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[Tavern Thread] The Dunn Wright Inn


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OOC: Argh, I looked all over for the rules about multiple characters and couldn't find any, even though it was on the front page right there in front of my nose. Never mind then.

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As far as I know it is not a crime to be as big as a wall, nor to be called Posing Rogue, perhaps this Rogue is telling the truth and there is a third party involved that we know nothing of yet. The house thief if you will .... mumbles Relic out loud as if to himself. He stares off into space as his mind tries to make sense of this rather peculiar theft. Surely there is more to it than meets the eye. After all, who steals a house?

Nevertheless, even if we do no more than talk to the man to dig a little closer to the truth, it would be wise to take a little muscle with us in case the conversation turns sour. I struggle standing upright with a pack on so I don't fit that bill.

Nodding to the adventurers at the other table: These seasoned veterans seem busy with more important concerns, so I propose the following, dear Dane.

Relic sits himself back down at the table.

I propose you buy me a drink and some warm rat stew while we wait for the Wind to blow the person we need through the door.

Relics eyes twinkle with amusement.

OOC: What is an Oracle? A healer of some kind or more of a Wizard? Where is the invisible tower?
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As far as I know it is not a crime to be as big as a wall, nor to be called Posing Rogue, perhaps this Rogue is telling the truth and there is a third party involved that we know nothing of yet. The house thief if you will ....

Ryall's eyes widen as Relic presents his case for restraint. "I knew he'd need a big crew what for to move my house so quick, but now I'm listenin' to you and all this giving thieves a chance talk, and I'm wonderin' if Roug weren't in here first an' already hired some of you lot to do this. Maybe I can't trust nobody!"

I propose you buy me a drink and some warm rat stew while we wait for the Wind to blow the person we need through the door.

"An' now, after you already heard how I spent all my savings on a house what's been stolen out from underneath me, you want I should sit down and spend the few coppers I got left? I think maybe I'm right. I think maybe Roug done paid adventurers ta do this, and I'm thinkin' maybe you were one of 'em! "

The man's agitation seems to be growing rather quickly toward paranoia...


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Relic is completely unruffled by the man's outburst.

Dane, take a deep breath. Everything will be fine. We will resolve this rather bizarre situation and you will get you house back. At the moment you are asking us to trust you, and you only walked through that door a moment ago. I ask you to offer us the same vote of confidence.

Relic looks at Dale calmy and reassuringly waiting for him to get a grip of himself, but whether he does or not he continues.

Now, if what you are looking for is for someone to kick down the door of the disappearing house, kill everyone in sight no questions asked and hand you back over the house then what you are looking for is not a group of adventurers. You will need to go to the Asssassin's Guild and ask there for assistance.

Now, think about it. Did your house have foundations built into the ground, or did you build an over-sized cart with wheels that could be rolled away by a determined bunch of burly thugs? All I am saying Dale is that there could be a third party involved in the theft, someone with the ability to magically move houses from one place to another, who then sells the houses of to willing buyers, perhaps to someone like Roug. This could of course all be but castles I'm making in the sand. And that is what we will find out ... as soon as we have someone big and strong to protect us while we are asking Roug the questions.

As for buying me an ale and a warm plate of stew, I'd say that is a fairly resonable price for an adventuring contract. As you said yourself, the situation could be very dangerous. I don't know how you plan to reward my companions, or what price they will ask of you. Mine is an ale and a plate of warm stew. Coppers well spent, if you get your house back, don't you think?

Relic pushes back an empty chair next to him inviting Dale to sit down, his stomach grumbling with hunger.
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"Don't worry too much about this old relic, Dale," said Quioan as he put his hand reassuringly on the harried man's shoulder, "he seems to be the type that likes to pull on people's legs a bit." Leaning in a bit closer, he added with a wink, "Though I don't think you'd be doing your cause any harm if you were to buy the man a stew. Besides, I imagine the rat stew here won't clean out your pocket."

As the commoner considered whether the cost of a stew was worth the help of a genial curmudgeon in the retrieval of his home, Quioan looked over the tavern's occupants, hoping to find someone to round out the group...

OOC: Not to beg, folks, but a melee type would be much appreciated! A second level would be welcome too!


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Ryall looks between the two men, stuttering a bit before he slouches.

"Yer right, I ain't got nothin' special ta entice you fancy adventurin' types to help," he admits. "I guess I just figured that Roug coudn't a done what he done without a fair 'mount of money hisself, and sure'n the local authorities outta hand some of that over to ya once you helped me prove my case. Guess least I can due is a stew."

He puts a few coppers on the table as he sits, a bit dejected at the realization he might not have the funds to hire proper aid.

"An' it's Dane, not Dale, though don't suppose important folk are like to ever remember it," he says sadly.

OOC: I said it in the social group, but just verifying here: since there don't seem to be enough 1st levels around and I'd rather not keep folk waiting too long, I think things shouldn't be too unbalanced if I let one 2nd level into the foursome. With two arcane and one divine caster, I think what they're like to need most is someone who's primarily martial in bent.


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OOC: Great - so we've worried the man that we've been bribed and called him by the wrong name, and we haven't even gotten out of the door yet... Let's hope it's all uphill from here. :p


Thy wounds are healed!
<snip> and a divine caster... <snip>
Did @InVinoVeritas say he wished to join the game?

I am assuming that is the 1st lvl divine caster you speak of. I hope he has time to join in.

Other Possible Divine Characters

Rex @Mark Chance is ready to go but not currently in the INN. Cleric LvL 1

Williow @Vertexx69 - Druid LvL 2 (and Boon could take the martial slot :p) also lost in the city

Possible martial character -

Korey McKragg @DrJest - fighter LvL 1

Mordjn @Fenris - barbarian LvL 1

Ta-Am-Ath - @Walking Dad - monk LvL 2

Thaddeus [MENTION=100532]Ace Cipher Zero[/MENTION] - fighter LvL 1

The Duke @AxeM - inquisitor LvL 2

Amadeus @toasterferret - cavalier LvL 2 [/sblock]

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