• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Band of Four (The Village of Oester)

"One thing you should know, although you will keep your knowledge and wisdom, your body will be that of your choice. One may be stronger and another quick, just something to think about." The figure tells Rebrey

"I took that into consideration. I am satisfied with this selection." Rebrey answers holding up the small figurine.

"Very well." The figure replies, and places the remaining two figurines back into his tunic. The figure utters an unfamiliar word, and the figurine disappears from Rebrey's grasp.

The body reappears next to Rebrey fully grown. Rebrey gets a sensation like he's falling through very cold air, his sight darkens and soon all sensations leave his mind.

"Watch carefully my child, for all you need to know, you are about to learn." Prometheus' voice resonated through Rebrey's being.

A bright flash of light appears, although Rebrey no longer sees, the vision appears in his head. A vision of a wide flat plain appears, strange herd animals are seen running across the land. Fields of grass undulate in the breeze like a bladed ocean. The sky is filled with two suns one small and white the other large and red. The scene changes and Rebrey is inside a small hut, a fire burns in the center and a figure appears to work some kind of grain with a mortar and pestle.

The figure drapes a thin crepe like object over a stone near the fire and cooks it, the figure also turns a spit with a charring carcass on it. The scene shifts again to a target practice, many targets line a dirt path. Rebrey sees hands that are not his own, pull back the string of a bow and let loose an arrow straight and true. Over and over the arrow found his target, Rebrey got the feeling that these hands knew where to notch the arrow and how far back to pull the string. Years of practice and hunting filled Rebrey's head, he came to the conclusion that if he ever wanted to shoot a bow, his hands would know what to do.

The scene fades into a forested area, hundreds of odors fill Rebrey's sense of smell. He focuses on one smell in particular and instantly the knowledge of which direction and how long ago that smell traveled past Rebrey's nose. Rebrey wills himself to follow the scent, and the hunt is on.

Again the scene changes this time to the dark of night, Rebrey expected to see nothing, but his eyes were able to see through the minimal lighting and even pick out colors and shapes just like it was daylight. Several more scenes were played out for Rebrey, until Rebrey heard his named being called from somewhere.

Opening his eyes, Rebrey finds the gold skinned figure leaning over him. Rebrey looks to his left and finds his armor, weapons, and possessions stacked like they were picked up and sat on the ground next to him like he would've worn them. However there was no body laying there, just the lifeless rock of the floor.

Rebrey looks down at his new body, The dark crimson color of his new skin moved like he had had it all his life. Pushing himself off the floor, Rebrey gets assistance from the golden figure to stand. Looking himself over Rebrey can feel the difference in strength between his human body of this new one and his could also see a greater degree of balance with this new body.

"I thought no one had ever seen these people before?" Rebrey asks

"Those memories were created for your benefit, so that you could more easily grow accustom to it's features

"So all those people don't exist?" Rebrey asks

"No, merely a training tool. Had you selected the minotaur, your training would've involved goring animals and then solving maze, after maze, after maze. The Saurud would've had a lot of swimming and learning to walk with a tail, in addition to learning to use it for other things." The figure replies

"I chose this form as it was closest to a human, but I'm going to stand out like a dragon in a halfling village." Rebrey replies

"I suggest you use this opportunity to hone your mercy skills, your diplomacy skills, and your strength of character. These things will help you in swaying public opinion about you." The figure answers

"Looks like my armor won't fit me any longer, it's a little small. At least I'll still have my weapon." Rebrey bends down to collect his weapon and the diamond Tharhack left him.

"I must leave you now, please do try to take care of this body." The figure smiles a Rebrey

"Wait, is there a way I can help return my friends to sanity? A wraith used some kind of magic to break their minds." Rebrey asks

"I had watched your friends succumb to the dark speech, there are ways to remove the fissure that's formed in their psyche, however none of them are pleasant." The figure responds

"Please, I wish to know." Rebrey pleads

"Very well, the easiest way is to have their life force drained beyond their memory of that incident, however telling the vampire you only wish then to drain your friends a little bit, will not be met with open arms." The figure replies

"Can't you just create a way to heal them?" Rebrey asks

"While I am sure that is within our lord's abilities, don't you think he has created enough for you already? You will find the answer yourself if you decide to seek it, your destiny waits for you to take the first step." The figure replies, and then levitates up turns to face the door and flies out of the building.

