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The Age of Worms - Morrus' Campaign - Finished 6th August!!


Ragged idiot in a trilby.
After a restless night in the Whispering Cairn, lying on rocks and wafted with a breeze sharp with the tang of dragon’s blood, we prepared ourselves as best we could for whatever might lie beyond the pitch black portal. The surface was viscous, trying to pass through it was like trying to shove through an over-filled wardrobe.

Taking our time, we cast almost every spell we could think of on Igmut before sending him through the portal to take on whatever might lie on the other side. As he passed through the glossy black surface, it snapped solid behind him, refusing any of the rest of us passage.

With no choice, we waited, before he returned nearly half a minute later, unceremoniously dumped two halves of a dark-skinned and spike-covered ghoul on the ground then dived back through the portal. A moment later, a solitary ripple passed over the surface, and Maynard the monk was once again able to pass through into the unknown.

Left alone with Flynne, he passed me a scroll which I happily read over a selection of arrows and crossbow bolts. In an instant, they were enchanted with an incendiary spell, before Flynne also pushed his way through the glossy back portal.

Finally, another ripple passed across the surface, and I also shoved through the strangely gelatinous black surface. Spending a frightening amount of time in a cool lightless chamber, I pushed forwards and emerged into a light, noisy stone-lined chamber. The sound was appalling – screaming sounds emerged from a series of pipes on either side of the room, whilst the chamber itself appeared to be filled with a choking thick gas and flapping wings. Strange gas-monsters were assaulting my comrades, and whilst I dashed across the room they tried to force their way into my throat as I inhaled.

Maynard was systematically smashing the shrieking pipes with thrown sai, whilst Igmut hacked and Flynne fired flaming arrows at the belkers. I joined in the assault, firing a shot from my crossbow, and as Igmut’s sword scythed through two of the creatures, my flaming crossbow tore through the centre of the last, killing it in an instant.


Leaving the now silent and still chamber behind us, we entered a large stone room with three sealed doors on the other walls. Each of those doors was flanked on either side with stone statues clutching small bowls.

In two patches on the floor we could see patches of carved rocky spikes, as well as a massive series of carved runes across the floor which spelled out “Glorious Icosiel”, and spoke of the “incomparable armies at the battle of Pesh” in the language of the element of air.

As Maynard, Igmut and I gazed at the floor Flynne looked with a practiced eye at the doors. Getting too close, the bowls suddenly started to spurt forth a massive volume of white smoke, enveloping a suddenly coughing Flynne and cascading across the walls. Slowly, the white smoke began to twist and wreathe under the power of a spell, showing slowly moving images of the wind-duke Icosiel fighting with demons, allying with a Marut and clutching a large seal and lengthy staff – the Rod of Seven Parts.

Suddenly, as he moved to one side to get a better view of the writhing images, Igmut yelled as he was hurled into the air by a sudden blast of wind. He was thrown towards the stone spikes but collapsed just short of them under the weight of his heavy armour. At the same time, Flynne emerged coughing and trembling from some power of the smoke.

After a couple of restorative spells from Igmut, Flynne was able to look once again at the door, and found what it was that had caused the gas to flow out so readily. He and Maynard used Igmut’s spear to poke and prod at the doors; 2 of them opened readily, but the third stayed firmly locked.

Unwilling to risk triggering the lethal smoke, we used a spell to walk through a magical door down one corridor to a point just beyond a crossroads with a statue of a celestial standing in the centre of it. Once we stepped through the mystical Dimension Door, there was the sudden noise of a gong ringing around us assaulting our senses – we were all able to shake it off.

The gong rang once again as we inspected the statue, clearly trying to assault our minds with its spell, and so we turned away and looked at a door.

“It’s locked,” announced Flynne as he turned to explain things to us. Suddenly, however, his eyes went wide with alarm. We snatched at our swords as we turnedto face whatever he had seen.

A tremendous black and grey spider was squeezing its way down the narrow corridor. As it drew closer we could see that its body was thick and dark, yet somehow insubstantial. Each of its legs flashed towards us, casting shadows down the corridor which it seemed to slip into as the beast dashed towards us; 8 black eyes gleaming hungrily as it came.

