Dark Squad in the Secrets of Saltmarsh
Session #135: Sorry For The (Attempted) Genocide.
Dark Squad (in alphabetical order, no egos here).
Daktari/Dak (played by Haggis) Male Human Uthgardt Sky Pony Barbarian Lvl 9
Fellowyn Silverstream (played by George) Male Eladrin Wizard Bladesinger Lvl 9
New Tricks/Newt (played by Bear) Male Tabaxi Warlock Lvl 9
Ramshambo/Ram (played by Kev) Male Half-Elf Rogue/Fighter Lvl 7/2
Vincenzo/Vinnie (played by Haggis) Male Shifter (Wildhunt) Druid Lvl 9
Nicholai Barbaros Kostyiev/Nicky (played by George) Male Dhampir Cleric of Twilight Lvl 8 RIP
Inverna Nightbreeze (played by George) Female Wood Elf Fighter Lvl 8 (Sidekick) RETIRED
Garumn Male Mountain Dwarf Paladin of Moradin Lvl 5 RIP*
Tarbin Tul (played by goonalan) Male Human Bard RETIRED
Ubmo (played by Goonalan) Supreme Being Lvl 1 EXPLODED
Ubdug (played by Goonalan) Supreme Being Lvl 2 (When we remember)
*Trapped in the Land of the Bad Dead Ancestors.
Gerald (Bat/Giant Bat) servant/mount of New Tricks
Owly (Owl) Vinnie’s familiar
The Dark Squad’s to-do list-
- Find the other four Symbols of Ub, one was left in Deepbridge (Duergar fortress in the Underdark). The others need to be found, they belonged to- Rambles 'Shambles' Bowspirit (halfling killer from Lowhill), Antonio De La Crane (posh kid druid alchemist) & Giggles (crazy wood elf). All of these folk lived in the Saltmarsh region, the Dark Squad have found the De La Crane Manse (in the Dreadwood) and the De La Crane Crypt (in Saltmarsh Cemetery).
- Nightshade is in the Deep Dreadwood- except she's not there anymore, but a big red dragon is?
- Blackedge and the Goblin Stair?
- To join the Pact of the Wild Flame prepare the Witch's Tor for the coming of the starfall, the Witch's Tor is in the Drowned Forest, in the Mere of the Dead Men.
- To join the Pact of the Wild Flame track down the last member of the Pact, a wild elf adventurer called Giggles- and finally put her spirit to rest, and also recover her maze button. Location unknown. SEE 2. ABOVE.
This is session 135, and here we go, a full session spent just with the Dark Squad.
What joy!
We’re in the middle of a home invasion if you remember, the Dark Squad are in full-on genocide mode- the dastardly lizardfolk are being made to pay for arming/plotting to attack Saltmarsh.
And so back to the action…
But there aren’t too many lizardfolk around for the Dark Squad to slay- they have (so far) mostly either died (very quickly) or else fled.
But then the combat tracker suddenly gets very busy.
That’s a lot of lizardfolk, and the Dark Squad can hear them coming down the corridors hereabouts- screaming and shouting a variety of imprecations.
The tribe are coming is the consensus.
A hefty brute- a lizardfolk render rushes around the corner and swipes Ubdug back to the land of zeroes. Then steps up and tears (a little, very little) at Daktari.
But the big guy doesn’t last long- that’s what approx. 70 hit points gets you, dead in half-a-turn, thank heavens a few more lizardfolk warriors show up and pepper the party with javelins.
Not many hits though.
Note, Newt is targeting another female member of the tribe here, she too is armed with a ladle, keep in mind he’s collecting souls, two of his three masters (Belphegor & Humphrey Far-Fer-Nar) reward the tabaxi warlock for sending them the souls of the sentient folk he destroys in their respective names.
I think he reached 100 souls dedicated to Belphegor a few weeks back and was suitably rewarded.
That’s nice.
You’ve got to have a hobby; else you’d go mad around here.
Anyway, Newt is a terror at present, slaughtering everything in sight while constantly ‘motivating’ his colleagues to continue with the genocide.
At times he really is a very naughty boy.
Not really a revelation.
Yet more lizardfolk warriors and scaleshields turn up.