Rebrey gathers up as much scraps of cloth he can find, even ripping some off of the doorman, to clothe himself. Rebrey steps out from the door as a new day rises to the east.

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First Post
Very interesting development. Was this the player's idea? And where did you get the new race? Also, if you have the time, a character update for the PC's would be great. What level are they now? What has changed?

Thanks, and keep up the good work.

MichaelH said:
Very interesting development. Was this the player's idea? And where did you get the new race? Also, if you have the time, a character update for the PC's would be great. What level are they now? What has changed?

Thanks, and keep up the good work.

It was a co-effort, the player and I agreed this could be a way for his diety to "help" while staying within the boundries of what his deity's limitations are.

The new race is actually very old, as it comes from Talislanta. He is now a Kang, the lizardman like creature is also from Talislanta and was a Saurud, the minotaur was a plain ol' minotaur.

I plan on updating the characters in the Rogue's Gallery thread this evening. Tharhack is now 7th level, but he must fins a temple to pray in before he will be granted his new spells (just a little quirk of my homebrew) which is why he's limited to only 2nd level spells at this point. Rebrey is 6th, Gothmog hasn't gone up as he is already an ECL 7 character, and Charekyal is not a PC (yet anyway).

Both diamonds have been used in the campaign, so you will see what was in both of them very soon.

Tharhack searches the bodies of the dead goblins, taking whatever coins and gemstones they carried. He then builds a small campsite and begins to fillet the worg. The smell of fresh blood seems to stir Gothmog's subconscious as he moans and turns on his sled, the first movement either Gothmog or Charekyal have shown since Tharhack took them from the canyon. Tharhack cuts small strips of meat off to feed Gothmog, taking care not to make them too big and choke Gothmog. To Tharhack's surprise Gothmog opens his mouth and chews o the food, although his eyes remain closed and he is unresponsive to any other stimuli.

Charekyal however remains catatonic, even when food is placed in her mouth. Tharhack grows concerned that she won't last much longer on just water, which Tharhack isn't even sure she should be drinking seeing as how Charekyal if from the elemental plane of fire. Staring at the fire Tharhack gets an idea, and places Charekyal's hands into the flame. This creates a response, and Charekyal inches more of her body into the fire, soon her entire body lies within the flames. The combined heat from Charekyal and the fire causes the meat itself to burst into flames, the wooden spit shatters and drops the rest of the worg onto the flame. The worg remains are incinerated instantly, Tharhack watches as the blue part of the flame begins to extend higher off of Charekyal's body and below it, a white color flickers. The heat generated causes the snow within a five foot radius from the fire to melt, snow and ice from the tree limbs overhead melt as well, falling into the fire and sizzling as the drops quickly evaporate.

Tharhack becomes increasingly concerned as the small campfire has been turned into a raging bonfire, any larger and someone is going to think the forest is on fire. Tharhack tries to use a fallen branch to push Charekyal out of the flames, but the branch instantly catches fire and begins to crumble as it turns to ash. Tharhack then sees the base of the flame change from white to a dark almost black color, which starts as a small dot but begins to grow into a hollow circle. Within the circle Tharhack can make out the shapes of unknown creatures, he then realizes that Charekyal has unknowingly created a gate to the elemental plane of fire.

Tharhack begins to collect any snow and ice around then and throw it into the fire, trying to lower it's temperature. Tharhack even empties the water skins onto the flame, he then locates an area where snowmelt from a tree has left a large block of ice at the base of the tree, prying the ice off of the ground Tharhack carries it over to the flame and tosses it in. The ice shatters under the heat and splinters in every direction, but it does it's job as the circle which had become the size of a large crystal ball, winks out of existence. Immediately after the portal disappears, Charekyal sits bolt upright.

"Get out of my head!" Charekyal shouts as she looses a stream of fire into the night sky, igniting some dead leaves on an overhead branch.

"Charekyal, it's alright you're here with me Tharhack." Tharhack shouts back

Charekyal turns to the voice and lets another stream of fire escape from her palms towards Tharhack, her aim bad, Tharhack is able to dodge the line of fire.

"You! I'll kill you!" Charekyal shouts clasping her hands together and forming a ball of fire with them.

