Technology is not the problem, protecting creators is

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this should make some people in this thread happy

"The growth of the Internet will slow drastically, as the flaw in 'Metcalfe's law'–which states that the number of potential connections in a network is proportional to the square of the number of participants–becomes apparent: most people have nothing to say to each other! By 2005 or so, it will become clear that the Internet's impact on the economy has been no greater than the fax machine's."

- New York Times economist Paul Krugman (1998)
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B/X Known World
What jobs artist have when art is made by machines is a profoundly political question, it goes to the heart of how society is organised. If you cannot see that as political then I think you have too narrow a view of politics.
The distinction I am making is between the problem, economics, and the solution, politics. In the current economic system, this new technology is disruptive and causing economic problems. That’s not a political statement or question. The next bit, “What should we do about it as a society?” that is a profoundly political question.


As long as i get to be the frog
The distinction I am making is between the problem, economics, and the solution, politics. In the current economic system, this new technology is disruptive and causing economic problems. That’s not a political statement or question. The next bit, “What should we do about it as a society?” that is a profoundly political question.

Contrast with - 'not using this new innovative technology that will increase per capita productivity is a problem'. The implicit imperative here being 'we need to use this new technology'. We don't live in a vacuum, saying something affecting society is a problem is saying we need to do something about it. Saying we need to do something about it as opposed to doing nothing is political. But we can't really have that discussion here - so instead we just go round and round - it's a problem, no it isn't, we should do something about it, no we shouldn't. Etc. Etc.

Contrast with - 'not using this new innovative technology that will increase per capita productivity is a problem'. The implicit imperative here being 'we need to use this new technology'. We don't live in a vacuum, saying something affecting society is a problem is saying we need to do something about it. Saying we need to do something about it as opposed to doing nothing is political. But we can't really have that discussion here - so instead we just go round and round - it's a problem, no it isn't, we should do something about it, no we shouldn't. Etc. Etc.
Then there's a third way: "There is nothing we can do because not enough people care enough to actually do something. "

Voidrunner's Codex

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