The Closed Eye, part II (DM: covaithe, Judge: garyh)


Round 6

Tander steadies himself, and points out evidence of one of the invisible motes' locations.

Woe looks around for more motes, but finds nothing visible. He runs southward, putting on an extra burst of speed to lunge at the withdrawing half-orcs. He calls out taunts as he approaches, and the warning is enough that Goldtusk barely twists aside from Woe's point. (Woe has to move 12 squares to get there, so needs his AP. It's a miss, but GT is still marked.)

Palindrome directs the flaming sphere to the north, into a clump of greenery, which starts to curl and blacken. Then Palindrome drops a blast of fire on the area. For a brief moment, a griefmote's icy ephemeral form is outlined against the blast, then it is out of sight again. The greenery now is beginning to smoke in earnest, and the trunks of the scrubby trees are starting to scorch. (hits mote 2 for 4 damage after resists.)

[sblock=Nature DC 10]much more fire damage to those areas (adjacent to O3), and they'll burst into flame.[/sblock]

Atreus circles to the south after the withdrawing half orcs. He quickly spots them, and, with blinding speed, plucks his sling, already loaded, from his belt and hurls the bullet after the fleeing orc, but it flies uselessly down the hill. (You've got Quick Draw, so you can technically get away with drawing, loading, and firing your sling without any extra actions. It's out of range for a thrown dagger (12 squares), and takes a long range penalty for the sling, which is offset by CA since the h/o ran. 1d20+7=9. Oops. :( Atreus saves vs. cold vulnerability.)

"Tha's the way it be, is't?" Goldtusk snarls. "Aye, then." He shrugs his shoulder, letting Arnest drop in a squelching heap, and turns, bringing his axe around in a vicious, quick chop into the side of Woe's leg, cutting deeply into the muscle. (hits for 9 damage. Woe is marked and slowed TENT Goldtusk.)

The other half orc stops and turns, and moves back up the slope a moment to pick up Arnest's corpse himself. He then turns again and continues down the hill as fast as he can go.

Atreus suddenly feels a deathly cold touch on his neck. A sudden painful decrepitude comes over him, and he feels his legs slow to a crawl. He turns and a mote is right there, inches from his face, before disappearing. (mote 1 hits Atreus with chilling touch; 7 necrotic damage and Atreus is slowed til the end of his next turn. Atreus is bloodied again.)

[sblock=Atreus]You can feel the cold presence, quite close to you still.

ooc: It's in your square.[/sblock]

There are a pair of the familiar flashes then, from either side of Tander and Palindrome. Tander spots one of them coming and is able to brace himself, avoiding the worst of the cold. He fails to spot the other one, and Palindrom notices neither mote, but somehow none of the cold attacks find their mark this time. Again the motes disappear just after their blasts of cold. (mote 2 takes 3 fire damage after resists for starting near Happy. mote 2 blows a stealth roll again and loses CA against Tander. Mote 2 and 3 flash from R3 and S7 respectively, but all miss. The blown stealth roll plus the 2nd wind defense bonus saves Tander this time.)

[sblock=initiative and status]

Tander hp 10/29 surges 7/8, bloodied, +5 to healing, +2 defenses TSNT <=== You're up
Woe hp 16/40 surges 8/10, bloodied, marked by Goldtusk, slowed (both TENT goldtusk)
Palindrome hp 6/24 surges 5/6, bloodied, prone
Atreus hp 8/29 surges 3/7, bloodied, slowed TENT
Arnest dead
Half orc 1 40 damage, bloodied, vulnerable 3 cold (save ends), carrying Arnest's body
Half orc 2 dead
Goldtusk 10 damage, marked by Woe
specter 1 destroyed
specter 2 dead
specter 3 dead
mote 1 4 damage, invisible, last seen in S10
mote 2 9 damage, invisible, last seen in R3.
mote 3 13 damage, invisible, last seen in S7
wraith 1 destroyed
wraith 2 destroyed
wraith 3 destroyed
wraith 4 destroyed
wraith 5 destroyed
wraith 6 destroyed
wraith 7 destroyed
wraith 8 destroyed
wraith 9 destroyed
wraith 10 destroyed
wraith 11 destroyed

Resources used:
Tander: divine glow, beacon of hope, AP, 2xHealing word, turn undead, second wind
Palindrome: grasping shadows, flaming sphere, AP
Atreus: second wind, AP
Woe: Second Wind, AP


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[sblock=Punishment Patrol in the record books again]

Some statistics on damage taken in this encounter:
  • Has been hit 10 times for 79 damage in this encounter, breaking Kamotz' record of 70 damage in one encounter.
  • Has been bloodied 5 times, breaking his own record of 4.
  • unconscious once.

