Originally posted by Midnight_v:
(Fragment from the lost text of the Archmagus Tsuyoshikentsu "The Tao of Optimization")
A Barbarian must
Be satisfied.
He seems boring to others,
But he has his great secret.
That is,
He can keep up with ToB classes
In raw damage. Though he is
Often a dip class,
"I attack again" has its merits!
1.Essential Abilities. CLass Features. BARBARIC RACES
2. Feats. Skills + Skill Tricks. Alternate Class Features/Substitution Levels
3. Prestige Classes. Gear Selections.
4. To be or not to be (a frenzied berserker) + Psudeo-Barbarians
5. Styles, Tricks, Accumulated Builds
Reserved For Introduction
Originally posted by Midnight_v:
Basic Stats:
Essential Abilities: Barbarian abilities can be Str, Con, Dex. Alternatively use Str, Dex, Wis in the case of the glass cannons
"It' is not enough that I should succeed but that everyone esle must fail!" -Ghengis Khan Show
Rage Which is makes you the Barbarian.
Fast Movement Which is a really, Really good ability, just not as good as pounce as it turns out.
Uncanny Dodge Retains your Dex while flatfooted which prevents all kinds of bad things. Scales with your barbarian level and become Improved Uncanny Dodge at 5th.
Trapsense Seriously, weak, someone might disagree but I belive if you can find a better use for this slot, TRADE IT OUT! Traps requiring a reflex save typically aren't that dangerous
Damage Reduction This is a class feature that was overrated when the game was designed and thus you never get enough of it to be competative at the levels where it would matter. Dr5/- is not cutting it at level 20.
Indomitable will I like this ablility I honestly do it will keep you from nuking the party sometimes... I aslo think that if you could trade this for something and use better precautions it would be good as well. LEVEL 14
Tireless Rage which is kind of a non power if you've made it to LVL 17 the the Drawback of rage wasn't that great a drawback was it? Something the design team added for completeness...[/sblock]
“He is a barbarian, and thus thinks that the customs of his tribe and island are the laws of nature” - George Bernard Shaw
Non Level Adjustment Races
Rating of the Base Race and a Listing of various races with a bonus to a physical attributes
Phb Races:
Races of note: La+0
+1 Level adjusted races:
Originally posted by Midnight_v:
(and how they changed the class for better or worse)
I have a bit to say about this, this is the way they chose to fix the barbarian, it wasn't a very versitile class so it gets some of the best variants ever, and the Lion totem from the complete champion, Now makes as many people dip barbarian as they do fighter. In the end though these are large amount of abilities that give you the edge, and help individualize your barbarian and maybe the people from his tribe "We rage but we don't get all "speedy" like you do"
Aquatic Barbarian (SW, p 48): fast movement applies to racial swim speed instead of land speed
Berserker Strength (PHB 2, p 33): Lose rage. Gain a rage that activates every time your hitpoints drop to below 5 + your barbarian level.
Bonus Feat (SSt, p 44): Gain a bonus feat, lose improved uncanny dodge.
Crafty Hunter (UA, p 58): Gain favored enemy, archery combat style, improved archery combat style, and greater archery combat style. Lose rage and indomitable will.
Duskling Barbarian (MoI, p 43): d10 hitdice, add knowledge: the planes to class skill list
Fangshields Barbarian Substitution Levels (CV, p 40): must be nonhumanoid
Ferocity (CS, web): Lose normal rage, gain ferocity which boosts Str and Dex instead of Con.
but really its quite an excellent variant overall.
[sblock] Where most barbarians define themselves by nigh-unstoppable rage, a few streetfighters and urban warriors have mastered different techniques. By working up a surge of adrenaline, they hit just as hard, and substantially faster, than their counterparts, while dodging the inevitable counterattack.
Class: Barbarian.
Level: 1st.
Replaces: If you select this class feature, you do not gain rage, or any later improvements to that class feature, nor do you gain indomitable will.
Benefit: Once per day, the barbarian can enter a state of adrenaline-fueled fury, increasing both his physical might and his reaction time. He temporarily gains a +4 bonus to Strength and a +4 bonus to Dexterity, but he takes a -2 penalty on ranged attack rolls beyond short range (30 feet).
He can enter this state as an immediate action, even when flat-footed at the start of combat, so he may apply the enhanced Dexterity modifier to his initiative check.
While in a state of ferocity, the barbarian cannot use any Charisma- or Intelligence-based skills (except for Intimidate), the Concentration skill, or any abilities that require patience or concentration, nor can he cast spells or activate magic items that require a command word, a spell trigger (such as a wand), or spell completion (such as a scroll) to function. He can use any feat he has except item creation feats and metamagic feats. Ferocity lasts for a number of rounds equal to 4 + his Constitution modifier (if positive). The barbarian may prematurely end his state of ferocity. At the end of ferocity, he loses the ferocity modifiers and restrictions and become sickened (-2 on all attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks) for the duration of the current encounter (unless he is a 17th-level barbarian, at which point this limitation no longer applies). Abilities that normally render him immune to being sickened (such as the Strong Stomach feat, Cityscape 64) reduce the penalties to -1, but do not remove them entirely.
The barbarian can invoke ferocity only once per encounter. At 1st level he can use this ability once per day. At 4th level and every four levels thereafter, he can use it one additional time per day (to a maximum of six times per day at 20th level).
Greater Ferocity: At 11th level, his bonuses to Strength and Dexterity during ferocity each increase to +6. In addition, the duration of his ferocity increases to 5 + your Constitution modifier (if positive).
Shifting Stance: At 14th level, while in a state of ferocity, he gains a +1 dodge bonus to Armor Class and Reflex saves.
In addition, while in a state of ferocity, the barbarian can stand from prone as a swift action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. If a foe that threatens him has a base attack bonus that is 4 points or more higher than his barbarian level, however, she gains an attack of opportunity as normal. (These abilities replace indomitable will.)
Relentless Ferocity: At 17th level, the duration of his ferocity increases to 6 + his Constitution modifier (if positive), and he no longer become sickened at the end of his ferocity. In addition, the dodge bonus granted by his shifting stance ability becomes +2.
Unstoppable Ferocity: At 20th level, the barbarian's bonuses to Strength and Dexterity during ferocity each increase to +8.
Goliath Barbarian Substitution Levels (RS, p 150): add knowledge: nature to class list
Half-Orc Barbarian Substitution Levels (RD, p 159):
Planar Barbarian (PlH, p 28): Add knowledge: the planes to class list
Roof Dweller
(CS, web): Instead of fast movement, gain the roof walker feat. At 6th level, gain the roof jumper feat.
Spell Sense (CM, p 35): Lose trapsense. Gain AC bonus vs spells.
Spiritual Totem (CC, p 46): Lose fast movement, gain one of the following:
(CS, web): Lose damage reduction to gain special abilities and benefits while charging.
[sblock] Streetfighter
The ability to take a blow is valuable, but on the violent and crowded streets of the city, the winner of a brawl or a duel is often the one who can hit hardest and fastest.
Class: Barbarian.
Level: 7th.
Replaces: If you select this class feature, you do not gain damage reduction at 7th level, or any of the improvements to damage reduction at higher levels.
Benefit: The barbarian gains the ability to swiftly bring the fight to his foe and to hit him hard.
At 7th level, the critical threat range of any charge attack he makes, or any attack he makes against a flat-footed foe, increases by 1. (Thus, a greataxe would threaten a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.) This ability stacks with the Improved Critical feat or the keen weapon enhancement.
At 10th level, the barbarian can make a single turn, up to 90 degrees, during a charge.
At 13th level, the barbarian can charge through squares occupied by his allies or by noncombatants.
At 16th level, the barbarian can move up to four times his speed when making a charge attack, rather than double.
At 19th level, the barbarian acquires a "cleaving charge." If he drops an opponent on a charge attack, and he has at least 10 feet of movement remaining, he can immediately make a new charge attack against a second foe. If he drops that foe and still has movement remaining, he can charge a third, and so on until he either fails to drop a foe, or runs out of movement. All the other standard rules for a charge attack still apply, including the fact that he must have at least 10 feet of distance to make the charge.
Even if he somehow gains the ability to make multiple attacks on a charge (such as with the lion's charge spell from the Spell Compendium), he must drop the foe on the first attack to use this ability. Similarly, he cannot use this ability and Cleave or Great Cleave in the same round.
Totem Barbarian (UA, p 48): Ten various animal totems, each trades various features:
Ape Totem Class Features
A barbarian dedicated to the ape totem does not gain the standard fast movement, uncanny dodge, trap sense, and improved uncanny dodge barbarian class features, and instead gains the following abilities.
At 1st level, an ape-totem barbarian gains a climb speed equal to one-half his base land speed (round down to the nearest 5-foot interval). For instance, a human, elf, half-elf, or half-orc ape-totem barbarian has a climb speed of 15 feet, while a dwarf, gnome, or halfling ape-totem barbarian has a climb speed of 10 feet.
At 2nd level, an ape-totem barbarian gains a +2 bonus on Intimidate checks.
A 3rd level ape-totem barbarian gains Power Attack as a bonus feat.
At 5th level, an ape-totem barbarian's climb speed equals his base land speed.
Bear Totem Class Features
A barbarian dedicated to the bear totem does not gain the standard fast movement, uncanny dodge, trap sense, and improved uncanny dodge barbarian class features, and instead gains the following abilities.
A 1st-level bear-totem barbarian gains Toughness as a bonus feat.
At 2nd level, a bear-totem barbarian gains Improved Grapple as a bonus feat, even if he doesn't meet the normal prerequisites.
A 3rd-level bear-totem barbarian gains Great Fortitude as a bonus feat.
Beginning at 5th level, a bear-totem barbarian gains a +4 bonus on grapple checks when raging.
Boar Totem Class Features
A barbarian dedicated to the boar totem does not gain the standard fast movement, uncanny dodge, trap sense, and improved uncanny dodge barbarian class features, and instead gains the following abilities.
When raging, a 1st-level boar-totem barbarian is treated as having the Diehard feat, even if he doesn't meet the normal prerequisites.
At 3rd level and higher, a boar-totem barbarian's rage lasts for 2 rounds longer than normal.
Beginning at 7th level, a boar-totem barbarian's damage reduction is 1 point higher than the normal value. Thus, at 7th level, a boar-totem barbarian's damage reduction is 2/-, and it rises by 1 point every three levels thereafter.
Dragon Totem Class Features
A barbarian dedicated to the dragon totem does not gain the standard fast movement, uncanny dodge, trap sense, and improved uncanny dodge barbarian class features, and instead gains the following abilities.
A 1st-level dragon-totem barbarian gains Blind-Fight as a bonus feat.
At 2nd level, a dragon-totem barbarian gains a +2 bonus on saves against paralysis and sleep effects.
At 5th level, a dragon-totem barbarian gains the frightful presence ability. The save DC is equal to 10 + 1/2 barbarian level + barbarian's Cha modifier.
Eagle Totem Class Features
A barbarian dedicated to the eagle totem does not gain the standard fast movement and trap sense barbarian class features, and instead gains the following abilities.
At 1st level, an eagle-totem barbarian's keen vision grants him a +2 bonus on Spot checks.
