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[Tavern Thread] The Dunn Wright Inn


Tyrien, Half-elven Archeress

~ At Tyrien's Table ~


Tyrien shrugs and drinks her apple mead, "Which is better to a dragon between living in captivity or death, I cannot say. Dragons are supposed to be intelligent, so mayhap that is a choice made with some forethought."

"Are the white one's evil, do you know? I think the black one I heard about was evil, leading a goblin horde. Goblins are none too nice as I understand it, but they were forced to be even more aggressive a violent in raids at the dragon's wishes. Collecting pretty baubles and gold to pile in its cave to make a bed."

"I also heard tell that dragon hide can make some decent armor, at least it would look good on the right person. Though, I personally like the glittery mithral that compliments the colors of these clothes."

Her clothes were quite colorful, but did not match well with her armor. She is wearing a orange dress that is very short (mid-thigh), green tights underneath, and some nice crimson, ankle boots with silver buckles on her feet. The dress is roomy enough, that her mithral shirt is underneath it, visible at the neckline. Atop her head is a jaunty felt hat (like a beret) of purple with a little spade shaped, white feather.

[sblock=OOC]I am getting restless to actually do something with her. There has not be much news on the 8th level adventure front, presumably it is still being developed behind closed doors. But that could be a month away or more.

I don't have a solid idea yet, but I feel one coming on that could potentially fit Tyrien and Eanos.[/sblock]

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[sblock=OOC]I'm working on the 8th level adventure. It's very nonlinear, so I'm taking extra time to make sure everything is coherent and consistent.[/sblock]


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"Dunno whether they were evil or not," he admits. "Dangerous, definitely. 'Course, you lock me up in a crate and stow me below decks for a trip to be turned into some scholar's study toy, imagine I'd be pretty dangerous first chance I got, too, yes?"

The scarlet-haired inquisitor strategically avoids commenting on Tyrien's eclectic ensemble directly, though does use the discussion of new armor as a jumping off point.

"Dunno from dragonhide, but I do have a fair amount from my last job. Never got around to seeing what the Pearl might have in stock these days. Anything special you noticed your last trip?"

[sblock=ooc]If you're bored and want to run something to kill time, that's fine. You don't even need to worry about finishing it if Systole's game gets going in the interim. Like I said, I'm not itching to go whole hog, yet. I should probably spend some of what Eanos has from the last adventure eventually. The new DMC rules should help if there's anything I'm antsy for that isn't available.[/sblock]


Tyrien, Half-elven Archeress

~ At Tyrien's Table ~


Tyrien chuckles, "If you locked me in a crate, yes I would come out significantly more ornery than an alley cat with its fur rubbed the wrong way. You know, there again is another comparison of dragons to cats. There must be something to that."

The arcane archeress, despite being flamboyantly attired, still had her adventuring gear and extra clothes. She had put many of her weapons in the magical haversack so only a rapier is on her belt while the magical quiver containing her bows inside is draped over the seatback of her chair.

Tyrien removes a conical shaped hat from her haversack, it looks like an upside down wok when worn, and says, "Oh, I have several interesting items. Take this jingasa. Provides added magical protection for the head, beyond what is obvious. As luck would have it can magically protect you from being shot in the eye once per day." She returns it to the magical haversack and Eanos can see the hilt of her greatsword half sticking out as she pulls a cloak from the compartment.

"This magical cloak is very useful for scouting around. Though, I confess to actually taking this off of a dead dark starker that I killed and did not actually purchase the item in the shops."

"Hmmm, you do not favor mithral for armor? Maybe you should look for an armored shirt made of dragonhide. Perhaps not white or black, but green."

Tyrien develops a gleam in her eye. She is sensing a need to go shopping and even if it for someone else, she still enjoys the idea of going. "Are you saying that you might need company to go shopping?"

[sblock=OOC]Sounds fine, Systole. :)
My intention was something with only 1 combat encounter. Possibly two if time permits. Certainly nothing that would interfere with recruiting for Systole's adventure when it is ready, nor be a long term commitment. Since I finish my regular posting for the night, I will work on something.

I think I have an idea that might just work well with the current conversation. But, I am also looking to have something that will equalize things a bit to make up for the 2 level difference between Eanos and Tyrien.[/sblock]


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Eanos shares a chuckle with Tyrien over the mounting comparisons between dragons and cats, then raises his eyebrows at the various items she produces from her haversack.

"Excellent," he concurs. "Not much of a hat person, but I do like my eyes. Kind of important, those. Still can't see in the dark with them, unfortunately."

With the cloak, he lifts the hem of his own, which, though largely nondescript, on closer inspection is clearly of much better make than the drab coloring might suggest. "Not got one for sneaking, but this one helps me resist some magics a little better." It's his turn to produce oddities, now, as he produces two small gems: a dark blue one with a skewed rectangular shape, and a ruby in a vaguely curved triangular configuration. Both sport small cracks along their surfaces.

Eanos tosses the gems into the air before him, and they instantly settle into complimentary orbits around his head.

"That one helps with hiding, believe it or not," he says, pointing to the dark ruby. He points out the dark blue gem, as well, adding, "That one's for noticing things. Easier to tell when I'm not sneaking well enough, yes?"

He plucks the gems from the air again and returns them to his belt pouch during his stay in the Inn.