Flynne fired as the beast was still approaching, but his arrow hurtled straight through the centre of the creature. A second arrow struck its abdomen. Maynard raised and flung a fistful of shuriken, but all of these flashed through the shadowy creature’s form. It responded by biting down on the air near the monk, and then Igmut’s heavy sword leapt through the air. He missed initially, but then struck true onto the beast; then his enchanted blade flashed brightly with the stored light spell.

I cast a spell to speed up my comrades, and Flynne swiftly fired a huge number of arrows. Only one struck the beast; the others simply slid through its heavy body.

“Intruders,” yelled the shadow-spider. “Defilers! I shall slay you all!”

Maynard suddenly leapt from stillness to deadly action. His hands blurred the air as he pummelled and kicked at the monster, leaving it battered and leaking charcoal-coloured blood.

In response, the beast’s legs flashed out and battered Maynard before it lowered its massive head and bit him deeply on the shoulder. In a second, the monk looked pained and his flesh turned green. His muscles turned stiff and he stopped moving.

“Defilers,” came the throaty voice of the spider. “How dare you? Thieves and robbers!”

“Die, evil spider scum!” Igmut’s response was simple and brief. “We not steal. We look wizard!”

As the half orc yelled and swung his sword, he also took a moment to toss a scroll over his shoulder to me. I seized it up and read from it, and in an instant Maynard was free from his magical paralysis.

Flynne’s arrows sank deeply into the beast, and it was then pummelled severely once again by the vengeful monk.

“I will return to defend Icosiel’s tomb!”

With these curious words, the ghastly black spider turned to flee down the corridor, but Igmut hacked a single blow through its hindquarters and abdomen. As it fell, it whispered its last curse upon us.

“Plunderers and thieves, you will pay… I promised the good servants of law that I would guard…”

And with that, the vast black spider was dead.


A few moments later, Flynne swore. The door behind us was a fake.

We pushed past the cursed statue; prepared this time, I was able to play a complex counter-song which stole the power from the gong’s magic and allowed us to pass safely.

Once past, we pushed open a second door. This opened into a black-walled room with a dark wrought iron gallery ringing the edge some ten feet up. The floor was lined with neat matte black tiles, and 4 purple crystal chandeliers lighting the room from above. Hovering in the centre of the room was a black sphere.

Initially terrified by the look of the sphere, we paused to examine it closely. The sphere was simply an illusion – and also the symbol of the ooze para-elemental general Bwimb. This great warrior had allied with the Queen of Chaos prior to the Battle of Pesh.

Frescoes in the black tiles showed Icosiel forging an alliance with the tall form of an inevitable, who was being presented with a square rune-covered stone which was presented to him on a platter carried by a triumvirate of glowing creatures.

Across the wall, a second series of frescoes showed the surrender of innumerable demons surrending to the wind-dukes, or else warding off dark spheres with loop-capped rods which looked suspiciously like the item we had found in the ‘Tomb’ elsewhere in the Whispering Cairn.

Igmut, furthest of all of us into the room, suddenly stiffened and sniffed the air a moment before a large black puddle reared up, all-but invisible against the black tiles of the room. A single pseudopod lashed out at Igmut, and he yelled in pain. His skin instantly reddened and blistered as the terrible acids burned him. The lashing tendril wrapped around Igmut, but slid off him as though unable to find any purchase. As Igmut’s clothes rotted away, he produced a dagger and stabbed at it.

With a wet tearing sound, the huge black pudding split up its centre before sinking in two neat halves to the floor. Igmut stared in horror at his dagger, which dissolved before his eyes. He looked down at his armour, the enchanted mithril was already pitted and scarred almost beyond recognition by the single blow from the vast pudding.

Looking almost… scared, Igmut backed away out of the room.

“Should I close the door?”

“No,” I called back whilst scrabbling at the ties on the back of my pack. “Shoot it. Reduce it into as many pieces as you can!”

Behind me, I could hear Flynne’s bow humming and saw Maynard pulling out shuriken and hurling them towards the black pudding. When I stood back up straight clutching a staff in my hands, the room was positively filled with 8 acidic oozes.

I twirled the staff in my hands and triggered it, bathing the room with fire. When the inferno had died down, so had the puddings.


As Igmut replaced his destroyed clothing, Flynne climbed up the ladder to investigate the door out of the black room. Beyond the door lay a steep slope which ran down and around a corner to a second door.

