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The Charming Warden

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Rae ArdGaoth

(OOC: Haha, thanks for keeping me honest, Scott.)


The Fiddler moves west, again out of sight of Jamilee (D6), playing all the while.

The Dancer and the Third suddenly disappear from view.

OOC: Waiting on input from pneumatik, Errandir, and Scott DeWar

[i]Fiddler     [/i][color=green][2/2   HP][/color] (45' up (flying south-west))
[i]Dancer      [/i][color=green][2/2   HP][/color] (???)
[i]Third       [/i][color=green][2/2   HP][/color] (???)
[i]Christopher [/i][color=green][4/4   HP][/color] (10' up (2/F), weak)
[i]Tibard      [/i][color=green][11/11 HP][/color] (30' up (4/F))
[i]Reis        [/i][color=green][11/16 HP][/color] (40' up (roof), entangled)
[i]Jamilee     [/i][color=green][9/15  HP][/color]
[i]Karl        [/i][color=green][15/15 HP][/color] (dancing, entangled, 40' up (roof))

[b]Conditions and Effects[/b]
[url=http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/irresistibleDance.htm]Dancing[/url]: Karl (-4 AC, -10 Reflex Save, no shield AC, ends the day the music dies)
Weak (-4 Dex & Str): Christopher (ends 5 rounds after leaving the cloud)
Cloudblind: Chris, Jamilee (ends upon leaving the cloud)
Cloud: Dissipates on Third's count in round 5
Shaken: Fiddler (-2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks)
[url=http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/entangle.htm]Entangled[/url]: [url=http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#entangled]entangled[/url], move at half speed, can't hustle/run, -2 penalty on attack rolls, -4 Dex, DC 15+Spell Level concentration to cast a spell, DC 20 Str or Escape Artist breaks.

* Ja - Jamilee
* K - Karl
* R - Reis
* T - Tibard
* C - Christopher
* D - Dancer
* F - Fiddler
* Th - Third 
* Road/Grass - (normal movement)
* Shadowy Grass - dense brush (half movement)
* Green translucence (atop the tower) - entangle effect (half movement)
* Gray translucence - smoke effect


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Rae ArdGaoth

(OOC: Errandir is MIA, so I'll NPC Christopher. I'll give pneumatik and Errandir a day or two to post before I NPC them.)

Christopher darts up the stairs as fast as his legs can carry him. (Double move 40', up one more level to 3/F)

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Jamlee moves 30 feet to the west and looks about. she (I am hoping) sees the pesky fiddler 45 feet up.

OOC: Pythagoras's theorem should make this shot about 46 or so feet, so calling it a 50 foot shot.

She screams in frustration as once again she misses her target.
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Rae ArdGaoth


Tibard again readies his morning star, protecting Reis as he descends into the tower. Tibard shouts at Reis, "They've gone invisible! Close the door!" (Reis moves 60' to 2/F, F5, and Tibard readies an attack against any foes entering the tower.)


Karl is surprised to feel tiny hands running over his body, feeling in pockets, moving aside his clothes. He hears a squeaky curse and the flitting of wings, "Not this one!" (Fairie searches Karl for the key, and succeeds in determining that the key is not on his person.)

The Fiddler scowls at the news and at once also disappears. In doing so, he stops playing his fiddle, instantly releasing Karl from the spell.

The Third... is still invisible.

The cloud dissipates to almost nothing.

(OOC: You guys (er, well... Scott...) go.)

[i]Fiddler     [/i][color=green][2/2   HP][/color] (???))
[i]Dancer      [/i][color=green][2/2   HP][/color] (???, near Karl somewhere)
[i]Third       [/i][color=green][2/2   HP][/color] (???)
[i]Christopher [/i][color=green][4/4   HP][/color] (10' up (2/F), weak)
[i]Tibard      [/i][color=green][11/11 HP][/color] (30' up (4/F))
[i]Reis        [/i][color=green][11/16 HP][/color] (10' up (2/F))
[i]Jamilee     [/i][color=green][9/15  HP][/color]
[i]Karl        [/i][color=green][15/15 HP][/color] (entangled, 40' up (roof))

[b]Conditions and Effects[/b]
[url=http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/irresistibleDance.htm]Dancing[/url]: Karl (-4 AC, -10 Reflex Save, no shield AC, ends the day the music dies)
Weak (-4 Dex & Str): Christopher (ends 5 rounds after leaving the cloud)
Shaken: Fiddler (-2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks)
[url=http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/entangle.htm]Entangled[/url]: [url=http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#entangled]entangled[/url], move at half speed, can't hustle/run, -2 penalty on attack rolls, -4 Dex, DC 15+Spell Level concentration to cast a spell, DC 20 Str or Escape Artist breaks.

* Ja - Jamilee
* K - Karl
* R - Reis
* T - Tibard
* C - Christopher
* D - Dancer
* F - Fiddler
* Th - Third 
* Road/Grass - (normal movement)
* Shadowy Grass - dense brush (half movement)
* Green translucence (atop the tower) - entangle effect (half movement)
* Gray translucence - smoke effect


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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Karl twitches and jerks against his will as the fiddler plays, but even more so as he is searched by the invaseive tiny hands!

Jamilee just growls another curse and shoots another arrow!

Rae ArdGaoth

(OOC : Scott, Karl is free from the dancing spell, and the Fiddler is invisible now. Do you really want to keep dancing and fire at the air?)

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
OOC: headache still here but i will post any way. I like this thread too much to just let go by with out an honest effort

Karl Rutherford:
The young human explorer laughs and squirms as the tiny invisible hands search him. he is catching his breath when he hears the disembodied voice proclaims that he does not have "the key". to the others on top of the tower he asks, "What key is being spoken of?"

Jamealee the maimed:
The elf hustles forward and aims her bow forward and around looking for the fiddler, only to find clear empty air. She scream/growls in a shriek that chills the bones, the scowl on her misshapen face twists in a horrifically scary visage. She is not happy her quarry has escaped her.

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