[Tavern] Tower's Shard 2011


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Seated now, Braddock calls to the tall wilden, "Oye, Karananak. Braddock be me name. Eldritch learner by profession. These be my new acquaintances Blehn Dir and Hilkaras. Men of war, they be. Join us. We've got food and drink coming. Not sure if ye be eatin' what we do, but your fair companion Eve may want a bite."

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As the Marshal Hilkalas corrects Braddock in the inclusion of his title along with his name, the doors to the Shard open once more. When they close, a woman standing just over six feet is present. Her skin is pale blue and thin lines adorn her face in elegant patterns. Her white hair falls neatly to either side of her face, perfectly framing her simple but pure beauty. For a Deva, she is a bit petite for her race, and her soft features would make her seem almost vulnerable if it weren't for her confident posture. Her soft blue lips spread into a warm smile as she notices the number and variance of people in the Shard.

Standing within the threshold of the in, away from the arch of the swinging entrance doors, Rava offers a prayer of thanks to her patrons.

"Oh generous Host, I thank you for ensuring the safety of your humble servant. Thank you Boldrei, Sovereign of Hall and Hearth, for the blessed setting to which I have been sent, and in which I now arrive."

Seeing the newcomer, Brews raises the glass he is cleaning at Rava in a welcoming gesture and informs her of the tavern's for anyone entering the tavern.

"New here? When we enter the tavern, it is courtesy to state your name, occupation, and purpose for coming to the Tower's Shard. I'm Brews. Let me know if you need anything."

Rava's smile remains, and she nods to the warforged behind the bar. She has only met a few of their kind, since so few of them had come through Greenbriar in Cyre, and since none were there when she went through the Seminary in Wroat, but she has always found them to be fascinating. Though others seem to have a distinctly difficult time getting a read on them, Rava has managed, on the few occasions she has met them, to understand their emotional states, whether that is through subtle body language, or reading into the content of their words, tone, and volume of speech.

"Hello Brews. I am Rava, a humble Vassal and Priestess of The Sovereign Host. I had heard that there were many skilled people who had gathered here, and hoped that I might find some who were here to effect a goodly change. I have also heard that some embark upon adventures and quests for money, and that is all right too. The Host has granted me the ability and task of healing those in need, and I am here to fulfill that task in their holy names. As is the world, so are the gods. As are the gods, so is the world."

She completes her introduction by making a sign with her hands, tracing the air in the pattern of the Celestial Crown. An image that matches with the blue and gold emblem shown upon her silvery chain mail. One might notice that Rava is carrying no weapons upon her.

OOC: Rava, level 4 Pacifist Cleric, ready for adventure!

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"So, healer" speaks the shadow from one of the tables "if someone threatens to kill your charge, what will you do, bore him to death? Or if power crazy mage needs to be slain so he cannot complete some world shattering ritual? What about aberration army coming endlessly from Khyber? Do they deserve life? After all, most of them are intelligent."

The shadow resolves itself in elven form. Black. Black skin, shiny like covered in oil. Black eyes, reflectionless pits of darkness. In a word, a drow, but without tattoos like those from Xendrik.

Rava looks over at the shadow with a smile, used to such questions of her profession, faith, and moral beliefs.

"I am happy to answer your questions, my dark skinned friend, for we are all part of this world, and as such worthy of respect until such time as an individual proves otherwise. Allow me, if you would be so kind, to answer your questions in the order with which you have presented them to me." she begins, walking over to the shadows table and taking a seat in the empty chair opposite her questioner.