An eagle-totem barbarian gains Lightning Reflexes as a bonus feat at 3rd level.
Horse Totem Class Features
A barbarian dedicated to the horse totem does not gain the standard uncanny dodge, trap sense, and improved uncanny dodge barbarian class features, and instead gains the following abilities.
At 2nd level, a horse-totem barbarian gains Run as a bonus feat.
A 3rd-level horse-totem barbarian gains a +2 bonus on Handle Animal checks made with regard to horses and a +2 bonus on Ride checks made to ride a horse.
At 5th level, a horse-totem barbarian gains Endurance as a bonus feat.
Jaguar Totem Class Features
A barbarian dedicated to the jaguar totem represents the "standard" barbarian and gains the standard barbarian class features.
Lion Totem Class Features
A barbarian dedicated to the lion totem does not gain the standard fast movement, uncanny dodge, and improved uncanny dodge barbarian class features, and instead gains the following abilities.
At 1st level, a lion-totem barbarian gains Run as a bonus feat.
A 2nd-level lion-totem barbarian gains a +2 bonus on Hide checks.
A 5th-level lion-totem barbarian gains a +2 bonus on damage rolls whenever he charges.
Serpent Totem Class Features
A barbarian dedicated to the serpent totem does not gain the standard fast movement, uncanny dodge, trap sense, and improved uncanny dodge barbarian class features, and instead gains the following abilities.
At 1st level, a serpent-totem barbarian gains a +2 bonus on Fortitude saves against poison.
A 2nd-level serpent-totem barbarian gains a +2 bonus on Move Silently checks.
At 3rd level, a serpent-totem barbarian gains Improved Grapple as a bonus feat, even if he doesn't meet the normal prerequisites.
A serpent-totem barbarian gains Improved Initiative as a bonus feat at 5th level.
Wolf Totem Class Features
A barbarian dedicated to the wolf totem does not gain the standard uncanny dodge, trap sense, and improved uncanny dodge barbarian class features, and instead gains the following abilities.
A 2nd-level wolf-totem barbarian gains Improved Trip as a bonus feat, even if he doesn't meet the normal prerequisites.
A 5th-level wolf-totem barbarian gains Track as a bonus feat.
Totem Manifestation (CC, p 46): Lose damage reduction, gain one of the following:
(DS, p 8): Lose trapsense, gain trapfinding. Use survival to find traps, attack rolls to disable.
Uncanny Bravery (DrM, p 14): Gain immunity to draconic presence and resistance to fear instead of improved uncanny dodge.
View Spirit World (CC, p 46): lose uncanny dodge, once per day gain darkvision and a bonus to spot and search checks.
Wastelands Damage Reduction (SSt, p 44): gain DR 1/- against wasteland creatures and hazards that stacks with normal DR, lose 1 rage/day.
Whirling Frenzy (UA, p66): Rage increases Strength, Ref saves and AC, and allows an extra attack each turn, instead of normal benefit. Show
A barbarian with this variant form of rage doesn't gain the normal bonuses when he enters a rage. Instead, when a barbarian with whirling frenzy enters a rage, he temporarily gains a +4 bonus to Strength and a +2 dodge bonus to Armor Class and on Reflex saves. While in a whirling frenzy, the barbarian may make one extra attack in a round at his highest base attack bonus, but this attack takes a -2 penalty, as does each other attack made that round. This penalty applies for 1 round, so it also affects attacks of opportunity the barbarian might make before his next action.
Whirling frenzy is otherwise identical to the standard barbarian rage in all other ways. At 11th level (when a standard barbarian gains greater rage), the Strength bonus increases to +6, and the dodge bonus to Armor Class and on Reflex saves increases to +3. At 20th level (when a standard barbarian gains mighty rage), the Strength bonus increases to +8, and the dodge bonus to Armor Class and on Reflex saves increases to +4.
A barbarian using this variant doesn't gain indomitable will at 14th level. Instead, he gains evasion, but only while in a whirling frenzy.
A character can't use whirling frenzy at the same time that he uses any other form of rage (or similar ability).[/sblock]
Originally posted by Midnight_v:
LIFE ... DEATH.... SAME.... -Wei Yan
Bear Warrior (CW pg16): per day rage out as a bear The strength bonuses are pretty amazing and has made some amazing builds (I'll post the Bear of the North If I can find it)
Black Blood Cultist (CoR pg44) Shakuum's infamous "The Black Octopus" used this PRC to some great effect. The level 8 savage grapple makes this the real Reaping Mauler. Mix with bearwarrior or as mentioned in shakums thread primeval.
Champion of Gwynharwyf (BoED pg)
Dwarven Battlerager Unfortunately I finally found the prc for this class and it is a poor excuse for those souls who actually want to play something like what Thibbledorf Pwent is in the Salvatore stories... I'll tell you what its sooo bad I'll eventually make a build for what they're like in the stories... this Prc is the D&D equivalent of videogame themed movies.
Frenzied Berserker:
Has it's own section below.
Frostrager Link There are many fans of this prestige class... I personally am not one but it is a natural attack/grapple class that gives you cold based damage. Unfortunately more creatures in D&D have an immuity/resistance to cold than any other element.
Eye of Gruumsh(CW pg.32 ) Are you an ORC BARBARIAN? Do not serve Gruumsh, despite all the good press he gets. Worship Ilneval instead... because honestly there are simply easier ways to aquire blindsight than plucking out ones own eye.
Primeval Impressive ability gains with interesting shape changing abilities. However it is severely limited times per day.
One of the worst classes... this is the fear of creating a gish. You manage to become something who is good at neither fighting, nor spell casting.
Runescarred Berserker (UE) This is better on the gish scale. The spell list gained from this class is small ,but powerful, allowing you to cast AMF or Heal.
Totem Rager(MoI) There are people running around the boards making incredible builds using incarnum. That is not the norm however. If you weild the book of incarnum like an anime guy wields an oversized weapon then you'll know if this Prc is for you. If your not one of those guys... it'll only make your head hurt.
Mundane Gear
Greatsword The best martial weapon out there, 2d6 and 19/20 x2 crit. If you are using two handed, you will most likely be using this.
Harpoon Great for high str throwing builds, as it does its damage twice.
Mace, HeavyMace, Great club Listed because they work with the "3 Mountains" weapon style feat
Minotaur Great Hammer Breaks the rule of weapon crits 19-20 x4 has much notoriety on the boards
Tigerskull Club (FB) One of the best on handers, 1d8 x4 crit, exotic. Free for Neanderthals
Spiked Chain The preferred weapon for many char-op builds, range without penalty and tripping bonuses. Well worth the feat.
Grapple Barbarians actually do quiet well with grappling see This thread for more details.
Magic Gear
+1 Valorous (UE pg. ) Deal double damage on your charges.
Originally posted by Midnight_v:
To be or not to be (a frenzied berserker)...
The Frenzied Berserker.
Easily, the most loved, hated, and debated prestige class ever.
Arguably one the strongest melee Prcs in existance.
Feats Geared towards controling a FB
All Accumulated Frenzied Berseker knowledgeShow
The 3.5 Frenzied Berzerker Thread
Controlling a Frenzied Berserker
A Complete Champion Friendly Berserker
Who knows what might come up....
Due to certain feats you only really need one level of barbarian to be a barbarian. Typically this is for fighters but rogues or anyone esle could pull this stunt really.
Taking various amonts of extend rage, extra rage and reckless rage, to simulate "More rages per day" and " Greater rage"
Example 1
Human Barbarian1 Fighter 2 Cleric of "Crom!"1 Rogue 16
Ever watch "Conan the Babarian"? No. Well if you do see how much of his life is spent as a barbarian vs. a beliver in "Crom" or a Thief throughout the move. Get back to me
Worship "CROM"
Which nets you The time and war domain
The ability to take those Rogue special ablilities and skill tricks
A total of around 9d6 sneak attack as well as extra feats (if you include time and war) to power all your shennaigans
Turn undead for a divine feat or two.
Maybe even a spell something like Rhino's rush and you'll potentiall be able to rage 3-5 times a day
as well as fit in many many more feat combos than before.
The psuedo-barbarian is all around rough.
Works with fighter as well[/sblock]
Originally posted by Midnight_v:
Knockback + Rampaging bullrush + Leap attack + Power attack + Shocktrooper + 3 mountains style: huge returns for the glass cannon in you.
Imperious Command + Instaneous Rage + Intimidating rage (optional + Skill Trick never outnumbered) : This combo I cannot say enough about. Its the barbarian equivalent to a mage with celerity. You basically can cut off someones action and shut them down for a round making them drop what they were doing and well (die to your charge) add never outnumbered and charge the opposing force, leap attack into the midst of them then rage while mid-air. Potentially cowering thier whole team.
Exalted Barbarian by Dictum Mortum
[sblock]Human Barbarian 6/Champion of Gwynharwyf 10/Barbarian 4
Basically, gets everything a normal barbarian 20 receives and spells, divine grace, immunities and elemental resistances.
Barbarian 1 Power Attack, Righteous Wrath
Barbarian 2
Barbarian 3 Knight of Stars
Barbarian 4
Barbarian 5
Barbarian 6 Imperious Command
Champion 1
Champion 2
Champion 3 Intimidating Rage
Champion 4
Champion 5
Champion 6 Instantaneous Rage
Champion 7
Champion 8
Champion 9 Open
Champion 10
Barbarian 7
Barbarian 8 Open
Barbarian 9
Barbarian 10With 32 pb, you can start with 15/10/14/10/14/15, advancing strength at all levels.
Alternative Class Features:
Whirling Frenzy
Lion totem barbarian
Skilled City Dweller (tumble/ride, gather information/handle animal).
Skills: Max intimidate, survival, tumble, gather information, listen.
Originally posted by fwib:
Well, I hope this ends up being interesting.
[edit] Hooray! Barbarians!
Originally posted by hsien:
I have serious reservations about that....
Originally posted by Midnight_v:
Yeah you pretty much have to do it this way or people will start adding thier input before its even finished....
Aparently before they even know what it is too
Originally posted by Midnight_v:
Originally posted by ninjarabbit:
No love for Steadfast Determination? It turns wis into a dump stat and you should never fail a fort save again. Yeah it requires endurance but at least endurance is a common prerequisite for many PrCs such as deepwarden and horizon walker.
Originally posted by Midnight_v:
Oversight! You got it, Ninjarabbit, but I'm not nearly done yet Barbarian is one of my favorite classes.
i'm really sad about it not being in 4.0 book 1
It's going into the frenzied berserker area also though since its a big part of berserker debates.
Originally posted by marcb:
What about Combat Brute for extra Power Attack damage? I think this goes well with storm trooper and leap attack.
Originally posted by Midnight_v:
Maybe a breakdown into the type of feat tree something belongs to.
Okay though, I'll add it now. M.
Originally posted by surreal:
Didn't Zendu start a barbarian handbook just the other day?
edit: Barbarian Handbook
Originally posted by zendu:
I have no problems merging books. It's stupid to have 2 of the same thing.
I feel that Strength should be marked blue, its really the primary stat for barbs. Well that or con.
Steadfast Determination makes wisdom fairly redundant.
