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[Tavern Thread] The Dunn Wright Inn


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Ashleigh swiveled one of her ears toward the landing door as she gazed at the water in he glass, in order to better listen to the commotion outside. Then she remembered that she wasn't a cat, and that she had probably imagined the sensation of swiveling her ear, and that if she wanted to understand better what was going on, she'd have to go and look. Sighing softly at her limited senses of perception, she stood up, taking her water glass with her, and lazily walked toward the door, trying to retain that catlike feeling short of crawling on all fours.

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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
"Pardon Frauline Gnomw, This may bear investigating."

He stands and gives a bow with his heels clicking in unison. he then heads for the door.


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An exceptionally tall, slim, man clad in scale armor walks through the inn doors. With wide eyes, he looks around at the diverse assortment of adventurers within.

He walks up to the bar and takes a seat. When the bar tender turns to him, he asks "umm, water? Do you have water?"

With something that he is sure isn't water in his mug, the Aasimar turns to the crowd. "I believe this is the way here: My name is Iosef Tellus, Paladin of the Unnamed High Lord.

"I am here looking for adventure. It is time for me to prove myself to my lord and my order."


Fury, still looking quite scruffy after his encounter with the kobolds a few days earlier, watches the dwarf sitting alone and bashing his face into the table. He shakes his head in amazement at the things people do to themselves (though he really shouldn't be surprised) and in so doing catches sight of the regal looking fellow at the bar.

Since his companions seem lost in their own thoughts (but mostly because he's out of wine) he gets up and heads to the bar next to the newcomer who just declared his name to be Iosef Tellus. He leans over towards the man and in a stage whisper says, "You'll get plenty of water in the wine. More water than wine, I suspect." He grins and offers the fellow his hand. "Orlando Furioso. But everyone who know me calls me 'Fury'."


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"Water in the wine? Is that the normal way? But it is still wine is it not? The masters forbade me wine while I lived with them, but I am not in the temple anymore..."

The aasimar is lost in thought for a few moments.

"Fury, it is a true pleasure to meet you. Though I have been outside the cloisters for some few days, I have met very few truly civil souls."


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With his face half-buried in self-pity many patrons have been wondering about what was wrong with the dwarf, even one or two adventurers. Not an easy thing to do, incite weirdness into adventurers.

- Enough broodin', gonna make me som'mony! - Broke and without a job no drunken dwarf would survive for too long among civilization. He wasn't no thief and that left only one solution to his situation.

"Ya, lads," he spoke directly to the duo at the bar, walking towards them. "Me name's Runarhein Bronzebeard, Rune for shorters. I be a battle rager of the mountain dwarves." With irritating familiarity he takes a seat besides Fury and Iosef.

"I've seen dat eyes yar making many times, me lads. Calm yar mustaches, I ain't no mad reaver. Ma ancestors blessed me with a marvelous belly for beer an' now I went an' spent all me mony. So I cannae drink an' me head hurts when I ain't drinking. But if I find a job, I get mony an' I get to drink an' me headache goes away."
His smile is broad and his face is friendly. "So, what d'ya say?"


"Well, your temple probably had a pure source of water or plenty of purifying magics if they didn't, Iosef. That's not a guaranteed thing here." He laughs. "You're in Venza now, my friend. If you ever meet a truly civil soul you better check your belt pouch for your coin." Fury winks. "Present company excluded, of course."

Fury turns to the dwarf as he arrives listening with one brow skeptically cocked as the fellow gives his spiel. "What do we say to what? If you're begging coin you've come to the wrong place. But if your head hurts maybe we should dunk it in the canal and see if that helps."


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Seeing a most interesting gathering of humanoids, including aasimars and dwarves, Sylvain scooches over an joins in the conversation.

"Hello, gents, I couldn't help overhear your conversation and figured since patrons are doing introductions, I'd best be polite and do the same. I'm Sylvain, Syl for short, and this little fella over here is my friend Waltor. We work some magicks, perform a little witchery..the good kind of course," he says pointing toward the ever present scorpion crawling on his shoulder.

"I'm here looking for a bit of adventure and coin myself," he says nodding at the remainder of the group.


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"Yar kind slow for a human, arentcha?" he says at Fury. "I ain't no beggar, here for a job." He looks comfortable enough to tap on the rogue's arm. "So, back to me question: Do ya need a strong arm t'swing an axe or two?"

At that moment, Sylvain came polytly introducing himself. The dwarf opened a trademark broad smile that could very well portray the face of a Gnoll, it was as he boasted with the full of power of his lungs that the smell of liquor fully hit all others around the bar. A girl close nearby was disgusted enough she even made some effort to get a decent distance between them.

"AHA!!! Listen to da lad! Whatta boy! Truly, there be safety in numbers and we're now two or three at least. What d'ya say, me lads, let's storm da place and get into lot of trouble, for mony an' glory!?"


Witch? Wizard? Soul-sucking sidhe-creature from the Other World? It's all the same to Fury and so he nods politely to the newcomer Sylvain and introduces himself. "Fury, if you hadn't already overheard." He shoots the scorpion a skeptical (and, maybe, a somewhat worried) look.

Fury laughs with the dwarf. "Clearly, you mistake me for a man with large problems and the means to hire others to fix them for me. I have to fix my own problems." He taps the red hand mark emblazoned across the left breast of his leather armor. "See this? It's the mark of the Red Hand Society. Means I help other people fix their problems." He shrugs. "And I don't mind taking a bit of coin for it if it makes 'em happy to give it to me."

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