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[Tavern Thread] The Dunn Wright Inn


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Staring at the Inn's newest patron, Ni shrugs as he receives two mugs from Grog, passing one to Fulgrim and cradling his own. "Well I never..." he mutters to himself quietly.

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Cythera e'Kiernan, Bronze Dragon Disciple

Cythera buys the relatively inexperienced dwarf and gnome a round of ales to show there are no hard feelings as she is focused on the stories and tales with Fury and Eanos.

At the Inquisitor's mention of assassins, her eyes grow cold. "Those nefarious ones need to be exterminated, whether they are human, wererat, or otherwise. Kill them all and rid the world of their taint. Your foes are worthy, no doubt." She toasts the archer.

At the commotion, Cythera looks over at the wild man causing a ruckus.

"What the hell? Ah... another scrub acting too big for his britches." She cups her hand over her mouth and calls back, bantering for the crowd of onlookers, "Toss the trouble maker out on his arse! And throw his mug of ale after him!"

There are more than a few chuckles and murmurs of agreement from the other patrons (unnamed NPCs).

OOC: I might be wrong, but don't you actually have to have at least a partial sheet in review to roleplay in the DWI. There is no character sheet existing for Maui.
[sblock=Mini Stats]Initiative: +4
AC: 22 (19 flat-footed, 14 Touch)
HP: 54 Current: 54
CMB: +8 CMD: 22 (23 vs. Sundering) Fort: +5 Reflex: +6 Will: +5 (+1 with Resistance)
Conditions in Effect: Arcane Strike, Power Attack, Furious Focus, Overhand Chop

Current Weapon in Hand: Glaive & Goblet
Chakram: 8/8 Claws: 5/5 rounds remaining

Battle Dance: 8/8 Rounds Remaining
Spells Remaining: Cantrips: (Read Magic, Detect Magic, Resistance, Light, Prestidigitation)
1st Level 3/3 (Cure Light Wounds, Timely Inspiration, Grease(DC13))[/sblock]___________________________

Cythera e'Kiernan


First Post
Eanos Setirav, human inquisitor

At the Inquisitor's mention of assassins, her eyes grow cold. "Those nefarious ones need to be exterminated, whether they are human, wererat, or otherwise. Kill them all and rid the world of their taint. Your foes are worthy, no doubt." She toasts the archer.

"Worthy of whatever punishment I can mete out in my Lady's name, certainly," he agrees, returning the toast. "Sadly, my own talent for rooting out secrets hasn't been enough yet to find them all. But I figure if I keep at it, eventually they'll be coming to me, yes?"

"What the hell? Ah... another scrub acting too big for his britches." She cups her hand over her mouth and calls back, bantering for the crowd of onlookers, "Toss the trouble maker out on his arse! And throw his mug of ale after him!"

Eanos shakes his head and laughs. "Now, just because you're the most experienced ... Dancer in the room doesn't mean everyone else has two left feet," he says good-naturedly.

To the newcomer Eanos merely calls out, "Welcome, Maui, but I think you'll find there are plenty enough exceptional folk in the Dunn Wright. It's what brings us all here, after all."


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OOC: FYI, folks, my adventure for APL 5 was just approved, but I believe there aren't enough folk here yet to run it. By my count there's only Cythera and Kanli who are high enough level for it (at least, I think [MENTION=41485]InVinoVeritas[/MENTION] is still lurkin' about with Kanli).

The nature of the hook is such that I don't think it'd be especially useful to bring the recruiter in too early and have folk sitting around, but I wanted to post here in case anyone with a viable 4-5-6 level character is lurking here waiting to hear about a game before posting. :)


Fulgrim puts his empty ale mug down just as Ni passes him another one. Taking a sip, foam clinging to his beard from the swig, Fulgrim smiles. "Thank ye! I was just needin' another!"

As the dwarf's belly rumbles, having abstained from food at the crazy cook's house. With the smell of food wafting into the common room from the kitchen, Fulgrim orders up several plates of appetizers which he will share with others when they arrive.


First Post
Maui throws his head back in laughter which continues an overly long time. When he finally ceases, his eyes wet with tears he shouts at the barman:

"Waterbringer! Hair of Fire will buy Maui a drink of te finest brown water! She has been stunned by my beauty! Already she speaks of touching te behind!"

Maui winks at Cythera.

He listens to Eanos with a raised eyebrow.

"Axceptional folk you say. Then I done right in coming here! Hair of Fire certain she has an axceptional big mouth. "

He sits down at a table near the others putting his dirty boots up and stretching his arms behind his head.

"Maybe she wants to buy me dinner tool?"

With a throaty chuckle that results somehow vulgar he taps at the cheetah draped over his shoulders. "Down Taniwha. We are here in the Sick Ones Hall of Heroes, surrounded by axceptional folk. Wake up. Perhaps we have found our first challenge."

The cheetah comes to life and lazily descends from Maui's shoulders onto the floor where it begins to pace around his table sniffing at the strange blend of foreign smells that soak the air.


Fury listens to the tales and boastings of several other of the Inn's patrons before growing a little weary of it all. He's been hanging out in the inn for quite a while and hasn't seen any of his regular friends. And the bottle of Semerly he polished off earlier with two strangers has made him a bit tired. He pushes off from the bar where he was leaning and makes space for anyone interested.

"Thank you for the company and the stories. Perhaps we'll meet again."

Leaving the Dunn Wright he steps gingerly past the cheetah. What is it with these crazies running around with giant housecats? Shaking his head and leaving the loud demands for food and drink behind him, Fury steps out onto the streets of Venza.

Voidrunner's Codex

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