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The Chronicle of Burne, and Some Others of Lesser Importance *Updated May 17th, 2009*


First Post
Thought it was finally time to tell you this is one of the funniest, most surreal story hours I've ever read. As a poster above said, it reminds me of the world of China Miéville, though I think I sense a hint of Discworld.

It is familiar enough that one can relate, but the differences will kick you in the groin and then steal your wallet.

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Need_A_Life said:
Thought it was finally time to tell you this is one of the funniest, most surreal story hours I've ever read. As a poster above said, it reminds me of the world of China Miéville, though I think I sense a hint of Discworld.

It is familiar enough that one can relate, but the differences will kick you in the groin and then steal your wallet.

Oh there's more than a hint of Diskworld. We're currently engaged in going to hell. In a Giant Iron Handbasket...


Rackhir said:
Oh there's more than a hint of Diskworld.
<maxwell smart>Would you believe I haven't read Discworld? How about, I only read the first two books? Way after we started working on CITY.</maxwell smart>

We're currently engaged in going to hell. In a Giant Iron Handbasket...
I like to take this opportunity to say: the Handbasket was not my idea. But it fit so well I had to run with it. I'm glad that people are enjoying the Story Hour. I'm still little surprised, but glad...


So here's the deal: Rolzup is so busy with family matters that he barely has time to play Burne, let alone chronicle his bigoted reckless puzzling thrilling exploits here, so I'm going to be filling in for the time being. Along with anyone else who'd like to lend a hand (hint hint). I'm going to try to write from Burne's point of view, imitating his... umm... inimitable voice as best I can (but I haven't figured out how to do that yet). So for now here's a LOST-style flash forward --made from old emails-- that I've been polishing up as writing practice. I'll pick up where we left off in a few weeks.

A Series of Unfortunate Events in CITY, part I

On a lovely late Spring day resplendent with the smell of lilacs and sulfur monoxide, Burne’s three apprentices stand staring at the door to his apartment-cum-laboratory in the decidedly working-class Mid-Tier district of Eris. Each looks perplexed.

“This is an outrage!" says Mordecadai.

"An injustice!" echoes his colleague, Ritter.

"He's not going to like this. We'll be set afire for sure" concludes their dour associate Glum.

"On the other hand, there were warnings" says Mordecai.

"No more than several" counters Ritter.

"Perhaps we should have shown him the notices" opines Glum.

"Nonsense, it's our job to handle trifling matters for the Master" says Mordecai.

"Perhaps we shouldn't have 'handled' them by pitching them into the incinerator" says Ritter.

"How are we going to get the iron war gryphon off the roof?" whines Glum, mixing a little pathos into his usual melancholy tone. "It still doesn't fly too good."

"We'll think of something" says Mordecai. “Gravity, for instance.”

The three apprentices are referring to the Self-Winding, Size-Malleable Phlogistonic Gryphon Prototype Alpha, a self-aware, not to mention self-deprecating clockwork flying machine on loan from the Gondoliers Guild, whose capabilities including vertical takeoff, hovering and in-flight drink service featuring spirits distilled in transit via an on board phlogistonic still. He was unfailing polite, and preferred to be called “Philip”. He regards the trio of scientists from above with unblinking steel eyes, sitting amidst several abandoned pigeon coops.

"We're doomed” says Glum. “Burne's going to combust us. I can feel it my marrow. It's feeling tinder-dry."

At that moment their master rounds the corner with his two prized creations tow; his famulus Abraxis the Ultimate Cat, fashioned out of steel and given the semblance of a soul via Burne’s own spotty knowledge of the Philosopher’s Algorithm, and the monstrous kludge known as MODOSS, which appeared to be spike-covered suit of animated armor. A wisp of gray smokes escapes from the grille of the helmet visor. In terms of their functionality, MODOSS acts as Burne’s bodyguard while Abraxis serves as his spy, confidant, and frequently, his unflattering biographer.

"What’s this all about" he bellows at his assistants, who fall away from his front door, exposing the large red-inked Eviction Writ nailed to it, along with the long scroll listing the Ninety Nine Reasons for it, which, according to close to a thousand years of Erisian bureaucratic tradition, must accompany every legal proclamation.