You never mention Whisper Gnome (whoops either did I) Personally, I've always felt they were LA +1
Originally posted by Midnight_v:
Originally posted by jameswilliamogle:
I think DR is better than most optimizers think... I definitely wouldn't make it a "red" ability.
We have to consider the number of attacks we are taking per round at higher levels. Whats worse, those attacks aren't iterative, but rather natural, so are at a flat -5 to hit instead of our -5/-10/-15, and god forbid they have multi-attack. I agree it sucks against many "hit once hit hard" monsters like elementals and golems, but against anything else having DR 3 / F.U. is going to save 9-15 points per round.
I don't think its worth chasing after, but I do think a feat for another 2 DR is worth it (for example, Roll-With-It), particularly if the Barbarian already has his combat-feats taken care of.
Originally posted by zendu:
Started Consolidating with mine, comments are very welcome. I personally agree about the damage reduction, I think its easy to forget how much it adds up agasint minor opponents. That said, if damage reduction is your thing, why not go mineral warrior and Berserker Strength so you get 12/adamantine? (my reading, text is a little wonky)
Originally posted by sir_argenon:
on frenzied berzerker, take a 1 level dip into warblade somewhere after 5th level to get the iron heart surge boost, and you can snap yourself out of your frenzy instantly without a save, anytime you wish
Originally posted by Dictum_Mortuum:
Human Barbarian 6/Champion of Gwynharwyf 10/Barbarian 4
Basically, gets everything a normal barbarian 20 receives and spells, divine grace, immunities and elemental resistances.
Barbarian 1 Power Attack, Righteous Wrath<br />Barbarian 2<br />Barbarian 3 Knight of Stars<br />Barbarian 4<br />Barbarian 5<br />Barbarian 6 Imperious Command<br />Champion 1<br />Champion 2<br />Champion 3 Intimidating Rage<br />Champion 4<br />Champion 5<br />Champion 6 Instantaneous Rage<br />Champion 7<br />Champion 8<br />Champion 9 Open<br />Champion 10<br />Barbarian 7<br />Barbarian 8 Open<br />Barbarian 9<br />Barbarian 10
With 32 pb, you can start with 15/10/14/10/14/15, advancing strength at all levels.
Alternative Class Features:
Skills: Max intimidate, survival, tumble, gather information, listen.
Originally posted by fwib:
The latest version of Half-Ogre is in Races of Destiny, and has +2 LA, not +1 LA as in Savage Species
Originally posted by zendu:
Originally posted by vulcanus:
So I'm making a 5th level Character soon:
Human Barbarian 3/Fighter 2
Str: 18 (+1 at level 4)
Dex: 16
Con: 18
Int: 13
Wis: 7
Cha: 14
(Rolls: 18, 17, 16, 14, 13, 7)
Feats(3+2 fighter): Power Attack, Cleave, Intimidating Rage, Leap Attack, Improved Bull Rush
[Kind of a technicality that my DM might realize: Taking Leap attack when I am level five isn't possible since it isn't a fighter Bonus feat, is it? And waiting until 6 isn't an option since that is reserved for Shock Trooper, if I do that than I would have to wait to take one at level 9, assuming I go into FB, which I am. I also need to work in Destructive rage(so useless) somehow.]
Skills: Max intimidate, jump, listen
Not sure what to do with Items just yet.
Originally posted by Krusk:
You left out one of the ebst substitution levels around. (and even included the levels after it)
Complete champion lion totem (and the others) gives pounce at level 1 instead of fast movement.
Originally posted by vulcanus:
Originally posted by aftercrescent:
Originally posted by eldariel:
You may wish to add the 'Twisted Charge'-skilltrick to that list; being able to turn once in a Charge is friggin' awesome. Also, as a bonus for Runescarred Berserker, add spells like Air Walk, Freedom of Movement, Divine Favor, See Invisibility, Improved Invisibility and even True Strike to the list; RSB's spell list is one of the best in the game. Very few weak spells and a crapton of awesome ones, especially ones covering common combatant weaknesses.
I'll try and post some Power Tripper RSB (using Snow Tiger Berserker>Improved Trip) that's also the tracker and trapfinder some time soon (in other words, I'll try to make a Glass Cannon/Tank/Skill Monkey (tracker/trapfinder/intimidator)/Divine Caster-Barbarian, just 'cause it's possible).
Originally posted by fwib:
Another problem with switching off Frenzied Berserker's frenzy is that you "must attack those who you perceive as foes to the best of your ability" and switching off your frenzy would generally be detrimental to your best ability of attacking.
Admittedly, it does allow you to make will saves to end it voluntarily as free actions, but using up a whole standard action....?
Originally posted by sir_argenon:
as you can see, it mentions nothing about harmful. by RAW as far as i'm concerned, IHS is the perfect counter for frenzy gone bad.
Originally posted by jaerad:
Lawls... the real Battlerager is in Races of Fayrum. I think it sucks, but it's certainly better than a bunch of crazy homebrew restrictions.
I don't get the appeal of Bear Warrior. It replaces your rage/frenzy bonuses. Sure, at ECL 17 you get +20 STR - but that's about all the class features. Even then, compare a ECL 8 BW (Barb 5/Fighter 2/BW 1) to a Goliath FB (Barb 4/F 2/FB 1) - +8 STR vs +12, and you can stack the Rage spell for +14. ECL 13 BW +16, but by then you could easy dip for another Rage-esque ability for +18. Or wait for ECL 15 (Barb 4/Fighter 2/FB 8) and get Greater Frenzy, or B 11/F 2/FB 1 for Greater Rage. Not to mention all the class abilities you can be picking up that blow Scent completely out of the water.*
Need a section on multiclassing. Fighter, Feat Rogue, Druid variants, the beloved Cleric dip, etc.
*I also think that +4 STR when you're already buffed to +20 to 30.. not that impressive. I'd rather have feats/maneuvers to capitalize on a high STR, than a few more bonus points. Furthermore, this same advice holds for Whirling Frenzy and other abilities that won't stack with Rage-likes.
Originally posted by ninjarabbit:
I think a section should be devoted to the half orc paragon. While technically not a barbarian it does allow for lawful characters to rage so you can have barbarian-like builds with classes that are normally lawful.
One build is halforcparagon3/paladin17 with the Races of Destiny racial subsitution for half orc paladins that trades smite for an ability similar to rage in righteous fury. However righteous fury does stack with rage so you can do both and do massive damage in melee.
Originally posted by jameswilliamogle:
Druidic Avenger, too, if we are going to list that.
Originally posted by necroramo:
Does the Primeval from Frostburn have a place here? It's not a strictly barbarian class, but it's basically the Bear Warrior only better and Barbarian seems like a really good entry
Originally posted by eldariel:
Alright, I'll give teh multithreat Barb a go:
Human Barbarian 7/Crusader 1/Fighter 1/Ranger 2/Runescarred Berserker 9 - starting with Ranger-level for some skillpoints and taking the second one somewhere down the road; mostly they just boost Spot (and allow picking an additional skill...oh, and make you lite-****ing-rate).
Ranger 1: Track, Iron Will, Survivor - Arcane Hunter, Spiritual Connection, Skilled City-Dweller (Tumble, Gather Information)
Barbarian 1: Whirling Frenzy 1/day, Lion-Totem Barbarian, Skilled City-Dweller (Tumble, Gather Information)
Barbarian 2: Snow Tiger Berserker - Uncanny Dodge
Barbarian 3: Trapkiller (ACF)
Ranger 2: Power Attack (Strong-Arm Style)
Barbarian 4: Combat Reflexes - Whirling Frenzy 2/day
Fighter 1: Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Spiked Chain, Improved Trip - Hit'n'Run, Exoticist
Runescarred Berserker 1: Scribe Runescar
Crusader 1: Martial Stance: Thicket of Blades
Runescarred Berserker 2: Whirling Frenzy 3/day
Runescarred Berserker 3: Ritual Scarring +1
Runescarred Berserker 4: Robilar's Gambit - Spawn of Frost, Damage Reduction 1/-
Runescarred Berserker 5: Whirling Frenzy 4/day
Runescarred Berserker 6: Ritual Scarring +2
Runescarred Berserker 7: Leap Attack - Damage Reduction 2/-, Whirling Frenzy 5/day
Runescarred Berserker 8: Greater Frenzy
Runescarred Berserker 9: Ritual Scarring +3, Whirling Frenzy 6/day
Barbarian 5: Improved Bull Rush, Shock Trooper (replacing Improved Uncanny Dodge)
Barbarian 6:
Barbarian 7: Street Fighter - Increased Threat Range on Charge
Very much feat-starved as always, but does a fine job as a trapfinder and Tracker while also having a good control over an area and dealing decent damage, especially towards the end (although Frenzy + Lion-totem Charges are not to be underestimated either, especially with THF and Power Attack). I suppose Improved Trip could be Standstill, but I wanted to continue making use of the prerequisite feats and thus get the Trip-modifier up there. Unfortunately, the character takes up until Level 17 to actually get Anti-Magic Field, which is a bummer, but at least he does get to use Ranger-wands including the almighty Wand of Lesser Vigor, so he does decently in that regard. Since level 10 of Runescarred Berserker adds no spells to cast, just spells known, I figured it's quite weak; Heal is a great spell, but generally you'd want it cast at max. CL at that point, especially with 16 Con, so I suppose you're better off hitting things than Healing anyways. And well, having too few Anti-Magic Fields is always an issue.
The Intimidates won't be too impressive especially since this isn't an Intimidating-focused build, but it'll give it some social prowess as ranks make up for the lack of stats. Gather Information can be rather high too if one considers ~10 ranks in Tumble sufficient. Of course, Survival (which is handily boosted by Survivor) is the main skill for finding Traps and Tracking, so it's pretty high. The character should have highish Listen, Spot, Survival, Tumble and Intimidate and that should carry one through most of the levels. Ideally this guy sits at the frontline as the forward sentry, seeking for traps and looking for threats, takes hits and dishes out more than his share and tosses an AMF or similar spell when necessary. Oh, and heals the party. On level 18 he finally gets the 'Tank my AC, full Frenzied attack your face'-routine. Note, I didn't pick Mage Slayer because of AMF and the fact that Runescars already have low CLs.
This guy also has high saves all around with Dex being decent for Ref (and Whirling Frenzy boosting it), Wis being decent for Will (and Iron Will boosting it) and Fort just being Fort. Also, the AC is surprisingly good with Whirling Frenzy, Ritual Scarring and company boosting it while maintaining the ability to wear Mithril Breastplate. Basically, this is a guy that can dodge should need be. I sort of want to play something of the sort in future. Oh yeah, I forgot, he has Crusader-maneuvers too. But those are fairly trivial as you won't be using the most; I suppose you can pick up White Raven Tactics to be way more useful in combat, and something that allows charging without AoOs. And probably Martial Spirit, Leading the Charge or Bolstering Voice; being useful has never hurt anyone. Oh yeah, with the Drow ACF, you can win Initiative pretty often. Some degree of Hide could be nice for Surprise Action Charge+Pounce Your Face, but that would be quite an investment skillwise. Still, win Initiative and Pounce their face is always a good tactic. It's actually possible to move the battlefield control elements down the wire, focusing more on charging early on to focus more on damage with battlefield control as an afterthought.
