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The Captain's Caper! (Dunamin judging)

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Searching the area, you eventually find something within the pond which Kartharath first came out of. At the bottom of the pond you find a short tunnel that leads to a cave under a nearby hill. The dank cave is lit by a single everburning torch lying on the ground near the far wall. Its light shines upon a bed of silver and gold coins... hundreds of coins! Near the wall itself is a silver coffer engraved with dancing satyrs. Inside the coffer are five beautiful gems, 4 potion bottles, and a small silk bag containing chess pieces of platinum and adamantine. Leaning against the wall behind the silver coffer is a marble and obsidian checkered board which obviously completes the chess set. Beside the coffer ate 10 bars of pure silver stacked in a triangle with four bars on the bottom, then three, then two, and the last one on top.

Watching over all of this are a row of moldy skeletons propped in sitting positions around the wall. Carefully searching the stinking bones, you find several items of a magical nature. On the first skeleton is a holy symbol still clutched in its bony fingers. The second skeleton half sits upon a beautiful cloak attached around its neck while a rod lays in its lap. The third skeleton wears a plain looking set of chain armor and has a rapier sheathed at its belt. The fourth skeleton is big and it has a large rapier in its lap. The small chunks of black gunk on the tip of this rapier suggest that the dragon might have been using it as a toothpick at some point. The final skeleton is pinned to the wall with its weapon. The waraxe cleaved straight through its chest and into the wall of the cave, holding the skeleton upright.

With alot of sweat and hard work, you manage to haul all of the treasure out of the pungent cave and back into the sunlight. Making your way back to the dock, you find that Captain Azrael and the rest of the crew have finished reloading the crates and cargo onto the Bloody Wake. Azraels face shifts from a frown of worry to a smile of relief when he sees all of you reemerging from the treeline. He hurries over to you excitedly with a roll of parchment dangling from one hand. "Congratulations mateys! Congratulations indeed. Was that black thing I saw flying off awhile ago actually a dragon?! By the gods I thought we were dead when we heard it roar in the sky as it flew upward. And I thought you must be dead as well, but then why should it be flying away as if Hadeys himself were riding her tail? So we've waited after getting the cargo repacked and found this note just within one of the crates. Tis a letter from Redblade himself it is. And you won't believe whats in it! That damnable Tiefling has done himself in this time and we can put paid to him for all the trouble and misery he's given all of us! Here, read for yourself..."
[sblock=Redblade's letter]Greetings to you Kartharath,

I hope that this shipment of goods is satisfactory to you and that we may engage in further business in the future to mutual benefit. If such is your wish, please feel free to visit or send your representatives to my private compound where I have a warehouse full of goods which you may find of interest. It is a small home away from home on an uncharted isle in the ocean between Mykonos' Sanctuary and Bacarte. A map is drawn out below. Please send word if you are interested in doing further business or to arrange a meeting.

- Duncan Redblade
[/sblock]"You see!?" Captain Azrael continues, "With this we can raid the black hearted fools very own storehouse! His private warehouse and hideout! I can just imagine the look on his pointy headed face as he turns redder than usual at the news. But we'd have to be quick about it. Once he finds out that his goblins didn't make this delivery, he'll know that we could have this info and might move his treasures elsewhere or even set a trap for us."

"Before ya answer though, let me make a further proposition. This deal has been more than any o' us bargained for from the beginning, but from the looks of that loot yer carryin' I'd say its been plenty profitable fer ya even before sellin' this cargo. I propose making you all permanent senior crew members of the Bloody Wake. Ye'd each have a room aboard to yerselves and a good share of all the loot or profit we make from any voyage including this one of course. So what do ya'll say ta that and do ye wanna go after Redblade's Riches and teach the dirty Tiefling a lesson?"
Azrael finishes and waits for your answers.

