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[Tavern Thread] The Dunn Wright Inn


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"Haha, Marla, well played. Well, anyway, its a pleasure to make your acquaintence," he smirks, taking a pull from the tankard.

"Stop looking at me like that Waltor. I can tell she likes me. That's just a steely facade she is putting up. I bet jerks bother her all day, and she just doesn't know how to recognize someone better, like myself." He starts absent-mindedly playing a game with the scorpion, trying to catch his tail, while Waltor tried to pinch his hands in the process.

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Ashleigh walked into the bar quietly, standing tall in the presence of strangers. her first impulse was to -- well, no, actually, her first impulse was to torch the room and laugh maniacally, but she stifled that impulse and went with her second one, which was to scan the main room, looking for anything or anyone interesting.

In truth, she found far too many interesting people in this particular place, so rather than interact with any of them in particular, which would have been a headache, she sat instead in a stereotypically abandoned corner booth, waiting to be noticed and served by some air-headed barmaid. What a lovely job that would be, she thought, momentarily allowing a hint of a wistful smile to mar her otherwise perfectly despondent face.

Aldern Foxglove

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Marla looked hopefully around for the other staff as the new woman enters, but sighs as she sees them all engaged. Picking up a serving tray she approached wearing a vague approximation of a smile.

"Welcome to the Dunn Wright Inn, what'll it be?" Taking a close look at Ashleigh she adds, "Oh a Tiefling hey? Lucky us huh?" Tapping the tip of a horn with her fingernail to emphasize her point.


First Post
Ashleigh's wistful smile faded from sight as she slowly rose her head to look at the barmaid, but when she tapped her horn, another smile took its place, this one of legitimate happiness. "Oh, yes!" she exulted, having utterly missed the sarcasm inherent in the comment. "I don't know how I'd survive otherwise. Umm, just a water, please." She hummed thoughtfully to herself as she went back to the table, fingering it slowly as she imagined the fire that would one day inevitably consume it, how it would crack the veins of the wood, the pockets of water gasping from their erstwhile prisons and escaping into the air, mixing with the carbon to form a thick, choking smoke that was the best smell in the world.

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Fury re-enters the Inn with a satisfied smirk firmly planted on his face. His smirk and exaggerated gait suggests he's quite pleased with something, most likely himself as usual. He flops down in a chair at the table with Pari, Tahn and Zelena and with an easy grace tosses his adventuring companions their share from the sale of the jeweled comb. "If you haven't found it yet, you have got to check out that Arcane Row place..." His eyes are nearly glowing with wonderment.

Pari comes back in a while later and sits at the table with his Kobold hunting friends. "Thanks for the tip, Fury. That place is really amazing! I could drop some serious cash in there, but all I could afford this trip was this nifty armor."


Fury looks at the armor Pari is sporting. "Very nice." He grins. "Maybe I should have looked for some better armor." He rubs his side where he took a pretty severe wound just days ago. "But I was so busy looking at rapiers..."


As the morning wears on the Dunn Wright fills rapidly. Fishermen, scoundrels, laborers, fishwives, they all gather here for a little liquid refreshment and mingle with those of a more mercenary bent who have, of late, begun giving the Dunn Wright a reputation as the place to go to hire such.

One prominent table, emblazoned with the red print of a large hand, has a young bravo bearing the same red hand symbol on the left breast of his leather armor seated at it and carrying on a conversation with a gnome and a half-elf while a female gnome at the same table leans over to speak with a human man at the next. The man conversing with the female gnome is saying something about his ‘Onkel’ and is, based upon the thick dialect of common he speaks, from one of the distant Baronies, perhaps near the mountains.

Despite the general hubbub when the door to the seaward landing swings open and crashes against the wall there is a sudden and momentary silence. The woman standing in the door is probably a fishwife judging by the state of her scale-flecked clothes, the reek of fresh fish, and the tracery of fine white scars that adorn her gnarled hands.

Dem half’ings is gonna give dat boy wot for!

As abruptly as she arrives she dashes back out onto the landing. Now that attention has been brought to it, the room can hear muffled voices yelling just outside the inn. Several patrons near the door get up and leave eager for a bit of mid-day entertainment.

[sblock=RECRUITING]I am now recruiting four first or second level characters (with at least one approval) for a short adventure. If you are interested in having your character join the adventure have your character exit to the landing HERE.[/sblock]

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Pari snags up his scythe and looks to his companions at the table. "The fun never ends, right? And here I was sitting and wondering what I was gonna do today . . ."

He heads out the door to see what the commotion's all about.


First Post
A dwarf, carrying the unwelcoming bouquet of malt liquor and misery, came in the common room with the looks for a dark day. He sat silently at a vacant table away from the other patrons and proceeded to hit his broad and hardened face in the wood with enough effort to make it strain.
Bang, baff, bang, bong...
After a dozen or so hits he just stood there, face deep buried on spit, snout and shame.
"Strike me dawn now, Caridin..." he mumbled between the table and his mouth. "... have merce on ma stone."

(I am wa'ting for ma approval. Decided to getta me a drink, but...)


The red-haired Dwarven woman at one of the tables looks up as the fishwife enters. The sound of brawling draws her eyes to the landing. She tosses a few coins on the table, grabs her pack, and makes her way out the door to see what the commotion is about.

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