Once Flynne had picked the lock to this, it swung open to reveal a rectangular room with intricately carved walls. White light spilled out from chandeliers in the ceiling. There were stairs leading up and out of the room, as well as a series of doors. There were two sets of blue double doors, and one single door leading out of the room.

“After you,” said almost everybody at once.

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Ragged idiot in a trilby.
Clearly that was a Darmanicus free session, hence Endo's lack of input in the fighting.

To update you all, we're now 10th or 11th level. We may even all be 11th after this last session, I can't honestly remember.

Oh, and it was an elder black pudding. DC 29 Ref save or lose your armour. Igmut was lucky; very lucky.


I'm Ray...of Enfeeblement
Eccles said:
With no choice, we waited, before he returned nearly half a minute later, unceremoniously dumped two halves of a dark-skinned and spike-covered ghoul on the ground then dived back through the portal.

NOOOOO........missed pet opportunity.......well at least for a few days :( ;)

Note to self: D&D is more important than being tired.....make sure you attend.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
This week was fun... conversations with giant spiders, nasty traps and a big fall down an underground waterfall!


Breaks Games
That was a fun week there - did enjoy the whole feel of that complex...

Even if the pudding of doom was quite, quite terrifying! Armour eating monstrosity!

Seeing off the vicious servants of Law was fun, although I'm not entirely convinced we should have done that. Might have turned out a little differently if Morrus had been able to roll higher than a 3 on any of his D20's. :D

Nice to see Maynard laying out the monkish smackdown as well - he really gave that thing a whupping!


Ragged idiot in a trilby.
As we stood at the bottom of the steep slope staring into the room beyond, Flynne squinted slightly before raising his bow and firing flaming-yet-ice encrusted arrows into the stone-lined chamber.

Suddenly, the air in the room rippled slightly as shadows condensed and coalesced into solidity. 2 more of the massive shadowy spiders appeared in the room in reaction to Flynne’s fire. The first twisted; a sheet of thick viscous webbing sprang up in the entrance to the room. The second charged across the room, up one wall and was finally suspended from the ceiling out of our reach whilst snapping at us with its long barbed leg which clanged off Igmut’s metal shoulder-plates.

Flynne and I backed gingerly down the corridor; he firing his bow whilst I struck up a song of encouragement. As we backed away, another thick spray of webbing was sprayed through the corridor. The pale substance slid uselessly from Igmut’s magic-enhanced frame but wreathed and coiled over Endo and Maynard sticking them to the floor in an instant.

Turning, Igmut cast a spell and stretched to touch Maynard. The monk shuddered and twisted – in an instant he broke free of the worst of the webbing and began to pull his way free of the rest.

Despite still being trapped in the thick webbing, Endo chanted and gestured in the direction of the two spiders. A vast bang echoed through the room when, with a flash, a bolt of electricity leapt between the two massive spiders causing them both to writhe and twist in the energies. Endo was unable to pull his way through the tremendous mass of webbing on him, whilst his raven familiar flopped in the white tendrils unable to escape.

Freed from the webs, Maynard threw a series of shuriken towards the thick body of the spider on the ceiling. The shuriken flew awkwardly and most of them caught in the web or slammed into the doorframe. Only one of the four shuriken actually struke home and sliced a long thin wound across one of the spider’s many limbs.

In response, the spider dropped from the ceiling and bit savagely at Igmut. The teeth slammed shut over the top edge of Igmut’s hastily braced shield before the spider snarled; poison dripping to the flagstones.

I cast a spell of speed which helped Flynne fire a huge sequence of arrows at the closer of the two spiders. The second spider responded by firing a thick single strand of webs across the room. The webbing slammed into Maynard’s chest at which point the spider twisted and started to haul him into the room. Maynard’s muscles strained in his efforts to avoid being pulled into the spider’s grasp before Igmut’s blade flashed in the corridor and the webbing strand fell in two pieces.

Igmut’s second blow crashed into the torso of the nearer spider, as he yelled into its face,

“Stop killing us! We just look friend!”
“Intruders,” rasped the spider in sudden reply. “You fired first. Evil raiders. We had done nothing. We only defend the tomb.”

There was a moment’s sheepish silence as we all slowly turned to look at Flynne. With a supreme effort of will, the elf somehow restrained himself from firing another salvo into the teeth of the closest spider.