In truth they don’t last very long.
But let’s take a moment, some of the Squad- mostly Vincenzo (sometimes others- even Ram isn’t happy) are starting to question their motivations here.
Note, this change of heart is as much about the fact that this is a genuine slaughter.
Look at the image above- the Squad have taken down between a dozen and twenty lizardfolk so far (all shapes and sizes- commoners, warriors, scaleshields, a render and a shaman). Daktari is the only member of the party (apart from Ubdug) to have taken a hit.
The Dark Squad are having doubts, some of them.
Those that are blessed/cursed* with a conscience.
*Delete as you feel appropriate.
This strange feeling- doubt, rather a new sensation for some of them, takes the form of shouting odd phrases in draconic at the lizardfolk combatants, like-
“Drop your weapons and surrender and I will let you live!”
That’s Ram’s effort, or something very similar.
“Stop this fighting… and then we will stop fighting… if you stop your fighting first.”
Not Vincenzo’s Gettysburg Address.
But my favourite goes to-
“Can we speak manager!”
In cod-Russian if you please, that’s Daktari- in a moment of lucidity (he’s always raging remember).
So, they’re trying to make sense of things.
But y’know- still killing lots of lizardfolk, in-between the odd speeches.
But then… Newt finds all the evidence he needs.
Bear (playing Newt) to the DM (that’s me)- “Is that an arm on the table, with all of the blood and bones?”. The DM affirms, and then goes on to briefly describe the scaly, clawed and webbed hacked-off appendage.
Which very quickly translates to Newt screaming the following to his comrades-
Newt does apoplectic.
He never lets a fact get in the way of his opinion.
More fighting.
But some of the Dark Squad are really not convinced.
There’s also a voice coming down one of the corridors- someone or something speaking common, scratch ‘speaking’, they’re yelling- but in a weak and croaky old man/lizardfolk voice.
The Dark Squad are trying to get a reply across, or else to stop the fracas to hear, but… Daktari is in his happy place- surrounded by flailing lizardfolk, who he is tearing through with his magic sword Shatterspike- rage fuels him still.
A little earlier (raging) Dak was getting very concerned about the quality of the opposition here.
In cod-Russian if you please-
“It is pitiful, it is like they are not even trying to kill us!”
Newt is just fine with setting folk on fire.
It’s what he does.
And so more lizardfolk die.
Until an ancient looking lizardfolk feller turns up (he of the croaky voice), and after exasperatedly shouting/ordering a cease and desist the lizardfolk warriors eventually stop fighting- even Daktari is restrained for a moment, and Newt… well, eventually he stops blasting folk, but y’know- at the end of his turn.
There is chatter.
In precis- Sauriv, the lizardfolk elder, wants to know why his people are being slaughtered? What offence have they given?
The Dark Squad explain, semi-incoherently and all at the same time (natch)- something about a prophecy (the Divination spell Vinnie cast several sessions back- I’ll refresh your memories with the text in a mo), a pirate/smuggler ship full of arms- bound for this spot, a lizardfolk invasion of Saltmarsh, and… well, lizardfolk are bad folk- they eat people.
Everyone knows that.
Sauriv explains that his tribe was kicked out of their previous lair only a few months back by a ferocious group of sea devils (Sahuagin) that have just invaded the undersea hereabouts. The lizardfolk retreated to here (one of their previous lairs) and are arming themselves to fight the sea devils, who not content with driving them out are seeking to destroy them, and all other opposition in the region.
Sauriv even describes a symbol- three vertical wavy lines (like lightning bolts) that has been carved into some of their recovered dead by the sea devils.
The Dark Squad recognise the symbol- it’s a Talos thing.
The Dark Squad therefore collectively pauses for thought.
Or else the VTT/Discord goes quiet for a bit.
More chatter follows, most of it by the Dark Squad- just checking a few more facts before…
Sorry, it’s all been a big mistake, or else a misunderstanding- the Dark Squad break out the apologies, and very soon after start making their sorry-speeches.
Just in time as around eighty more lizardfolk, including several chiefs, the queen and an entire gaggle of shaman turn up.
