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The Burning Crusade

Laslo Tremaine

Flexor the Mighty! said:
From what I can see, if you are not in a very active large guild, or regularly gaming with friends, you are in for a lot of soloing. I tried to run Mara all weekend and I probably spent 5 hours just trying to put more people into the group. Very frustrating.
Because of the frustrations that you just mentioned (and the fact the pick-up groups tend to be horrific), I only play WoW with friends.

I am in a small guild of real-life friends. We have Monday nights set aside for doing instances, and built our group with the four core classes in mind (we are a Warrior, Mage, Priest, Rogue and Paladin). We play casually, with the majority of the group leveling up about once every other week.

I have a blast with WoW, and don't think I would enjoy it any other way...

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GoodKingJayIII said:
That's a shame. I'm sorry to hear that. I understand the frustration that can ensue when looking for a group. I honestly would not be playing this game if I didn't have real life friends to play it with.

LFG is one of the things Blizzard has yet to get right. First the meeting stones, then the global LFG channel, now this awkward, Battle.net-like LFG mechanic. Their latest iteration is certainly the best, but it's still far inferior to simply spamming "LFG" in General every five minutes.

The difficulty with finding a group is why I dropped my subscription. Generally, I played at night, after my wife went to sleep, for 1-2 hours, and I increasingly found that about 60% of my play time was spent looking for a group, leaving not much time to accomplish anything. I was in a guild, but they were all high-level, whereas my characters were 36 druid and 20 mage. Even when I *did* find someone willing to play, I started getting instances where I'd have people ask me to help them, but they wouldn't want me to join their group....because it would mean they had to share XP. But they were perfectly willing to have me following them around, healing them.

Doesn't sound like this situation has gotten much better.

Guild Wars at least allowed me to get hirelings who could give me a hand when I couldn't find someone to play with, so I could theoretically play large portions of it solo.


Flexor the Mighty!

18/100 Strength!
Ok well I had cancelled, but my sub is still good for a couple weeks. Well one night playing City of Heroes refirmed my choice to drop that game back over the summer. Compared to WoW there isn't anything to do but run around and fight more generic foes, on recycled maps. So I logged in to WoW over the weekend and had a blast with a really good pickup group and finally got my main to 50.

So I have to say that I'm going to give it more time, a guy in my guild is ready to do a lot of the same instances I need to do and I think I'll be able to run the Sunken Temple a lot over the next couple weeks.

No matter how mad I get it pulls me back in!

PS. LFG still sucks.


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Banshee16 said:
The difficulty with finding a group is why I dropped my subscription. Generally, I played at night, after my wife went to sleep, for 1-2 hours, and I increasingly found that about 60% of my play time was spent looking for a group, leaving not much time to accomplish anything.

Yeah, that was how I originally played the game too. TBC got me back into playing, but there are a few things that keep me around.

1) Ventrilo - it's nice to have live chat in the background between real people. Sometimes I feel like talking, but even just listening makes me feel less isolated when playing the game.

2) Friends - as I said, I'm playing with RL friends, who happen to be a lot higher level than my little warlock, but it's nice to have the occasional help and someone to talk to.

3)Solo mindset - One of the reasons I chose a warlock was because I wanted to be entirely self-reliant. So far I've ignored almost every quest that required a large group or would take me into instances. In 35 levels I've grouped a handful of times, and each of those was with a friend.

Also, when I'm playing I try and do other things as well, particularly listening to music. Once you get the hang of WoW and know where you're going it's pretty easy to just put yourself on auto-pilot and think about something else.

LFG has been kind of a crapshoot since day one. There's not a great in-game mechanic, and if you're just looking for random people, you never know what kind of player you're going to find.

Guild Wars at least allowed me to get hirelings who could give me a hand when I couldn't find someone to play with, so I could theoretically play large portions of it solo.

Guild Wars is a great game. Sometimes I really miss it, but I won't even think about going back until I get a better machine. But by the same right, Henchman can get pretty useless (at least before the Nightfall expansion) and at later stages of the game can actually get you into more trouble than a real person ever would.

For all the problems I've had with WoW, the journey to level cap is completely soloable. Some classes do it better than others, sure. But everyone can, and each class has a talent tree tnat is really excellent for leveling and dealing consistent damage. Running with groups and instancing can actually slow you down, especially if you factor in all the waiting time while spam LFG.


It took about a week and a half, but I finally made it from 60 to 70. Mostly by doing quests solo. Not hard at all as a Warlock.

I, admittedly, played a lot of hours per day to get this done, but I really wanted to see how the flying mount worked out. It's really nice to be able to fly to exactly where you need to be for a quest without having to fight through a bunch of trash mobs.

Lately I've been doing instances and reputation quests to get my reputation high enough for the heroic keys. A bunch of us just made it to revered with Cenarion Expedition a few days ago and decided to run through UB on heroic.

The second group of mobs in UB were hitting cloth for about 6k (non-crit) per attack and the tank for about 1k per hit. With only one healer on the team the tank couldn't stand up to the damage.

We backed out and headed to do a heroic SP instead. We also dropped the rogue and picked up an off healer. With the second healer we worked our way through and finished off the last boss in about 2 hours.


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tburdett said:
It took about a week and a half, but I finally made it from 60 to 70. Mostly by doing quests solo. Not hard at all as a Warlock.

I've heard that the classes that made the run fastest tended to be locks and mages. I've got my paladin at 68, almost 69 now.


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