"You need to calm down, you're among friends." Tharhack tries the clam and soft approach

"You killed my friends demon!" Charekyal shouts letting the ball fall to the ground and it begins rolling towards Tharhack.

"I am your friend, I want to help you." Tharhack tells Charekyal while moving to his left trying to keep the flaming sphere away from him

"Liar!" Charekyal shouts as the campfire flares up in an angry roar, then quickly dies to nothing as the area is blanketed in darkness again, and the heat from the fire is quickly replaced by the cold of winter.

The flaming sphere reaches Tharhack and climbs up his left leg, burning flesh and hide as it climbs to his waist. Tharhack cries in pain as he tries in vain to put the fire out.

"You shall know vengeance infernal, I shall show you what it means to burn!" Charekyal raises her arms and looks towards the sky.

Tharhack watches as a large ball of fire forms between her outstretched hands, then sees a large dark figure emerge behind Charekyal.

"Charekyal, look out!" Tharhack says, too late to affect the outcome as Charekyal crumples to the ground in a heap. The fire winks out, as does the flaming sphere attached to Tharhack.

looking up Tharhack sees with his darkvision, the large frame of Gothmog standing over the downed body of the fire nymph. Gothmog's eyes are fixated on Tharhack's position.

"Easy Gothmog, it's Tharhack. Do you remember me?" Tharhack asks

There is no response from Gothmog. Tharhack limps up closer to get within ten feet of Gothmog, Tharhack notices there is just a blank stare coming from the big man. Tharhack tries waving but gets no response, Tharhack then grabs his burned leg and uttering a short prayer, heals much of the visible damage to his leg. No longer limping, Tharhack gets closer to Gothmog and stands in front of him. Gothmog still stares blankly out into space, Tharhack bends down to check on the condition of Charekyal, verifying that she's still breathing. Tharhack wraps her back up in the blankets she was in, and lifts her up still making sure Gothmog is unresponsive and sets her down upon the sled.

Tharhack tries to communicate with Gothmog, but to no avail. Realizing that the spectacular pyrotechnic display Charekyal put on was bound to attract someone or something to their location to see what all that was about, Tharhack disarmed Gothmog of the tree branch he had been holding and picks him up and carries him over to the sled. Removing Charekyal and replacing her with Gothmog, Tharhack secures Gothmog and hefts Charekyal back up into his arms, then secures the sled to his waist and heads off in the same direction they had been going. Tharhack tired body tries to keep a quick pace, knowing that any creature with half a brain could follow the wide tracks being left by Tharhack's steps and the sled. But exhaustion was starting to set in, two days nonstop with no sleep was about to bring the half-orc to his knees.

Rebrey runs down the canyon floor towards Emthur's tower, he climbs up the same side he had descended with Gothmog, and then back down again in front of the tower. Remembering where he'd left Emthur's body, Rebrey retraces his steps and finds the blasted crater where Emthur fell. Rebrey sees the tracks in the snow where Emthur's bones reformed, and he spots Emthur's tracks leading away from the site and into the tower.

Rebrey's improved olfactory skills pick up the faint scent of decay along Emthur's route. Rebrey's brain tells him that Emthur retreated to the tower not that long ago, maybe only five hours or so.

"The lights we saw must have been something other than Emthur" Rebrey thinks

Rebrey follows the trail back towards the tower, stepping over corpses and body parts along the way. Silently, Rebrey makes his way up to the tower's top, slowing almost to a crawl. Rebrey comes to the burnt library room, the smell of carbon and soot hung heavy in the air. Burned corpses added to the smell, making Rebrey's stomach turn in disgust. Utilizing his new superior eyesight, Rebrey looks on into the room they had found Alriand in, seeing no movement Rebrey enters.

Rebrey almost takes a step into the room, but hear the faint sound of paper being turned over, or maybe pages in a book being turned. Halting, Rebrey looks around the room one more time, then looks up into the hole in the ceiling. Rebrey spots Emthur sitting on the floor above, perpendicular to Rebrey's position. Rebrey studies the lich for a moment, making sure he hasn't been spotted. Rebrey then slowly backs up into the library room, and scans the area looking for a scrap of leather or rope, finding the scorched remnants of some kind of fabric. Rebrey takes out the diamond that Tharhack had given him, and secures it to the tip of a crossbow bolt. Rebrey loads the bolt, and makes his way quietly back into the previous room, spotting Emthur again completely absorbed in his studies. Rebrey takes careful aim, holding for several seconds as the beads of sweat begin to trickle down his face.