"Pardon me, sir, for eavesdropping" says the ever-polite polite Phillip from the roof, "but would you care for a drink?"

"Not...just...yet," the alchemist grits.

Burne stares at the notice, for a long, silent moment. The paper begins to smolder after a bit.

"What," he asks the world, "Is the meaning of this?"

He whirls around, directing his glare at his flinching subordinates. "Eviction? Of Burne? Are they mad? Blind? Stupid?"

"PRUDENT?' offers Abraxis.

"It's a stone building, by damn! If it burns, all that does is prove that I'm on the right track! Can't they see this? By Erebus, how can a man accomplish great things when he's burdened by the chains of petty bureaucracy?" Burne spins around again, snatching the writ from the door. "What sort of trumped-up charges are they offering, eh?"

Burne quickly scans the Writ and accompanying scroll. The ninety reasons are really only three, printed in triplicate eleven times. He reads them aloud.

“One: the emanation of un-natural Noises at tremendous Volume at all Hours of the Day and Night.”

"You can't beat the dings out of a war-gryphon without breaking a few eggs" says Mordecai, “Or hammers, as the case may be.”

“Two: the emanation of deadly Vapors in a residential Neighborhood not Zoned for the Tanning of Animals or Execution of Political Prisoners.”

"Now that’s completely baseless. Orphans die from asthma all the time. Not to mention that their orphanage was damp and filthy, a veritable haven for the pertussis. On top of that the lot of them smoked" adds Ritter.

“Three: the Projection of dangerous Projectiles in a residential Neighborhood not Zoned for the Expulsion of Projectiles at high Velocity.

"OK, that was us. We were testing the new pilot ejection system on the MODOSS unit" says a morose Glum. “We installed a rocket motor in the helmet… and… it was an accident...I tell you after the impact that nun’s head was hanging on by a prayer…”

“Naturally” deadpans Burne.

“PLEASE LET THIS DROP” implores MODOSS in an appropriately tinny yet strangely echoing voice.

"I applaud your initiative," Burne says absently, continuing to read, "If the ejection system can also function as an impromptu weapon, then it’s for the best."

"FOR. WHO?" MODOSS’s helmet visor pops open revealing a pneumatic lemur sitting, or perhaps welded into, a thicket of control levers. He is smoking a tiny cigar. After giving his master the mechanical stink-eye he shuts the grille. The pneumatic lemur was once a rival alchemist’s familiar until he ‘defected’ after his original master ordered him to become a suicide bomb. Not the wisest of career moves, the lemur later decided.

"This is entirely absurd," Burne concludes, incinerating the paper with a snap of his fingers. "We're advancing the cause of knowledge here, by damn! What right has ANYONE to interfere in matters of such alchemical import?" His expression hardens. "There's an old saying, you know: Smoldering piles of ashes tell no tales, and serve no eviction notices."

"THAT'S. NOT. AN. OLD. SAYING!" objects Abraxis, lashing its chain-link tail.

"It will be, when I'm done," Burne replies grimly.

He swings the crossbow-esque Heremetic Destructive Engine forward, sighting along its length. "You can do marvelous things," he tells his lackeys,"With a combination of fire and acid. Indeed, boiling acid is both exquisitely painful *and* leaves an absolutely fascinating pattern of scar tissue...."

Burne pauses, looking up at the building before him. "Or...is this a sign, perhaps? A sign that the time has finally come to found the Blatant College, and see what a determined man can *really* accomplish when he sets his mind to it?"

He turns, regarding the three men...and three devices...who have been slowly edging away from him. "I need," Burne says quietly, "A realtor."


"Carpe diem!" says Mordecai.

"No time like the present!" adds Ritter.

"When you're presently out on the street" concludes Glum.
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Good update. It's not Burne, but it has it's own charm. This post passes over the battles in the wastes, where we freed Mephisophocles. But considering all the damage Rackhir took in those, it's probably best forgotten. Not too much of interest happened anyway besides some fights.

It was in these fights that Philip got damaged and Burne created his reduction spell (so Philip could be transported back to CITY). As with so many other things this spell was to backfire later and cause us endless headaches...