Originally posted by zendu:
I think the real fault with this is the justification of using a standard action to not attack.
Originally posted by Midnight_v:
Also ... Thats why the FB is "THE GREAT DEBATE" people can't NOT argue about it a what it means so I'm glad that I put that section there.
I'm also glad that i've discovered while writing this book that it is NOT the only barbarian prestige class. Much potential an much of it undiscussed, it makes me feel like this work is worthwhile.
The production of the book will slow, but continue throughout the week. and increase dramatically on thusday through sunday. Please continue to post your barbarian builds and advice. We are working dilligently to make this the best handbook on the boards.
Your Fellow Optimizers.
Zendu and Midnight.
Originally posted by zendu:
Ya i'll add a blurb about primeval sometime today, the only disadvantage to the class is that t has its own times per day progression.
Originally posted by arz:
You forgot Eye of Gruumsh. Gets you rage and a +4 to your str @ 2nd lvl. Funny, combines well w/ rage mage and its stackable spell rage. Still bad but at least you are breaking orcish conventions.
Originally posted by eldariel:
That reminded me:
Link Short Guide to Grappling; Barbarians are pretty much the only viable PC Grapplers out of noncasters anyways, and that guide has quite a few bits of good advice on Barbarian, so I think it'd be a valuable link for this Handbook.
Originally posted by zendu:
I'm looking at primeval and wondering..... if you choose your animal to be a bear, does the bonuses stack with bear warrior? My god thats sick, and I think it does by RAW
(Fragment from the lost text of the Archmagus Tsuyoshikentsu "The Tao of Optimization")
A Barbarian must
Be satisfied.
He seems boring to others,
But he has his great secret.
That is,
He can keep up with ToB classes
In raw damage. Though he is
Often a dip class,
"I attack again" has its merits!
Table of contents
1.Essential Abilities. CLass Features. BARBARIC RACES
2. Feats. Skills + Skill Tricks. Alternate Class Features/Substitution Levels
3. Prestige Classes. Gear Selections.
4. To be or not to be (a frenzied berserker) + Psudeo-Barbarians
5. Styles, Tricks, Accumulated Builds
Reserved For Introduction
Originally posted by Midnight_v:
Basic Stats:
- Full Base Attack Bonus
- d12 Hit Die
- Good Fortitude
- 4+int skill points
Essential Abilities: Barbarian abilities can be Str, Con, Dex. Alternatively use Str, Dex, Wis in the case of the glass cannons
- Strength: Generally melee combat relies heavily on strength. From here flows power
- Dexterity:
this is as valid as Con in the "charge" builds which there are many of. Futher being a class that is limited to medium armor in the first few levels (before you can afford all the +1's the extra ac really helps
- Constitution: Traditional toughen up, have a longer rage, high fort all good.
"Had to eat my hat"
- Intelligence: I actually have illiteracy as a class ablitiy.
- Wisdom:
Listen is one of your class skills, Wizards( the dangerous ones) will look at you and say "save or die" or "kill your friends" Remember that scene in Conan "Who am I if not your father?" Best to go ahead and make that will save. Note that Steadfast Determination can help with Will saves.
- Charisma:
uhm... at least 35% of all barbarians are Orcs.
"It' is not enough that I should succeed but that everyone esle must fail!" -Ghengis Khan Show
Rage Which is makes you the Barbarian.
+4 to strength +4 Con -2 AC +2 to will saves
Greater rage: +6 Str +6 Con -2 AC +3 to will saves (level 11)
Mighty Rage: +8 Str +8con -2 AC +4 on will saves (Capstone ability)
Fast Movement Which is a really, Really good ability, just not as good as pounce as it turns out.
Uncanny Dodge Retains your Dex while flatfooted which prevents all kinds of bad things. Scales with your barbarian level and become Improved Uncanny Dodge at 5th.
Trapsense Seriously, weak, someone might disagree but I belive if you can find a better use for this slot, TRADE IT OUT! Traps requiring a reflex save typically aren't that dangerous
Damage Reduction This is a class feature that was overrated when the game was designed and thus you never get enough of it to be competative at the levels where it would matter. Dr5/- is not cutting it at level 20.
Indomitable will I like this ablility I honestly do it will keep you from nuking the party sometimes... I aslo think that if you could trade this for something and use better precautions it would be good as well. LEVEL 14
Tireless Rage which is kind of a non power if you've made it to LVL 17 the the Drawback of rage wasn't that great a drawback was it? Something the design team added for completeness...[/sblock]
“He is a barbarian, and thus thinks that the customs of his tribe and island are the laws of nature” - George Bernard Shaw
Non Level Adjustment Races
Rating of the Base Race and a Listing of various races with a bonus to a physical attributes
Phb Races:
- Humans: Good at everything as advertised. The bonus skills + bonus feat provide the extra diversity many builds need.
- Dwarves: Darkvision, extra con, and no movement penalty in medium armor makes these fellas. Excellent
- Elves -2 con +2 dex: as a rule of thumb things with con penalties make poor barbarians.
- Gnomes You're gonna pass on this one there is only one gnome and it whispers not ROARS!
- Half-elf. Its just a all around poor choice.
- Half-Orcs +2 str -2 int -2 cha The Iconic D&D Barbarian Stronger and Dumber but Strong wins!
- Halflings: There is a halfling barbarian here and there but not in the Phb.
Races of note: La+0
- Changeling: none, medium, 30 ft., minor change shape (su), rogue, humanoid (changling, shapechanger), races of eberron pg.40 (Simply for thier ability to Warshaper)
- Darfellan: +2 Str -2 Dex, medium, 20 ft. (swim 40 ft.), barbarian, humanoid (darfellan), stormwrack pg.37
- Dragonborn: +2 Con -2 Dex, same as base creature, same as base creature, fighter and the base creatures, same as base creature (dragonblood, same as base creature), races of the dragon pg.5
- Duskling: +2 Con -2 Int, medium, 30 ft., totemist, fey (incarnum), magic of incarnum pg.10
- Dwarves
- Aquatic Dwarf: +2 Con +2 Str -4 Dex -2 Cha, medium, 20 ft. (swim 20 ft)., fighter, humanoid (dwarf, aquatic), unearthed arcana pg.7
- Earth Dwarf: +2 Str +2 Con -2 Dex -2 Cha, medium, 20 ft., fighter, humanoid (dwarf, earth), unearthed arcana pg.16
- Fireblood Dwarf: +2 Con -2 Cha, medium, 20 ft., fighter, humanoid (dwarf, dragonblood), dragon magic pg.7
- Lesser Duergar: +2 Con -4 Cha, medium, 20 ft., enlarge person 1/day (only works on Lesser Duergars), fighter, humanoid (dwarf), player’s guide to faerun pg.190
- Wild Dwarf: +2 Con -2 Cha, small, 20 ft., barbarian, humanoid (dwarf), races of faerun pg.23
- Aquatic Dwarf: +2 Con +2 Str -4 Dex -2 Cha, medium, 20 ft. (swim 20 ft)., fighter, humanoid (dwarf, aquatic), unearthed arcana pg.7
- Elves (*sigh* there's an elf it seems... for every occasion)
- Aquatic Elf: +2 Dex -2 Int, medium, 30 ft. (swim 40 ft)., fighter, humanoid (elf, aquatic), monster manual pg.103
- Half-Drow: none, medium, 30 ft., any, humanoid (elf, human), races of faerun pg.62 (if you must)
- Painted Elf: +2 Dex -2 Int, medium, 30 ft., druid, humanoid (elf), sandstorm pg.42
- Snow Elf: +2 Dex -2 Cha, medium, 30 ft., wizard, humanoid (elf), frostburn pg.34
- Wood Elf: +2 Str +2 Dex -2 Con -2 Int, meduim, 30 ft., ranger, humanoid (elf), monster manual pg.104
- Aquatic Elf: +2 Dex -2 Int, medium, 30 ft. (swim 40 ft)., fighter, humanoid (elf, aquatic), monster manual pg.103
- Strongheart Halfling: -2 Str +2 Dex, small, 20 ft., rogue, humanoid (halfling), forgotten realms pg.18
- Hellbred (Body): +2 Con -2 Int, medium, 30 ft, hellbound (su), paladin, humanoid (hellbred), Fiendish Codex II pg.78
- Hengeyokai: -2 Wis, medium, 30 ft., alternate form (su), wu jen, humanoid (hengeyokai, shapechanger), oriental adventures pg.10 yet another shapechanger
- Human
- Azurin: none, medium, 30 ft., soulborn, humanoid (human, incarnum), magic of incarnum pg.7
- Mongrelfolk: +4 Con -2 Int -4 Cha, medium, 30 ft., rogue, humanoid (human), races of destiny pg.98
- Neanderthal: +2 Str -2 Dex +2 Con -2 Int, medium, 30 ft., barbarian, humanoid (human), frostburn pg.36
- Azurin: none, medium, 30 ft., soulborn, humanoid (human, incarnum), magic of incarnum pg.7
- Krinth: +2 Con -2 Cha, medium, 30 ft., fighter, humanoid (krinth), champions of ruin pg.36
- Krynn Minotaur: +4 Str -2 Dex -2 Int -2 Cha, medium, 30 ft., humanoid (minotaur), dragonlance campaign setting pg.42
- Neraphim<< LINK none, medium, 30 ft., ranger, outsider, planar handbook pg.12
- Orc: +4 Str -2 Int -2 Wis -2 Cha, medium, 30 ft., barbarian, humanoid (orc), monster manual pg.203
- Water Orc: +4 Str +2 Con -2 Int -2 Wis -2 Cha, medium, 30 ft. (swim 30 ft.), barbarian, humanoid (orc), unearthed arcana pg.18
- Planetouched
- Lesser Earth Genasi +2 Str +2 Con -2 Wis -2 Cha, medium, 30 ft., pass without trace (sp), fighter, humanoid (planetouched), player’s guide to faerun pg.191
- Lesser Water Genasi +2 Con -2 Cha, medium, 30 ft., create water (sp), fighter, humanoid (planetouched), player’s guide to faerun pg.191
- Lesser Tiefling +2 Int +2 Dex -2 Cha, medium, 30 ft., darkness (sp), rogue, humanoid (planetouched), player’s guide to faerun pg.191
- Lesser Earth Genasi +2 Str +2 Con -2 Wis -2 Cha, medium, 30 ft., pass without trace (sp), fighter, humanoid (planetouched), player’s guide to faerun pg.191
- Raptoran: none, medium, 30 ft. (fly 40 ft. average), cleric, humanoid (raptoran), races of the wild pg.66 All kinds of flying antics open up
- Shifter: +2 Dex -2 Int -2 Cha, medium, 30 ft., shifting (su), ranger, humanoid (shifter, shapechanger), races of eberrron pg.25. Yet another Warshaper.
- Skarns: +2 Str -2 Dex, medium, 30 ft., incarnate, humanoid (reptilian), magic of incarnum pg.15
- Synad: none, medium, 30 ft., Threefold Mind (su), Oracle (su), Collective (su), Multitask (Su), any, aberration (synad, psionic), Complete Psionic pg. 140
- Warforged: +2 Con -2 Wis -2 Cha, medium, 30 ft. fighter, construct (living construct), races of eberron pg.07
- Whisper Gnome +2 dex +2 con -2 str -2 cha, small, 30 ft. rouge, humanoid (gnome), Races of Stone pg. 96 Silence 1/day and some very nice skill bonuses.
