D&D 5E The Audience - Do you feel like you're the target audience?

Or perhaps some enterprising 3PP sets out to do a "Shrouded Star" retroclone that deliberately evokes the style of Dark Sun. Which both frees them from having to be completely faithful to the original and allows them to do a Mature Gamers imprint instead of D&D's mandatory All Ages rating.
Someone already did that - might have been called Red Dawn or something like that? The kickstarter was, if i remember right, successfully funded and working on stretch goals, when it abruptly got yanked and as far as i know no explanation was forthcoming. Strong suspicion is that there was some sort of legal measure taken by WotC who saw these guys flying too close to the sun, copyright-wise.

Mind you, they'd already run into some thorny territory on the more difficult aspects of old Dark Sun - their description of their faux-muls as 'ideal slaves' raised a few eyebrows, for instance. And they only twigged to the need for a sensitivity reader quite late in the process, which was a worry. Surely if you're doing a Dark Sun reboot/tribute/ripoff/sequel in 2023, this is one of the FIRST issues you think about?
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@Ruin Explorer, you're pointing at Pathfinder, which is much later than what I was talking about. That's after the end of 3e. Yes, Dragonlance was there, and there's a few odds and sods. But now? We've got what 18 full campaign length 5e adventures. Almost two per year. That's the comparison I'm making. There's more campaign in a box products for 5e than there were for the previous 4 editions combined.
That's simply not true unless you solely count official WotC products. I'm not sure what the point of you hyping it up is though. It's obviously a pretty natural progression, nothing that 5E suddenly invented or "explored" and again, as I pointed out, many of 5E's products of that nature are rather half-arsed and/or incomplete compared to earlier ones.


That's simply not true unless you solely count official WotC products. I'm not sure what the point of you hyping it up is though. It's obviously a pretty natural progression, nothing that 5E suddenly invented or "explored" and again, as I pointed out, many of 5E's products of that nature are rather half-arsed and/or incomplete compared to earlier ones.

Again, I have to repeat, we’re simply not going to agree here. I’m not “hyping@ anything. I just do not have any of the issues you have. I do feel like these products are pretty much hitting exactly what I want. So no I don’t see them as half assed at all.

I’ve either run or played in seven of those campaign in a box products over the past nine years. And successfully completed three. That’s two more than I had completed in any other edition. So yeah I’m happy. I’m sorry that I like this stuff? I guess? 🤷

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