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The Center of Time


Seregal was moving forward to talk with Wisco and Xaion, to ask them about their visions. When the creatures burst through the undergrowth, he scrabbles backwards into the safety of the caravan, pulling out his shortbow and nocking an arrow to it. He squints into the distance, trying to keep his mind clear, and looses an arrow towards one of the broken hounds.


1st Roll is Initiative: 11
2nd Roll is to shoot: 10


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Duncan strides to the head of the herd, greatsword drawn. As the hounds close he swings his blade in a wide arc, both to kill and set up the next attack. "Artillery, take down the pack as they close with me" he bellows. He stands his ground in the corridor between the pack and herd.


Duncan plants his feet, knowing this pack of hounds to be no match for him. One at the head of the pack leaps at him, but with a flash of his blade he cleaves it into halves. He readies himself to take the next attack, to break the hounds' charge like a rock breaks waves upon the shore.

OOC: First roll is 7 (initiative) second is 12 (greatsword) and my damage is 6.


Isida Kep'Tukari

Wisco levels a dart at the attacking hoard, but speed makes for unsteady hands, and his dart goes flying into a nearby tree. One of the broken hounds leaps up and vaults off of it, springing at an unexpected angle. Wisco managed to dodge the oncoming horror, but it was a close thing.

Seregal's arrow buries itself in the chest of the approaching broken hound, and its resulting howl is an ear-piercing shriek that makes the aneen scream. Antor's slice with the broadsword ends the creature's pain, but another races to take its place. Duncan meets one head-on, his massive frame swings his sword down, and two separate halves of a broken hound flop at the ground at his feet.

Echo's invisible push ricochets off the trees, and to both her exasperation and her surprise, that seems to draw the attention of more broken hounds to her location. The hounds pour into the clearing, their enraged cries making the aneen stomp in fear, and the drives and riders have to throw everything they can into keeping them from stampeding. Xaion calmly aims his huge crossbow at the lead hound, the bolt going straight through its eye socket and dropping the creature to plow into the turf.

But it doesn't seem to slow the others, and their shrieks almost seem to be a weapon in and of themselves as the pack races for your blood.

OOC: Please roll to defend as well as attack/whatever else you are going to be doing. If everyone will, when you roll on invisiblecastle you'll see something called "BBCode" when you roll dice, it'll be near the bottom of the listed codes. Use that, please.

Also, I'm going to use collective GM intrusion on you all as the broken hounds mass to attack you. Everyone gets 1 XP. :devil:

Wisco 1d20=15
Seregal 11
Antor 10
Duncan 7
Echo 6
Hounds 6
Xaion 1d20=4

Wisco attacks 1d20=1

Xaion attacks1d20=7


Antor's quick glance around tells him that this isn't the size of pack he's used to encountering. It's much larger and they seem to be coming from everywhere. Antor starts making his way towards his companions so that they can create their own "pack" of sorts to better fend off the hounds. He'd rather have a friend at his back than a hound. With a hound nipping at his heels (Sp. Def, trained -1d20=18), he makes a quick slash at the beast(1d20=13 - Dmg 4 + 1 Electricity) before reaching Echo and Father Seren.


First Post
Xaion leaps from his aneen to to the ground swiftly to catch up to Antor. Sensing the beasts coming at him he dodges them and acrobatically moves aside of any attacks coming at him. He keeps his arms close to his body to make sure they don't get bit. (Trained in Speed Defense, first roll is defense and second is my attack) As he whirls amongst the hounds he launches a deft series of light punches and kicks to very precise points on one of the hounds hoping to kill it quickly. (Think pressure point attack that really damages and hurts even though there is little to no visible sign of damage. If it kills something they tend to just mysteriously drop.)


Seregal drops back behind Antor. He aims another arrow into the pack of hounds, carefully sighting the struggling beasts. Then, he releases his bowstring.

1d20=6, 1d20=7

OOC: 1st roll - Sttack. 2nd roll - Defence.

He drops back in case the beasts rush him, ready to dodge aside at a moment's notice.


First Post
Echo grimaces and grips her arm to try to help aim. Again shivering silver spikes form out of the strange epidermis that has formed over and around her. The hounds were a hard target, but she breathed out and forced calm over her mind. She had to fight to keep the panic at bay, to steady her hand and direct her attack at the center of mass rather than wildly trying to shoot the closest, fastest...

And of course, the price to be paid for that extra time was that when the hounds reached her, she was forced to throw herself to the side to avoid one. She rolled back to her feet, but she was already starting to breathe a little hard. This was not a pace she could manage for long!

(OOC - 6 attack and 7 defense. Ugh. Spending Effort on both attack (intellect) and defense (speed) if that's possible. http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4277976/ )
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Voidrunner's Codex

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