The Band of Four (The Village of Oester)

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Tharhack bids the dwarves goodnight, and promises to revisit them prior to leaving town. Tharhack heads out of the tavern around three in the morning, making his way across the street and into Mullikin's inn. Tharhack choses to spend the night sleeping in the basement for five silvers as opposed to spending a gold piece on a room.

Tharhack sleeps until noon, gets up and asks the innkeeper for the name of another temple. The innkeeper gives Tharhack directions to a Temple of the Saint, just one block north of the inn. Tharhack leaves the inn and heads for the temple.

Arriving at the temple, Tharhack waves off assistance and asks for an empty alcove. The priest leads him to one and leaves Tharhack alone for his devotions. Tharhack prays for about an hour and a half, gets up and exits the temple, leaving a ten gold tip on his way out.

With his spells fully regained and some new ones to boot, Tharhack heads two blocks west, towards the marketplace to meet the dwarven caravan and see what wares they have.

"Ah Tharhack, I was beginning to think you wouldn't be showing up." Larnegin says

"I slept in. Let's see what you've got." Tharhack responds

Larnegin retreats to the back of the dwarves' tent and retrieves a bundle of metal wrapped in cloth.

"I held these out off of the shelf just for you." Larnegin says proudly

Larnegin opens the bundle onto a table in front of Tharhack. Two greatswords, a pair of bracers, a chain shirt, and a metal rod.

"What's the difference between the two swords?" Tharhack asks

"Nothing really. Except one is magical, and the other one was forged by me." Larnegin responds

"I'll take both." Tharhack replies

"Both?" Larnegin replies a little taken aback

"Yes, that's all I'll need." Tharhack replies

"But, you can't use them both at the same time. Why not get some protection instead? I have a wonderful mithril chain shirt here." Larnegin says lifting up the chain shirt

"I don't need any defense, I'll be bring the offense, and what makes you assume I can't use both of these swords at the same time?" Tharhack asks

"Well, I realize you think worshipping Kord grants you the strength to carry both of them at the same time, swinging them at the same time is a little out of yer league choir boy." Larnegin responds

Tharhack garbs the hilts of both blades and spins them with each wrist, then raises both blades up, and brings them down tip first through the display table in front of him. The dwarves stand stunned.

"Where'd you learn that at priest?" Larnegin asks

"A Marelith, right before I used the move on her." Tharhack replies

Shocked, Oben quickly casts detect evil on Tharhack. Tharhack looks and smiles as hears Oben cast the spell. After getting a powerfully good reading, Oben casts detect magic on Tharhack, who again watches Oben complete the spell. After getting a no reading from anything on Tharhack, Oben sits down to contemplate his findings.

"So, how much for both?" Tharhack asks

Larnegin stands speechless for a moment, not anticipating that Tharhack would want both, Larnegin snaps out of it as visions of gold dance in his head.

"Well, ahem. Mind you I could sell them a s a set for five thousand easily to a dwarven collector, but as I promised, I'll sell you the set for three thousand." Larnegin offers

"Would you take this in trade?" Tharhack asks showing the diamond to Larnegin

Larnegin eyes the gem suspiciously, retrieves the gem from Tharhack's hand and walks to the back of the tent. There Larnegin sits down and begins a cursory inspection of the gem to ascertain it's worth. After calling over four other dwarves, to verify his result, Larnegin gets up and goes back to Tharhack.

"I can't accept this." Larnegin tells Tharhack

"Why not?" Tharhack replies

"Because we don't have enough gold to give you change back on this." Larnegin responds

"Keep it, you've been more than kind. Plus there's no guarantee that I'll have any use for gold in a couple of days anyway." Tharhack replies

Larnegin accepts this deal, and happily trades the items, then tells the other dwarves to close up early. Larnegin looks bak to invite Tharhack to another round of kegs at the Iron Hill Tavern, but Tharhack has already wandered off into the mass of customers crowding the marketplace.


"This half-orc is proving to be most ingenious, Rebrey is lucky to know someone of his wiles." comments an angel

"Chaos is always unpredictable, and that is a constant. Although I fail to see what this game he plays will win him? Time is something that means nothing. Revenge? Revenge of ones pride often leads to the destruction of the offended party. Perhaps he seeks to show that he too can play games with the god of tricks?" Prometheus responds

"How will playing games help the newborn reach his destiny?" The angel asks

"In order to communicate, two people must be able to understand each other. The half-orc is now speaking the god of lies' language." Prometheus responds

"I see, so this is the half-orc's way of saying hello?" The angel asks

"In a way yes. Here, I wish you to take this boon down to him, and place it about him." Prometheus commands, handing over a golden glowing globe.

"Shouldn't we grant this to him instead? It would make more sense to me." The angel questions

"One does not hide the truth, by hiding the lie that was hiding the truth. But you can hide the truth within another truth." Prometheus responds, and sends the angel on his way.

Jon Potter

First Post
Hairy Minotaur said:
Tharhack garbs the hilts of both blades and spins them with each wrist, then raises both blades up, and brings them down tip first through the display table in front of him. The dwarves stand stunned.

Monkey Grip feat, anyone?

Is that Tharhack's secret?

"One does not hide the truth, by hiding the lie that was hiding the truth. But you can hide the truth within another truth." Prometheus responds, and sends the angel on his way.

I left me Epic-level wisdom in my other pants. So what the heck is Prometheus talking about here?

Here's a vague hint: :]

Go back and reread how the swords were purchased and what transpired there. You might get it before the players do. (my players haven't figured this out yet so I'm purposely keeping things vague. ;)


Hairy Minotaur said:
Here's a vague hint: :]

Go back and reread how the swords were purchased and what transpired there. You might get it before the players do. (my players haven't figured this out yet so I'm purposely keeping things vague. ;)

That was certainly vague :p

Another week I have to wait to find out? I feel dumb...
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pogre said:
That was certainly vague :p

Another week I have to wait to find out? I feel dumb...

You're not dumb, I'm being sneaky :eek: . Here's 2 more hints:

The diamond will give off a reading when detect magic is used, if the sanctify the wicked spell is in use.

When the angel says: Shouldn't we grant this to him instead?

he's not talking about a different boon, he's talking about a different individual.

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