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(Tavern) City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn VI

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Gorefoot - Gnome Barbarian 1

Gorefoot's eye twitches and he tenses up at the "little fellow" comment. He stares at Nars for a moment, then relaxes.

"I wouldn't mind working with you, so if you hear about any work let me know. I'm sitting over there." He says the last as he jabs his finger toward the bar.

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"No, ah, offense intended. You look like you could, er, bench press an ox cart, but I, ah, don't think we would teeter-totter very well, if ya catch my meaning. Anyway, you seem to have seen your share of fighting. It's always good to have a companion who can handle a sword."

Thomas Hobbes

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Manzanita said:
Persephone smiles at Fant. "Well, I suppose I can tell you. I am from Monemvassia. I am Esmerelda Persephone Northrup, granddaughter of the late King Jara of Monemvassia. Any you? Where are you from, and what brings you to adventuring?"

OOC: How 'bout assuming Knowledge (Nobility and royalty) DC 10 to know general info about her backstory. If you roll successfully, read her background in the PC thread.

15+7=22 :D

Fant's eyebrows shoot upwards, and anyone reading her mind would learn some scatological sacred language in the Gnoll tongue. She replies, if only so she will not simply sit in silence while her mind races. "I am from the County of Lionel, where I would currently rule if not for the slight difference in time between my introduction to the world and my brother's. You see, all inheritance goes to the first born." Fant shrugs. "With little other hope of advancement or, indeed, anything at all, I am here."


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"Oh. So it's only your birth order, and not because you're a woman? I could never take over the throne. But, hey, who wants to be in charge of everything anyway? Sounds really stressful to me. But being a rich princess who everyone takes care of, now that's the ticket." She shifts about and gives the newcomers a once over. Then turns back to Fant.

"Although it is quite a rush killing a dragon. Have you had much success adventuring?"


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A gray elf, clad in black priest robes enters the inn. The robes bear a largish symbols of Gliran in the front and back, and a silver holy symbol of Gliran is hanging from his skinny neck. He looks underweight and weak, but walks straight and steady. His long hair is white, and while hanging loosely, is seemingly well-cared. His face is rather emotionless and calm. He greets Joe politely, and then introduces himself: "Greetings. I'm Almayce, a follower of Gliran."

He then makes his way to a table.
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Thomas Hobbes

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"A dragon?" says Fant, impressed and surprised. Her own estimation of the situation will have to be revised because apparently the bubble-headed young aristocrat in front of her is somehow capable of killing a dragon. "I, alas, have not been given such opportunities. A wizard from a distant land required my aid in bringing justice to one he could not, for various reasons, bring justice to; upon those various reasons being invalidated, he took care of the problem himself and considered himself generous in returning me home. Other than that, there has only been a brief and aborted hunting expidition for an albino dragon in the city's sewer system lead by a noveau rich merchant-aristocrat and marked primarily by an attempt by two of my fellow employees to kill one another over a denied handshake." The normally stoic Fant is venting her frustrations in a way she does not usually allows herself, and realizes suddenly she has dropped her normally stony self-control. She composes herself. "But I apologize for going on so. Hopefully, some grand new opportunity will come for us both." Fant takes another sip of wine and smiles faintly. "Hopefully before our hair turns grey." Fant rarely jokes, and it is unclear if she is now.
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Guilt Puppy

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For a time, Sturm seems more interested in the gnome and dwarf who has recently entered... but overhearing the perncess's dragon comment, he finds something .

"A draggie, eh? Bet that's a story fer hearin'! Meself, I once toed it off with a genuine mountain giant... 'e were terrorin' some helpless elves upside o' Thrusch, 'n o' course they come fer us'n help 'em out. E'eryone else was sayin' 'oi, we ain' toein' it with a giant on account o' these points', but I weren't afraid o' 'im, so I wen' up and faced 'em."

He hunkers down, proud of himself.

"So I snuck up at 'is lair, 'n called 'im out. Now mighty as I am, and that's lots, this feller were mightier still. So ye know what I did?" He leans onto the bar, eyebrows raised. "I beat 'im -- usin' my smarts!"

Satisfied with the surprise ending, he wraps his story up.

"'ose elves were real irmpressed 'bout that, 'n so out o' gratitude 'ey gifted me with 'is real fine elfin gem, named, ah, Mermamol... Shiniest ruby what was e'er wrought out o' earth, ye ken? How I lost that... 'at's another story, fer sure!"

He chuckles off into his drink, leaving Persephone time to tell her story, his mind obviously busy at work trying to come up with one to top it.


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Persephone listens to Strum's story, nodding at times, other times knitting her brow, and sometimes glancing at Fant. "So, tell us. How did you use your smarts to win? I might need to know! I might meet a mountain ogre some day! This is just the sort of thing adventurers should talk about."

"As for my dragon. Well, it was already injured when we met it, but it came right for me! Tail dripping with venom. Fortunately I was with some stoic companions, and we killed it with our crossbows and swords. It may not have actually been a dragon. Someone earlier said it was more likely a...um...weaver or something. Like I can keep up with all these crazy monsters rutting about out there." She rolls her eyes.

She takes a drink, then remembers something and furrows her brow. "Do you think a little grey in my hair would make me look more regal?" she ask Fant.

Guilt Puppy

First Post
"'ow'd I use me smarts'n win? What kind o' question's tha? By... by outsmartin' 'im... I answered 'im a riddle, I mean. He asks me 'is riddle, I mean we been tradin' blows fer right 'bout an hour by then, 'n we're both tired so I says 'wait, ask me s'm riddle, 'n if I answers I win, 'n if you answers you win.' 'n I answered, so I won. Then his head popped open and gold came out."

He sips his mug, proudly.

"'s'true. 'at's what happens when ye answer a riddle on a mount'n giant. Didn' know it then, o' course, else I'd 'ave done it earlier, 'round when just whackin' him stopped bein' fun."


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A very ugly and very large half-orc enters the inn. He wears a chain shirt and holds a large polearm. His purse appears to be full.

He annonces himself proudly. "Me Gath. Me return from smashing the weak hoarsons. Me be good at smashing and guarding. Any need smashing or guarding ?"

If he gets no answers, Gath will order hot soup and some sort of alcohol.
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