting his hands up and smiling. "Hey, I was just sayin'. No need to get all upset with me, y'know? I was just kiddin' around."

Zoe sighs. "Well, just don't patronize me like that again, okay? I'm not fond of that, especially not by people who are younger than me."

"Hmm..." Troi considers. "Well, we need to go to th' Avenue of Merchants, or whatever its called, to get more info, so we could probably buy supplies there. An' I'd say that we should buy 'em here, too, so that we don't have to mess around with that down there."

"And a pack animal... heh," He smiles, "I think my wallet's just a little light for that, y'know?"

"A donkey only costs us a handfull of coins. If we all chip in a single goldpiece, we'll have enough. It beats having to carry everything ourselves." Zoe tells Troi with a charm on her face.


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After a short while, Devlin returns to the common room from upstairs. Clad now in a more common, and cleaner, tunic and breeches, and sans weapons, Devlin pauses at the bottom of the stairs and looks for an empty table.

"Joe, Tiggle, Devlin's back," he shouts as he makes his way to an empty seat. "I don't see either one of 'em, so I hope that intro is satisfactory."

Settled into his chair, Devlin begins an evening of studying the patrons. Studying and learning.


First Post
From time to time, the patrons in the Tavern see Zumar emerge from the back room, grab a fresh mug of ale in each hand, and head back.


"Well, just don't patronize me like that again, okay? I'm not fond of that, especially not by people who are younger than me."

"Alright." Troi says, nodding. "Don't know who said I was younger than ya, but hey, whatever." He sighs lightly.

"A donkey only costs us a handfull of coins. If we all chip in a single goldpiece, we'll have enough. It beats having to carry everything ourselves."

"Hmm... yeah, about that." Troi says. "See, I don't even have a single gold. Silver's the best I got, and then only one of 'em. I've got somethin' like four copper..." He looks into a belt pouch, then nods. "Yep, four copper and a silver. All I got."


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"Alright." Troi says, nodding. "Don't know who said I was younger than ya, but hey, whatever." He sighs lightly.

"Okay, thanks, I'd appreciate that." Zoe smiles at Troi.

"Hmm... yeah, about that." Troi says. "See, I don't even have a single gold. Silver's the best I got, and then only one of 'em. I've got somethin' like four copper..." He looks into a belt pouch, then nods. "Yep, four copper and a silver. All I got."

Zoe checks something in her backpack. "Hmm, I got a few golds, just short of getting ourselves a donkey. Perhaps if one of the other companions could borrow me some. Do you think that would be possible? Anyhow, I should talk to Armand before we leave. I think I better do that now. I'll be back later."

Zoe gets her stuff together and walks towards the front door, yelling "Bye Joe! Bye Tiggle!" before she slips out and onto the evening street.
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