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The Banewarrens


I aim to misbehave
Titus waited to see if Jevicca Norr would join him at his table or if she had a particular location she sat at.

If she went to her own table, Titus waited for several moments, giving Jevicca time to get herself settled. Then, Titus grabbed his drink and moved over to stand nearby but trying not to be overly intruding.

When Jevicca noticed his presence, Titus introduced himself ad mentioned that he had some things to discuss with her regarding investigations she had asked for several days ago.

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Morden greets the man in kind and eyes Malikar in a warning at his voluminous tone.

Hammerhead said:
Despite trying to sound friendly, Malikar comes off cold and distant, and he can't help not trusting the man.

Morden's smile and manner is much looser than those of Malikar's. Did I use to be that stiff? That formal? All the time? I guess my time away from the order has changed me much. Morden speaks up after Malikar's statement, "Yes. Common enemies make for fast friends, though we ourselves have abilities and services to offer and do not come empty-handed in the venture."


First Post
Krug stops by Mahdoth's Asylum and asks to speak with Danneth Sonnell. Danneth turns out to be the caretaker in charge. He explains that an one of his inmates, an elf noble named Tabaen Farsong, has claimed to see the party in visions. Danneth is leery about letting Krug speak with Tabaen, but the elf has been very insistent in his moments of clarity.

When several attendents bring the elf into the room, Krug has flash of recognition. Tabaen Farsong is the same elf who fell to to the street screaming while Krug chased a dark elf and his friends dealt with a burning half-orc.


Jevicca welcomes Titus to her table with a warm smile. "By your presence, I assume the threat of the Banewarrens is not as dire as some of my colleagues predicted. What have you and your friends discovered?"


Verakka's viper has an easy time finding both guards and dogs. The main gate is the only way into the compound, and sits within easy view of the barracks. Servants returning from shopping or other errands are seen by one of the guards, who comes to the gate and lets them in. The sound of dogs barking is heard from time to time throughout the grounds.

While Verakka and Fallon discuss various options for infiltrating the compound, the lizard man notices a familiar figure. Emerging from the Vladaam gate is the halfling he and Krug followed to the estate earlier, the one with a "friend" in the Church of Lothian. He sets off down the street in the general direction of Midtown.


Nicalon studies Malikar and Morden with intense, searching eyes. "Greetings and well met. Nicalon Regelis, at your service. Doubly so if you are no friend of the Vladaams. But keep your voices down, for it is not wise to speak ill of noble houses in loud voices."

Before long you sense that Nicalon is a extremely driven but stalwart champion for good. He explains that Navanna Vladaam, daughter of the family's head, murdered his family years ago when she robbed them; because of her House's position, she escaped punishment. Now Nicalon seeks to do whatever he can to take power away from the evil family.

"Now tell me what aid and consul you seek. I am afraid I do not know you, nor what quarrel you have with the Vladaams."


Malikar was impressed. He was expecting some flighty bard pretending to be a hero for the oppressed. Instead, Nicalon seemed to be a true champion for righteousness. Malikar's forced, polite smile melts into one with genuine warmth.

My friend Morden and I represent an adventuring group based in the city of Ptolus. Our other companions are gathering further information on House Vladaam. Currently, Malikar drops his voice to a low whisper as he speaks now, not intending to be overheard, House Vladaam possesses a powerful key that may allow it to do great evil. However, the fools do not seem to be aware that they possess this key. We seek to acquire this key, and we were told that you were the person to see regarding information and aid against the House.


First Post
Tabaen has deteriorated greatly since encountering the avatar of chaos on the street. His eyes are sunken and his frame has withered. He wears leather restraints that bind his hands together and to a strap around his waist - probably because of all the clawed scratches near his eyes. He babbles quietly to himself, but when he sees Krug, his voice rises.

"A key. A key. You know the door. The key is deep under Vladaam. You have to get it. You have to get in to keep people out. Many dangers. So many evils. The key is a hand. You must use it so that they cannot. Use it to find the staff that will destroy it. A key that is a hand and a staff that is a knife."

Tabaen's voice trails off and his gaze drops to the floor. From that point on he ignores Krug completely.


The halfling from the Vladaam estate does not appear to be in any great hurry. He stops by a stand to pick up a newssheet, and glances at it while descending the road into Oldtown. Once in a while he stops to chat with a merchant or beggar, although the exchange is usually brief.

Passing into Midtown, the halfling arrives at the Griffon, the same establishment where Krug and Verakka first observed him.


Nicalon ponders Malikar's words for a few minutes. "This is not the first time Vladaam has gotten their hands on a dangerous artifact. Iristul Vladaam, head of the house, has been away for some time seeking legendary dark swords."

"I was once a captive in the Vladaam slave cells, hidden beneath the house library. The house vaults are located nearby. If the Vladaams know the key is valuable, surely it is located in the vaults."

"Let me be so bold as to suggest a plan. Let us break in to the estate and take the key. That way no innocents will be harmed, and the house will be unable to use the key for evil. I have studied their guard patterns and their defenses, and I believe I can get a handful of people in without raising an alarm."


Living EN World Judge
Well Fallon. I say we get that halfling. I have some ability at Charm magic, and I have seen what you are capable of doing with your abilities. Your thoughts?

Argent Silvermage

First Post
"Lets just talk to him at first. You would be surprised what a little wine can do. Now shift to a Halfling form and let me do all the talking." Fallon says.

Fallon orders a mug of wine and after looking around for a few minutes walks up to the Halfling and starts a conversation in the Halfling tongue, "Hi Kinsman. I'm Folo and my buddy is Bono. We saw you come out of the big estate up the way and were wondering if you knew if they were hireing any servents. I'm a butler by trade and he's a stable hand."

Mentaly Fallon will say to Bilbo his Psi Crystal Bilbo, I need your silver tongue. Help me convince this mook to get us into the grounds of the estate and get any information about the key if he knows any. What's in it for me? Replied the crystal? Not being shattered in the street like a common piece of Quartz? Good enough.
[OOC: Fallon will be using his Gather information and Bluff skills along with sence motive]


Living EN World Judge
Verakka shifts to Halfling , using Change Self, though he informs Fallon that he doesn't Speak Halfling. Thus COmmon would have to suffice for him. Afterwards, Verakka follows Fallon into the Gryffon.

Voidrunner's Codex

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