The Dark Squad in the Secrets of Saltmarsh #146 The Matinee is Over.


It's funny...a couple of campaigns ago (when we first started out 3.0), my oldest son wanted to run a human cleric PC of the "true" good-aligned god, having decided that Pelor, Hieroneous, and Kord were all just various aspects of the same Overgod. (He also decided his PC was the only one smart enough to have realized this and thus expected to be a "chosen one" - can you tell he was a teen at the time?) In any case, he never did get around to naming this Overgod, so we just referred to him as the "Ubergod," which we eventually shortened to "Ub" (pronounced "Oob").


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Jim/Vinnie sidled up to me at work today to remind that we're on again tomorrow night, and to say that he's looking forward to the 'there can be only one...' (crazy warlock) in the Dark Squad/Eyes in the Night rematch with Randall the Black.

Particularly now that they have the Supreme Being, Ub, batting for the home team.

And I'm looking forward to that immensely.

Although truth be told Jim/Vinnie has a plan B.

Cheers goonalan


Dark Squad in the Secrets of Saltmarsh

Session #076: Randall's Big Bad Head.

Dark Squad (in alphabetical order, no egos here).
Daktari (played by Haggis) Male Human Uthgardt Sky Pony Barbarian Lvl 8
New Tricks (played by Bear) Male Tabaxi Warlock Lvl 8
Ramshambo (played by Kev) Male Half-Elf Rogue/Fighter Lvl 7/1
Vincenzo (played by Haggis) Male Shifter (Wildhunt) Druid Lvl 8

Inverna Nightbreeze (played by Goonalan) Female Wood Elf Fighter Lvl 8 (Sidekick)
Garumn Male Mountain Dwarf Paladin of Moradin Lvl 5 RIP*
Tarbin Tul (played by goonalan) Male Human Bard RETIRED
Ubmo (played by Goonalan) Supreme Being Lvl 1
*Trapped in the Land of the Bad Dead Ancestors.

Gerald (Bat/Giant Bat) servant/mount of New Tricks
Owly (Owl) Vinnie’s familiar

This is session 76, and another cracker.

But let's begin with the ret-con, because I missed this scene last session, it should have played out right at the end- when Vinnie had just been on his first walk-in-space (there's got to be a better way of writing that) to the Power Arm to find Ubmo. Well, I had another image of Tao to share with the druid, for his return journey, but- I forgot all about it.

So, on Vinnie's walk back to the main part of Tao, and while accompanied by Ubmo...


Tao, the external view- and that's Vinnie and Ubmo parading across to the central part of the space ship to meet back up with the rest of the Dark Squad. Oh, and that's Toril far far below.

But then...


The lights come on and...

“Wot iz 'appening Ubmo?” The druid enquires as he almost misses his step.

Ubmo is keen to explain, Ubmo is very keen to do everything- he's a bit of a young pup, but Vinnie doesn't quite follow Ubmo's explanation, at least not all of it. Ubmo talks about “the realignment of Tao's geospatial position using vectored thrust bursts”, and the druid just shakes his head, but then the explanation comes. Ubmo further states that “Tao is moving to intercept the coming of the great serpent...”

Vinnie recognises that bit.

Then, we're back into the ship, and we're caught up, the ret-con is over.

So, what follows, well... much more chatter of course, some of which is directed by the DM, we're having a catch up here, as proposed at the end of the last session.

But what a place to have a chat...


Ubmo, after chatting with one of the other 'machines' on the ship safely opens the large cargo bay doors, a shimmering transparent (magic) curtain- a force wall, prevents everything inside the craft attempting to escape into space.

“It iz beew-ti-ful, n'est pas? It iz hour ol' wurld!” Vinnie helpfully captions.

So, that chat, Newt starts it with what I think is a very apropos question, and if you can deliver the line like a whispered threat, then do so.

“Yes, that's all very well Vinnie, but there are still a few things that I'm not sure about, do you mind if I elucidate?”

The druid nods and smiles patiently at the mild-mannered tabaxi.

Newt goes from zero to 1,000, and remarkably quickly-

“Where the EXPLETIVE hell are we? What the EXPLETIVE is that twinkly black-stuff [Newt points towards the star-scape]? And what would have EXPLETIVE happened to me if I had fallen out into that EXPLETIVE stuff? What the EXPLETIVE is that little ball of metal and flesh [points at Ubmo]? Why the EXPLETIVE is it here? Why are we EXPLETIVE here? What the EXPLETIVE is going on? Is this EXPLETIVE magic? Are we EXPLETIVE dreaming? Are we EXPLETIVE dead again?”

There's lots of laughter, and afterwards Vinnie begins to try to make sense... but the rant hasn't finished.

“And what the EXPLETIVE EXPLETIVE EXPLETIVE is the man and the crocodile all about?”

Oddly it's Ubmo that replies to the last, and Vinnie who translates, Ubmo says- “Bad crocodile.”

So, that's the first chat- what is it about the man and the crocodile, Ubmo explains-

The man and the crocodile is a place.

The man and the crocodile is Ub (to make clear- both the man and the crocodile are Ub).

Ub will meet the Dark Squad when they have the five Symbols of Ub (the maze buttons) at the man with the crocodile.

Ub, and the Dark Squad, will save the world.

However, it's at this point that Ubmo learns that the Dark Squad don't have all five of the Symbols of Ub, they have just one. Ubmo thinks this too is “Bad crocodile.”

The Dark Squad need to get the Symbols of Ub, as soon as they can.


To stop the coming of the Time of Ash, and to allow Ub to take his place (again) with the Gods!

“I wuz right!” Vinnie lets his friends know- Ub/Durgeddin is going for God.

