Release The Comae Engine (d100 Ultra-Lite)

clarence redd

FrostByte Books
email cover 1.jpg

Comae Engine is a barebones d100 ruleset with Extended Conflicts from M-SPACE at its core. Which means all conflicts use the same mechanics - social conflicts, chases, piloting a ship through a storm, climbing castle walls, combat and everything in between.


Take d100 roleplaying back to its core.

Comae Engine
charts a new path for the classic d100 rules, retooled from the ground up for more creative and flexible storytelling. But keeping the grounded approach they are known for.

At the core is a versatile conflict resolution system. Combine mysteries, social conflicts, puzzles, stunts, combat - and most other challenges in modern storytelling. You can play almost any story, in any genre.

Comae Engine is a freestanding game, but with close ties to Mythras, M-SPACE and Odd Soot. If you are familiar with classic d100 games, you will feel right at home.

The book is available now at DriveThruRPG for only $2.50.

Comae Engine

PDF $2.50 (40+ pages, print version coming soon)

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Crafter of fine role-playing games
I am quite taken with the Comae Engine so far, I prefer lighter systems now that my gaming is all online or convention one-shots. As always I have some different ideas about skill lists, but that will always be the case for any game and I tend to fine-tune them for specific settings anyway. The lenses are my favourite part, I'm on the fence about tags until I try them out in anger. I hope I get a chance to play this at some point.

How long do you expect the 'beta' process to last? Just curious.

By the way, how did you arrive at the name?

clarence redd

FrostByte Books
I am quite taken with the Comae Engine so far, I prefer lighter systems now that my gaming is all online or convention one-shots. As always I have some different ideas about skill lists, but that will always be the case for any game and I tend to fine-tune them for specific settings anyway. The lenses are my favourite part, I'm on the fence about tags until I try them out in anger. I hope I get a chance to play this at some point.

How long do you expect the 'beta' process to last? Just curious.

By the way, how did you arrive at the name?
Hey Dreamcrafter, thank you for your kind words! I’m happy you enjoy the book.

The skill list and Focuses should be easy to adjust to your setting. As you said, most settings require at least a few minor adjustments regardless of the ruleset.
Yes, Lenses are cool! Just this morning, I wrote that they ask not only what you do, but also how you do it. So, they add a another dimension to conflicts that’s quite intuitive.

I like that Tags collect a lot of otherwise vague PC details under a single umbrella, to keep them from drifting around in some mechanical limbo. But I realise they might seem a bit disparate.

The beta process is open-ended for now, but six months might be a reasonable start. Most problems should be fixed by then, but new additions - if any - might not be ready for v1.0. But development work will continue with more point releases after that.

The name, Comae Engine, comes from my game Odd Soot. The initial thoughts of a simplified ruleset surfaced when some non-gamer friends wanted to try it. The setting’s “subsector” is called Comae, so it seemed like a good idea to keep that connection in the name.

clarence redd

FrostByte Books
More positive reviews are coming in for Comae Engine! Here's from the Swanosaurus blog:

The Comae Engine

EN World also published an interview with me about Comae Engine, where I discuss the ideas behind the rules.

" [...] imagine an action movie from your favourite decade. Then cut out all the combat. The scenes that remain - car chases, skydiving, figuring out alien tech, stalking dark alleys and what have you - are really easy to turn into exciting game play in Comae Engine."

Here's the rest of the article:

The Comae Engine: An Interview with Clarence Redd

Voidrunner's Codex

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