  • hit 4 times for 31 damage.
  • bloodied 1 time

  • hit 7 times for 68 damage. 2 crits.
  • bloodied 3 times.
  • unconscious once

  • hit 5 time for 28 damage
  • bloodied 2 times



First Post

Come on, this is insane! 79 damage and bloodied 5 times, hit 10 times... No wonder our team is called the Punishment Patrol. And the fact that I am standing in one of my enemies square is even more crazy... what the in the nine hells am I going to do now!

Perhaps Atreus is cursed or something. Anyway, I have accepted that my character is doomed but at least he will fight till his very end... or until he can run away... or til a miracle happens...

I think my character deserves the toughness feat later on in his levels, if he survives this that is...


[sblock=ooc]The motes are tiny, so they have reach 0 and have to enter your space to melee attack. Which would normally provoke OAs, except that they go invisible a lot. (And I'm going to think twice about running monsters with an at-will invisibility power again, but I digress...)

Among other things, that means that they're relatively easy to run away from, if it comes to that.[/sblock]


First Post
YAY, I may still live! ... Something in my gut tells me I am going to regret those words...

Anyway, thanks for the tip Covaithe!

Covaithe said:
Among other things, that means that they're relatively easy to run away from, if it comes to that.
I agree, unless you are of course slowed and in its space ;)

Note to Self:
Hatelist updated - Remember to not only to hate elves, but also things that can turn invisible as well. Especially things that are tiny...

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[sblock=Out of Character]
(And I'm going to think twice about running monsters with an at-will invisibility power again, but I digress...)
While I, on the other hand, am going to use LOTS of monsters with at-will invisibility powers. I had no idea they could be so much trouble! Did you make these from scratch?

Is the radiating cold-flash power a melee attack? From the text, I got it was some kind of burst.[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=OOC]Crap, that means Goldtusk has an AC of at least 20 and I wasted Woe's action point. Seems like that other orc is just a single hit away from croaking, so we should still be able to prevent Arnest's corpse from getting away.

Again, I'm amazed at how we keep ending up closer and closer to certain death situations... :p

"The Punishment Patrol: We Eat Crits For Breakfast"[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=OOC]The good news is you guys haven't used your daily powers, yet, so you can strike hard now. I'm still puzzling out how we're going to get those doggone motes. Might as well start attacking probable squares, because the 'wait-and-strike' tactics are getting us hammered.[/sblock]


First Post
What remains of Tander's sanity is shattered at the sight of Woe and Atreus chasing the half-orcs



Unfortunately, blind rage is not an emotion Tander is used to, and it proves a bit of a distraction. He tries to focus his power on where the shades might be, but he cannot recover his concentration in time (OOC: Sacred flame natural 6 not gonna cut it)


Tander continues to search the trees for signs of (un)death, ready to shout out the location of any enemies he spots to his 'allies' (OOC Perception 16)

... what are the rules on rolling up a new character when one dies? :eek:

[sblock=Tander Stat Block]
Tander Oaksmith, Human Cleric 2
Passive Perception 15, Passive Insight 20
AC 17, Fort 14, Reflex 15, Will 19
Resist 5 poison
HP 10/29, Bloodied 14, Surge Value 7, Surges 7/8
Speed 5, Initiative +7
Action Points: 0

Current Effects
+5 to healing powers

Encounter Resources
Spiteful Glamor
USED Divine Glow
USED Healing Word One
USED Healing Word Two
USED Channel Divinity (Turn Undead or Divine Fortune)
USED Second Wind
USED Use Action Point

Daily Resources
USED Beacon of Hope
Cure Light Wounds


First Post
Palindrome's Turn (After Woe, of course...)

"YEAH! Go, Tander! I ***** love it!" shouts Palindrome, "***** the ***** ***** before the ***** ***** ***** you!"

Happy, the Hugging Fireball, sighs and bounces over to nearest location in which a deathmote appeared. Then, it swats blindly, trying to kill the creature. "You know, I like it better when I get to burn things made of meat," moans the flaming sphere.

Palindrome, still lying on the ground, nods. "Yeah. The smell is nice, like roast pork."

Minor Action: Sustain Flaming Sphere.
Move Action: Flaming Sphere from O3 to R3.
Standard Action: Attack R3 w/ Flaming Sphere - v. Reflex (1d20+4-2=17, 2d6+4=11 fire damage)

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