Ubmo puts the druid right- Ub was a God back in the early days, then... but now he wants to be a God again, and to do that with the help of the Dark Squad he needs to thwart the Time of Ash, and... see previous.

“The programme is running! Yay!” Ubmo further tells Vinnie.

There follows a metric ton more chatter, and an extended rest while it's going on.

But for all of the back and forth above, let's get a to a simple summary of the plot-

To save the world from Ashardalon/the Time of Ash, the Dark Squad (latest incarnations etc.) need to find the five Symbols of Ub, and then meet with Ub in the man with the crocodile.


There's lots more around the edges of course, it seems Ub has been busy for a long time, but... the Dark Squad have one Symbol of Ub, they know that Randall the Black left his Symbol of Ub in Deepbridge (and they know where this is). There are therefore three other Symbols of Ub to collect, they further know that these three were in the possession of-

Rambles 'Shambles' Bowspirit, a stealthy (nasty) halfling ex-pirate killer, and a local.

Antonio De La Crane, an alchemist druid from a (local) well-to-do family.

Giggles, a wood elf markswoman, said to have a thing for the undead, also from the region.

The three former members of the Eyes in the Night were, of course, about their business the best part of two hundred years ago, and so Rambles and Antonio are most likely dead, or else... undead.

Regardless, the Dark Squad need to find them.

Then, Ubmo makes brownies.


The Dark Squad move on to a more pressing problem, what to do about Randall the Black?

And the worry is, I am happy to report, the PCs are very much of the opinion that Randall is by far the toughest bad dude that they have come across so far, and they'd be right- I have 7,000 XP invested in Randall.

And so it suddenly dawns on all three players at once, the best plan is not to fight Randall at all, or else to do so for as long as they can...

It's also time for Newt to step up, and to channel a bit less of Belphegor, and a bit more Humphrey Far-Fer-Nar. The tabaxi uses some of his magic to make the patterns on his fur resemble a white shirt front, complete with bow tie- a bit of elan, that's what's needed.

Soon after (about thirty minutes later) the plan is formulated, and it's a good one...

And so the Dark Squad depart Tao the same way that they came, and with Ubmo in tow, and then through the Fire and Light, nodding to various dwarven statues as they go, and all the way back to, here...


We're back.

But here's the thing, and it's a strange thing, and only one of the PCs notices it.

Time just went backwards, or else... Nope, can't explain it.

We'll leave it at that.

The Dark Squad advance, cautiously, into the vast dwarven crypt to Ub far beneath Squabblepot, “Randall, coeeeee...”

And, of course, Randall the Black appears from above and floats down, just to remind you Randall is an undead looking robed gnome, with parched skin and jutting cheekbones, in places slightly protruding through the flesh. Oh, and he's swathed in chains, the metal snakes swim and curl and crush the mad gnome like an embrace.

So, the chat starts up, and keep in mind that Newt has just used his Friend a Fiend cantrip, a spell given to him by Humphrey Far-Fer-Nar (it's very similar to the Friend cantrip). Then, while Vinnie and Newt are still explaining all that they saw in Tao, and Randall is really starting to fret, well... Newt adds a Suggestion spell to the mix.

But let me declare, from this point forward (and for a good long while) this evening, my dice are broken. I don't mean a bit broken, I mean broken to the point that all three players commented upon it at one point or another.

Even offered me sympathy.

Gah! I hate that.

So, the Dark Squad (no Ubmo) are walking through the ruined crypt, and heading for the exit- Randall is slightly losing it- “What about me?” accompanied by teary jags, and interspersed with- “Its ME or YOU- NEWT, I'm going to tear you a new one...”

But the chatty duo just keep on talking- “No, monsieur Randall, we will be but a mo-ment, we 'ave a leetul more investigating to be done, and zen we will get you owt of zis place. Imagine zat monsieur, to be free agin? Can I, in zer meantime get you any-sing- a Soduko?”

And, from Newt, “No, mighty Randall we will be back to once again bask in your glorious power, and to break the bindings that thwart your egress. [sotto voce] Come on Vinnie- walk faster, keep up people...

Oh, and Vinnie has also used his Symbol of Ub to wake the great dwarven golem at the other end of the chamber.

Also, Ubmo is still hiding by the door from Tao.

We get to just about here...


Randall is shuttling back and forth between Newt and Vinnie, pleading (and then threatening) to be allowed out of his present prison, or just to take Newt's place in the Dark Squad.

So, them rolls, and my broken dice...

The initial check, after the Friend a Fiend cantrip, and Newt's silver-tongue, I said to Bear, it has to be over 20. He rolled an adjusted '30'.

Then Randall's saves versus the Suggestion spell (with advantage, Magic Resistance) = '1' & '3'.

But I'm not letting them get away without a fight, and so Randall- in despair, finally loses control, and the chains snake out and even with advantage... my first attack roll was a '1' & '2', I remember that one. I don't remember the rest.

Randall lands his first hit (he makes three attacks/turn at +8 to hit), and he's more or less exclusively targeting Newt (AC 16) in the fourth round of combat, and again- he had advantage on all attacks on the first turn.

You do the EXPLETIVE maths.

I despair.

But this is what happens...


Vinnie covers the terrain with Spike Growth and gets the dwarven golem up and at Randall- the flying gnome fiend gets smashed once or twice (but he's resistant to almost everything). Ram just stands statue and shoots stuff, as does Inverna. Daktari wades in to the lemures, and Newt gets as far away as he can- because everyone can see that the all of the other bad guys are targeting the tabaxi.

Oh, and Ubmo finally reveals himself, and the players thought that he would be a liability- so wrong, over the course of the next ten or so turns the modron flies about blasting foes with Lightning Bolts.


Ubmo says 'Yay!', a lot.

