Release TREY Solo Roleplaying and Comae Engine 1.0

clarence redd

FrostByte Books
FrostByte Books have released two new books: TREY Solo Roleplaying and Comae Engine 1.0!

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TREY is a solo play ruleset that works with most RPGs. It uses three dice and a handful of random tables as an Oracle, allowing you to create scenarios on the fly. It also works as a GM tool for regular game sessions. Available in print and PDF. All illustrations by me, Clarence Redd.

The Comae Engine is now out of beta and available in print and PDF. In short, this is an ultra-lite version of Mythras and M-SPACE. It uses the Extended Conflict rules from M-SPACE, then rebuilds a new d100 system on top - fully compatible with Mythras. And easy to use with any d100 and BRP game.

Launch Price 15% Off
Both books are 15% off during the launch. You can check them out at DriveThruRPG:

TREY - Solo Roleplaying

The Comae Engine

I hope you enjoy them.

Clarence Redd, FrostByte Books

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clarence redd

FrostByte Books
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TREY and Comae Engine have a fantastic release over at DriveThruRPG! You might have checked out the TREY preview but feel unsure if solo roleplaying is for you. So, here’s a quick list of the creative benefits you can expect from the storytelling mechanics.

Who is TREY for?
  • You like telling stories, but need a bit of inspiration and structure to get started, with unexpected events to add an element of surprise.
  • You want to try roleplaying games, but can’t find a good group playing the ruleset or setting you enjoy.
  • You are a Game Master, but you don’t have time to prepare new scenarios.
  • You are a writer and want to explore characters, story ideas and alternate scenes in an easy, playful way.
  • You like to explore imaginary worlds on your own, for pleasure or for later use in your creative work.
Aside from playing solo, I also use TREY to test game mechanics, brainstorm ideas for scenarios and get unstuck when writing.

Here are the links again:

TREY. Solo Roleplaying
PDF, SoftBack and Hardback

The Comae Engine. Recasting d100 Roleplaying
PDF, Softback and Hardback

As always, you get the PDF as a free download when you buy a print copy.

Clarence Redd

clarence redd

FrostByte Books
Final Day of Launch Discount!
Just a quick reminder that the 15% launch discount on TREY and Comae Engine ends tonight. Comae Engine got some lovely reviews when the PDF was released. Here is a comment from user Crumble C: ”Comae Engine and I have been caught up in a passionate (b)romance - it was love at first dice roll.”

And I have only heard good things about TREY so far. Both the dice mechanic and the long example of play - to explain solo gaming as clearly as possible - have received much kudos. Reviews are coming up as well, so keep an eye out.

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EN World Play Test
EN World plans a play test with TREY and Comae Engine in combination (my preferred setup these days). I will send you the link when the article goes online.

And don’t forget that the launch discount ends tonight. Tomorrow prices go back to normal again. Here are the links one more time:

TREY. Solo Roleplaying
PDF, SoftBack and Hardback

The Comae Engine. Recasting d100 Roleplaying
PDF, Softback and Hardback

As always, you get the PDF as a free download when you buy a print copy.

Clarence Redd
Instagram: @clarence.redd

clarence redd

FrostByte Books
I may have just missed it, but why TREY in all caps?
Good question. It started with the book title turning into a sort of logotype. The letters’ wide brush strokes made much more sense in caps. Over time, the caps stuck and crept into the rest of the text as well. And I kind of like caps.

But Trey works just as well as TREY : )

(I have noticed that caps are disappearing from abbreviations in news media. Not sure why.)

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