Catch The Pidgin
ENCOUNTER #4: Into the Kobold's Lair aka Get To Da Chopper!
Part One of Kobold Genocide.
Here's an image showing the start of the encounter- the PCs emerging, with surprise, from the secret river route into the kobold's lair-
The Genocide Squad are ready to roll- this is a genocide, they are the Genocide Squad- this is their ball park, they are going to boss this encounter.
Point one- you need to keep Fionulla alive, she has a greater part to play in your adventures. Don't worry too much however, she's pretty tough.
To the encounter...
This entire encounter has been set up for you to 'genocide' your way through the Kobold lair.
Remember you have just snucked in a secret entrance, an entrance not even the Kobolds knew about.
So, here's the story- lots of corridors in the lair have been blocked off so that there is only one route through the tunnels/chambers.
Don't worry- it's not that complicated, you can very mostly see where you need to be going, but read on...
The open route leads all the way through the lair and to the finale- the second encounter here.
Got that. Good. Next bit.
Your initial attacks on the Kobolds will be with surprise (in the first turn). There are lots of Kobolds in this encounter- see below, however 50 of them are Kobold Mooks.
So, the lair is actually a series of small-ish groups of Kobolds (very very mostly Mooks) all on the same pathway/race-track through the lair.
Your job is to race around slaughtering them- and with there being just one route through the lair then you are also going to racing each other to get to the Kobolds.
Why racing? Keep reading...
You are going to have fun.
So, set up for a genocide, but there's a little more to it-
If at any time after a PC has completed their turn there are fewer than X (see below) Kobolds left in that particular chamber then... as a Free Action all Kobolds left in the chamber flee (they take one free move) screaming as they go deeper into the lair.
X = PCs in room x 3.
So if there's one 1 PC in the room and only two or fewer Kobolds- they flee screaming.
2 PCs in the room and five or fewer Kobolds- they flee screaming.
Remember, this effect does not happen on a PCs turn, the DM (when he remembers) will count Kobolds left in the room at the end of every PCs turn.
Obviously on their initiative fleeing Kobolds will continue to double move- Flee! Screaming as they go, and- alerting other Kobolds further on into the lair.
So, you are going to need to prevent that from happening, maybe...
Just to run that by you again- Maggie runs into a chamber with 6 Kobolds in it- she kills four of them on her turn, and as soon as her turn is over the two remaining Kobolds (as a free action) flee screaming.
If in the above example Maggie only killed two Kobolds- four left, but then Thugg joined her in the chamber, then as soon as Thugg's turn is done the remaining Kobolds will flee.
Two PCs- only four Kobolds = FLEE!
Note, fleeing and screaming Kobolds will run to the next chamber of Kobolds to reinforce them, and let their friends know that the PCs are on their way.
The point being you are going to be chasing Kobolds here.
However, if you make it into a chamber that has not been alerted by screaming fleeing Kobolds, then all PC attacks on that turn are with Advantage. Basically, you get surprise again.
Just to make that clear- if you rush into a chamber and kill all the Kobolds in it then the news doesn't travel. And you get Surprise/Advantage against the next group of Kobolds on the route.
To help you along with this here's a new rule, just for this encounter-
Minor = Move.
That's right, you can now effectively move four times in a turn: Move = Move, Action = Move, Minor = Move, Action Point = Move, and if you have any Bonus Action movement...
So, you can travel.
Last bit, and this is a VERY important bit of information-
If you complete this task in 10 turns then you will receive double the amount of GP reward for the final encounter (the Final Boss has some treasure) here, AND four shiny new Potions of Healing (one each) in the treasure cache too.
If you complete this task in 12 turns then you can either have double the money or the extra potions, as above.
If you fail to complete this encounter in 15 turns then any Kobolds that are still alive at that point will be added to the final encounter. I don't mean those exact Kobolds, I mean a number equal to those that are left at the end of 15 turns.
Your Task: Kill all of the Kobolds, there are no bosses here, and no info to be had- this is a slaughter. Keep Fionulla alive. Get it done quickly, but keep in mind there's another encounter coming up after just a Short Rest, so keep something in the tank.
And the next encounter is going to be much more difficult, I promise.
Number of Enemies: Exactly 56.
Kill Points: 130
XP for Success: 750 (divided by 5- including Fionulla, buckle up kids it's going to be a long and bumpy ride).
Total possible XP: 880 .
Important Information: Run!