+1 Level adjusted races:
- Goliath
(RoS pg. 56) +4 str -2 dex +2 con and Powerful build which lets them count as large in many instances futher they're supported as a "barbarian" class which gives them many options (sub-levels and race specific feats.)
- Half Giant (ExPh page12) +2 str +2 con -2 dex, Poweful build which lets them count as large in many instances. 2pps. "Stomp" as psi like ablility. The problem with the half-giant is the +2 str instead of +4 as well as not being a supported barbarian class. Making the inferior to the Goliath in every way but visual appeal. They do qualify you for psionic feats though... try to get your dm to allow you to replace "stomp" with "Expansion" and you can turn this blue.
Bauriar Planar Handbook. You get 40' speed, quadruped, darkvision, bonus to will saves vs spells/SLAs, and SR=11+hd.
(SS page 117) +4 Strength, +2 Constitution, -4 Intelligence, -2 Charisma, -2 Dexterity. Other barbarians have to rage to get as strong as you are at any given time, you could start off with a 24 strength and then rage! Combine in the fact that this thing is actually "Large" not just a "Powerful build" helps this race far outshine its peers.
- Mineral Warrior +2 Strength, +4 Con, -2 Wis, -2 Cha. Dr 8/ad Darkvision etc... truly a char-op dream.
- Feral
- White Dragonspawn +2 on dex and con, but also grants, a breath weapon, natural weapons, fly speed, +7 natural armor and a full sorceror caster level for a mere 1 LA. Ahh but you do gain the cold subtype
Originally posted by Midnight_v:
- Combat Brute: (CW pg.110) Tactical: easy entry because it doesn't ask you do do anything you weren't already doing provides 3 abilities. All in all useful especially if you don't have access to the Lion totem Variant from the complete champion. Advacing blows is meh, but if you've built a serious "Knockback" based build might get a little work out of this. Sundering cleave is really good if you want to destroy that $100,000 staff the BBEG is holding. The star of this little trio is Momentum swing which is increases the multiplyer of your power attack the second round after a charge. Works well with many many things
- Combat expertise: You wanna dance? There are classes better suited to it. Plus int is really a dumpstat.
- Destructive Rage: While raging, you gain a +8 bonus on any Strength checks you make to break open doors or break inanimate, immobile objects.
- Extended Rage
: Each of your rages lasts an additional 5 rounds beyond its normal length. Special: You can take this feat multiple times, and the additional rounds stack.
- Extra Rage : You rage two more times per day than you otherwise could. Special: You can take this feat multiple times, gaining two additional rages per day each time.
- Evasive Reflexes: There is a use for this if chained correctly
- Improved Bullrush: Usefull if you're going to attempt to follow the chain.
- Instantaneous Rage
: Your rage begins at any time you wish, even when it's your turn or when you're surprised. you can activate your rage in response to another's action after learning the result but before it takes effect. Thus, you can gain the benefits of rage in time to prevent or ameliorate an undesirable event. Normal: You enter a rage only during your turn.See combos.
- Intimidating Rage: When entering a rage, you designate a single foe within 30 feet of you can attempt to demoralize as a free actionor become shaken for as long as you continue to rage. see combos.
- Karmic Strike: This is more for the psedo-barbarian fighter/charger, but if you're a glass cannon you can single handedly kill most BBEG's with this after a charge. unfortunately it wants combat expertise.
- Knockbackprereqs: Improved bullrush, power attack, Large or Powerful build Succesful powerattacks initiate a bullrush with Pa bonus on strength roll. See combos.
- Leapattack: A jump check to do double my power attack damage(after all other calculations)? Does this awsomeness come with a shake?
[sblock]If you cover at least 10 feet of horizontal distance with your jump, and you end your jump in a square from which you threaten your target, you deal +100% the normal bonus damage from your use of the Power Attack feat.
- Martial Study(ToB) This feat can get you many nifty abilities, taking this twice can give you the controversial Iron Heart Surge... see our Frenzied Barbarian section.
Mad Foam Rager(PHB II) delay the effects of an attack, spell or special ability for one round. That actually good but what will you do in that one round? It like a nod to the crusader in a way. This could get a blue "If" if you had more feats to spend, If there was a way to use it more than once per rage. If the delay was longer.... It could be strong under the right conditions, but being a condtional feat will only get you a green rating .
- Powerattack: From which all Goodness Flows.
- Rampaging Bullrush: prereqs: Rage, Imp.Bullrush/Large/powerfulbuild Jotunbrood.take a -4 penalty to knock opponents prone with bullrush. See combo section.
- Reckless Ragererequisites: Con 13, rage ability. Benefit: Whenever you activate your rage ability, you take an additional -2 penalty to your Armor Class, but you gain an additional +2 bonus to Strength and Constitution. These bonuses and penalties stack with the effects of rage, greater rage, and mighty rage.
- Robilar's Gambit Much like karmic strike if you're glass cannoning then this will aid in pwning since you throwdown more DmG than most people 1st round.
- Shock Trooper: CW pg.112: Essentially for heedless charge ensuring that power attack for max damage hits.
- Standstill: Give up an AoO for damage to ensure an opponent stays in place on a failed reflex, but the reflex save is equal to your damage ... which is high....
- Steadfast determination PhbII Endurance Use Constitution to modify Will saves
- Stonerage:
- +1 enhancement to ac while raging if touching the ground. (Anataeus died like this mythologically)
Three Mountains Sytle : easy enty weapon stlye feat that causes nausea with repeated attacks A+
- Climb (Str) Can be used to gain tactical advantages or bypass environmental dangers.
- Craft (Int) Rarely used.
- Handle Animal (Cha) Situational.
- Gather Information (Cha) Cityscape allows us to trade Handle Animal for this, it is also very situational. Note that many DM's might penalize you more than say a rouge for using this skill, most Barbarians lack the tact to use social skills effectivly.
- Intimidate (Cha)
A good skill for social situations you are otherwise ill prepared for.
- Jump (Str) Essential for leap attack
- Listen (Wis) One of the most used skills in most campaigns, good if you want to fill a scout role.
- Ride (Dex)
It's doubtful you will have enough feats to benefit from mounted combat.
- Tumble (Dex) Cityscape lets use trade ride for tumble. It gives you many more combat options than you might otherwise have.
- Survival (Wis) A good way to feed your party, and with the track feat, can be very useful. A must if you take the trap killer ACF
- Swim (Str) Some situations and campaigns see some use for this, but most don't. When you do use it, it can be a life saver.
- Spot (Wis) Although its cross-class for you, it might still be worth the investment.
- Hide/Move Silently (Dex) I wouldn't advise this unless you have both the skill points to spare and racial to counteract the rank loss. That said, a scout who can take care of business is something to fear.
- Extreme Leap Extra 10' on successful jump, combines well with leap attack.
- Never Outnumbered: CS; Demoralize in combat affects all within 10ft.
- Twisted Charge Hard to qualify for, but changing direction mid charge is quiet handy
(and how they changed the class for better or worse)
I have a bit to say about this, this is the way they chose to fix the barbarian, it wasn't a very versitile class so it gets some of the best variants ever, and the Lion totem from the complete champion, Now makes as many people dip barbarian as they do fighter. In the end though these are large amount of abilities that give you the edge, and help individualize your barbarian and maybe the people from his tribe "We rage but we don't get all "speedy" like you do"
Aquatic Barbarian (SW, p 48): fast movement applies to racial swim speed instead of land speed
Berserker Strength (PHB 2, p 33): Lose rage. Gain a rage that activates every time your hitpoints drop to below 5 + your barbarian level.
Bonus Feat (SSt, p 44): Gain a bonus feat, lose improved uncanny dodge.
Crafty Hunter (UA, p 58): Gain favored enemy, archery combat style, improved archery combat style, and greater archery combat style. Lose rage and indomitable will.
Duskling Barbarian (MoI, p 43): d10 hitdice, add knowledge: the planes to class skill list
- 1st level: Incarnum Speed (can channel essentia to greatly increase speed), lose fast movement
- 7th level: Incarnum Defense (spend essentia to give damage reduction and energy resistance), lose damage reduction
- 11th level: Incarnum Rage (gain 2 points of essentia while raging), lose greater rage
Fangshields Barbarian Substitution Levels (CV, p 40): must be nonhumanoid
- 3rd level: Fast Charge (increased movement when charging), replaces trap sense
- 5th level: Awesome Charge (make a charge attack as though with Awesome Blow), replaces uncanny dodge
- 7th level: Raging Vigor (spend rage to heal damage), lose 1 point of DR
Ferocity (CS, web): Lose normal rage, gain ferocity which boosts Str and Dex instead of Con.
but really its quite an excellent variant overall.
[sblock] Where most barbarians define themselves by nigh-unstoppable rage, a few streetfighters and urban warriors have mastered different techniques. By working up a surge of adrenaline, they hit just as hard, and substantially faster, than their counterparts, while dodging the inevitable counterattack.
Class: Barbarian.
Level: 1st.
Replaces: If you select this class feature, you do not gain rage, or any later improvements to that class feature, nor do you gain indomitable will.
Benefit: Once per day, the barbarian can enter a state of adrenaline-fueled fury, increasing both his physical might and his reaction time. He temporarily gains a +4 bonus to Strength and a +4 bonus to Dexterity, but he takes a -2 penalty on ranged attack rolls beyond short range (30 feet).
He can enter this state as an immediate action, even when flat-footed at the start of combat, so he may apply the enhanced Dexterity modifier to his initiative check.
While in a state of ferocity, the barbarian cannot use any Charisma- or Intelligence-based skills (except for Intimidate), the Concentration skill, or any abilities that require patience or concentration, nor can he cast spells or activate magic items that require a command word, a spell trigger (such as a wand), or spell completion (such as a scroll) to function. He can use any feat he has except item creation feats and metamagic feats. Ferocity lasts for a number of rounds equal to 4 + his Constitution modifier (if positive). The barbarian may prematurely end his state of ferocity. At the end of ferocity, he loses the ferocity modifiers and restrictions and become sickened (-2 on all attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks) for the duration of the current encounter (unless he is a 17th-level barbarian, at which point this limitation no longer applies). Abilities that normally render him immune to being sickened (such as the Strong Stomach feat, Cityscape 64) reduce the penalties to -1, but do not remove them entirely.
The barbarian can invoke ferocity only once per encounter. At 1st level he can use this ability once per day. At 4th level and every four levels thereafter, he can use it one additional time per day (to a maximum of six times per day at 20th level).
Greater Ferocity: At 11th level, his bonuses to Strength and Dexterity during ferocity each increase to +6. In addition, the duration of his ferocity increases to 5 + your Constitution modifier (if positive).
Shifting Stance: At 14th level, while in a state of ferocity, he gains a +1 dodge bonus to Armor Class and Reflex saves.
In addition, while in a state of ferocity, the barbarian can stand from prone as a swift action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. If a foe that threatens him has a base attack bonus that is 4 points or more higher than his barbarian level, however, she gains an attack of opportunity as normal. (These abilities replace indomitable will.)
