D&D 5E Temple Answers Dubious Prayers For Coin

EN5ider's article today is a bit of a gamble and the dice for it are rigged! Praying for a stroke of good luck rarely pans out, but you might have a measure of success begging for someone else's misfortune thanks to the Luck Eaters—though not for free. Under the dubious guidance of the prophet Yakkik these gremlins strike deals to bring bad luck down onto the heads of others, traveling from the Temple of Fell Luck to wherever their curious services are called for. Includes the luck eater gremlin (CR 1) and their leader Yakkik (CR 6). Disastrously designed by Michael McCarthy, illustrated by Hannah Seakins.

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Lately on EN5ider:
  • 568. Intriguing Organizations: Luck Eaters. Praying for a stroke of good luck rarely pans out, but you might have a measure of success begging for someone else's misfortune thanks to the Luck Eaters—though not for free. Under the dubious guidance of the prophet Yakkik these gremlins strike deals to bring bad luck down onto the heads of others, traveling from the Temple of Fell Luck to wherever their curious services are called for. Includes the luck eater gremlin (CR 1) and their leader Yakkik (CR 6). Disastrously designed by Michael McCarthy, illustrated by Hannah Seakins.
  • 567. Archetypes of Sacrifice. A life of adventure might lead to glory and riches but far more surely it yields sacrifice. Some warriors and priests accept this truth and embrace it however, mastering disciplines that teach ways to attain the impossible by pouring oneself to the cause heedless of mortal consequences. Succeed by putting your cleric second with the Oblation domain, refuse to give up with your Diehard fighter, or embrace universal truths with the Selfless Path monastic tradition! Durably designed by Mike Myler, illustrated by Júlio Rocha.
  • 566. Enchanted Trinkets: Forbidden Foci. Throw your old scuffed and dulled crystal ball into the bin! This entry in the Enchanted Trinkets series brings to the fore 15 fantastical new magic items to use as your spellcasting focus from the figment-loving darklit mirror to the sufferable martyr's nail and discordant thunderclap bell. Dependably designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Rafael Benjamin.
  • 565. Adventure: Sister Mozera's Maze at the Grand. Although Tobais Androvski has known some amount of commercial success, his wisdom in other matters has been severely lacking—proven most of all by his insane antagonizing of the hag Sister Mozera with the work One Hand in the Sea. She’s since taken over his theater and is now running things, her enchantments driving actors and stage hands to abandon their loved ones and live for nothing but the show. Her show. This adventure for 4–6 PCs of 5th level was dramatically designed by RK Robison, illustrated by Fabian Parente, and features cartography by Kate Moody.
  • 564. Intriguing Organizations: Heirs of Havoc. The richest often treat the world as their toy and the Heirs of Havoc embody this wretched notion—to them everyone and everything is meant to provide entertainment. These privileged ne'er-do-wells are disinterested in simple feasts and plays however, and the group's infamous revels usually involve bloodshed, mayhem, and murder that no sane person would ever tolerate. Includes the host of havoc (CR 7) and intoxicant (CR 2). Despicably designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Yeysson Bellaiza.

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Mike Myler

Mike Myler

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