At which point, after a heated (at times) negotiation- mostly it’s Sauriv arguing (with the shaman, mostly) that the Dark Squad should be spared, or at least given a chance to talk/redeem themselves.
Note, I didn’t drop anymore lizardfolk on the maps on Fantasy Grounds at this point because there were already 60+ participants in the combat tracker- adding another 80 or so combatants to the melee/map would have killed it.
So, no pictures of the massed ranks of lizardfolk, use your imagination.
Anyway- the chatter goes back and forth.
Vinnie makes a great speech- about mutual enemies (the sahuagin- the Druid explains the Dark Squad’s history with these guys) and the chance to fight them together- the lizardfolk and the Dark Squad.
Ram says much the same, only in one short sentence.
It’s how he speaks.
Note the above two, and Fellowyn- I think, were apologising hard as soon as it started to become apparent- Ram just once, Vinnie repeatedly.
Eventually the lizardfolk queen decides-
Here’s Othokent, the lizardfolk queen, keep in mind in-game she’s surrounded by a bodyguard of scaleshields and warriors.
Othokent’s decision- “Kuta!”
Which translates as- “Shame!” Several members of the Squad speak draconic, although cultural meanings are obviously lost on them.
Sauriv explains- the Dark Squad must show contrition throughout what follows- members of the tribe (not the warriors) take it in turns to berate random members of the Dark Squad about their bloody deeds, either shouting at them or else telling sobbing stories about those that the Dark Squad have just slain. Their hopes and dreams ruined… cut short, etc.
The Dark Squad have to take it in turns to say how sorry they are, and to explain themselves to the barracking crowd, until… they are all, if not forgiven, then at least accepted/acknowledged.
As it turns out there are lots of ways to say sorry, repeatedly for one.
Newt aces it, his apologies are very mostly superb-
“Yes, madam. I am so sorry that I blasted your son apart- it was a waste, a waste of my spell and your precious lizard-thing-cum-child. Deeply humbly. Humbly deeply. I only hope that- what was his name- “Parsnip?”, that Parsnip’s soul has winged its way to a much better place.”
Then he rolls a 20-something.
Lots of checks, and the Dark Squad are spending Inspiration Points (they didn’t need them in the fight) to re-roll anything low, they’re not taking chances.
Eventually things calm down, a little…
But let’s just take a moment to refresh ourselves with Vinnie’s Divination spell a few sessions back, here it is-
“The Lizardfolk WILL come soon to Saltmarsh, with a familiar black shadow at their heels.
But only when all of your wrongs have been righted, the hands found, the beacon lit- the signal sent.
Respect your Elders and you could turn the tide.”
So, the Dark Squad are figuring out what righting their wrongs entails.
And they’re respecting their elders, or elder- singular, that’s Sauriv.
Then- time for a kicking.
The lizardfolk warriors, and more than a few chiefs grab up the various members of the Dark Squad- who go with the flow, and frog (don’t laugh) march them to here.
The chant all the way- “Chokko! CHOKKO!”
Chokko turns out to be a twelve-foot tall, one ton, lizardfolk render- with a beautiful head fin/crest-thing.
Oddly Chokko speaks a lot like Daktari.
Cod-Russian if you please.
“I am Chokko, fine specimen- force of nature, known far and tide for my beautiful head crest-fin-thing. Hear me ROAR!”
Daktari likes Chokko from the start.
Later he offers the big fellow a hearty handshake (before the fight begins) Chokko uses the opportunity to try and tear Dak’s throat out.
Oh, but before we get too far on with this- in a quiet moment Sauriv the lizardfolk elder (who is still translating and making sense of things for the Squad) asks for a brief word with Daktari.
The barbarian is happy to chat, as it turns out he just needs to listen- Sauriv whispers the following to Dak- “The man and the crocodile”, that’s it.
Dak is, of course, intrigued- but there’s no time at the present.
Just to note any mention of the man and the crocodile causes several members of the cast to start to get angsty, they hate it when it turns up in the plot- the consensus is-
Back to events.
A minute or so later and Daktari (after consuming a healing potion or three) is in the ring- unarmed and unarmoured (they’re the rules for the fight)- actually the big man has gone a step further, at present he’s only wearing his Headband of Intellect.