[sblock=XP]Final XP for Captain's Caper as of June 26th, 2009

Encounter 8: Stormy Seas (EL4)
775 XP / 4PC's = 194 XP; Total = 194 XP each

Encounter 9: Welcoming Party (EL 4)
700 XP / 4 PC's = 175 XP; Total = 369 XP each

Encounter 10: Kartharath! (EL 4)
875 XP / 4 PC's = 219 XP; Total = 588 XP each

Major Quest 1: Recover gems and deliver to Redblade
500 XP / 4 PC's = 125 XP; Total = 713 XP each

Major Quest 2: Recovered Captain Azrael's cargo
500 XP / 4 PC's = 125 XP; Total = 838 XP each

Time XP for 6 months: Jan 22nd to Jun 22nd
104 XP each times 6 months = 624 XP; Total = 1,462 each

Bonus XP for AWESOME roleplaying
100 XP each = 100 XP; Total = 1,562 each for Alex, Girth, Hrav, and Quagmire

I would also award the 100 XP bonus for roleplaying to Brudd in case Halford ever returns.

This should bring all the remaining 4 members of the party to 3rd level.[/sblock][sblock=Treasure]* 1 Everburning Torch
* Silver Coffer engraved with dancing satyrs (worth 200 gp)
* 5 gems worth 100 gp each (Jasper, Amethyst, Bloodstone, 2 Moonstones)
* 4 potions of healing
* Chess set with marble & obsidian board with platinum and adamantine playing pieces (worth 250 gp)
* 10 Silver bars worth 5 gp each (total worth = 50 gp)
* 500 sp
* 450 gp
* +1 Holy Symbol of Life (Brudd)
* +1 Cloak of Distortion (Girth)
* +1 Rod of Corruption "Foe-Bane" carved in handle(Girth)
* +1 Armor of Sacrifice (Quagmire)
* +1 Vanguard rapier "Onslaught" engraved on hilt (Quagmire)
* +1 Acidic large rapier "Black Death" etched on handle (Hrav)
* +2 Waraxe "Life-Cleaver" engraved on head of axe (Alex)

Total treasure value = 1,750 gp worth. Split 5 ways would be 350 gp each. Since Brudd was here for 7/10 of the adventure I will give him 7/10 of a share (245 gp sent with Brudd for his care until he awakes from his coma). The remaining 105 gp of Brudds share is split between the remaining 4 is 26.25 gp. So Alex, Girth, Hrav, and Quagmire each get a total of 376 gp, 2 sp, and 5 cp. If anyone wants any of the items or gems instead of selling them for cash they can have them out of that total.[/sblock]
OOC: I think that about covers it. Next time we reach the port of Daunton, Captain Azrael will make arrangements to have Brudd's comatose body moved to the temple of Hadeys where he will be cared for by a Minotaur Paladin named Dapple Merrowlite. Feel free to wrap up any talking and we'll discuss whether the party wants to stay under Azrael's Captaincy and if you want to go get your revenge on the tiefling who caused you all so much trouble. (I sure hope you do since the next adventure is called "Redblade's Riches"!) I just need a judge to give their blessing upon my XP distribution and we can wrap this up and get started on the next one.


First Post
[sblock=XP]Final XP for Captain's Caper as of June 26th, 2009

Encounter 8: Stormy Seas (EL4)
775 XP / 4PC's = 194 XP; Total = 194 XP each

Encounter 9: Welcoming Party (EL 4)
700 XP / 4 PC's = 175 XP; Total = 369 XP each

Encounter 10: Kartharath! (EL 4)
875 XP / 4 PC's = 219 XP; Total = 588 XP each

Major Quest 1: Recover gems and deliver to Redblade
500 XP / 4 PC's = 125 XP; Total = 713 XP each

Major Quest 2: Recovered Captain Azrael's cargo
500 XP / 4 PC's = 125 XP; Total = 838 XP each

Time XP for 6 months: Jan 22nd to Jun 22nd
104 XP each times 6 months = 624 XP; Total = 1,462 each

Bonus XP for AWESOME roleplaying
100 XP each = 100 XP; Total = 1,562 each for Alex, Girth, Hrav, and Quagmire

I would also award the 100 XP bonus for roleplaying to Brudd in case Halford ever returns.