Relentless Ferocity: At 17th level, the duration of his ferocity increases to 6 + his Constitution modifier (if positive), and he no longer become sickened at the end of his ferocity. In addition, the dodge bonus granted by his shifting stance ability becomes +2.
Unstoppable Ferocity: At 20th level, the barbarian's bonuses to Strength and Dexterity during ferocity each increase to +8.
Goliath Barbarian Substitution Levels (RS, p 150): add knowledge: nature to class list
- 1st level: Mountain Rage (extra size/strength while raging), replaces normal rage
- 5th level: Fortification (25% chance to prevent crits and such), lose uncanny dodge
- 8th level: Skin of Stone (x/adamantine damage reduction instead of normal)
Half-Orc Barbarian Substitution Levels (RD, p 159):
- 2nd level: Reckless Charge (+4 attack while charging, -4 AC), no uncanny dodge
- 5th level: Insightful Rage (+4 will vs. illusions), no improved uncanny dodge
- 7th level: Two-Handed Strike (+2 damage with 2 handed weapon), lose damage reduction 1/-
Planar Barbarian (PlH, p 28): Add knowledge: the planes to class list
- 3rd level: Portal Sense replaces trap sense
- 7th level: Planar Damage Reduction (improved damage reduction vs. outsiders and extraplanar creatures), reduce normal damage reduction
- 11th level: Menacing Rage (aura weakens extraplanar creatures), lose greater rage
Roof Dweller
(CS, web): Instead of fast movement, gain the roof walker feat. At 6th level, gain the roof jumper feat.
Spell Sense (CM, p 35): Lose trapsense. Gain AC bonus vs spells.
Spiritual Totem (CC, p 46): Lose fast movement, gain one of the following:
- Bear Totem: Improved Grab ability
- Eagle Totem: +4 bonus to search and spot
- Fox Totem: +4 bonus to Hide and Move Silently
- Lion Totem: Gain Pounce ability
- Wolf Totem: +2 to attack rolls while flanking
(CS, web): Lose damage reduction to gain special abilities and benefits while charging.
[sblock] Streetfighter
The ability to take a blow is valuable, but on the violent and crowded streets of the city, the winner of a brawl or a duel is often the one who can hit hardest and fastest.
Class: Barbarian.
Level: 7th.
Replaces: If you select this class feature, you do not gain damage reduction at 7th level, or any of the improvements to damage reduction at higher levels.
Benefit: The barbarian gains the ability to swiftly bring the fight to his foe and to hit him hard.
At 7th level, the critical threat range of any charge attack he makes, or any attack he makes against a flat-footed foe, increases by 1. (Thus, a greataxe would threaten a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.) This ability stacks with the Improved Critical feat or the keen weapon enhancement.
At 10th level, the barbarian can make a single turn, up to 90 degrees, during a charge.
At 13th level, the barbarian can charge through squares occupied by his allies or by noncombatants.
At 16th level, the barbarian can move up to four times his speed when making a charge attack, rather than double.
At 19th level, the barbarian acquires a "cleaving charge." If he drops an opponent on a charge attack, and he has at least 10 feet of movement remaining, he can immediately make a new charge attack against a second foe. If he drops that foe and still has movement remaining, he can charge a third, and so on until he either fails to drop a foe, or runs out of movement. All the other standard rules for a charge attack still apply, including the fact that he must have at least 10 feet of distance to make the charge.
Even if he somehow gains the ability to make multiple attacks on a charge (such as with the lion's charge spell from the Spell Compendium), he must drop the foe on the first attack to use this ability. Similarly, he cannot use this ability and Cleave or Great Cleave in the same round.
Totem Barbarian (UA, p 48): Ten various animal totems, each trades various features:
Ape Totem Class Features
A barbarian dedicated to the ape totem does not gain the standard fast movement, uncanny dodge, trap sense, and improved uncanny dodge barbarian class features, and instead gains the following abilities.
At 1st level, an ape-totem barbarian gains a climb speed equal to one-half his base land speed (round down to the nearest 5-foot interval). For instance, a human, elf, half-elf, or half-orc ape-totem barbarian has a climb speed of 15 feet, while a dwarf, gnome, or halfling ape-totem barbarian has a climb speed of 10 feet.
At 2nd level, an ape-totem barbarian gains a +2 bonus on Intimidate checks.
A 3rd level ape-totem barbarian gains Power Attack as a bonus feat.
At 5th level, an ape-totem barbarian's climb speed equals his base land speed.
Bear Totem Class Features
A barbarian dedicated to the bear totem does not gain the standard fast movement, uncanny dodge, trap sense, and improved uncanny dodge barbarian class features, and instead gains the following abilities.
A 1st-level bear-totem barbarian gains Toughness as a bonus feat.
At 2nd level, a bear-totem barbarian gains Improved Grapple as a bonus feat, even if he doesn't meet the normal prerequisites.
A 3rd-level bear-totem barbarian gains Great Fortitude as a bonus feat.
Beginning at 5th level, a bear-totem barbarian gains a +4 bonus on grapple checks when raging.
Boar Totem Class Features
A barbarian dedicated to the boar totem does not gain the standard fast movement, uncanny dodge, trap sense, and improved uncanny dodge barbarian class features, and instead gains the following abilities.
When raging, a 1st-level boar-totem barbarian is treated as having the Diehard feat, even if he doesn't meet the normal prerequisites.
At 3rd level and higher, a boar-totem barbarian's rage lasts for 2 rounds longer than normal.
Beginning at 7th level, a boar-totem barbarian's damage reduction is 1 point higher than the normal value. Thus, at 7th level, a boar-totem barbarian's damage reduction is 2/-, and it rises by 1 point every three levels thereafter.
Dragon Totem Class Features
A barbarian dedicated to the dragon totem does not gain the standard fast movement, uncanny dodge, trap sense, and improved uncanny dodge barbarian class features, and instead gains the following abilities.
A 1st-level dragon-totem barbarian gains Blind-Fight as a bonus feat.
At 2nd level, a dragon-totem barbarian gains a +2 bonus on saves against paralysis and sleep effects.
At 5th level, a dragon-totem barbarian gains the frightful presence ability. The save DC is equal to 10 + 1/2 barbarian level + barbarian's Cha modifier.
Eagle Totem Class Features
A barbarian dedicated to the eagle totem does not gain the standard fast movement and trap sense barbarian class features, and instead gains the following abilities.
At 1st level, an eagle-totem barbarian's keen vision grants him a +2 bonus on Spot checks.
An eagle-totem barbarian gains Lightning Reflexes as a bonus feat at 3rd level.
Horse Totem Class Features
A barbarian dedicated to the horse totem does not gain the standard uncanny dodge, trap sense, and improved uncanny dodge barbarian class features, and instead gains the following abilities.
At 2nd level, a horse-totem barbarian gains Run as a bonus feat.
A 3rd-level horse-totem barbarian gains a +2 bonus on Handle Animal checks made with regard to horses and a +2 bonus on Ride checks made to ride a horse.
At 5th level, a horse-totem barbarian gains Endurance as a bonus feat.
Jaguar Totem Class Features
A barbarian dedicated to the jaguar totem represents the "standard" barbarian and gains the standard barbarian class features.
Lion Totem Class Features
A barbarian dedicated to the lion totem does not gain the standard fast movement, uncanny dodge, and improved uncanny dodge barbarian class features, and instead gains the following abilities.
At 1st level, a lion-totem barbarian gains Run as a bonus feat.
A 2nd-level lion-totem barbarian gains a +2 bonus on Hide checks.
A 5th-level lion-totem barbarian gains a +2 bonus on damage rolls whenever he charges.
Serpent Totem Class Features
A barbarian dedicated to the serpent totem does not gain the standard fast movement, uncanny dodge, trap sense, and improved uncanny dodge barbarian class features, and instead gains the following abilities.
At 1st level, a serpent-totem barbarian gains a +2 bonus on Fortitude saves against poison.
A 2nd-level serpent-totem barbarian gains a +2 bonus on Move Silently checks.
At 3rd level, a serpent-totem barbarian gains Improved Grapple as a bonus feat, even if he doesn't meet the normal prerequisites.
A serpent-totem barbarian gains Improved Initiative as a bonus feat at 5th level.
Wolf Totem Class Features
A barbarian dedicated to the wolf totem does not gain the standard uncanny dodge, trap sense, and improved uncanny dodge barbarian class features, and instead gains the following abilities.
A 2nd-level wolf-totem barbarian gains Improved Trip as a bonus feat, even if he doesn't meet the normal prerequisites.
A 5th-level wolf-totem barbarian gains Track as a bonus feat.
Totem Manifestation (CC, p 46): Lose damage reduction, gain one of the following:
- Bear Totem: 1 hp/level
- Eagle Totem: +1 to spot and search each level you would normally get damage reduction
- Fox Totem: +1 to hide and move silently each level you would normally get damage reduction
- Lion Totem: Roar, every creature within 30' must save or be shaken. Once per day, gain an additional use per day every time your damage reduction would normally increase
- Wolf Totem: Gain track, and +2 to survival
(DS, p 8): Lose trapsense, gain trapfinding. Use survival to find traps, attack rolls to disable.
Uncanny Bravery (DrM, p 14): Gain immunity to draconic presence and resistance to fear instead of improved uncanny dodge.
View Spirit World (CC, p 46): lose uncanny dodge, once per day gain darkvision and a bonus to spot and search checks.
Wastelands Damage Reduction (SSt, p 44): gain DR 1/- against wasteland creatures and hazards that stacks with normal DR, lose 1 rage/day.
Whirling Frenzy (UA, p66): Rage increases Strength, Ref saves and AC, and allows an extra attack each turn, instead of normal benefit. Show
A barbarian with this variant form of rage doesn't gain the normal bonuses when he enters a rage. Instead, when a barbarian with whirling frenzy enters a rage, he temporarily gains a +4 bonus to Strength and a +2 dodge bonus to Armor Class and on Reflex saves. While in a whirling frenzy, the barbarian may make one extra attack in a round at his highest base attack bonus, but this attack takes a -2 penalty, as does each other attack made that round. This penalty applies for 1 round, so it also affects attacks of opportunity the barbarian might make before his next action.
Whirling frenzy is otherwise identical to the standard barbarian rage in all other ways. At 11th level (when a standard barbarian gains greater rage), the Strength bonus increases to +6, and the dodge bonus to Armor Class and on Reflex saves increases to +3. At 20th level (when a standard barbarian gains mighty rage), the Strength bonus increases to +8, and the dodge bonus to Armor Class and on Reflex saves increases to +4.
A barbarian using this variant doesn't gain indomitable will at 14th level. Instead, he gains evasion, but only while in a whirling frenzy.
A character can't use whirling frenzy at the same time that he uses any other form of rage (or similar ability).[/sblock]
Originally posted by Midnight_v:
LIFE ... DEATH.... SAME.... -Wei Yan
Bear Warrior (CW pg16): per day rage out as a bear The strength bonuses are pretty amazing and has made some amazing builds (I'll post the Bear of the North If I can find it)
Black Blood Cultist (CoR pg44) Shakuum's infamous "The Black Octopus" used this PRC to some great effect. The level 8 savage grapple makes this the real Reaping Mauler. Mix with bearwarrior or as mentioned in shakums thread primeval.
