[Tavern] Tower's Shard '09

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The Tower's Shard

In Clifftop, a few blocks from the famous Clifftop Adventurer's guild, lies a popular spot called The Tower's Shard. The common street wisdom is that the Tower's Shard is a brewery and inn whose owner was a rich adventurer who died in the Last War and left the establishment to his servant, a warforged named Brews.

Brews, in little need of money, runs the establishment at the behest of his former master. The tavern has loose policies on weapons, wands, and other adventuring gear, which combined with a discount for adventurers who can tell a good tale, makes the Tower's Shard a popular stop for rising adventurers who are low on coin but high on spirit and eager to pursue conversation with other adventurers.

True to his name, Brews is a master brewer, and is widely known for his Grilled Red Herring, and a special mixed drink he calls the McGuffin. Brews quite enjoys listening to tales of adventure, and he is able to sit and listen to adventurers' old war stories for hours on end and remain fascinated, a quality which endears him to the more long-winded sort of adventurers particularly. In return, Brews only asks that each newcomer introduce themselves so that their tale can be remembered by all.

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The Past

...(as the train stops.)

The door slides open and out steps 354b. 'Similar yet different,' he thought as he looked around, 'how am i going to find my companions? What if they didn't make it through that weird transition?'

'Such thoughts are futile,' He finally decided, 'If we meed again, we'll meet again.' Having thus decided 354b spots The Tower's Shard, which is surprisingly close.

354b enters The Tower's Shard and sits among the sparsely populated tables to rest a recuperate.

An eladrin dressed in casual street clothes walks into the bar. he wears a light beard and his curly black hair is cropped slightly above the ears. The man sets his gnarled staff down next to him as he takes a stool. One of his brown eyes follows the forged when he approaches while the other scans the room, it focuses intently on the bartender. "Abijah aches after an ale, would the wondrous wooden man wring one for a wanderer?". As brews complies the second eye scans the rest of the bar and speaks when it lands upon 354b, "mmmm, Today this tavern teems with Thaumaturgy's tidings". The first eye leaves the bartender and fixes itself with the second on 354b. "Would you tell this tired traveler your tale?"

[sblock=Passive Perception 15 should be good enough]A perceptive individual might notice an unusual tatoo that covers Abijah's skull. One familiar with dragonmarks might know that the player is unsure whether he wants it to be a Mark of Detection or an Aberrant Mark of Madness[/sblock]
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The door opens and closes for the third time in as many minutes and a peculiar warforged enters the Shard. Standing near six and a half feet, with a torso as thick as a full grown tree it is his size as much as his peculiar build that distinguishes him.

Much of his body is composed of what appears to be wood, in dark reds and browns with only his chest, head, and major joints showing any significant amount of metal. Short bull like horns protrude from his temples, framing the typical unblinking eyes of most living constructs.

A giant executioners axe hangs from his back and he wears hide armor stained red. His shoulder strangely bears what appears to be the distinctive swirl of a Sentinel Dragonmark, and his cape proudly displays the Deneith Chimera.

Scanning the room with military efficiency he heads to the corner and seats himself back to the wall observing the rooms occupants. Looking to Brews he grumbles in a voice like stone.

Cleaver d'Deneith, war veteran.

[sblock=ooc] Well finally decided on a character idea, we'll see how it plays out. [/sblock]

354b looks up at the eladrin who spoke to him an in an evenly paced voice as if giving a status report, "Designation Experiment 354b. Condition Ok. Departed Facility 283 days ago. Experiment 472s stopped functioning 234 days ago during a cave in. Experiment 890y stopped functioning 202 days ago when we were attacked by kobolds. Reached surface 180 days ago. Arrived in Sharn 20 days ago. Entered tavern 15 days ago from there journeyed with Alton Tealeaf, Raekz Krusst, Kaz Bolod, and Jehennady'aashta on the request of Mornokai Etchstone in responce to a break in of his place of buisness. Yesterday became separated from group and returned to Tavern." Having finished his response 354b waits for further stimulus.

A tall, gaunt figure has entered the doors of the Shard. Clad in a long, dark coat, his face shadowed by the wide brimmed hat he wears, Silas Thurgood tries as best he can to sit, and eat, unmolested. He removes his hat, and you see his long rich brown hair is streaked with gray, his faced lined and weathered.

After an unpleasant conversation with the barmaid, he convinces her that he does not want any alcohol, but simply, for now, bread, water and solitude.

The tavern doors swing open again to admit a golden skinned cat woman with peircing green eyes. She sports the form fitting hide of a creature who's skin closely matched her own over a very short leather skirt, and a variety of tools hanging from her belt and pack, including a pair of stylized claw katar in crossed sheathes at the back of her waist. A longbow is on her back beneath her pack. She moves like any hunting cat, with a sure footed grace that almost seems like a glide as opposed to the clumsy steps of a biped. Her hard angular features are offputtingly feline and cut of her musclular limbs are very deep. The outer sides of her arms, legs and the back of the neck have dark stripes, and the insides of her limbs fade out to a light sable color. Her dark golden main of hair looks almost red and is pulled back strait from her face into a long ponytail that cascades down over her backpack. The sable tuft at the end of her long, sweeping tail draws the eye up to where it disappears under her skirt.

The huntress moves to the bar, "Meat and a brew, Brews. Rohna is back in town". As she speaks, her overdeveloped canines shine in the flickering torchlight. Flashing a familiar yet dangerous smile at the old warforged she heads over to a table and drops her gear, sliding her sheathes to the sides before she sits down. Her tail pokes out of the back of the chair as she crosses her booted legs, flicking in anticipation of the meal to come. Her large tufted ears seem to move in directions different than her eyes, keeping track of several of the other patrons at the same time.

How do you intend to survive once you leave the city again wearing that?

Cleaver asks matter of factly, not a single hint of sarcasm creeping into his deep, basso voice as he appraises Rohna's unconventional outfit.

The shifter shrugs as her order arrives. "Not all of us work best wrapped in metal friend. I fight better when I can move around a bit more." Rohna tears into the slab of meat in front of her without further comment, only pausing to wash it down occasionally.

I try to avoid metal when I can. Says Cleaver, indicating his hide armor. However much like your soft skin, the metal components of my body are at best a poor design decision. I could feel the ebb and flow of natures savagery much more clearly were I to replace them with more organic components.

With that statement the glow of his eyes dims momentarily, as if he is no longer truly present in the room, before returning to there normal state.

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