This should bring all the remaining 4 members of the party to 3rd level.[/sblock][sblock=Treasure]* 1 Everburning Torch
* Silver Coffer engraved with dancing satyrs (worth 200 gp)
* 5 gems worth 100 gp each (Jasper, Amethyst, Bloodstone, 2 Moonstones)
* 4 potions of healing
* Chess set with marble & obsidian board with platinum and adamantine playing pieces (worth 250 gp)
* 10 Silver bars worth 5 gp each (total worth = 50 gp)
* 500 sp
* 450 gp
* +1 Holy Symbol of Life (Brudd)
* +1 Cloak of Distortion (Girth)
* +1 Rod of Corruption "Foe-Bane" carved in handle(Girth)
* +1 Armor of Sacrifice (Quagmire)
* +1 Vanguard rapier "Onslaught" engraved on hilt (Quagmire)
* +1 Acidic large rapier "Black Death" etched on handle (Hrav)
* +2 Waraxe "Life-Cleaver" engraved on head of axe (Alex)

Total treasure value = 1,750 gp worth. Split 5 ways would be 350 gp each. Since Brudd was here for 7/10 of the adventure I will give him 7/10 of a share (245 gp sent with Brudd for his care until he awakes from his coma). The remaining 105 gp of Brudds share is split between the remaining 4 is 26.25 gp. So Alex, Girth, Hrav, and Quagmire each get a total of 376 gp, 2 sp, and 5 cp. If anyone wants any of the items or gems instead of selling them for cash they can have them out of that total.[/sblock]
OOC: I think that about covers it. Next time we reach the port of Daunton, Captain Azrael will make arrangements to have Brudd's comatose body moved to the temple of Hadeys where he will be cared for by a Minotaur Paladin named Dapple Merrowlite. Feel free to wrap up any talking and we'll discuss whether the party wants to stay under Azrael's Captaincy and if you want to go get your revenge on the tiefling who caused you all so much trouble. (I sure hope you do since the next adventure is called "Redblade's Riches"!) I just need a judge to give their blessing upon my XP distribution and we can wrap this up and get started on the next one.

If Dunamin don't mind I will approve of the exp and of the treasure(as the the temp judge, I am for this thread) but aren't sure how many dm credits Phoenix8008 gets.

Great played, guys!!:cool:;):D



First Post
Hrav grabs the large rapier, brandishes it with relish, and is nearly giddy when, while experimenting with it, he manages to send a blast of acid into the cave wall. "Haha! Now that's a neat trick! After all the acid in the face that beast graced me with, being able to do the same to our foes now is only fair."

Upon hearing Azrael's promish of more riches, the bugbear's ears stand straight up. "Aye, I'm in for more, and the position on the Wake. If we can catch that tiefling son of a she-devil with his pants down, we could really bring in the coin. But first, I think we ought to head back to Daunton. We gotta drop Brudd off with his temple in case they can do somethin' for him, and maybe we can pick up another hand or two."

OOC: Thanks for a great game, Phoenix! And I love the choice of acidic for my weapon after this fight. I hadn't even thought of the appropriateness when I put that on my wishlist. :)

I know I'm in to stick with you as DM and the rest of the players as a group. As Hrav said, we could stand to get another player or two. Stonegod's goblin sorcerer Dang't and Erekose13's hobgoblin bard would be great fits.

I've got enough DM credits to actually push Hrav to 4th level, and I think that's what I'm going to do. The extra HP, +1 to everything, and feat are likely to come in really handy.

We might want to talk about our level up plans, to coordinate our strategy. This is as good a place as any, since the adventure's over.

My level 3 encounter power is likely to be Nasty Backswing (Martial Power). It's triggers when I miss with a melee attack, and gives me a free 1W+Dex attack with combat advantage and an extra Str mod damage. Great way to make sure I dish out my Sneak Attack damage as many rounds as possible.

I'm also thinking to retrain my level 1 daily from Blinding Barrage to Handspring Assault (Martial Power). It's 3W+Dex, reliable, lets me shift 2 squares if I hit, and can be used when charging. Plus, making my daily an attack with my new rapier instead of with shuriken makes sense right now.

