The Academy of Adventure Gaming Arts and Design Announces Origins Awards Nominees

The nominees for this year's Origins Awards have been announced by the Academy of Adventure Gaming Arts and Design. There are a number of different categories for the awards, but we will focus on the role-playing specific nominations. You can find the complete list of nominations here.

The nominees for this year's Origins Awards have been announced by the Academy of Adventure Gaming Arts and Design. There are a number of different categories for the awards, but we will focus on the role-playing specific nominations. You can find the complete list of nominations here.


Role-playing games get two sub-categories in the awards, core book and supplement. Books are submitted, and then a final list is determined by the category's jury. The jury then casts their votes to determine the winners. There is also a fan's choice awards that is voted on at the site of the Origins Game Fair, and also announced at the awards ceremony.

And the nominees are...

Roleplaying GameAdventures in Middle Earth Player’s Handbook by Cubicle 7 Entertainment (designed by James Brown, Paul Alexander Butler, Walt Ciechanowski, Steve Emmott, Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan, Jon Hodgson, Shane Ivey, Andrew Kenrick, T.S. Luikart, Dominic McDowall, Francesco Nepitello, James Spahn, and Ken Spencer)
Blades in the Dark by Evil Hat Productions (designed by Stras Acimovic, Vandel J. Arden, Duamn Figueroa, Dylan Green, John Harper, Andrew Shields)
Blue Rose (2nd Edition) by Green Ronin Publishing (designed by Steve Kenson, Jack Norris, Richard Bellingham, Jeb Boyt, Crystal Frasier, Steven Jones (III), Shoshana Kessock, Anna Kreider, Kira Magrann, Alejandro Melchor, Andrew Peregrine, F. Wesley Schneider, Elsa Sjunneson-Henry, John Snead)
Cthulhu Confidential by Pelgrane Press (designed by Robin D. Laws, Ruth Tillman, Chris Spivey)
The Dark Eye Core Rules by Ulisses Spiel (designed by Ulrich Kiesow)
The Extraordinary Adventures of Baron Munchausen (3rd Edition) by Fantasy Flight Games (designed by James Wallis)
My Little Pony: Tales of Equestria by River Horse Ltd. (designed by Alessio Cavatore, Jack Caesar, Dylan Owen)
Monsterhearts 2 by Buried Without Ceremony (designed by Avery Adler)
Puppetland by Arc Dream Publishing (designed by Arnold Cassell, Arinn Dembo, Matt Forbeck, Gareth Hanrahan, Fred Hicks, Kenneth Hite, Jason Morningstar, Ross Payton, John Tynes, James Wallis)
Starfinder by Paizo (designed by Robert G. McCreary and Owen K.C. Stephens)
Traveller Starter Set by Mongoose Publishing (designed by Martin Dougherty and Matthew Sprange)
Vurt by Ravendesk Games (designed by Alexander Lepera, Lee Pruit, Pete Stauber)


Roleplaying Supplement
Adventures in Middle Earth – Rhovanian Region Guide by Cubicle 7 Entertainment (designed by Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan, Francesco Nepitello, Jacob Rodgers)
Adventures in Middle Earth – Loremaster’s Guide by Cubicle 7 Entertainment (designed by Walt Ciechanowski, Steve Emmott, Gareth Hanrahan, Jon Hodgson, T.S. Luikart, Dominic McDowall, Franceso Nepitello, Ken Spencer)
Blue Rose – Narrator’s Kit by Green Ronin Publishing (designed by Josh Gutenberg, Jesse Hibbs, Steve Kenson)
Call of Cthulhu: The Grand Grimore of the Cthulhu Mythos by Chaosium (designed by Mike Mason and Matthew Sanderson)
Call of Cthulhu: The Two Headed Serpent by Chaosium (designed by Scott Dorward, Paul Fricker, Mike Mason, Matthew Sanderson)
Castles and Crusades Codex Germania by Troll Lord Games (designed by Brian Young)
Castles and Crusades Codex Slavorum by Troll Lord Games (designed by Brian Young)
Cypher System Expanded Worlds by Monte Cook Games (designed by Bruce R. Cordell)
Cypher System Predation by Monte Cook Games (designed by Shanna Germain)
Doctor Who RPG: Gamemaster’s Companion by Cubicle 7 Entertainment (designed by Morgan Davie, Gareth Hanrahan, Mark Lawford, Andrew Peregrine, Nathaniel Torson)
Dungeons & Dragons Xanathar’s Guide to Everything by Wizards of the Coast (designed by Jeremy Crawford and Mike Mearls – Lead Designers)
Mutants & Masterminds Atlas of Earth-Prime by Green Ronin Publishing (designed by Scott Bennie, Jason Brick, Darren Bulmar
Shadow of the Demon Lord: Demon Lord’s Companion by Schwalb Entertainment (designed by Robert J. Schwalb)

According to the Origins Awards website "The winner of the fan favorite category will be voted by attendees at the Origins Game Fair. All winners will be announced and presented at the Origins Awards Ceremony on Saturday June 16, 2018."

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Xavian Starsider

First Post
And the winner is...whichever book sold the best because 90% of our voters have never heard of 90%, of the stuff on this list. Maybe we should start a new category called Best...that isn't D&D.


First Post
I know more than 50% of the nominated RPGs, at least. But I think it's true, that it's usually the most popular (i.e. best-selling) RPGs that win. Still, getting a nomination is already a great achievement and indicative of a really good product, so hopefully it helps the less-well known games.


5ever, or until 2024
I think people are getting confused with the ENies...

So the Origins awards are one of the oldest in gaming and include several categories beyond RPGs. They have also had their controversies over the years, but I am not sure that (over) rewarding sales is one of them.

Kobold Boots

And the winner is...whichever book sold the best because 90% of our voters have never heard of 90%, of the stuff on this list. Maybe we should start a new category called Best...that isn't D&D.

Every single one of the nominees were at least mentioned once on the main news feed of this site over the last year. All you need to do is read Darryl weekly. But that may actually play into your 10%


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