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The Chronicle of Burne, and Some Others of Lesser Importance *Updated May 17th, 2009*


First Post
Cake And/Or Death

And indeed, there was cake. Dark cake. Foul, vile cake, as evil as...something very evil indeed.


"Devil's Food Cake" of the most bleakly literal sort, in fact.


But I get ahead of myself.

In basic appearance, this underground chamber was not unlike a typical church. Rather darker than the norm, and with more than the usual number of dismembered corpses scattered about, but for all that, none too unusual.

There were no pews, of course, or even -- as more usual in a temple of Kruetzel -- a central buffet table. But there were alcoves to either side, and I strode boldly towards the altar I could not help but glance into these openings as I passed them.

In each, there was a painting. The central figure in these portraits was the Bishop, whose face I recognized from the statue which had formerly stood above the entrance. He was surrounded by children, capering and prancing in an inspidly joyful fashion. While I am no art critic (being, rather, a man with a valid reason for drawing breath each morning)...


...these paintings seemed crudely done, at best. Proportions were wrong, perspective all but non-existant, and the colors flat and poorly-chosen.

As I continued on, glancing from side to side at each pair of paintings, my steps slowed without my full awareness. In each case, the paintings improved between one alcove and the next. And at the same time, they became much, much worse.

Technically, yes, they were beautiful. By the time I came to the last set of paintings, they had become stunningly realistic. No, better than merely "realistic". They seemed sharper, more clear, more perfect than mere reality could ever aspire to be.


But the subjects of these paintings! I consider myself a strong man, one unburdened by sentiment or pathos. But these pictures...well, I cannot remember them without shuddering.

The Bishop himself grew steadily larger, more sinister, and less human with each successive painting. His kindly smile became a leering grin, his outstretched hand grasping claws. The children continued to dance, and their expressions changed little from painting to painting...but their dance became more and more frantic, and somehow their joy became outright terror.

They grew thinner as well, like victims of famine. And they began to lose...things. Extremeties, at first. Then entire limbs. And then whole sections of their bodies, bitten away in bloody chunks.

But in the paintings closest to the altar, three new figures were shown. Three women, beautiful of form, with wings. Their faces could not be seen, but somehow it was obvious that the three were sisters.

And one last painting stood leaning against the altar itself. It showed the Bishop, once more shrunken in stature to the height of a normal man, being led by the women through a dark archway.

The altar itself was oddly simple; a thing of graceless stone. Atop it sat a silver tea set of exquisite worksmanship, a small prism-shaped stone, and a silver tray. And atop the tray was a piece of cake.

Cake that Meiji was eying with an unhealthy interest.

Moving the foreigner aside with a fierce glare, I glanced into the teapot. It was brimming with a black liquid, that seemed almost like blood in consistency. Not, I thought to myself, a good sign.

I could not dwell upon this dubious beverage, however, as my eye was suddenly caught by something of even greater import. Behind the altar, between two stone columns, was an archway identical to that shown in the final painting. And that archway was filled with a field of... nothing, a kind of energized emptiness, cold and lustreless black in color.

"Meiji," I asked, abstractedly, "Would you mind touching that void for me? In the interest of scientific inquiry?"

The coward made no direct reply, instead wondering aloud what flavor of frosting that the cake might have.

"The flavor of corruption," I opined, "And of evil."

"Not chocolate, then?" he replied, sounding disapointed.

Joachim, even more appalled than usual, was wandering about the chamber with a look of horror upon his face. That a member of his own church could have been so vile, so debased? It shook his faith, I think, and more than a little.

Good for him.

I snapped my fingers to catch his attention, and then directed him to go to the Temple of Kruetzel post-haste. "Your superiors," I informed him, "Should be told of this. Perhaps they can shed some light upon the subject. Go and fetch them, forthwith."

With a bow, off he went.

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First Post
Interlude: As The Bishop said to the Pyromaniac....

<in the old monastery courtyard on Opium Way, Little Ajakhan, Narayan:CITY, just past sunset>

“What lies beneath has many names; Tonjours Faim, Faim Gauche, EfFame Gauche, Mauvasie Faim or simply The Bad Hunger. It is a fragment of an Elder Demon God.”

“It. Couldn’t. Just. Be. A. Piece. Of. Cake. Could. It?” purrs Abraxis the mechanical famulus, to himself.

“It alone was responsible for the corruption of Father Sebastien Babulaba, the former master of this place. Well, perhaps not ‘alone’… I suppose his inherent wickedness had something to do with it. But that’s neither here nor there.”

The man speaking, the retired Archbishop Bartolemiou Bien-Bodhi, hurriedly summoned from the cloisters at Great Temple of Kruetzel on Cavalry Hill, beckons to one of his silent retinue and proceeds to lean heavily against him. He casts a long, slow, sad glance over the ruined statue’s base, and the gaping hole in the ground partially covered by wooden planks hastily gathered by King Daikon.

"This must be sealed. And quickly." says the ancient priest. "No one must find out about what lies beneath these stones. This must be kept secret."

"That's why you brought a baker's dozen of lackeys with you, then?" says Mallus Lovesworn, emerging from the shadows behind one of the produce stalls. "Secrecy in numbers, eh?”

The former archbishop hisses "My men will tell no tales, for they are not men. They are the Risen". Before Mallus can respond, Bartolemiou pinches the guard’s check, and remarkably, comes away with a small piece of his dark flesh.

"Behold." he says, as Mallus recoils, "What, you don't like pumpernickel? They are bread golems, fired by my God's own grace. Not the sharpest knives in the kitchen, but they'll fight until the last of their yeast is gone."