The trigger is pressed, and the bolt flies through the air. Emthur hearing the click, manages to turn enough to take the bolt in the chest. Hissing, Emthur leaps down the hole to face his attacker.

"I know not what you are, but I shall show you what I am!" Emthur bellows throwing his arms out to his side.

The first shaft of light erupts from Emthur's chest, shooting through the room and spotlighting Rebrey, the second shaft shoots straight up into Emthur's surprised face. These are followed soon after by a dozen shafts, and then Emthur's entire chest glows white and an audible crackling is heard. The light begins to dim, and Emthur begins to scream. Rebrey unshields his eyes and takes in the sight of Emthur covered in a transparent film. Emthur tries in vain to remove the film physically, the film is relentless as it now covers his legs, chest and his left arm. Emthur blasts the film with a couple of magic missiles before the film oozes up his right arm and engulfs it. The film begins to give off a soft white glow, which makes Rebrey feel at ease, and which burns Emthur's blackened bones. Emthur opens his jaw to utter another spell, and the ooze flows into his mouth and seeps through his skull. A few seconds later and the red light in Emthur's eye sockets is extinguished.

Realizing the wait is over, and not wanting to become it's next victim, Rebrey leaves the ooze to it's meal and descends back down the tower, and exits the building for the last time. Rebrey turns north and resolves to find Tharhack, and experience more amazing things with his new body.


Tharhack could no longer pull Gothmog, he stopped and leaned his weary body against a tree. He hoped that no creature was following them, but realized that would be a miracle. He sat down with Charekyal and watched through the falling snow, the trail they had just made in the freshly fallen snow. Tharhack's body soon succumbed to the overwhelming need for sleep, and he drifted off.

Tharhack awoke several hours later to a prodding against his head.

"I think it's dead"

"Maybe we should take the girl"

"I vote take the girl, leave them other two"

"It's not dead, an' neither is this one 'ere"

Tharhack opens his eyes, startling several human males who quickly jump back, and arm themselves with axes.

"Now, nnnnow see 'ere, we don't be wantin' no trouble outta ya. Jus' be givin' us the girl an' you can live." Spoke a bearded man in his early twenties Tharhack guessed

"Now this is hardly proper way to greet someone, if you're going to get all defensive on me, it only stands to reason I should be offensive, no?" Tharhack replied

"Hey, that thing talks Forany, maybe it ain't an orc?" offers a younger man

"I don't know what it be, I know it ain't human like us." replies the bearded man

"Thank Kord for that! Why would anyone ever want to be a puny HU-man." Tharhack says inching his way up to a standing position.

"What! I'll shows ya who's puny." another man steps out from behind the tree and slams the side of Tharhack's knee with the back of his ax blade, causing Tharhack's knee to buckle, sending him back to the forest floor on his rear.

Laughing, the men form a circle around the tree.

"Give us the girl monster, or we's split ya 'ere and now." The bearded man demanded

"I'm not giving you the g." Tharhack's reply was cut off by a slam to the back of his head from the butt of an ax.

Tharhack hears another round of laughter from the men, "now you're making me angry." Tharhack announces

"Ooh, I'm scared, what're going hit us with? A hangnail?" another man calls out, Tharhack watches as the bearded man parts to one side showing Tharhack his greatsword which was lying against a tree about twenty feet away.

"Thieves." Tharhack spits, which elicits another smack to the back of his head. "Stop hitting me!" Tharhack shouts only to receive another blow to the head.

"We ain't no thieves we was jus' protectin' ourselves, I ain't never seen a sword that big before. Who'd you steal it from monster?" Asks another man to Tharhack's right

"It's mine!" Tharhack announces, trying to stand again, only to take another blow to his head.

"Tsk, tsk. you're really dumb monster, we're gonna get a big reward bringing you back." The bearded man says

"Like hell you are." Tharhack retorts, "You want the girl? Fine have the girl." Tharhack says holding his arms out, but making sure he has a firm grip on the blanket.

The men all jump at the chance to carry her, and once some has both arms wrapped around her, Tharhack pulls the blanket out and stands up in the process.