Champion of Gwynharwyf (BoED pg)
Dwarven Battlerager Unfortunately I finally found the prc for this class and it is a poor excuse for those souls who actually want to play something like what Thibbledorf Pwent is in the Salvatore stories... I'll tell you what its sooo bad I'll eventually make a build for what they're like in the stories... this Prc is the D&D equivalent of videogame themed movies.
Frenzied Berserker:
Has it's own section below.
Frostrager Link There are many fans of this prestige class... I personally am not one but it is a natural attack/grapple class that gives you cold based damage. Unfortunately more creatures in D&D have an immuity/resistance to cold than any other element.
Eye of Gruumsh(CW pg.32 ) Are you an ORC BARBARIAN? Do not serve Gruumsh, despite all the good press he gets. Worship Ilneval instead... because honestly there are simply easier ways to aquire blindsight than plucking out ones own eye.
Primeval Impressive ability gains with interesting shape changing abilities. However it is severely limited times per day.
One of the worst classes... this is the fear of creating a gish. You manage to become something who is good at neither fighting, nor spell casting.
Runescarred Berserker (UE) This is better on the gish scale. The spell list gained from this class is small ,but powerful, allowing you to cast AMF or Heal.
Totem Rager(MoI) There are people running around the boards making incredible builds using incarnum. That is not the norm however. If you weild the book of incarnum like an anime guy wields an oversized weapon then you'll know if this Prc is for you. If your not one of those guys... it'll only make your head hurt.
Mundane Gear
Greatsword The best martial weapon out there, 2d6 and 19/20 x2 crit. If you are using two handed, you will most likely be using this.
Harpoon Great for high str throwing builds, as it does its damage twice.
Mace, HeavyMace, Great club Listed because they work with the "3 Mountains" weapon style feat
Minotaur Great Hammer Breaks the rule of weapon crits 19-20 x4 has much notoriety on the boards
Tigerskull Club (FB) One of the best on handers, 1d8 x4 crit, exotic. Free for Neanderthals
Spiked Chain The preferred weapon for many char-op builds, range without penalty and tripping bonuses. Well worth the feat.
Grapple Barbarians actually do quiet well with grappling see This thread for more details.
Magic Gear
+1 Valorous (UE pg. ) Deal double damage on your charges.
Originally posted by Midnight_v:
To be or not to be (a frenzied berserker)...
The Frenzied Berserker.
Easily, the most loved, hated, and debated prestige class ever.
Arguably one the strongest melee Prcs in existance.
Feats Geared towards controling a FB
- Cumberous Will
- Steadfast determination
- Indomitable Will
All Accumulated Frenzied Berseker knowledgeShow
The 3.5 Frenzied Berzerker Thread
Controlling a Frenzied Berserker
A Complete Champion Friendly Berserker
Who knows what might come up....
Due to certain feats you only really need one level of barbarian to be a barbarian. Typically this is for fighters but rogues or anyone esle could pull this stunt really.
Taking various amonts of extend rage, extra rage and reckless rage, to simulate "More rages per day" and " Greater rage"
Example 1
Human Barbarian1 Fighter 2 Cleric of "Crom!"1 Rogue 16
Ever watch "Conan the Babarian"? No. Well if you do see how much of his life is spent as a barbarian vs. a beliver in "Crom" or a Thief throughout the move. Get back to me
Worship "CROM"
Which nets you The time and war domain
The ability to take those Rogue special ablilities and skill tricks
A total of around 9d6 sneak attack as well as extra feats (if you include time and war) to power all your shennaigans
Turn undead for a divine feat or two.
Maybe even a spell something like Rhino's rush and you'll potentiall be able to rage 3-5 times a day
as well as fit in many many more feat combos than before.
The psuedo-barbarian is all around rough.
Works with fighter as well[/sblock]
Originally posted by Midnight_v:
Knockback + Rampaging bullrush + Leap attack + Power attack + Shocktrooper + 3 mountains style: huge returns for the glass cannon in you.
Imperious Command + Instaneous Rage + Intimidating rage (optional + Skill Trick never outnumbered) : This combo I cannot say enough about. Its the barbarian equivalent to a mage with celerity. You basically can cut off someones action and shut them down for a round making them drop what they were doing and well (die to your charge) add never outnumbered and charge the opposing force, leap attack into the midst of them then rage while mid-air. Potentially cowering thier whole team.
Exalted Barbarian by Dictum Mortum
[sblock]Human Barbarian 6/Champion of Gwynharwyf 10/Barbarian 4
Basically, gets everything a normal barbarian 20 receives and spells, divine grace, immunities and elemental resistances.
Barbarian 1 Power Attack, Righteous Wrath
Barbarian 2
Barbarian 3 Knight of Stars
Barbarian 4
Barbarian 5
Barbarian 6 Imperious Command
Champion 1
Champion 2
Champion 3 Intimidating Rage
Champion 4
Champion 5
Champion 6 Instantaneous Rage
Champion 7
Champion 8
Champion 9 Open
Champion 10
Barbarian 7
Barbarian 8 Open
Barbarian 9
Barbarian 10With 32 pb, you can start with 15/10/14/10/14/15, advancing strength at all levels.
Alternative Class Features:
Whirling Frenzy
Lion totem barbarian
Skilled City Dweller (tumble/ride, gather information/handle animal).
Skills: Max intimidate, survival, tumble, gather information, listen.
Originally posted by fwib:
Well, I hope this ends up being interesting.
[edit] Hooray! Barbarians!
Originally posted by hsien:
I have serious reservations about that....
Originally posted by Midnight_v:
Yeah you pretty much have to do it this way or people will start adding thier input before its even finished....
Aparently before they even know what it is too
Originally posted by Midnight_v:
Originally posted by ninjarabbit:
No love for Steadfast Determination? It turns wis into a dump stat and you should never fail a fort save again. Yeah it requires endurance but at least endurance is a common prerequisite for many PrCs such as deepwarden and horizon walker.
Originally posted by Midnight_v:
Oversight! You got it, Ninjarabbit, but I'm not nearly done yet Barbarian is one of my favorite classes.
i'm really sad about it not being in 4.0 book 1
It's going into the frenzied berserker area also though since its a big part of berserker debates.
Originally posted by marcb:
What about Combat Brute for extra Power Attack damage? I think this goes well with storm trooper and leap attack.
Originally posted by Midnight_v:
Right. Hmm... I think I'm going to add this now and redo the feat section for ease of reference.What about Combat Brute for extra Power Attack damage? I think this goes well with storm trooper and leap attack.
Maybe a breakdown into the type of feat tree something belongs to.
Okay though, I'll add it now. M.
Originally posted by surreal:
Didn't Zendu start a barbarian handbook just the other day?
edit: Barbarian Handbook
Originally posted by zendu:
I have no problems merging books. It's stupid to have 2 of the same thing.
I feel that Strength should be marked blue, its really the primary stat for barbs. Well that or con.
Steadfast Determination makes wisdom fairly redundant.
You never mention Whisper Gnome (whoops either did I) Personally, I've always felt they were LA +1
Originally posted by Midnight_v:
Cool cool... I just put your name at the top. I'll pm you.I have no problems merging books. It's stupid to have 2 of the same thing.
I feel that Strength should be marked blue, its really the primary stat for barbs. Well that or con.
Steadfast Determination makes wisdom fairly redundant.
You never mention Whisper Gnome (whoops either did I) Personally, I've always felt they were LA +1
Originally posted by jameswilliamogle:
I think DR is better than most optimizers think... I definitely wouldn't make it a "red" ability.
We have to consider the number of attacks we are taking per round at higher levels. Whats worse, those attacks aren't iterative, but rather natural, so are at a flat -5 to hit instead of our -5/-10/-15, and god forbid they have multi-attack. I agree it sucks against many "hit once hit hard" monsters like elementals and golems, but against anything else having DR 3 / F.U. is going to save 9-15 points per round.
I don't think its worth chasing after, but I do think a feat for another 2 DR is worth it (for example, Roll-With-It), particularly if the Barbarian already has his combat-feats taken care of.
Originally posted by zendu:
Started Consolidating with mine, comments are very welcome. I personally agree about the damage reduction, I think its easy to forget how much it adds up agasint minor opponents. That said, if damage reduction is your thing, why not go mineral warrior and Berserker Strength so you get 12/adamantine? (my reading, text is a little wonky)
Originally posted by sir_argenon:
on frenzied berzerker, take a 1 level dip into warblade somewhere after 5th level to get the iron heart surge boost, and you can snap yourself out of your frenzy instantly without a save, anytime you wish
Originally posted by Dictum_Mortuum:
Human Barbarian 6/Champion of Gwynharwyf 10/Barbarian 4
Basically, gets everything a normal barbarian 20 receives and spells, divine grace, immunities and elemental resistances.
Barbarian 1 Power Attack, Righteous Wrath<br />Barbarian 2<br />Barbarian 3 Knight of Stars<br />Barbarian 4<br />Barbarian 5<br />Barbarian 6 Imperious Command<br />Champion 1<br />Champion 2<br />Champion 3 Intimidating Rage<br />Champion 4<br />Champion 5<br />Champion 6 Instantaneous Rage<br />Champion 7<br />Champion 8<br />Champion 9 Open<br />Champion 10<br />Barbarian 7<br />Barbarian 8 Open<br />Barbarian 9<br />Barbarian 10
With 32 pb, you can start with 15/10/14/10/14/15, advancing strength at all levels.
Alternative Class Features:
- Whirling Frenzy
- Trapkiller
- Lion totem barbarian
- Skilled City Dweller (tumble/ride, gather information/handle animal).
Skills: Max intimidate, survival, tumble, gather information, listen.
Originally posted by fwib:
The latest version of Half-Ogre is in Races of Destiny, and has +2 LA, not +1 LA as in Savage Species
Originally posted by zendu:
You can actually get IHS with 2 feats. However I disagree that you could use it to break frenzy by RAW, because the will save is for you to have the presence of mind to break it, IHS says 'harmful' effect, and in frenzy, I don't see frenzy as harmful. In fact, I would argue you would have to use it to break a calm emotions spell.on frenzied berzerker, take a 1 level dip into warblade somewhere after 5th level to get the iron heart surge boost, and you can snap yourself out of your frenzy instantly without a save, anytime you wish
Originally posted by vulcanus:
So I'm making a 5th level Character soon:
Human Barbarian 3/Fighter 2
Str: 18 (+1 at level 4)
Dex: 16
Con: 18
Int: 13
Wis: 7
Cha: 14
(Rolls: 18, 17, 16, 14, 13, 7)
Feats(3+2 fighter): Power Attack, Cleave, Intimidating Rage, Leap Attack, Improved Bull Rush
[Kind of a technicality that my DM might realize: Taking Leap attack when I am level five isn't possible since it isn't a fighter Bonus feat, is it? And waiting until 6 isn't an option since that is reserved for Shock Trooper, if I do that than I would have to wait to take one at level 9, assuming I go into FB, which I am. I also need to work in Destructive rage(so useless) somehow.]
Skills: Max intimidate, jump, listen
Not sure what to do with Items just yet.
