My most notable magic-user, was the high elven girl Trillirra.
Now, before we go further, one must understand that at that time, the rules were very different from now, and DMs made further adjustments yet. In this case, items had to make item saving throws if the wearer/user failed his save, and any magical items that were destroyed, exploded immediately (requiring a new saving throw for the wearer, who if he failed meant his items had to save again.) Also, spellbooks detonated if destroyed, typically with great force.
Trillirra was the classic elven warrior/wizard, but she was also a druidess of Rhiannon, as per the Dragon Magazine article. She was chaotic good, articulate and friendly, merry and congenial. She was light green in skin color, with blue hints, and hair eyes were blue and her hair molten gold. (These, from being an Agnakok.)
Trillirra's favorite 1st level spell was Magic Missile. Why? One of her battles illustrated the reason.
Trillirra was at the bottom of a slope, and this hill was heavily defended, with traps all along the way up and defenders in the trees at the top. These defenders were armed with long bows and those heavy 2nd edition arrows that do 1-8 points of damage.
So what did Trillirra do? She took cover behind a large tree standing at the base of the hill, gaining +8 to her AC which, on top of her elven chain and dexterity bonus gave her a very effective AC of around - 8 against the archers.
While the defenders fired from their trees, Trillirra fired Magic Missiles at them. Although the defenders had 90% concealment, they were still faintly visible, and that was all that was required for Magic Missile to work ... and Magic Missile is an Autohit.
Trillirra was 7th level at this time, so each of her spells released 4 missiles, for 4d4 + 4 points of damage. The defenders showered Trillirra with arrows, but it was futile and they all hit the tree or missed. Trillirra's Magic Missiles always hit.
Trillirra had, at the start of the combat, Fireballed the hilltop (5th level), firing the trees in which the defenders were taking cover, causing them considerable damage, and making continuing to take cover there a painful affair. The 5d6 fireball, combined in many cases with 2d6 fire damage (and in a few cases, subsequent 2d6 damage), weakened the defenders so badly that the subsequent Magic Missile strikes were able to hurt very badly.
The party rogue, was sending missile fire up into the trees, and his shots were very good. He also had taken cover behind a tree, and was sending a steady hail of arrows up at the defenders.
The party cleric, was - as I remember it - sending clerical attack spells up at the defenders, from cover below.
Our fighters were charging up the slope. They overcame the traps (at great cost), reached the trees, and were ready for the defenders when they tried to jump down, while Trillirra, the rogue, and the cleric continued their distance barrage.
And it was over. We won the battle, with no losses on our side.