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The Closed Eye (DM: Halford, Judge: garyh)


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[sblock=Faster than a speeding snail! More powerful than a jellyfish! Able to leap tall books in a single bound!]Hey guys, sorry for the very long absence.

Life sort of sucker-punched me in the groin after I started my master's thesis, though of course that's no excuse not to let you know I wouldn't have time. Having wrestled time-management issues into a long-term stable head-lock lately, I'll be happy to return to the game if you guys are still up for it.

Again, I do apologize for the extended siesta. I'll start reading up on the game and general state of L4W, and see if I can get up-to-date with the community.

Cov, my apologies in particular to fellow judges for leaving you guys hanging - I probably won't regain time for regular judge duties in the foreseeable future, but I might be able to pop in small further contributions once in a while.

Best regards,

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[sblock=Woot!]Welcome back, Dunamin! Glad to have you. That real life is a nasty sucker, isn't it?

I'm about halfway through a long post, but I don't think I'm going to finish it tonight. Tomorrow!
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[sblock=Palindrome and Tander]When confronted with Palindrome's claims, Doddoddod listens gravely. "Yes, yes," he answers, halfway through your exposition, as you pause for a breath. "Well done. Done us proud. Credit to your teacher. Whatever. Listen, can you replenish the chocolate cupboard? I'm very nearly out of the little caramel ones with the bows on top." With an airy wave, he waddles out of the room, humming something that is probably intended to be a bawdy tune.

Palindrome quickly exits to his room.

[sblock=Tander]After Doddoddod ignores Palindrome's latest outburst, Tander cleans up a bit and wanders out in search of more information.

Life as a fugitive is not as familiar and comfortable to Tander as to some of his companions, and each constable he passes distracts him more and more, to the point where he finds himself taking wrong turns and having to backtrack, drawing even more suspicion. Soon he gives up and returns to the relative safety of Doddoddod's tower. His many minor injuries, and his body's general weariness, combine to thwart his efforts at research as well.[/sblock]

[sblock=Atreus]Trusting your disguise, you make your way boldly back to the mansion. Fortunately, no one takes notice of you; everyone is too busy watching the house in the process of burning to the ground. There are a few worried-looking constables talking in low tones and gesturing towards the fire.

There is no sign of the elf. A few well-placed questions win you the information that several acolytes of Juna carried him away on a litter, under the direction of a senior priestess. They went in the direction of the temple of Juna.

Shortly thereafter you slip away from the crowd and hurry toward the temple of Juna, but you reach the temple without spotting your quarry.

ooc: Not sure how far you want to pursue this; let me know how to carry on. I'm going to advance time anyways; we can backfill this if needed

[sblock=Woe]You and Arnest carry Tsasha to Phredas Lindenfall, a middle-aged battleaxe of a priestess who has provided discreet medical services to you in the past, usually after a blurry night and an unpleasant burning sensation. She starts to give you one of her usual lectures, but when her eye falls on Tsasha's mangled foot, she becomes instantly professional, ushering her into a private room and laying out reagents immediately. Then she kicks you out of the room, brooking no argument. When you leave the inner room, you notice that Arnest is gone.

[sblock=if you stick around and wait]After about two hours, Arnest returns, fully healed, wearing a clean doublet of fine velvet, and flanked by three competent-looking half-orc bodyguards. One of them gives you a gold-capped tusky smile that really isn't very friendly.

"Thanks for your help. I'll be taking it from here. I'll meet you tomorrow at the insane wizard's tower," Arnest says coolly. His tone invites you to wait elsewhere.

[sblock=Palindrome]While going through the contents of your magical overalls, your eye is once again drawn to the vexing blank spot at the bottom of your now-battered copy of the Screamer. Having nothing better to do, you take the time to review all the information you've gathered so far.

[sblock=links]Original non-hidden text: here
Summary of arcane analysis and Dod*3's library: here
From Yarg's notes: here

Haflod's writings make it clear that any hidden message is meant for specific recipients. Some are intended only for those who already know the secret of revealing them, such as Yarg's communications with Liras. But it's also possible by means of clever choice of encodings to make messages visible only to the intended recipients without any prior knowledge on their part, by keying it to a token that only they possess, or conditions that only they are likely to encounter. Haflod claims that he once saw a grimoire stolen from a powerful devil, that could only be read by someone whose skin was on fire. He does not explain how he discovered this.

