Technology is not the problem, protecting creators is

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B/X Known World
What's really weird is the people who would go for the torches and pitchforks if anyone dared to mess with their copyrights being incredibly blasé about other people's copyright being routinely violated.


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
I must have missed something. Are we certain that all the folks opposed to AI art were supportive of music theft? Because I oppose(d) both.

I must have missed something. Are we certain that all the folks opposed to AI art were supportive of music theft? Because I oppose(d) both.
I'm sure there are a number of folks who were (are) anti-napster/limwire/bit torrent etc that are also against artist not getting paid for the usge of their art.

Generalizing is easier/quicker than nuance


One option that I've seen discussed elsewhere is an artist training a model/checkpoint on their own style and selling that.
Is that really viable? It's been a while since I worked with neural networks, but when I did you needed a fair amount of data to train them. Is a single artist going to be able to produce enough data?

Voidrunner's Codex

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