Only in binary.

The fight rumbles on, and Randall- still screaming and shouting the odds eventually corners Newt in the corridor out of this level (and the end of the map, the stairs up are a little way further back).

“It's just me versus you!” Randall states, ignoring the fact that all of his minions are also closing in, while the remainder of the Dark Squad are also making their mark.


The Moonboar uses his slippers of spider climbing to get up to the ceiling of the barrel-shaped passage, and to engage with Randall who is flying up there.

And eventually I land a bloody hit, actually two of them- Newt and Vinnie are both wrapped in chains, grappled and restrained, and also being crushed by the aforesaid appendages.


And at bloody last I've got the spined devils into action.

Then, my dice start working again- the Moonboar takes a ton of damage (and he's resistant to lots of stuff), both the druid and Newt are quickly bloodied and beyond, and the spined devils just keep on hitting with their fiery tail spikes.

Apologies but there's not another image before the next one.

There was a turn or two of high tension, and so no pictures from the players.


But then the raging Daktari also remembers that he has slippers of spider climbing on, and so he makes it to Randall, and... Shatterspike does the rest, and with a Crit- which also helps.

But that's not all...

The chains that were wrapped around Newt and Vinnie shatter and crumble, as do those wrapped around Randall's body- but not before they have crushed and shattered the ancient (and brittle) gnome.

Just leaving the head, which bulges and suddenly births...


I did say I had lots of XP invested in Randall.

The newly revealed being issues its instructions-

“I am Zypop, High Avatar of the Lord of All Time!

I am a messenger of the OLD ONE!

I bring you DEATH!

I bring you DESTRUCTION.

In the name of the GREAT SHADOW SERPENT.

I signal the end of TIMES!

The great shadow serpent is coming...”

And then starts firing eye rays at the Dark Squad, and here's the thing, my just over 100 hit point bad guy lasts maybe two turns- and every attack I make is either a miss, or else if there's a save involved then the PCs make it. Including the creature's auto (within sight) Stunning Gaze.

In a grump, at the finale, Zypop explodes- doing more damage with its flying brain chunks than it did when it was alive.

Newt is on about ten hit points, the Moonboar- just one hit point, Daktari is bloodied and the others- barely a scratch, but Inverna and Ram have been keeping out of the fight, which has mostly been happening in the air and above their heads.

The rest of the devils seek to flee the place, but lemure's don't go anywhere quickly, and then Newt sends out some sort of very nasty radiant burst, and that's pretty much all she wrote.


Newt drops his last bomb.


The last of the devils are trying to flee, Ubmo gets in another lighting bolt... YAY!

Note, it was Daktari what killed both versions of Randall, he delivered the killing blow for both creatures, and that's the barbarian's new best kill, twice over.

The fight is done.

As is the session, although there's just time to realign the Dark Squad's to-do list.

The Dark Squad’s to-do list-

  1. Go back to Squabblepot, chat with the gnomes and take their job offer- to get a bunch of giant goats to the Falcon's Nest, the Dark Squad want to be in this direction anyway.
  2. Go to the Moon Pool, need to climb to the top of Silverhill and be inside the stone circle there before midnight, and then stay within it until dawn's first light. Then journey down the hill and into the centre of the Silverstand (forest). Meet Wildroot there, and enter the Moon Pool, and then the Treant will set the Dark Squad to their task, that's what Belphegor said.
  3. Remember, we've got to find the other four Symbols of Ub, one was left in Deepbridge (Duergar fortress in the Underdark). The others need to be found, they belonged to- Rambles 'Shambles' Bowspirit (halfling killer), Antonio De La Crane (posh kid druid alchemist) & Giggles (crazy wood elf). All of these folk lived in the Saltmarsh region, the Dark Squad have found the De La Crane Manse (in the Dreadwood) and the De La Crane Crypt (in Saltmarsh Cemetery).
  4. Return to Fallowstone Holy, church of Oghma, pick up info (Witch's Tor & Pact of the Flame, although the Dark Squad probably know all about this stuff already). What else do you need to find out about? See above, and below.
  5. Warn Ashby- the Soggy's (Sahuagin) are coming!
  6. Vinnie needs to be back for the next Saltmarsh Council meeting on the 1st Kythorn (June).
  7. Nightshade in the Dreadwood?
  8. Blackedge and the Goblin Stair?

Stay safe and well you lovely people.

Cheers the Dark Squad and goonalan.

And then starts firing eye rays at the Dark Squad, and here's the thing, my just over 100 hit point bad guy lasts maybe two turns- and every attack I make is either a miss, or else if there's a save involved then the PCs make it. Including the creature's auto (within sight) Stunning Gaze.

In a grump, at the finale, Zypop explodes- doing more damage with its flying brain chunks than it did when it was alive
I feel your pain.

A little while ago I chucked a fiendish behir at my group. It did surprise them, so it got off its breath weapon once, which admittedly did some damage ... then the monk hit it with a stunning fist and it failed its save, next round the monk hit it with a stunning fist and it failed its save, next round - yeah you've guessed it. Essentially, after jumping out on them it didn't get to even move again until it was dead. :rolleyes:


I feel your pain.

A little while ago I chucked a fiendish behir at my group. It did surprise them, so it got off its breath weapon once, which admittedly did some damage ... then the monk hit it with a stunning fist and it failed its save, next round the monk hit it with a stunning fist and it failed its save, next round - yeah you've guessed it. Essentially, after jumping out on them it didn't get to even move again until it was dead. :rolleyes:
Jim (Vinnie) came to me at work on Monday just to re-issue his commiserations.

Just to make clear

Randall made fifteen attacks in total during the fight, three of them at advantage. He's +8 to hit, and he attacked two folk for all of 'em, Newt AC 16 and Vinnie AC 18.