"Don't mind mithral," he offers in response to Tyrien's questions. "Seems nice and light, which helps with the sneaking, yes? Just never had the coin for it before. Might have enough now."

He laughs out loud as Tyrien perks up in regards to a shopping trip, and stands, gesturing toward the door. "Shopping, it is. Care to lead the way?"

[sblock=ooc]Yeah, I figured it'd be a single encounter. Between the level gap and the fact that both of them specialize in range, that might be an interesting challenge. heh. Anyway, I think I'll pop Eanos over to the Pearl to spend some of his reserves in any event. Looks like at least one thing I'm looking for is actually listed in stock, and I can probably use DMC to get the other two if I can't roll them up. Actually, I need to ask a question on that, so I'll post there, then probably move Eanos over.[/sblock]


Tyrien, Half-elven Archeress


Tyrien makes sure the stopper on the keg gets put back in place and then sticks the bulky thing into her magical haversack for safekeeping. Seeing the look from Grog, she says to Trixie, "I plan to be back later and finish it so you guys can have the empty keg back."

Even though she is not really dressed for adventuring, she still knows better than to walk around the streets of Venza without her bow handy. With one of longbows already strung, she straps on the quiver as she stands from the table.

She nods with a big smile, "Why certainly, I do not mind leading the way in the slightest. There is a lovely pair of shoes in the window of the shop..."

As they head out of the tavern, the half-elven girl continues to prattle on about shoes, dresses, armor, and anything else they have for sale in Arcane Row and the shops along the way.

GM: You can go to this thread: Elenore's Jewels once you are ready. Since the characters are not leaving Venza they can easily go back to the Mystic Pearl if necessary.


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Uff Arrives

The door swings wide and thick-necked young man with a swaggering step strides in.
He smiles knowingly at the serving girls as he slams his tankard down on the bar.
Uff Small.jpg
"Fill 'er up, pops!" He shouts to the bartender. You suspect this isn't the first drinking establishment this young man has been into today. Judging from the glaze in his eye you also wonder whether he would understand a big word like "establishment".
His wears the common, inexpensive travelling clothes of man with few means. If he's armed, it's not obvious. His head is shaved close and his face looks like someone had, although not recently, run this man's face over with a wagon cart. He appears to be wearing one ornamented dagger on a chain around his neck.
He gulps down hard on his drink. Seeing Trixie walk past the bar, he puts out a rough hand.
"Trixie!" he shouts triumphantly "We're back! Let's get a party started!"
Trixie's look isn't unfriendly, maybe even a little pitying, but she manages to give the impression she'd be happy to be rid of the loud man.
"You said you'd tell me if you heard of someone I can adventure. Any luck?"
At this, Trixie brightens "There is one…" she points, "with fancy silver clothes and tusks of hair. He's probably about your speed, Uff." She hurries off as Uff walks purposefully if slightly drunkly towards the table.
"Here we go," you hear him say to no one in particular as he draws close to the table with the man with the top hat and odd whiskers.

Standing in front of the table, drink in hand and slightly unsteady, the man introduces himself.
"G'day. Good people. Trixie tells us your planning an outing. Might be you're just running an errand, but in these parts there likely gonna be someone who doesn't want you to run that errand. Well, that's the kind of help we're good at. Champions of the pits, "
Here he raises his left arm, curling it to highlight his muscles, "defenders of the weak," Here he raises his right arm similarly, "Muscle for hire, so to speak -- the mighty Uff and Izzy at yer service!"

[sblock=OOC]He's here to join The Ringling Affair[/sblock]
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Grog, Half-Orc Retired Fighter (NPC)

~ At the bar ~


Grog glares at the disrespectful drunkard (Uff). The half-orc bartender might be retired, but for an ex-adventurer that is not an indication of being too old for the business. Rather the half-orc warrior made enough gold in his days to purchase a large plot of land in a popular district of Venza. Now he has nothing better to do than drink and make sure no one smashes up his investment.

He grumbles to the mature dwarf at the counter, "Fookin' rookies. Dey think dey be mighty, but nawt ken a damned thing."

"I gots ta toss two or tree o' da sheet fur brains out onder arse ev'ryday."

The retired dwarven warrior grunts in agreement and holds out his mug for more of the stout beer he favors not really caring one way or another. But he does enjoy it when the half-orc starts breaking up a good brawl.

GM: Gord, the last paragraph of your post would be better posted in the game thread since that is where the conversation will take place.


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[sblock=OOC]I will re-post it in the game thread. Also, I'm going to change Uff's background to remove the hatred of orcs. I'm not interested in playing something that contrary to so many PC's.[/sblock]


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Dal Enters The Tavern

A human woman, tall and muscular, swaggers into inn, seating herself with a thump on a bar stool. Her dark hair flows unbound around her shoulders, blending with the black fur along the edges of her leather armor. She pulls her ranseur between her legs, leaning the side of her face against the pole and propping her elbow on the smooth surface on the bar.

"Hey there, handsome," she drawls at the bartender, smushing the other side of her face against her hand so her face was sandwiched between the polearm and her propped-up hand. "I'll take a big mug of whatever's cheap." She pulls a silver out of seemingly nowhere, dropping it on the bar. "Smile for me, and you can keep the change."

There's a tiredness about her. Her face is only slightly drawn, and there's no sign of bags beneath her eyes, but her nominally flirtatious words don't match the drained tone behind them.

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