"Ahhhh!!! it burns! My arm it's on fire!" Shouts a man, as Charekyal's body falls to the snow covered ground below, instantly send up a small burst of steam.

"This is some kind o' trick." The bearded man says

"Oh no, I assure you. This is skill." Tharhack announces slamming the skulls of two of the men together, sending both of their limp bodies crashing to the ground.

Four men remain, and the three of them who are able to attack all take hacks at the half-orc and miss badly.

"Not so easy to hit a target that's defending itself is it?" Tharhack asks while pummeling the man to his left with two body shots from his spiked gauntlets, sending the man to the snow in a heap.

"What'll we do now Forany?" asks a man

"Run!" Forany shouts, turning his back to Tharhack and fleeing through the snow, the other man takes off in a different direction, leaving his falling comrades and the burned man there with Tharhack.

"Please don't kill me, I was jus' doin' what they told me. Plus the girl looked so nice." The man whimpered

"Let me see your arms." Tharhack announced

The man reluctantly turned his arms over exposing the blisters and flayed flesh from contact with Charekyal's flesh. Tharhack says a prayer to Kord, and runs his hands over the man's arms, healing them to a bad sunburn.

"You're going to want to keep those wrapped in a cool damp cloth for a couple of days, but they'll be a good as new in no time." Tharhack tells the man

"Y-You healed me? Why?" The man asks

"Because I don't need you buddies running back off to your town claiming there's monsters in the woods, and them sending out an extermination party. I'd rather not have to kill your entire town, it doesn't fit well into my schedule." Tharhack replies

The man looks bewildered and confused

"Just tell your town it was a big misunderstanding, that everyone is ok, and that I even healed you. Oh and can you point me in the direction of the nearest town that is NOT your town?" Tharhack asks

"Mullikin, is 'bout a day travel to the northeast, jus' 'ead north 'til you meet up with the east-west road and then head east. You'll walk right by it." The man says, thankful his life was spared.

Tharhack sends him away, and retrieves his greatsword. Then rewraps Charekyal back up, ties Gothmog's sled to his waist, and heads north.

***next entry will begin the party's foray into The Village of Oester adventure***

Jon Potter

First Post
Hairy Minotaur said:
***next entry will begin the party's foray into The Village of Oester adventure***


I won a signed copy of "The Village of Thumble" directly from Ed Cha and it's very engaging - especially after having experienced the adventure first through your story hour. Thumble will definitely find itself incorporated into my campaign in some form.

I can't wait to get my first taste of "The Village of Oester".

Tharhack marches through the forest and reaches the road the logger had givens directions to, turning east, Tharhack walks through the freezing night. Morning comes and Tharhack notices the terrain is beginning to get hilly on both sides of the road. Tharhack notices the familiar signs of rising chimney smoke up ahead behind some hills. Continuing on, Tharhack follows the road as it takes a turn to the south. Rounding the bend Tharhack comes upon a walled fortress city, a fort sits upon a hill near the back of the city, which is nearest to Tharhack. The road winds around the structure towards the main gate, Tharhack counts dozens of chimney stacks within the city wall, and estimates the town size to be over one thousand.

Tharhack follows the bending road and the main gate, in fact the only gate Tharhack has seen, comes into view. A merchant caravan is stopped at the gate while a couple of guards look over the wagon and question the merchant. The road is more like a river of mud as Tharhack nears the gate, the sight of Tharhack approaching pulling the sled with Gothmog causes the guards to pause. The guards wave the merchant on thru the gate, and call out four more guards. The six guards halt Tharhack about ten feet from them and twenty-five feet from the gate.

"Halt, what is your business here?" a sentry asks

"I seek a temple, preferably of Kord. My friends here are in need of a healer." Tharhack replies

"Strange friends you keep sir, what befalls your party?" the sentry asks

"You speak good common for a half-orc, where did you learn to speak?" another sentry speaks up

"My friends have been assaulted by a wraith, I seek a healer of some skill." Tharhack answers the first sentry, ignoring the speech question

"From whence have you come?" the first sentry asks

"Hey, you never answered my question." The second sentry speaks up

"From Thumble, by way of the forest southwest of here." Tharhack responds

"You have not come from Oester?" the first sentry asks

"No, I have never heard of such a place. If you like I can produce names of residents in Thumble that will vouch for my passing through there." Tharhack replies

"No need, if you came thru Thumble, then you know all those halflings need is good pipeweed and a pie. Once they have that they forget they have wits. If you say you came thru Thumble, there is no way to verify. What's in the blanket?" the first sentry asks.

