The Adventures of the Knights of Spellforge Keep are now COMPLETED

Wee Jas

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Hey all! Want to bump? Heck, join me in convincing Doc to start his new Saturday adventure!

We know how persuasive (annoying) I can be... but it might not be enough.


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First Post
Wee Jas said:
Hey all! Want to bump? Heck, join me in convincing Doc to start his new Saturday adventure!

We know how persuasive (annoying) I can be... but it might not be enough.


Start DMing it or start writing it up?

C'mon Doc, Start the Saturday adventure! Especially if it's going to involve more cool stuff for us to read.

Wee Jas

First Post
I have an idea for a kick-butt monk.


Dorian Dragonfist

Sorta like Andy Bogard meets Neo from Matrix reloaded.

He would start Lvl 1 as a human fighter: Power attack, cleave, dodge but by level 2 he will fully realize his martial arts talents and forever more continue the path of the monk.

How cool would it be to be cleaving into people with your fists?!


First Post
Wee Jas said:

How cool would it be to be cleaving into people with your fists?!

Not just fists. Elbows, feet, knees, head. Every part of your body can cleave someone. Very cool.

Whirlwind attack would be fun too. Imagine the ultamate spinning kick.

Dr Midnight


I'll tell you a few things, because we all know how much I like to tease.

I'll be running two games, and writing two story hours.

Details are very early, and subject to change:

The first will be with the normal group, and weekly or bi-weekly (haven't decided yet) in a campaign world of my own creation. This will be the big, serious campaign.

The second will be with a small group of friends, including everyone's pal Chronosome of ENboards fame. It'll be once a month or whenever we can get together to play, and it will be the campaign I let slide, writing-wise, if I really need to buckle down on the main campaign. It'll be surplus campaign, if you follow me. It will be set in the Scarred Lands.

Both will be run at low levels, with a number of similarities. I've been reading Sepulchrave's story hour, and am taking a lot of inspiration from it... mostly in creating a big, detailed world where politics can crush a man as easily as a big beastie. Probably far less dungeon-based.

The Scarred Lands campaign should start sometime this month. The (?) campaign should start next month, maybe. I have to work some things out first.

Like I said, all this is subject to change. This is just a loose teaser.

Yes, it seems I'm getting the D&D bug again. It came back faster than I thought it would.


First Post
Hehe, you can't resist, Doc. Woooo! I'm jazzed. I wouldn't mind hearing both adventures, but I defintely want to hear of the trials and tribulations faced by the group of players everyone has come to know and love. As soon as you start running it, you'll have to get posting.


Dragon Lord

Sounds good Doc. Don't let your writing skills atrophy. You had really developed a knack for leaving people wanting more, so I can't wait to see you give more serious adventuring a shot. Just don't go too far off the beaten path, you have a certain writing style that is very entertaining yet different from a writer like Sepulchrave.

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