“We give you one chance,” said the closest spider. “Drop your weapons.”

Slowly, gradually, we backed away from outright conflict. First Igmut sheathed his sword before Maynard gestured widely as though to show that his deadly hands were clearly unarmed.

“This is Blackleg,” gestured the more wounded of the two spiders at his fellow. “I am called Flycatcher. There are others of our brethren within easy contact. We know that you have slain Walker Across The Threshold.”

Properly nervous at the suggestion that there might be three more of these deadly beasts stalking the corridors invisibly nearby, we were suddenly more than willing to listen.

“We guard this level. The first level,” the massive shadow spiders explained. “Beneath us are other layers of Icosiel’s resting place. Other guardians. And… others.

“Many miles beneath us lies the underdark, and within it lies a people known as the White Kingdom. A people comprised of the living dead; known as ‘true ghouls’. One of these creatures has escaped his fellows, and now resides in the layers beneath us. This ‘Moretto’ has become bold and now raids that which we protect. He has come through the cavern; past the river of blood and stole the Seal of Law from its restingplace. It must be recovered.”

“Curious,” I interjected. Why have you not recovered this Seal yourself?”

“We cannot,” replied the spider. “We are bound to this layer, yet must protect that which lies within it.”

“Hmmm,” I mused. “Tell me, Flycatcher. Would you recognise the wizard who we seek?”

“We are willing to compact with you,” said the massive spider after a moment’s pause. “We shall allow you to look for the wizard who entered our domain if you recover the seal and bring us the head of Moretto.”

“Deal”, we all agreed.

After a brief discussion, we learned that Allustan had entered the complex using a series of brief transportation and invisibility magics to get past the spiders before going up a short flight of stairs into the Wind Duke’s antechamber.

We agreed that we would follow him after a few hours rest so that we could recover and prepare ourselves for the chase.

Before we rested, I entered a state of communion with the spirits of bards past. As I knelt toying with the frets of my lute, I began to hum an entirely unfamiliar refrain.

The Warrior of Pesh,
Lying in state,
Within Chamber of Whispers,
Dark shall he wait.
A rest without dreaming,
His reward well-earned,
Sphere-wielder, oath-maker,
Angel unburned.

This leader unparalleled,
Glorious Icosiel,
‘Neath nest of Shadows,
This defeater of hell.
His tomb now lies buried,
Beside gemstone shores,
Whilst one of the seven,
Lies beyond dark doors.

This weapon of ages,
Broken in ages gone,
Lies guarded alongside,
The angel’s deep tomb.
The Earl of Coalchester,
Bound by elemental oaths,
Now guards his old foeman,
And his treasure trove.


We awoke, refreshed, and pushed open the heavy door indicated by the shadow spiders. Within there was a well-crafted statue beneath a shaft of bright light. The statue was that of a sword-armed Wind Duke with one hand over its gemstone eyes. Around the walls were graven images of auran servants who bowed towards this central figure. I mimicked them and muttered something suitably ingratiating in auran, but to my immense relief nothing significant happened.

Looking at the room through my Clair de Lunettes, I could see something powerfully magical on either side of the room, which I directed Endo’s attention to.

“Stop!” We all froze at Endo’s command; which seemed to be directed towards Flynne who was already approaching the statue’s sapphire eyes with a dagger outstretched.

“These two are golems,” explained Endo. “Guardian spirits concealed within the frieze. If the thing they are guarding is disturbed, they could climb out of the wall and wreak terrible vengeance on any thief.”

Flynne’s dagger mysteriously disappeared as he headed towards the other exit to this chamber.


The next room was roughly circular with a set of stairs on the far side. The room was filled with a flickering blue light and a fresh breeze. At the centre of the room stood a massive green gemstone beneath a long needle of grey stone. Within the gemstone was a humanoid figure.

We had found Allustan.

I immediately stepped into the room, when there was a sudden crash of lightning from the long grey stone point. I felt an agonising stab of pain across my chest before the entire room faded to green.


The next thing that I could remember was an appalling stench of ozone as the green gem collapsed from around myself and Allustan. My comrades charged into the room, snatched us both up and we all ran down the stairs.