He landed two hits.

Randall's Big Bad Head made six attacks with various eye stalks, and forced two PCs to make two saves vs Stun DC 15 (I forget which stat) each- four in total.

No hits, no failed saves.

The Spinagons (five of them in play at the start) and two attacks each/turn with their tail spikes, +4 to hit, reduced Newt to 10-ish HP, and took the Moonboar from 70 HP (and resist more or less everything) to 1 HP, in the same seven turns.

I'm thinking of giving myself an Inspiration Point or two to use every session.

The thing that grips me, repeatedly, is it's always the big bad that's missing, even the lemures landed more hits than Randall (and they're only +3 to hit) and they were just attacking Daktari (AC 18 or 19) & Inverna (AC 21-ish).

I despair at times, particularly because when Newt and Vinnie were grappled, restrained and getting crushed (2d6 bludgeoning/turn) then the fight was super-tense.

Just... AHhhhhh!

Cheers goonalan


Dark Squad in the Secrets of Saltmarsh

Session #077: Here We Goat Again & Bedtime For Ubmo.

Dark Squad (in alphabetical order, no egos here).
Daktari (played by Haggis) Male Human Uthgardt Sky Pony Barbarian Lvl 8
New Tricks (played by Bear) Male Tabaxi Warlock Lvl 8
Ramshambo (played by Kev) Male Half-Elf Rogue/Fighter Lvl 7/1
Vincenzo (played by Haggis) Male Shifter (Wildhunt) Druid Lvl 8

Inverna Nightbreeze (played by Goonalan) Female Wood Elf Fighter Lvl 8 (Sidekick)
Garumn Male Mountain Dwarf Paladin of Moradin Lvl 5 RIP*
Tarbin Tul (played by goonalan) Male Human Bard RETIRED
Ubmo (played by Goonalan) Supreme Being Lvl 1
*Trapped in the Land of the Bad Dead Ancestors.

Gerald (Bat/Giant Bat) servant/mount of New Tricks
Owly (Owl) Vinnie’s familiar

This is session 77, and another cracker, although... really normal.

Jim/Vinnie shuffled up to me at work the day after and had this to say about the session- “That was... remarkably normal, it was... just like D&D!”

He was grinning, so I figure a bit of normal every now and then is a good thing.

This then is a particularly short session, because... well, we just did stuff.

So, the Dark Squad are in a massive ruined dwarven shrine/crypt dedicated to Moradin (and Ub/Durgeddin the Black), the PCs however are more than a little beaten up, so...


Newt's Tiny Hut gets put up, and everyone has a nice sit down and a cup of tea.

Then, twenty minutes (real-time, believe me) of cautious searching the giant cavern- but there's nothing in the way of treasure, or anything else of interest to be found.

Then, all the way back to Squabblepot, but I'm not playing through all of that again, we've been this way three times already- and so several skill checks suffice to tell the story, all the way back to the very friendly (but secretive) gnomes in just about four hours.



A long explanation of events below, to the assembled gnome dignitaries (and friends) of the Dark Squad.

The Dark Squad tell almost all of their story, it seems there's an unspoken consensus, none of them mention Tao, or anything about great serpents/dragons et al, and the fact that they have the Supreme Being accompanying them atm (Ubmo).

So, not quite all of the story.

Eventually a deal is done with regard to the Dark Squad's future dealings with the Squabblepot gnomes. Furthermore, it is agreed, the gnomes will seal (but not permanently) the chambers below their settlement, this after investigating the place a little for themselves, and trying to find/secure the adamantium that the Dark Squad found/left down there.

Note the adamantium sheets they found were too big to get out through the rat tunnels, and they didn't fold or break, so... a bit of a conundrum getting them out.

Then, more rest- although Arty Swell has been busy, remember the PCs have money to spend on alchemical products with the gnome potion-maker, this after they saved his life in just 24 hours. Well, all of that gets spent, and now the Dark Squad's potion-cupboard is back to being full.

Rise and shine the day after, and early doors, as the Dark Squad have accepted another job from the Squabblepot gnomes, to race a gaggle of giant goats over to the Falcon's Nest near Burle.

They need to be heading in this direction anyway, so why not. The next thing on their to-do list is the Moon Pool, see way below.


Accompanying them on this trip is the Gnome Ranger, he's pictured here leading the line-up, and mounted on his sturdy giant goat- Trenloe the Magnificent.

Trenloe truly is Magnificent, he's the Harley of giant goats.

I'm not a biker so forgive me if the Harley isn't the king or queen of bikes, substitute with your premium bike of choice.

So, seven AM finds the Dark Squad racing their pack of goats through the countryside hereabouts, and en route to the Falcon's Nest. Note, the Gnome Ranger (a surly bugger), knows the best route. Also note, this is a secret mission, keep in mind the Squabblepot gnomes are a closed community, they don't want anyone finding out that they exist (et al) so stealth (and alacrity) are key.

This then is an extended Skill Test/Check, the Dark Squad need twenty six success' to get the goats safely to their destination, primary skills employed- Survival & Goat Control (I made that last one up, you may have noticed). The PCs can score a maximum of four success' per hour, they have to get to the Falcon's Nest in ten hours, or at least after this time they'll also need to start making exhaustion checks.

The Dark Squad are learning to hate making exhaustion checks, actually some of them have already learned this lesson.

But while nothing too much is going wrong with their journey, they're slow to the half-way point, after five-and-a-half hours in the saddle (actually the goats don't have saddles, just a blanket thrown over them) they're only just half way to the Falcon's Nest.

That's when a pair of wyverns turn up, and start buzzing the pack looking for their lunch.