He is also getting torn apart by Chokko.
Chokko hits hard, and approx. 75% of the time- with three attacks per turn, advantage on all of them and with a great to hit bonus to boot.
Dak is raging, frenzied, reckless and hasted- and its neck and neck here.
To the wire.
To make clear- the lizardfolk warriors have lost face here- also several of their number are now dead, they’re not at all happy. Chokko is the best of the best. If Daktari wins the fight… well, he will at least earn their respect.
Note, if he loses the Dark Squad have to pick a new champion and try again, Ram is making ready.
The fight is to unconsciousness, not to the death.
The lizardfolk, Othokent makes clear- do not wantonly kill folk.
And then…
Daktari gets it done.
Chokko is down.
Note, both combatants were below 10 HP in the last turn- Dak just beat Chokko to the punch, as it were.
After the hubbub there is a modicum of respect to be had from the warriors- they will now bury & then celebrate their honoured dead, the Dark Squad are on license.
At which point Othokent decides it’s time to reveal a little more of the lizardfolk’s plan…
But that doesn’t happen.
A delegation of shouting shaman show up, they demand satisfaction too- they’ve also discovered the dead body of the shaman the Dark Squad killed early on in their spree.
They are also not very happy.
They demand something called “SUNDA!”
They chant this repeatedly, there is quite a kerfuffle- it takes Othokent a while to get things settled.
As usual Sauriv interprets, although he’s a little lost to begin with.
‘Sunda’, he explains is a ceremony for the coming of age, or else when a lizardfolk is to be promoted to an elite group.
The lizardfolk in question is sent out into the swamp, there to survive for a set/stipulated amount of time, dependent on the nature of the reward. On their safe return to the lair they are then celebrated and take up their new position. Semuanya (the lizardfolk deity) has blessed them- allowed them to survive the swamp, they are therefore ready to receive their reward.
It becomes clear that the shaman want the Dark Squad to go out into the swamp, to undertake “Sunda”. The trial they are suggesting is the most severe available, and usually reserved for those rising to the rank of queen (the lizardfolk are a matriarchy). Those undergoing this right must travel as far as they can from the lair, for five days they must journey- and then undertake to make the return journey to the lair in just four days.
They must return to the lair in exactly nine days.
They must survive in the swamp during this time by their own wits.
If they have been bad lizardfolk then Semaunya will send them many challenges during this time, if they overcome these then their past burdens (guilt) will be lifted, expunged.
The swamp will wash them clean.
As it were.
I keep writing swamp- it’s actually the Mere of the Dead Men out there, not a pleasant place at all.
Eventually, after some more back and forth, several members of the Squad tire of the bickering and having heard Sauriv’s explanation they just agree to undertake the task, swearing that they will walk as far as they can for five days, avoiding or else battling whatever the Mere of Dead Men has in store for them, and then make their way safely back here.
Let’s do this thing.
Here’s a shot of the kerfuffle, only imagine there’s another five or six shaman in the mix.
Last bit, the PCs remember that they have a task to do in the Mere of the Dead Men, there’s a place called the Witch’s Tor, they must go there- it’s in one of the old prophecies-
“I am Kolven, and I am forever.
Seek the witch’s tor,
In the lair of the drowned ones,
But beware the demon’s spore.
Find the time.
Return again with the star fall,
To reclaim the power.”
The lair of the drowned ones is in the Mere of Dead Men, and oddly Sauriv has heard of the place- the Witch's Tor he explains is a an ancient (and forbidden) place- full of ghosts, the lizardman elder says- 'the air is thin there, it is said you can see through the mist there, to other worlds- some of which are watching, and waiting..."
So, plenty to do.
Oh, and Sauriv says if the Dark Squad can cover 100 miles of swamp (or thereabouts) in five days, well- the Dark Squad could get there.
Funny how that worked out.
A chance for the Dark Squad to free themselves of their sins (in the lizardfolk's eyes), do the next bit of their quest, and then get allies for the upcoming... No, I'll not write anymore.
That was the end of the session, actually we were a little over time.
Much fun was had by all, as usual.
Stay safe and well you lovely people.
Cheers the Dark Squad and goonalan.