Once there, we discussed what had happened. Allustan explained that he had been attacked by a dragon, and had fled into the Whispering Cairn. Utterly outmatched by the dragon’s fury, he had hoped to find some tool sufficient to help him combat it before being trapped within the gemstone.

We told him of what we had learned about the Worms from Eligos within the Free Cities.

“This is beyond my powers,” muttered the wizard. “You should discuss this with my master Manzurian the Archmage. Return to my home once you have completed your compact with these spiders, and I shall give you instructions how to reach Mage-Point where he resides.”

Unfurling a scroll from his belt, Allustan read briefly, and then disappeared.


At the base of the stairs where we were left was a 40 foot drop at the base of which was a scarlet ringed mosaic on the floor. Metal rungs in the wall led down to the floor, where we could see two narrow corridors leading away from the mosaic.

Flynne and Maynard both crept down the ladder. Nearing the bottom, Flynne threw himself away into one of the two corridors making sure to avoid the large mosaic. Igmut then called upon the powers of his Boots of Spider-Climbing before walking casually down the wall and hanging up-side down near Flynne.

Maynard simply stepped onto the scarlet mosaic, and that was the last that I saw of him.


A foot-thick metal panel slammed into place at the top of the ladder-space locking Endo and I away from the others. Dimly, we could hear the muffled sound of rushing water beneath us.

In a moment of cavalier disregard for our safety, Endo cast a spell and flung us both through a dark doorway into the lightless space below. I clung for dear-life to the metal rungs whilst the sound of raging waters a few feet beneath my feet filled the cavern with tremendous noise.

Scrabbling for the catch on my pack, I removed a couple of sunrods and struck them against the wall. They burst into light which was suddenly blinding in the small shaft. Beneath Endo and I, I could see thick opaque red-coloured waters running in a torrent through one of the narrow corridors before it changed direction and poured off down the second. I dropped one of the sunrods, and within an instant the fast flow of the waters whisked the glowing light away from us.

A few feet above me, Endo clutched at a golden charm bracelet at his wrist, removing a tiny golden grappling iron and a miniature coil of golden rope. Muttering to them, they attached smoothly, and grew to ‘normal’ size where he affixed the hook to one of the ladder-rungs and dropped the remainder of the rope down into the churning waters beneath us.

In an instant, partly holding the rope and partly still sticking to the wall, Igmut hauled himself out of the maelstrom and started to haul on the rope.

Endo chanted and began to change. He warped and grew into the form of a massive squid, squeezing past me to drop into the furious waters. I tried to help Igmut haul in our friends on the rope, but when we raised the last of it out it was empty.

A red surge came from within the water as one of Endo’s massive squid-tentacles burst from the surface, flinging a yelling Flynne upwards through the shaft before it disappeared beneath the surface again. Flynne inscribed an almost perfect arc in the air before me, snatching vainly at the ladder before falling back towards the red water once again.

An instant before he hit the surface, Igmut grabbed him firmly by the forearm and hauled him back on the ladder, as Endo-the-Squid dove back under the water and swam away with the current.

As to Maynard, he was missing within the churning waters.


Breaks Games
Being battered by torrents of blood red water, in the dark, in a constricted space, towards an unknown destination...

What could improve a situation like that?

A Giant Squidy trying to grab you, of course! :)

Thanks for the writeup there Mr Eccles... another fine piece of work! :)

Had some rules fun with that.

Torrent of rushing water VS Spider Climb + Freedom of Movement.
Last edited:


I'm Ray...of Enfeeblement
Inconsequenti-AL said:
Being battered by torrents of blood red water, in the dark, in a constricted space, towards an unknown destination...

What could improve a situation like that?

A Giant Squidy trying to grab you, of course! :)

Thanks for the writeup there Mr Eccles... another fine piece of work! :)

Had some rules fun with that.

Torrent of rushing water VS Spider Climb + Freedom of Movement.

Oi, there's nothing like a bit of 8 armed luvin ;)


Ragged idiot in a trilby.
I'm happy clinging to the ladder above the water.

(To the readers - Maynard got swept downstream and shot out over a crevasse like a cork from a bottle. Endo (in giant squid form) voluntarily swam out of the tunnel after him).

Maynard desperately fending off the tentacles from the pursuing giant squid all the way, of course.

Oh, and Maynard has 'slow fall'.

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