Here's the start of the wyvern run- it's obviously a lot longer than can be seen here, If the wyvern takes X amount of damage it breaks off its attack, if it takes Y amount of damage it clears off for good and finds something easier to eat elsewhere. Otherwise when all N/PCs and goats exit the right edge of the map and the encounter is done.

Chaos ensues...


The first wyvern swoops in, to not much effect, no goat grabbed.



Then the second wyvern shows up, silently gliding in, and plunges its poisoned stinger in Newt's back, and then goes on to rake (but fail to grab) Daktari, and his goat.

But it's a close call.

Note, Ram has already negotiated with the gnomes to buy his giant goat- it's called Spartacus, and he's damned if he's going to get it dinged up by these flying bastards, more on this later.

Also note, on the last goat ride Newt had a hissy-fit and Belphegor Fiery Blasted his goat (named Belphegoat) to pieces, and so all eyes are on the tabaxi, and folk are trying constantly to keep him calm.

That said, the Dark Squad have the option on their turn to spend their PCs actions urging their mount to put on an extra burst of speed (a triple move). At the start of the fight/chase several of them took this opportunity, and so the goat pack quickly disintegrates and becomes a strung out gaggle.

Then, however, the PCs figure it out, and start either readying actions to defend themselves and their mounts, or else they just unleash whatever they've got missile wise and keep their heads down.

Ram, eventually, just parks up Spartacus and has at the big flying bastards with his bow. He's tough is Ram, and keep in mind this while the rest of the gang are racing off towards the finishing line.

When this encounter comes to an end Ram is still stood with Spartacus firing arrows at the flying foe. This while all of his companions and the rest of the goats have sprinted off the map.


A little further along the trail, and with the wagons (sorry, goats) back in line.

Soon after this happens however we have a moment...

Ubmo decides to make a stand, the Supreme Being calls out one of the wyverns (in binary) and attempts to go one-to-one against the great winged beast, Ubmo is armed with what looks to be a very small fruit knife.

He stabs the lesser wyrm, who in retaliation rips the Supreme Being apart, in fact so badly wounded is Ubmo that, he explodes, shatters- disintegrates.

All gone.

There's a lot of 'but... but...' from some of the players- Vinnie, even an attempt (albeit briefly, they're in a rush remember) by the druid to look for any shattered remains of the modron.

But Ubmo is gone- destroyed completely.

And now Vinnie is swearing, “Sacre naughty word! I don't sink zat shud av 'appen!”

But then less than ten seconds later Ubmo reappears, flying just to the other side of the goat racing druid.

“Do not worry Vinnie, as I said to you earlier- I exist outside of time, like lunch time, or bedtime, I will protect you always.”

Ubmo states, only in binary (which sounds a lot like a Spectrum 48k loading a game).

The fretting druid's fears are assuaged, seconds later Ubmo goes after the second wyvern, this time armed with a javelin.

He's a brave little Supreme Being.

Although, odds are, you would be too, if you were the Supreme Being.

But the Dark Squad get there- one wyvern fled, the other dead- a couple of the PCs have taken some big hits, one goat has got clawed (a bit) but everyone else has survived the ordeal in good order.



To the Falcon's Nest...

And after nine-and-a-half hours of rapid goat riding, at last, their destination is in sight, or else the Gnome Ranger tells them- just over the next hill.

That's when the ogre Bastard's attack...


The Gnome Ranger and Trenloe the Magnificent pull up short, there's a tree felled across the trail, then the ogres get into action.

And while there are some regular ogre folk, there's also an undead ogre, and an armoured chain-wielding ogre, and another atop the bluffs that is firing a great big bad crossbow (3d10+ damage, not nice).


It's getting busy, again (as usual).

Ramshambo's Sparticus takes a monster hit, his poor goat is suffering.


The Moonboar is back, and with Ubmo and Newt providing artillery fire in an attempt to drive off/destroy the undead ogre.

However at the front of the queue things are getting very nasty.


The chain wielding ogre brute more or less sits all of its attackers down with its salt 'n' pepper skip-rope/chain stylings.

Spartacus is down to just one hit point, and the goat was well on the way to becoming Ram's one (and only) friend in the world, and so the dangerous rogue isn't happy.

But, oh, where is the rogue? The ballsy fellow has just climbed up the western cliff/ridge and has stuck his blade in the big ogre with crossbow up there, he's one-on-one.

But that's where we end it, and we were nearly thirty minutes over time.

Except to say two things-

Why did the Dark Squad have to make 26 succesful skill checks to get to the Falcon's Nest? It's a very odd/specific number, well... there's a reason, and it's connected to the second thing- see below.

Here's what I really thought was odd, I had all sorts of back-up plans to try to make it hard for the PCs to work out where Squabblepot is- I figured they'd try to find out. So, the adventurers were blindfolded when they were lead to their goats, who were waiting for them with the gnome ranger in a wooded glade. But the gnomes leading the PCs to their rendezvous couldn't have travelled too far away from their secret cavern home. If at any point, any of the PCs had said something like-

“I want to make a check to see if I can figure out where we are on the big map.”

Well, I would have had to let them, and the same goes if at any point on the journey they'd wished to have done the same.

But, the question was never asked.

So, no ret-con, Squabblepot remains hidden, although it is of course exactly 26 squares (on the map) away from the Falcon's Nest, obviously.