Gold Roger

First Post
Glad to see you picking this up.

I'd advise you against trying to imitate the Burne perspective (sounds like a movie title><). You have your own writing style, which I greatly enjoy. I fear trying to imitate another's would end short of both.


Gold Roger said:
Glad to see you picking this up.

I'd advise you against trying to imitate the Burne perspective (sounds like a movie title><).
Perhaps The Burne Supremacy. Or The Burne Indecency?

Heh... it might not work. I currently view it as a challenge, but that'll probably change when I actually sit down to write. My plan is to create a few drafts and let Rolzup and the rest of the gang critique/edit them. If the results don't pass muster, I'll abandon the idea in favor of simply continuing on in 3rd person until Rolzup is ready to take the reins back.

For now: another flash-forward (courtesy of myself, Rolzup, and shilsen).
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A Series of Unfortunate Events in CITY, part II

Leaving the arduous task of removing Burne's laboratory to another --unsuspecting-- location for later, his motley band of employees and other automata leave in search of a real estate agent. A band of wheezing children watch with sad, indicting eyes from across the street.

"I'll not miss those filthy urchins," remarks Mordecai.

"You surely did that time with the steam-powered grappling hook" says Ritter.

"Bah… their creepy stares threw off my aim".

A frail-looking boy expectorates loudly in Burne's general direction. The resulting expectorate smolders briefly on the cobblestones as the alchemist turns up the street.

Perhaps it was the lingering scent of fulminate of mercury on Burne's person, or the sight of MODOSS with the lemur pilot riding with the top-down, or rather, the visor-up, who’s lately taken to wearing a tiny crash helmet with the words 'Death From Above' painted on it in a substance that bears more than a passing resemblance to nun's blood, or possibly it was the continual bickering of Mordecai, Ritter, and Glum, who came across like a three-person polygamous marriage comprised of disgruntled coworkers who each wielded the firepower of a rum-sodden naval blockade ship, but whatever the reason, finding a realtor is easier said that done.

Burne hears one thing over and over again; aside from "No", "Get out", and "Arrghh, my sleeve is on fire! Try Biraxan, maybe he can help you."

After hours of searching they arrive at the basement office of Biraxan Coil, near the dry canal that runs behind the former Maison Chatons in the Blue Light District of Narayan.

"No, you don't need an appointment, yes, Mr. Coil is in, go down the stairs, his office is at the end of the hallway" says a bored secretary, slightly in advance of the questions.

The stairs seem to go down several floors and the hallway feels endless, making the trek to Biraxan Coil's office seem more like an expedition into a foul monster’s lair beneath the city sewers. Which, coincidentally enough, is exactly what it is.

Burne and company catch him as he opens the door to his office. Mr. Coil is a thin, balding dead man that passed sometime in his middle years. He's eyes glow faintly like coals.

"Hey there, I was just stepping out for a cup of hot blood. Can I interest you in some, or would you prefer a short beer? So you've run out of options. What can I do for you?"

"I need land," Burne says as smoothly as he's able, which is surprisingly so. “Preferably land with several large buildings upon it, with space for several laboratories and an even greater number of classrooms. And dormitories, I suppose -- students *are* customary for a school, are they not? -- along with all the usual amenities."

Burne smiles, absently caressing the Engine as he cradles it in his arms. "There's likely to be a lot of flame, and explosions, and fumes of an exciting yet questionable nature. The neighbors should be tolerant, deaf, or easily cowed."

"HOW. ARE. YOU. GOING. TO. PA..." Abraxis begins, before a well aimed kick sets its head to spinning.

"I can't bear rudeness," Burne says to Coil, in an apologetic tone. "To return to the matter at hand, can you be of assistance in finding such a property?"

"Pardon me, say Coil. He raises a desiccated hand to his face and speaks into a golden ring. "Constance, dear, would you be so kind as to get me a Bloody Mary. If she's tapped out, try Vivienne." He smiles gravely, "Guess I’ll be working through lunch again… no, it’s not a problem, come in. I always make time for live…er… face-to-face meetings."