Vaithe cautions against this method, recounting the tale of Harazed the Bow-legged, who gained that epithet by penning a secret love letter to his beloved that would be visible only to those possessing hair like spun gold and eyes like winter ice. It was pure bad luck that his courier happened to be accosted by a band of burly blond warriors from Valhyr, fresh from a successful round of pillaging, and still worse luck that they could read. In one of his few moments of bare practicality, Vaithe suggests augmenting such personal or environmental restrictions with further restrictions based on signs that only the intended recipient would be likely to notice or interpret. Such a message could only be read by one who both met the necessary condition, and understood the signs accompanying the message.

Your eye cannot help drifting to the eye-like markings on the non-hidden text of the Screamer.


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[sblock=OOC: Yeah...]I'm totally not getting the clue.[/sblock]

[sblock=Palindrome and the Screamer]Let's see what happens when Palindrome...
  • Uses prestidigitation to cast the sign of the eye on the paper.
  • Casts the sign of the eye on himself.
  • Wears the amulet and casts the sign on the paper.
  • Wears the amulet and casts the sign on himself.
  • Thinks about it for a long, long time. (Intelligence Check: 1d20+5=25 -- Natural 20!)


[sblock=Palindrome]ooc: Yeah, I'm not doing a terribly good job of explaining this. But we're getting closer!

When Palindrome casts the sign of the eye on the the paper, two bright spots flare to life: the small eye markings next to two of the stories. One is about rumors that L'irkash wedding rituals involve sacrificing young girls to an elemental abomination. The other is about a squad of guardsmen who are reported to be shaking down halfling street gangs. The story dwells lavishly on the laughter of the real thieves: loud, harsh, mocking barks of derision.

When he tries on the medallion and casts, the same two handwritten eye markings again flare to life, but there is also a faint magical shimmer over the blank area. Clearly wearing the medallion had some effect.

[sblock=int check results]Thinking about elemental abominations, Palindrome wrinkles his nose in disgust at the memory of the distinctive odor of the particular combination of reagents necessary to complete the ritual. Those two components are frequently used in other rituals without any odor, but something about the particular qualities of the magic needed to open rifts between worlds causes them to combine with a particularly revolting stench.


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[sblock=Palindrome and The Screamer]Okay...

Wear the amulet. Cast the sign of the eye, the stench, and the laughter.

If that doesn't work, try it without the laughter.[/sblock]


[sblock=Palindrome]Success! As the echoes of Palindrome's conjured laughter die away, the following message appears in sloppy brownish-red letters that don't appear to be ink:


The Whiteside Barrows are a set of ancient tomb mounds atop one of the low cliffs to the north of Daunton Harbor. Naturally they are haunted by the occasional undead, which is enough to make normal people avoid them, and adventurers avoid them because they were picked clean of treasure long ago.


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[sblock=Huzzah!]Thanks, covaithe. That's one loose end tied.

Palindrome will wait for the other party members.

[sblock=DM Only]While doing so, he's going to determine if there's any means by which he can edit the message and add to its contents. To whit: "Stand ready, for the Lady of the Forked Tongue and her consort shall lead the unfaithful into our presence--an offering of peace, as the final sacrifice."

See? Don't you see? We could have killed Arnest and EVERYTHING would have been a-okay![/sblock][/sblock]


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[sblock=To Covaithe]
I do have some questions:
1. Does Atreus believe that the elf might be able to identify the crew if their paths should cross again?

2:Considering the state we left the maimed elf, would it be easy to finnish him if off if I where to hunt him down and end him.

3. What does my character know about the followers of Juna and at the temple, is there any signs of guards? Do they offer shelter to poor people to sleep at night, do they offer free food, and if the do is it at a specific time? Do they offer medical assistance to people and such?

4. Would it be hard to disguise my self as a priest of Juna, which kinds of garments do they use? Holy symbols? Are these thing easy to get by?

Some comments: I really don't want to slow the main plot with this side mission, its just that if Atreus deems it necesary to kill the elf, mostly to protect his identity.


Voidrunner's Codex

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