Not sure what my level 4 feat will be. From the PHB, Backstaber (increase SA to d8's), Improved Initiative (+4 to Init), Nimble Blade (+1 to hit with CA with light blades), and Quick Draw (+2 Init, draw weapon as a free action) are good options. Surprisingly, can't really see anything great to take feat-wise from Martial Power. Too many of those feats are race specifc. And with Weapon Expertise modified for L4W, PHB2 is in the same boat as MP - pretty much focused on the races and classes presented therein.

So yeah, I'm thinking Backstabber probably for my feat.

The Digger

First Post
Girth lifted up the magic rod, it felt good in his hand, and raised it towards the sky.

"Now, dragon" he roared "Revenge we seek. Sleep light in your lair for one night we'll be there!"

[sblock=OOC]Looks good to me![/sblock]


First Post
Alexander searches together with the others with a bit of a depressed look, still mulling over the dragon's escape. The huge quantity of gold does improve his mood a bit, but the moment when he really wakes up is when he sees the big axe fixed in the wall. Eyes shining, he pulls it out hastily and starts looking at it with reverence. Then he tries a two-handed swing. The a one-handed slash. Almost salivating, Alexander finally speaks: Oh... YES! granpa's sword was really starting to feel light...
He's distracted from his new toy only to help the others gather the gold and trinkets, and on the way to the shore he can't help but swing at every thick branch he sees. At first, his swings aren't as precise os with his longsword, but after half an hour of walk or so, Alex is bringing down (immaginary) giants with Life-Cleaver.

When the party gets to the Bloody Wake, Alex still has a huge grin in the middle of his beard, and greets Azrael and the rest of the crew with cheerful (painful) slaps on the back and little punches in the stomach. And yeah, he hasn't sheated Life-Cleaver yet.

When he hears the Captain's offer, he looks at the other, smirks, and answers with a loud laughter: But of course, Capt'n!! How can we leave the Bloody Wake now? Plus that petty cowardly redskin might know where to find the damned dragon! Not that I don't wanna send my thanks to him, too!

[sblock=treasure]Great!! So we have: 376 gp, 2 sp, and 5 cp each, plus, from the previous rewards:
50 each from azrael
50 each from Thorendin
50 gold and rituals from Arjhaan(Endure elements, eye of alarm, water walk, knock comprehend language)
100 gold gem

Which is 135 more gp each, plus the rituals. Oh, and one potion of healing. Not bad. [/sblock]

[sblock=levelling]So we're the first lvl3 characters in L4W, and Hrav will be the first lvl4 already? :heh: Must be nice getting those credits ;) I guess Quagmire will advance too, right?

Speaking of Alexander, I had said I would retrain Boundless Endurance to get pass forward, but I'm not so sure anymore. It saved my butt so much, plus If we recruit another melee character we shouldn't really have problems flanking. What do you think?

Aside from that, I'll retrain Sure strike into Brash strike (of course), perception training in waraxe training, and if I keep Boundless endurance, I'll retrain Covering attack into Passing attack.
My lvl3 encounter will be Sweeping Blow. I'll go updating the sheet!![/sblock]


First Post
If Dunamin don't mind I will approve of the exp and of the treasure(as the the temp judge, I am for this thread) but aren't sure how many dm credits Phoenix8008 gets.
Congratulations guys! You really deserve all the pirate-laced glory! :)

Thanks for stepping in, Ozy.[/sblock]


First Post
Ata, don't forget that normally you can only retrain one feat, skill, or power per level up. Of course, you could use Alex's one-time rebuild on doing all of those changes at once, if you don't foresee needing it in the future.

The Digger

First Post
I thought we could retrain one 'item' as normal and also another one if it is from a source not available at start-up?

Also while I am here is Arcane Power 'up' yet?

And also can I ask my buddies for a little advice?
I am considering swapping a Feat out to take Distant Advantage (PHB2) This gives me CA with ranged attacks when my allies are flanking the enemy. Since this is what we have done right from the start it looks like I MUST take this. But do I swap out II or Action Surge. AS only gives a plus once or twice a day whereas DA could theoretically give lots of +2s. And Girth, even with Improved Initiative, is quite slow coz his Dex is quite low, so II is not too useful.

Also I am considering swapping out Vampiric Embrace for Chains of Levistus (AP) (Which is why I'm wondering about the 1 or 2 swap rule.

Any comments?

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