The Dark Squad’s to-do list-
  1. Get the Squabblepot giant goats to the Falcon's Nest, we're nearly there.
  2. Go to the Moon Pool, need to climb to the top of Silverhill and be inside the stone circle there before midnight, and then stay within it until dawn's first light. Then journey down the hill and into the centre of the Silverstand (forest). Meet Wildroot there, and enter the Moon Pool, and then the Treant will set the Dark Squad to their task, that's what Belphegor said.
  3. Remember, we've got to find the other four Symbols of Ub, one was left in Deepbridge (Duergar fortress in the Underdark). The others need to be found, they belonged to- Rambles 'Shambles' Bowspirit (halfling killer), Antonio De La Crane (posh kid druid alchemist) & Giggles (crazy wood elf). All of these folk lived in the Saltmarsh region, the Dark Squad have found the De La Crane Manse (in the Dreadwood) and the De La Crane Crypt (in Saltmarsh Cemetary).
  4. Return to Fallowstone Holy, church of Oghma, pick up info (Witch's Tor & Pact of the Flame, although the Dark Squad probably know all about this stuff already). What else do you need to find out about? See above, and below.
  5. Warn Ashby- the Soggy's (Sahuagin) are coming!
  6. Vinnie needs to be back for the next Saltmarsh Council meeting on the 1st Kythorn (June).
  7. Nightshade in the Dreadwood?
  8. Blackedge and the Goblin Stair?
Stay safe and well you lovely people.

Cheers the Dark Squad and goonalan.


Dark Squad in the Secrets of Saltmarsh

Session #078: The Dark Squad Make Enemies.

Dark Squad (in alphabetical order, no egos here).
Daktari (played by Haggis) Male Human Uthgardt Sky Pony Barbarian Lvl 8
New Tricks (played by Bear) Male Tabaxi Warlock Lvl 8
Ramshambo (played by Kev) Male Half-Elf Rogue/Fighter Lvl 7/1
Vincenzo (played by Haggis) Male Shifter (Wildhunt) Druid Lvl 8

Inverna Nightbreeze (played by Goonalan) Female Wood Elf Fighter Lvl 8 (Sidekick)
Garumn Male Mountain Dwarf Paladin of Moradin Lvl 5 RIP*
Tarbin Tul (played by goonalan) Male Human Bard RETIRED
Ubmo (played by Goonalan) Supreme Being Lvl 1
*Trapped in the Land of the Bad Dead Ancestors.

Gerald (Bat/Giant Bat) servant/mount of New Tricks
Owly (Owl) Vinnie’s familiar

This is session 78, and another cracker.

But again, this was another pretty straightforward session of D&D, that makes it sound bad, it wasn't. Just no more outrageous revelations by the DM.

Thank heaven.

So, the Dark Squad are guiding giant goats, their favourite type of goat, from the closed (hidden) gnome burrow of Squabblepot to the Falcon's Nest, and in the company of the Gnome Ranger, who is mounted on Trenloe the Magnificent, possibly the lord of all giant goats. Certainly the GTI 'S' version, with spoiler and go-faster stripes.

Alas the journey has not been particularly smooth- first their were the wyverns, and now... a gang of ogres.


Here's where we are at. There's a chain-wielding ogre to the south- being beaten to a pulp, atm, by Daktari, Inverna & the Gnome Ranger (on Trenloe). Ram has climbed up on to the bluff tops to confront the giant crossbow wielding ogre there. While Ubmo, Newt (still mounted) and the Moonboar take on an undead ogre to the north.

Oh, and just to say Daktari, in the last session (I forgot) and this, has become a fanboy of the somewhat surly Gnome Ranger.

Remember, delivered in a cod-Russian accent, and play it dumb.

“You are soooo very tiny, and yet soooo very tough. You are soooo cool, Mr. Ranger, Sir.”

But here's the thing, it takes a little while but my ogres are getting their arses kicked, and so in an effort to increase the difficulty of the encounter a bunch of the giant goats, panicked by events, attempt to flee the scene.


The Dark Squad diversify,- fighting and goat-wrangling at the same time.

The last ogre, the one that's getting stabbed up by Ram, attempts to flee the scene too... alas, that doesn't happen, particularly as Newt (still mounted) is greased lightning after the giant too.

Ram, cuts the last ogre down, although he doesn't kill the brute- it's taken prisoner, and soon after chained up, and using the chains employed in battle by the other ogre, who turns out to be the prisoner's brother, see later.

The giant goat's are then roped together, after a few more skill checks, and the unconscious ogre harnessed to the pack. It takes another thirty or so minutes to drag the prisoner to the Falcon's Nest.

Note, Newt- throughout the goat run has been counselling his colleagues repeatedly about the fragility of their mounts, and the need to keep them safe.


Ram, after yet another such lecture from Newt, reminds the tabaxi that the Dark Squad, to date, have only lost two mounts-

Black Death, riding horse, mount of, well... Newt- acid burned and eaten by an ankheg.

Belphegoat, giant goat, mount of, well... again, Newt- Fiery Blasted to death by, again... Newt.

So, we get to the Falcon's Nest, and here it is-


Now that's a beautiful map (thank you Cze and Peku).

The Falcon's happy to let the Dark Squad know that the ogre prisoner that they've brought back (still unconscious) is Bawy Bastard. The Bastard's are a tribe of ogre mercenaries, based- the Falcon thinks, somewhere across the river. In the Mere of the Dead Men.

Furthermore from the PCs description, then the chain-wielding ogre was Bawy's brother, Wodger. The Bastard's are a very clannish ogre mercenary gang, very old skool, very nasty, and with Bawy and Wodger dead- probably, very unhappy. The Dark Squad just made another enemy.

So, the Dark Squad ponder, we need a plan, and here it is-

Bawy (still unconscious) will be dragged out into the wilds, and closer to home, and there allowed to regain his consciousness. Then, fingers-crossed, Bawy will head on back to the Bastard's lair, and with two of the Falcon's rangers tailing him all the way.

Let's see where the Bastard's live, the Dark Squad will add it to their list of places to visit.