Tharhack peels the blanket back to reveal Charekyal's face, and the steam coming off of it. The sentries all perk up including the one who had been taunting Tharhack. Noticing the reaction, Tharhack steps up his diplomatic efforts.

"She's extremely sick, here feel for yourself." Tharhack holds out Charekyal, a couple sentries take a step towards Tharhack

"Hold! From whence has she come?" The first sentry asks

"I met her along the way from Thumble to here, she has also been affected by the wraith." Tharhack asks

"We've had reports of a plague recently." The first sentry pauses, and the other five guards take a step back after those words are uttered, "She will not be allowed access, nor will your large friend there." pointing at Gothmog

"But she needs a healer immediately." Tharhack pleads

"The healers are all busy with fears of a plague, this will only cause the townsfolk to fear the worst, and assume you've brought the plague inside the city's walls, and I allowed it to happen. They can stay in the refugee camp, with the rest of the Oester people." The sentry answers

"I can't guarantee their safety there, I need to see a healer." Tharhack replies

"I'm not allowing them in." The first sentry responds

Tharhack pauses a moment, reaches into a pouch on his waist, and produces the emerald he's been carrying. "How about I relinquish my weapon, his weapon, and pay a tribute to the city's coffers?" Tharhack offered trying to be as sincere as possible

The sentries ponder his offer, and after a few tense minuets, the first takes Tharhack up on his offer. Tharhack disarms himself, except for his spiked gauntlets, and removes Gothmog's greatsword as well. The sentries part and allow Tharhack to pass into the city.

As Tharhack nears the gate, the first sentry calls out "The temple is the first building you'll see when you pass thru the gate." Tharhack nods his thanks and enters the city

"I thought he said he followed Kord, why'd you send him to that temple?" The youngest of the guards asked. The first sentry just smiled and sent the four extra guards he had called out, back to their posts within the gatehouse.

Tharhack makes his way to the first building he sees within the city, the building appears to be very much a temple. Clergymen gather on the steps, dressed in plain brown robes, and each other the four men carry a backpack filled to the brim with some kind of supplies.

Tharhack approaches the nearest priest, "Good day sir, I was given directions to this fine place of worship, so that my friends here could be looked over. I was wondering if you may have someone within your ranks who would be able to provide a greater restoration?"

The priest kind of chuckles at the request, "We are all very busy preparing for our pilgrimage, mayhaps another day would be more appropriate?"

"I really need to see a priest today, perhaps another temple in town will not be so busy." Tharhack says looking around at the surrounding buildings to see if he can spot another temple.

The man appears shock at this statement, "Nonsense, of course you are welcome to speak with our high priestess. Would you like me to announce you to her?"

"That would be most kind." Tharhack responds

"Sure, my name is Sidis Timreyean. I shall go announce at once to the high priestess." Sidis turns and scurries inside the temple doors.


Upon his solitary throne, a lone male figure entertains a small gathering of succubi.

"See ladies the trick is to know when to play treachery, and when not to. It's all in the formalities." Loki states

"But your lich has died, and by the hands of the one who follows the creator." a succubus speaks up

"Eh, he wasn't even a face card in my deck. Now, the next card I play, will give me a pair of aces. Now this half-orc seems to be more intelligent than his brethren, I'm going to have to whip, up something witty to say. Maybe you all can help me?" Loki asks

Jon Potter

First Post
Hairy Minotaur said:
"Now this half-orc seems to be more intelligent than his brethren, I'm going to have to whip, up something witty to say. Maybe you all can help me?" Loki asks

Hairy Minotaur, you are a bad, bad DM!

I love it, but I'm sure that your players have a somewhat different opinion! :D

Jon Potter said:
Hairy Minotaur, you are a bad, bad DM!

I love it, but I'm sure that your players have a somewhat different opinion! :D

Yes, the sad thing though is that after Oester my group will only have two more sessions and then it'll be caput. 3 relocations and 1 marriage (to someone who can't stand DnD) so this'll be the last hurrah for the forseable future. :(

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