Originally posted by Krusk:
You left out one of the ebst substitution levels around. (and even included the levels after it)
Complete champion lion totem (and the others) gives pounce at level 1 instead of fast movement.
Originally posted by vulcanus:
Does lion totem do anything else but that? Just so my DM knows.You left out one of the ebst substitution levels around. (and even included the levels after it)
Complete champion lion totem (and the others) gives pounce at level 1 instead of fast movement.
Originally posted by aftercrescent:
There are 2 lion totems, one in UA and one in CC, the one in CC trades fast movement for pounce at first level. There are additional changes at later levels, but pounce is the only lion one worth it, IMO.Does lion totem do anything else but that? Just so my DM knows.
Originally posted by eldariel:
You may wish to add the 'Twisted Charge'-skilltrick to that list; being able to turn once in a Charge is friggin' awesome. Also, as a bonus for Runescarred Berserker, add spells like Air Walk, Freedom of Movement, Divine Favor, See Invisibility, Improved Invisibility and even True Strike to the list; RSB's spell list is one of the best in the game. Very few weak spells and a crapton of awesome ones, especially ones covering common combatant weaknesses.
I'll try and post some Power Tripper RSB (using Snow Tiger Berserker>Improved Trip) that's also the tracker and trapfinder some time soon (in other words, I'll try to make a Glass Cannon/Tank/Skill Monkey (tracker/trapfinder/intimidator)/Divine Caster-Barbarian, just 'cause it's possible).
Originally posted by fwib:
Another problem with switching off Frenzied Berserker's frenzy is that you "must attack those who you perceive as foes to the best of your ability" and switching off your frenzy would generally be detrimental to your best ability of attacking.
Admittedly, it does allow you to make will saves to end it voluntarily as free actions, but using up a whole standard action....?
Originally posted by sir_argenon:
thats not true at all. IHS says:You can actually get IHS with 2 feats. However I disagree that you could use it to break frenzy by RAW, because the will save is for you to have the presence of mind to break it, IHS says 'harmful' effect, and in frenzy, I don't see frenzy as harmful. In fact, I would argue you would have to use it to break a calm emotions spell.
my bolding.By drawing on your mental strength and physical fortitude, you break free of a debilitating state that might otherwise defeat you.
Your fighting spirit, dedication, and training allow you to overcome almost anything to defeat your enemies. When you use this maneuver, select one spell, effect, or other condition currently affecting you and with a duration of 1 or more rounds. That effect ends immediately. You also surge with confidence and vengeance against your enemies, gaining a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls until the end of your next turn.
as you can see, it mentions nothing about harmful. by RAW as far as i'm concerned, IHS is the perfect counter for frenzy gone bad.
Originally posted by jaerad:
Lawls... the real Battlerager is in Races of Fayrum. I think it sucks, but it's certainly better than a bunch of crazy homebrew restrictions.
I don't get the appeal of Bear Warrior. It replaces your rage/frenzy bonuses. Sure, at ECL 17 you get +20 STR - but that's about all the class features. Even then, compare a ECL 8 BW (Barb 5/Fighter 2/BW 1) to a Goliath FB (Barb 4/F 2/FB 1) - +8 STR vs +12, and you can stack the Rage spell for +14. ECL 13 BW +16, but by then you could easy dip for another Rage-esque ability for +18. Or wait for ECL 15 (Barb 4/Fighter 2/FB 8) and get Greater Frenzy, or B 11/F 2/FB 1 for Greater Rage. Not to mention all the class abilities you can be picking up that blow Scent completely out of the water.*
Need a section on multiclassing. Fighter, Feat Rogue, Druid variants, the beloved Cleric dip, etc.
*I also think that +4 STR when you're already buffed to +20 to 30.. not that impressive. I'd rather have feats/maneuvers to capitalize on a high STR, than a few more bonus points. Furthermore, this same advice holds for Whirling Frenzy and other abilities that won't stack with Rage-likes.
+1, should be listed with Steadfast Determination/Cumbrous Will.by RAW as far as i'm concerned, IHS is the perfect counter for frenzy gone bad.
Originally posted by ninjarabbit:
I think a section should be devoted to the half orc paragon. While technically not a barbarian it does allow for lawful characters to rage so you can have barbarian-like builds with classes that are normally lawful.
One build is halforcparagon3/paladin17 with the Races of Destiny racial subsitution for half orc paladins that trades smite for an ability similar to rage in righteous fury. However righteous fury does stack with rage so you can do both and do massive damage in melee.
Originally posted by jameswilliamogle:
Druidic Avenger, too, if we are going to list that.
Originally posted by necroramo:
Does the Primeval from Frostburn have a place here? It's not a strictly barbarian class, but it's basically the Bear Warrior only better and Barbarian seems like a really good entry
Originally posted by eldariel:
Alright, I'll give teh multithreat Barb a go:
Human Barbarian 7/Crusader 1/Fighter 1/Ranger 2/Runescarred Berserker 9 - starting with Ranger-level for some skillpoints and taking the second one somewhere down the road; mostly they just boost Spot (and allow picking an additional skill...oh, and make you lite-****ing-rate).
Ranger 1: Track, Iron Will, Survivor - Arcane Hunter, Spiritual Connection, Skilled City-Dweller (Tumble, Gather Information)
Barbarian 1: Whirling Frenzy 1/day, Lion-Totem Barbarian, Skilled City-Dweller (Tumble, Gather Information)
Barbarian 2: Snow Tiger Berserker - Uncanny Dodge
Barbarian 3: Trapkiller (ACF)
Ranger 2: Power Attack (Strong-Arm Style)
Barbarian 4: Combat Reflexes - Whirling Frenzy 2/day
Fighter 1: Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Spiked Chain, Improved Trip - Hit'n'Run, Exoticist
Runescarred Berserker 1: Scribe Runescar
Crusader 1: Martial Stance: Thicket of Blades
Runescarred Berserker 2: Whirling Frenzy 3/day
Runescarred Berserker 3: Ritual Scarring +1
Runescarred Berserker 4: Robilar's Gambit - Spawn of Frost, Damage Reduction 1/-
Runescarred Berserker 5: Whirling Frenzy 4/day
Runescarred Berserker 6: Ritual Scarring +2
Runescarred Berserker 7: Leap Attack - Damage Reduction 2/-, Whirling Frenzy 5/day
Runescarred Berserker 8: Greater Frenzy
Runescarred Berserker 9: Ritual Scarring +3, Whirling Frenzy 6/day
Barbarian 5: Improved Bull Rush, Shock Trooper (replacing Improved Uncanny Dodge)
Barbarian 6:
Barbarian 7: Street Fighter - Increased Threat Range on Charge
Very much feat-starved as always, but does a fine job as a trapfinder and Tracker while also having a good control over an area and dealing decent damage, especially towards the end (although Frenzy + Lion-totem Charges are not to be underestimated either, especially with THF and Power Attack). I suppose Improved Trip could be Standstill, but I wanted to continue making use of the prerequisite feats and thus get the Trip-modifier up there. Unfortunately, the character takes up until Level 17 to actually get Anti-Magic Field, which is a bummer, but at least he does get to use Ranger-wands including the almighty Wand of Lesser Vigor, so he does decently in that regard. Since level 10 of Runescarred Berserker adds no spells to cast, just spells known, I figured it's quite weak; Heal is a great spell, but generally you'd want it cast at max. CL at that point, especially with 16 Con, so I suppose you're better off hitting things than Healing anyways. And well, having too few Anti-Magic Fields is always an issue.
The Intimidates won't be too impressive especially since this isn't an Intimidating-focused build, but it'll give it some social prowess as ranks make up for the lack of stats. Gather Information can be rather high too if one considers ~10 ranks in Tumble sufficient. Of course, Survival (which is handily boosted by Survivor) is the main skill for finding Traps and Tracking, so it's pretty high. The character should have highish Listen, Spot, Survival, Tumble and Intimidate and that should carry one through most of the levels. Ideally this guy sits at the frontline as the forward sentry, seeking for traps and looking for threats, takes hits and dishes out more than his share and tosses an AMF or similar spell when necessary. Oh, and heals the party. On level 18 he finally gets the 'Tank my AC, full Frenzied attack your face'-routine. Note, I didn't pick Mage Slayer because of AMF and the fact that Runescars already have low CLs.
This guy also has high saves all around with Dex being decent for Ref (and Whirling Frenzy boosting it), Wis being decent for Will (and Iron Will boosting it) and Fort just being Fort. Also, the AC is surprisingly good with Whirling Frenzy, Ritual Scarring and company boosting it while maintaining the ability to wear Mithril Breastplate. Basically, this is a guy that can dodge should need be. I sort of want to play something of the sort in future. Oh yeah, I forgot, he has Crusader-maneuvers too. But those are fairly trivial as you won't be using the most; I suppose you can pick up White Raven Tactics to be way more useful in combat, and something that allows charging without AoOs. And probably Martial Spirit, Leading the Charge or Bolstering Voice; being useful has never hurt anyone. Oh yeah, with the Drow ACF, you can win Initiative pretty often. Some degree of Hide could be nice for Surprise Action Charge+Pounce Your Face, but that would be quite an investment skillwise. Still, win Initiative and Pounce their face is always a good tactic. It's actually possible to move the battlefield control elements down the wire, focusing more on charging early on to focus more on damage with battlefield control as an afterthought.
Originally posted by zendu:
as you can see, it mentions nothing about harmful. by RAW as far as i'm concerned, IHS is the perfect counter for frenzy gone bad.
I understand its flavor text, but its in there.By drawing on your mental strength and physical fortitude, you break free of a debilitating state that might otherwise defeat you.
I think the real fault with this is the justification of using a standard action to not attack.
Originally posted by Midnight_v:
I'm with Zendu... it violate the kill your friends to the best of your ability part of FB. Using free actions maybe but not a round you could spend attacking.I understand its flavor text, but its in there.
I think the real fault with this is the justification of using a standard action to not attack.
Also ... Thats why the FB is "THE GREAT DEBATE" people can't NOT argue about it a what it means so I'm glad that I put that section there.
I'm also glad that i've discovered while writing this book that it is NOT the only barbarian prestige class. Much potential an much of it undiscussed, it makes me feel like this work is worthwhile.
The production of the book will slow, but continue throughout the week. and increase dramatically on thusday through sunday. Please continue to post your barbarian builds and advice. We are working dilligently to make this the best handbook on the boards.
Your Fellow Optimizers.
Zendu and Midnight.
Originally posted by zendu:
Ya i'll add a blurb about primeval sometime today, the only disadvantage to the class is that t has its own times per day progression.
Originally posted by arz:
You forgot Eye of Gruumsh. Gets you rage and a +4 to your str @ 2nd lvl. Funny, combines well w/ rage mage and its stackable spell rage. Still bad but at least you are breaking orcish conventions.
Originally posted by eldariel:
That reminded me:
Link Short Guide to Grappling; Barbarians are pretty much the only viable PC Grapplers out of noncasters anyways, and that guide has quite a few bits of good advice on Barbarian, so I think it'd be a valuable link for this Handbook.
Originally posted by zendu:
I'm looking at primeval and wondering..... if you choose your animal to be a bear, does the bonuses stack with bear warrior? My god thats sick, and I think it does by RAW