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[Tavern] Tower's Shard 2010

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By now, it was obvious that the evolving conversation at the table had caught the attention of the young woman with the fancy hat- given that there were few enough other patrons in the tavern at the time, that was little surprise. Each time she flipped a page of her newspaper, she glanced over at the group for a moment...

Finally, she seemed to have finished her reading- or to have made a decision based on some other signal. She folded the newspaper and left it on the table, stood up, and strolled confidently over to the assembled group- her smile seemed genuine as she addressed them. "This seems like by far the liveliest table here. Have you room for one more?"

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Alexia gestures welcomingly at an empty chair, "Of course! Always room for another, miss..." She draws out the last word, clearly waiting for an introduction.


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"Vex will do well enough, and no 'Miss' about it," the woman replied with a husky chuckle. "There's a longer version, but this is easier to shout, and let me know that I've overstepped the bounds of propriety- again." She pulled one of the chairs back and sat down, hooking her fancy hat off the back of the chair (with care to make sure the trailing feathers remained in place). "Now the Inquisitive has little in the ways of hints of adventures this week- save for past tales like yon dragon," she began, pointing at the trophy across the room. "Would it be too much, to wonder if any of you know of any work to be had?"


[sblock=ooc]Sorry, I've gotten behind on conversation threads and so this will be a bit disjointed![/sblock]

For example, during the War I was a captain, so my designation would have been 'Captain Madgearu'.
"Captain?" Gark's interest is obviously piqued. "How long did you serve?"

Designation 354b stands for Experiment B of the 354 series.
"I don't suppose you ever met A, did you?" Gark asks with a smile. "And who made you? I thought 'forging went out of style about the same time as peace."

"Would it be too much, to wonder if any of you know of any work to be had?"
"I believe we're all in the same predicament," Gark says with a bored sigh.


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354b continues in responce, "Units 354a and 354c did not survive the journey while 354d remained at the facility. The creators never gave us their designations."


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The sun has been shining bright for a couple of hours outside the Shard when a strange voice can be heard, but not understood, coming from just the other side of the doors. A tall, impossibly thin being stumbles in through the saloon doors as if somebody pushed him from outside. He has deep brown skin with some sort of pattern on it, and a huge clump of what you guess might be hair on his head like a two foot-wide ball of tiny black leaves. His eyes are large, non reflective black pools that draw you into them like the darkness down a well. His legs are back bent like some animals ending in a pair of bare, three taloned feet, with toes splayed wide for balance. He wears a tattered hide vest and breeches that have seen far better days, with what might be a stone flute tucked into a sash and a dirty pack. He carries nothing else other than a flimsy wooden walking stick, nearly as thin as him. "Neow wait jus' a seconde thayr yuh..." and he walks back out without a look to those sitting in the establishment.

There is a sound like a hard slap from outside, and he comes tripping back in through the doors. He starts falling forward, into what is sure to be a legendary faceplant, but shatters into hundreds of tiny creatures instead. Every creature anyone in Sharn has ever encountered in a swarm form is represented as the pile surges and sways. The swarm looks as if it might start to disperse, but then pulls itself into a roughly humanoid form and stands up. The individual beasts melt together and the solid, once more wooden humanoid shape of the man stands before everyone. He looks around and grins sheepishly as he dusts himself off and looks back out the swinging, saloon doors. "A tousand apologies miss, dis seem tuh bee dee place iree. Please do be commin' in den." A woman the size of a smallish housecat steps under the still swinging doors with a look of righteous indignation on her beatiful, if tiny face. She has long black hair that hangs half way down her back and flawless red skin. She has a little pair of horns sticking out of her forehead, a set of full bat-like wings and a slender, prehensile tail that is flaired at the end.

She lifts off the ground, flying strait at the treeman's face where she stops, hovering and begins to verbally abuse him. Everyone else hears only clicks, whispers and squeaks, but it is obvious he understands it as his already huge eyes get wider still. "Yah be kissin yur owm mudder wit dat mout oh yurs? Why yuh aught tuh be ashamed yurself truely den." The tiny devil woman holds her ground a moment then backs down, throwing her little arms around his narrow chest, she begins sobbing. "Neow don cha bee startin wit duh fireworks againe you. Aye be deaf tuh yur petty teatrics, so yuh might as waell jus be stoppin em right neow den." She pulls her head off his chest where little motes of fire stream down her cheeks leaving identical singe marks on his wooden body where she threw her face. She smirks in defeat and flits up to sit daintily on his shoulder, crossing her legs seductively as she stares at one of the other patrons, her long tail wraps itself under the treeman's armpit for security.

He walks up to the bar in long, loping steps, Brews is playing it stonefaced as usual. "What types oh wata yuh be servin in dis 'ere pleace neow?" The warforged bartender would look quite confused if it weren't beyond his range of expressible emotion (that being none). There are several clicks and whirs inside the automaton's head before his eyes refocus. "Ah yes, right away then." He slides an ale across the bar to the strange being. "Iree den, yuh have me tanks ... sir? I an I bein called Karananak Bole. Are soemtime dee peepoles be callin me Swamwispa." (Swarmwhisper) He takes a sip of the drink and almost spills it as he is jabbed in the ribs by by his tiny companion. He slaps his forehead and produces a shotglass sized mug with a handle from his pack and fills it from his drink. "An dis 'ere tiny 'ellcat be Eve. She be me monkey, I be huh tree." Brews usually keeps to himslef but blurts out. "And what are yo...what brings you to the city?" Ale comes out Eve's nose she laughs so hard when the warforged asks him flat out what he is. She squeaks and twitters to Karananak. Whatever she says ammuses him as he takes another sip of ale.

He gives the bartender a slight bow. "I an I bein called a Wilden. Me peoples be comin from dee Feywild. Some dock powa been ripplin trough dee 'wild' so dee wilden bee takin a peek into dis 'ere wurld oh yurs. We be tryin tuh see where dis 'ere ripplin be comin frome." Brews shoves a thumb at the various adventurers lounging about the Shard. "So are they. It might take a bit, but people come here looking for adventurers all the time." Eve dips her cup into Karananak's again and drains it. He looks a bit annoyed and as she goes toward his cup again the druid puckers up his woody lips and blows her apart like she was made of ash.


"Units 354a and 354c did not survive the journey while 354d remained at the facility.."
"They made four of you? How long ago was that?" Garks face turns to a frown.

After the impressive display from the newcomer, Gark remarks, "What an interesting creature! Welcome to Sharn." Immediately turning to the others, without bothering to lower his voice, he adds, "Did you get any of that?"

[sblock=Vertexx69]That was indeed an impressive entrance! I haven't seen a wilden in play yet and I like your take. :) I wonder if I might ask a favor of you. I am horrible at reading accents - for whatever reason, my brain just doesn't work that way. I think they're certainly appropriate and add flavor, but could I ask you to include a sort of "translation" for what you said in an sblock below? It would help me out a ton. If it's too much trouble, that's cool, too.[/sblock]
[sblock=everyone]Sorry Gark's a bit of a jerk but I'm trying to play "arrogant" and that's all that's coming out. Nothing against anyone as a player![/sblock]


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"Whai is time,?" asks 354b, "Is it not a subjective status we project onto our surroundings that has no meaning except for what one places on it. For example a year for you could be but a moment for a Warforged near death."

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