Its not a bad plan, I think it was Vinnie that suggested it, or Ram... or it could have been Newt.

The deal is done, the Falcon will let the Dark Squad know what her rangers discover.

Soon after the Gnome Ranger departs, this after paying the Dark Squad for the safe delivery of the giant goats- note throughout this escapade (the goat run) the gnome ranger has said... nothing. Taciturn. He points, he nods, he grunts a little, he smirks whenever he can (and he can), but he has said... nothing, not one word, and several of the PCs have tried to engage the fellow in conversation.

“He is sew Kool!” Daktari declares one final time before the gnome and Trenloe depart.


Then dinner, and a short rest with more chat time, with the Falcon.

The Dark Squad and the Falcon exchange gossip, the PCs learn that-

There's a lot of goblin activity around the town of Blackedge (near the Dreadwood), this however is to be expected, it's goblin season- the weather's good and all the new come-of-age goblins are out trying to prove their adults/warriors.

More worrying...

There's something very big- smashing its way through the Deep Dreadwood. Note the Deep Dreadwood is how it sounds, a light-less tangle of ancient and terrifying flora, inhabited by equally horrific fauna (with lots of undead, and home to the hag- Nightshade).

One of the Falcon's ranger's discovered a hundred foot wide (at least) trail of smashed trees, snaking in no set direction through the woods for over a mile, but nothing to signify what caused the phenomenon.


Five days ago a quickling buzzed into the Falcon's Nest, then around for a bit- with guards chasing it, and then departed having dropped a note-


Daktari reads the note, he has been practising his letters.

Question: Who are Ralph & Bobby?

Answer: The Dark Squad are going to find out when they're next in Soltmarch, sorry- Saltmarsh.

Last bit of news.

A local no-good no-mark from Burle (less than ten minutes walk away) has been asking around after the Dark Squad. The no-good in question is called Sar Korn, he's the proprietor of a spit-and-sawdust pub, The Dead Goblin.

The Dark Squad chat a while longer with the Falcon, and then- it's approaching 10 PM already, head off into Burle, they'd like to meet Sar Korn.


Burle, looks a lot like Greenest- shush!

And here's The Dead Goblin.


Although the title on the map is actually Generic Inn Lower, so maybe the Dead Goblin's getting re-branded.

Sar Korn turns out to be a little more pleasant than expected, although this only plays out after Newt has started spreading the cash, and buying rounds (20gp worth of rounds). Note, the Dark Squad's order- five pints of the local Fizzyspit, sets them back 5 silver pieces, and that was very much stranger/outsider prices, so the locals are really putting it away.

Newt is also, mostly, prevented from singing- at least for a while, however the tabaxi cannot be silenced (which is a real shame, ask his friends).

Sar Korn tells the guys that a fellow called Skeel asked him to put the word out, Sar describes Skeel- “tall fur 'uman, well-dreffed, pale- like he wuz sick.”

The chatter goes on for a while, and the Dark Squad settle in to the bar, particularly as Skeel is due to call in soon, he does most evenings just before closing time... but, no show.

Only twenty minutes later a lamplighter/messenger boy arrives with a note for... the Dark Squad.

The note, signed Skeel, directs the Dark Squad (immediately) to a different area of Burle, near a large water trough. The reason for the secret meeting, Skeel (apparently) has information that would be 'of import' to the adventurers.

The Dark Squad smell a trap.

But, they want to know who this Skeel is (they've never heard of him) and who (perhaps) he represents.

So, they drink up and head on out, and it's getting rather later now.


Into the backstreets of Burle.

Vinnie shares a little Pass Without Trace for his companions, which accounts for Ram's stealth checks.

Note, during what follows next Ram makes two stealth checks, the lowest is a '36', no-one sees Ram again for a good long while- not the enemies, not his friends.

Double note, while Ram is on his wandering (in a moment) he makes several active perception checks, there was one high check right at the start (I think) but the rest of them- the highest roll is something like a '4'.

So, Ram goes for a sneak about to see what he can see.

While, Vinnie...


Becomes Vincen-Whooooooo. He's a an owl. Hooooo! The noise that an owl makes, oh please yourself, I thought it was hilarious.

So, both Ram and Vincen-ooooo spot Skeel, hidden in the shadows over the far side of the market place area. Skeel however hasn't seen either of the PCs. Nor has the ghoul lying on a nearby flat-roof, also spotted by the flying Vincen-ooooo.

But then...

The fellows at the back (Newt, Daktari & Inverna) decide to edge a little way forward, to see what they can see- Inverna manages to roll a double '1', and the secret is out.

So, several things happen at once, or else sequentially, and very quickly.

Skeel reveals himself, a cadaverous pale-skinned human, although thickly cloaked against the cold (hang on, what cold- it's May), well-dressed but a little shabby with it.

"My name is Argus Skeel, and you... I presume, call yourself the Dark Squad, how very original."

Skeel is very well spoken.

"I doubt that you can even comprehend how much trouble you are in... The shadow is coming, you know this, but alas you will not be around to see...

But just as Skeel is about to... well, whatever it is he's about to do.

A woman's voice calls out from behind the Dark Squad, from up on a nearby roof, the speaker reveals herself to be an early 30's dark-haired and beautiful woman, wearing dark leathers and seemingly adept at wandering around cantered roofs in the near-dark.

"Not so fast... I don't know who you are nightwalker, but I can smell the grave you crawled out of from here..."

Skeel hisses his displeasure.

But the emboldened woman continues on...

"The Dark Squad, eh! Well, know this- for it will be the last thing you understand. My great Lord, Ashardalon sends his final words. They are..."

At which point Skeel however has had enough, he shouts the next bit as loud as he can, causing the roof-balancing woman to snarl and miss her turn.