"But it is true that we cannot do this alone. If only Mr. Darkheart was here. He was a member of the Brotherhood of the Black Worm and a most puissant master of the Ineffable Arts. Or even his apprentice. We turned to them the last time the Hunger made itself known. When its pangs were felt, you could say…”

“If. You. Were. An. Idiot.” observes Abraxis, sotto voce.

“…he would know what to do, how to seal the Hunger in again, just like he did the first time.”

“Since when do Kruetzel’s commandments include ‘Thou shall cover up’ and ‘Thou shall rely on diabolists’?” asks Mallus. “I thought you were the good guys, I mean, as far as organized religions go.”

“It was a different time then, it was during the Troubles. Narayan was swarming with Hannikum refugees fleeing the famine there; freed slaves, starving bondsmen, heretics the Priest-King emptied from his jails. We had race riots, faith riots, and on every corner Hannikum preachers denouncing CITY’s gods as demons. If word has gotten out that one of our priests in charge of an orphanage was worshipping a demon, that he abused children and actually ate a few of them… our temples would have been burnt to the ground. And then it would have been rough crumpets all around. It’s not like you can feed the poor a diet of obsidian knives. Besides, we tried to exorcise the shrine ourselves. It didn’t work.”

“The barrier appears to be in place” notes Lord Kenji, is a silken voice that suggests some deadly female courtesan dressed only in razor-edged unmentionables.

“I am afraid the black barrier below is meant to keep petitioners out, not the Hunger in. Did you not see the painting by the altar? Three demons leading Sebastian to his unholy assignation?" He pauses, “New petitioners will come. The Hunger will reach out to its kind again, unless we act, and act quickly. And Mr. Darkheart is long gone.”

"Didn't you say Darkheart had an apprentice? I mean, don't 'they' always? And aren't we really talking about a catamite?" asks Mallus.

"Yes." says the Bartolemiou. "I mean, no. I have no idea what Darkheart's...predilections... were, but he did have young student with him, name of Mephisophocles. A very serious boy with a serious cat."

“Who. Is. Currently. Hiding. Out. As. A. Department. Chair. In. The. University. Is. Meat. Inherently. Stupid?” asks Abraxis of himself.

"We need help, and yet we needs tell as few as possible. Only the most trusted, yes. We need to be subtle, and quick, and...."

He pauses again to survey the scene in the courtyard; Burne sketching a bizarre helmet-like apparatus in an available patch of dirt, Kenji-sama, staring furiously into space, as if trying to conjure up the specter of Nadir Akmad-Medhi to stab, Rackhir, looking both fierce and stoic after his draining twin brushes with sex and death, though not necessarily in that order, and Meiji, looking simultaneously alert, intrigued, and ready to hop the next ship for the Empire of the Three Pillars of Heaven

The archbishop slumps against his golem-at-arms with the force of a deflating souffle.
"... and we need a miracle."

Burne, after making a final and decisive scrawl, stands up and brushes off his hands. "Genius," he declares cheerfully. "My own brilliance never fails to astound me.”

“You know," he continues, "There's absolutely nothing that good Erisian craftsmanship can't accomplish! I tell you, this is a revolutionary idea, and...."

He trails off, abruptly registering the slumped form of the archbishop and the puzzled glare of Mallus. "It's...a helmet," he continues, weakly. "Protective measure, and all that. Really, quite, quite...."

Burne sighs. "Yes, well. Obviously we have other concerns, eh? We'll have to track Mephisophocles down, one way or another. And I? I have yet another brilliant idea!"

A pause, for dramatic effect. "We will track him...through his familiar!"

Burne pivots neatly in place, with military precision. "Abraxis! To me!"

The mechanical cat looks up from Burne's sketch, which it appears to have been studying with some faint interest. "Master. How. May. I. Be. Of. Service?" it asks, in a resigned tone.

"Abraxis, my famulus! I shall need you to infiltrate the local feline community!"

Another long pause. Not, this time, for dramatic effect.

"Beg. Pardon. Master?" One wouldn't have thought it possible for a mechanical cat to sound so appalled. But once again, Burne manages to astound.


Rackhir said:
The DM Mallus is to blame for that one.
What else would you call golems made out of bread?

So... how does everyone like the recent turn of events, now that CITY is beginning to resemble an actual D&D game, what with the revelation of an ancient evil (in a manner of speaking) and a villainous mind-bending magician (who's still quite alive, much to the players chagrin)?

Coming soon: more battles, more spell slinging, ninja, pirates, and a serious discussion concerning the nature of knowledge with a mysterious woman that Meiji tries to sleep with.


Mallus said:
...and a villainous mind-bending magician (who's still quite alive, much to the players chagrin)?

Speak for the others. I'm quite fond of him as a player, and have a fair degree of respect for him as a PC. Not that it'd stop Meiji from trying to make his head explode, of course, or more likely, put him in a position where he could be alternately shot, stabbed and fireballed by the rest.

Coming soon: more battles, more spell slinging, ninja, pirates, and a serious discussion concerning the nature of knowledge with a mysterious woman that Meiji tries to sleep with.

What do you mean 'tries'? Just because I can't actually prove it, or remember it, doesn't mean it didn't happen. I'm still pretty sure that we made the beast with two ... sorry, in this case ... three backs.


shilsen said:
I'm quite fond of him as a player, and have a fair degree of respect for him as a PC.
Wait until you see what he does next!

...or more likely, put him in a position where he could be alternately shot, stabbed and fireballed by the rest.
I'd like to see what happens if Atlatl shoots Nadir with his Monkey Gun. Really, ruling on things like that make the game for me...

I'm still pretty sure that we made the beast with two ... sorry, in this case ... three backs.
Three backs and one pair of wings...

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