"If I read behind the sarcasm present in your first question, I believe your true question is whether or not I attempt to be diplomatic in my approach to problems. I truly believe that violence is not needed for this world to function, at least not for those creatures who are not under the purview of Balinor. As such I will always seek peaceful ends to a conflict when and where they are possible. If diplomacy is not possible due to the mental or moral state of an individual or group in which I have a conflict, then Olladra willing, I will avoid them. When that, too is not a possibility, and I am with those who can defend us against that threat, then I will use my divinely granted abilities to keep my companions in the fight, and pray for for the blessings of Dol Arrah and Dol Dorn upon my companions, so that they can concentrate on defeating our enemies. In the case of your crazed mage example, that is simply a conflict on a larger scale. If he was not swayed by the arguments of the good and the just, he would need to be defeated, for the betterment of all others, to ensure that the natural cycle of the world could continue. And may Auron judge him and his actions appropriately and keep his eternal soul from The Keeper, when his threat is no more. As for those entities not of this world, foreign to the natural cycle... let them, too, be judged by their actions and dealt with appropriately. I have never heard of one such creature who's outlook was such that they were willing to hear much more than the screams of us mortal kind, but hostilities would be initiated on my part only when it was evident that no other means were possible to achieve an end benefiting the good of Eberron, and the inhabitants of Khorvaire. Intelligence, in and of itself is not to be judged, only the good or evil that dwells within one's heart and soul." she finishes, looking deep into those dark black eyes of the shadow without flinching.
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Drow nods. "My name is Bellegon Darksun and I am one of the defenders of your world. I am here seeking help for my people. I notice you mentioned you would support defenders of faith, life and such, but I asked you what would YOU do to stop such. What if your companions are disabled? What if you run out of supporting spells? How far are you willing to push your beliefs?"
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Rava nods in understanding. "If my companions are disabled such that they are unable to do anything, I...know of some violent measures that were taught to me at the Seminary," she says, a shiver of revulsion running up and down her spine. "I just abhor using them. And if my companions are so badly injured that they are unable to continue our fight, then I did not do my job and should be resigned to their same fate. I have taken men from the brink of death to complete health with a single prayer, such are the great miracles given to me from our Lords and Ladies of The Host. If I cannot keep my companions alive, then we must be fighting a foe we could not win against in the first place, or I have been abandoned by Those whom I serve."
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"It's a basic nature of life, to strive, to conflict, to kill. You revere Balinor. You of all people should accept death and violence as part of life. I agree that if everyone's down and only healer remains standing, in that situation the world is doomed. But consider this...maybe they wouldn't be down if you killed few enemies or weakened them enough to be put down instead of healing and warding. I apologize, I was brought up essentially fighting since birth. Your view looks to me as useless, weak and too idealistic for real world. I'm trying to see some benefit or advantage of such thinking, but I'm failing."

OOC: Nothing personal CFW, just the character. I have paragon level shaman who's nature healing powers are awesome and I like having opposite characters and exploring.


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As Brews drops off another round the table with the most people seated around it, the animated tree man grabs up the tankard taking a deep draught of the elixir. The tiny devil girl flits off his branchy arm and dips her own tiny mug into the large drink. "Eye an I bee nearin dis talk nye on an age in dis ere city uh yaw's trute. But ifn dees ere talkin folk wanna be tryin dem dare fancy type wuhds tuh stop duh legions suh ell from eatin dem ole, Eye an I bee glad tuh oblige em den. Ifn duh strent uh belief in dem wuhds be givin duh powa tuh eal, what right do udas be avin tuh name it witoat use?" He sloshes some of the frothy ale from his tankard as he swings around his chair on one leg and grabs another chair with the clawed toes of a barky foot to stretch out.

"Dee abbarashuns I an I bee nuntin want nutin moor dan tuh be extinguishin life on dis ear plane. Day canna be reesuned wit are talked tuh, day jus wanna chew yuh face inta uh whole new sheape fuh entatainment. In dee Feywild de laws oh duh jugal be dee only orda aroun. Yuh wanna be eatin yuh gonna be killin trute. Even so in dees ear so-cawled civilized lans, dare always seem tuh bein you own folk dat is willin tuh be killin faw nutin moa dan powa ova odas. I an I tink duh sayin goes - Mya way owa duh hiyaway?" He drains the dregs from the cup and errantly waves it at Brews as Eve returns to the crook of his non-waving arm.[sblock=Translation]I've heard this talk for nearly an age in this here city of yours truly. But if these here talking folk want try diplomacy to to stop the legions of hell from eating them whole, I am glad to oblige them then. If the strength of belief in their words gives them the power to heal, what right do others have to say its useless?

The Abberations I've been hunting want nothing more than to extinguish life on this plane. They cannot be reasoned with or talked to, they just want to chew your face into a whole new shape for fun. In the Feywild the laws of the jungle are the only order around. If you want to eat, you're going to have to kill truly. Even in these so called civilized lands, there alwys seem to be people that are willing to kill for nothing more than power over others. I think the saying goes - My way or the highway.

Voda Vosa

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This world is riddled with conflict, war and battle. It is not with words that you can create peace, but with valour, and a heavy hand to wield a sword. I've seen the fall and rise of empires, countless deaths that could have been avoided, if one such as myself had led those armies. But alas, I was on the other side." Hilkalas grins, and settles down for his drink.

Voidrunner's Codex

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