"Enough of this, we have the bard and the Dreadnought is coming. My dark master will see you all in hell!”


Note the Dark Squad are stuck in the middle, it's like watching tennis, with the back and forth, also one of the kobolds (see later) has gone early, I revealed the little bugger by mistake.

At which point Skeel, and a bunch of ghouls hidden under various market stalls, or else behind walls- rush the PCs.

The woman on the roof doesn't get to tell the Dark Squad Ashardalon's final words to them, because the fight has already started-

"Arrghh! Kill them all, let none survive!" Is all she adds.

And... it gets nasty.

So, there's Skeel and seven ghouls, and then there's the young lady on the roof and seven armoured kobolds- the latter entering the melee from various alleys.

Remember Ram did some incredible sneaking about prior to this fracas, and yet his perception checks (save one) were terrible.


The ghouls and a few kobolds (they were caught on the hop) rush in, the Dark Squad defend. Vincen-ooooo becomes Vinnie again, he was perched on a roof looking into the alley in which Skeel was hiding.

The druid unleashes his Call Lightning and blasts Skeel, which however reveals his position.

Skeel, who was striding towards the majority of the Dark Squad immediately turns himself around, and runs up the side of the building and onto the roof, he grabs hold of Vinnie (grappled) and bites him even through his thick armour, draining the screaming druid's blood.

What with the blood drain, necrotic damage and the reduction of his hit point total, Vinnie is bloodied in one bite.

The Dark Squad are (briefly) frightened.

“F-Me, Vampire!” That kind of thing.

But the druid is a clever fellow, he Misty Steps straight out of Skeel's embrace, and back to his friends, who at this point are discovering that the ghouls, who they have been targeting (because they paralyse) ain't that tough, but the kobolds (who they've mostly not been targeting) are in fact pretty bloody tough, with high AC, hit points and multiple attacks.

But the ghouls are still having an effect, both Ram and Newt have to spend inspiration points to re-roll saving throws versus the undead's paralysis, both pass second time around.

Note, the beautiful black-leather clad woman on the roof is still taking pot-shots with her crossbow, but her dice are mostly broken. Just her dice, mind.

Newt has an idea, he calls his friends together, and...


Surrounds the Dark Squad with a Wall of Fire.

The Dark Squad huddle up within the flaming circle, but then- bugger me...


One of the tough kobolds rushes through the flames (and takes maybe six points of damage, after making its saving throw- the kobolds, as it turns out, are resistant to fire).

The Dark Squad are getting anxious, and particularly because they're also conscious that Skeel is about to get into action again, and... the woman on the roof keeps on missing, and that can't go on forever.

Although... it pretty much bloody does.

She has the best to hit bonus of all of the enemies present, she fires twice per turn- every turn, and hits just once.

It gets worse.

Skeel rushes through the fire, although- it hurts, a lot, the vampire (according to the Dark Squad) however manages to bite Vinnie again, although at this point the druid is now the Moonboar.

The Dark Squad target Skeel and enough is enough, he flees- back out of the Wall of Flame, and away... the PCs think, although they're not really sure, because they can't see much through the flames.


More kobolds rush through the Wall of Fire, and now everyone is taking hits, and the kobolds are still surviving in there.

It gets worse.

In quick succession Newt gets hit and then fails his concentration check, then the same for Vinnie- the Wall of Fire and the Call Lightning spells come to an abrupt end.


It's so undignified, less of a melee, more of a play-ground style scramble.

Newt fires up his last warlock power- Sickening Radiance, the ghouls within the horrid light get torn apart.


Note, Ram (to the south) is not certain that Skeel has fled the scene, while the crossbow firing woman on the rooftops (she's been moving about- jumping from building to building) also cannot be seen.

But that's nothing new, the sniping woman usually only appears briefly to miss with her crossbow shots before dipping back into the shadows.

However, we're already well over time.

This last fight (so far) has taken a good long while to play out, the players were really having to think about it, and at times, there was a bit of fretting going on.

They figure they've got it beat now, but we'll get to the conclusion in the next one.

The Dark Squad’s to-do list-
  1. Survive Skeel and the shooter on the roof, who are they?
  2. Go to the Moon Pool, need to climb to the top of Silverhill and be inside the stone circle there before midnight, and then stay within it until dawn's first light. Then journey down the hill and into the centre of the Silverstand (forest). Meet Wildroot there, and enter the Moon Pool, and then the Treant will set the Dark Squad to their task, that's what Belphegor said.
  3. Remember, we've got to find the other four Symbols of Ub, one was left in Deepbridge (Duergar fortress in the Underdark). The others need to be found, they belonged to- Rambles 'Shambles' Bowspirit (halfling killer), Antonio De La Crane (posh kid druid alchemist) & Giggles (crazy wood elf). All of these folk lived in the Saltmarsh region, the Dark Squad have found the De La Crane Manse (in the Dreadwood) and the De La Crane Crypt (in Saltmarsh Cemetary).
  4. Return to Fallowstone Holy, church of Oghma, pick up info (Witch's Tor & Pact of the Flame, although the Dark Squad probably know all about this stuff already). What else do you need to find out about? See above, and below.
  5. Warn Ashby- the Soggy's (Sahuagin) are coming!
  6. Vinnie needs to be back for the next Saltmarsh Council meeting on the 1st Kythorn (June).
  7. Nightshade in the Dreadwood?
  8. Blackedge and the Goblin Stair?

Stay safe and well you lovely people.

Cheers the Dark Squad and goonalan.


I was just thinking there hadn't been an update in a while, and then I discover I just wasn't getting notifications. Silver lining - three updates, including more goats.
Wonderful stuff as ever, cheers folks!

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