Biraxan Coil’s office is a comfortingly familiar disarray; crooked filing cabinets, a large wooden desk strewn with stained papers, framed documents on the walls. It goes a long towards humanizing him, though it doesn't make him any less dead.

Next to his Certificate of Citizenship hangs an impressive-looking document from the Courts Absolute declaring that, in the case of any unprovoked turning attempts against Mr. Coil, the god's grace will be considered a deadly weapon and the crime shall be attempted murder, despite the superficial irony of the charge.

Noticing Burne's eyes on the writ, Coil says "Nice, eh. I've got one hell of a lawyer. Here..." A dead hand fumbles in a pocket and produces a business card. "Leaping Shadows, Esq." it reads. The other side sports an unintelligible Ajakhani glyph which resembles a brushstroke stick figure lying at the bottom of the sea . "If you should ever need a lawyer, and by the look of you it's really more a matter of 'when', isn't it? Don't let the mask and throwing stars put you off, he's really a stand-up guy."

He pauses, glancing up at the ceiling. "Constance" Coil says to his ring, "I'm not getting any younger. Now where were we? Ah yes, you need a place to build a school for... well, that's your business, isn't it? Let me check my files."

Biraxan Coil shuffles off for about five minutes, in which time his secretary appears with a large goblet full of coppery-smelling liquid, which Coil finishes in three long swigs. "Damn South Beast Diet" he says, "what I can really go for is... I think I have a few potential properties for you.

Two recently came on the market right here in the Blue Light District. The first is on Cockswallow Dock. It's a former tavern with a great finished lair underneath with terrific access to Gate bearing sewer lines, which means there's unlimited room to expand down there. It's zoned commercial/ecclesiastical. The former owner ran a small-time cult of Dhalberg out of it, until some nasty business involving a band of adventurers and his former lover.

The other is a real fixer-upper near the Red Light District. A brothel built like a small fortress, it’s right up the street, actually. They had a mysterious fire which caused the stones themselves to burn. It's big, the neighborhood's quiet, well, now, and you've got plenty of free building material just lying around. Assuming you can do something with liquefied stone.

Is that an Erisian accent I detect? You're in luck. I've got one more place and it's in an up-and-coming neighborhood right off the Saltbend in Eris. This baby has the works; solid stone construction, extensive fireproofing, dormitories and study alcoves. It's a former temple to Dicastor, the Weeper of Steel. Well, maybe I shouldn't say 'former' because temple is still occupied, but eviction proceedings are underway. The cult owes a fortune in back taxes and can't pay.

Here's the problem. They've hit a little snag. You see the god is still in residence in the basement. He's a very minor deity, but the authorities haven’t successfully evicted Him yet. You know city employees, no work ethic to speak of."

"Shameful, really," Burne agrees, stroking his chin in a thoughtful manner. "Intriguing, though...I've had a certain interest in matters of Applied Practical Theology, but never anticipated an opportunity to put them into practice. The chance to mold a god, however minor, in my own image...."

It is a testament to Burne's skill that Abraxis' face, made of cold and unyielding metal, can show such obvious signs of terror.

"...well, I hardly see how I can be expected to resist. That the property sounds perfect for my needs is merely the shrapnel on the casing. I'd be delighted to see the place, at your earliest convenience. Which, I assume, would be sometime after nightfall?"

There is a soft, yet harsh sound in the background, a strange combination of clicking and grating of metal. When Burne and Coil turn to look at its source, they find the MODOSS unit, quietly chewing on the knifelike fingernails of one hand with the stylized teeth Burne built into it. The lemur-brain, which is visible with the top pushed back, sees that it's been noticed, and stops hurriedly. "SORRY. NERVOUS REFLEX."

He pulls a lever to quickly lower the hand and then pushes another, causing the top of the head to rise and cover it. A second later, there's an infinitely little scratching sound, and a few seconds later, the faint smell of cigar smoke, wisps of which waft out of the ventilation holes in the helmet.
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Hey, it's great to see you taking this up, Mallus. Personally, I think you're doing a good job portraying the atmosphere of deadpan lunacy (and sulphur!) that accompanies Burne :D

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