The Darkening of Mirkwood

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First Post
5 out of 5 rating for The Darkening of Mirkwood

The scope of this campaign is massive, and it is so very well done. Maybe the best campaign ever made for any game.


First Post
5 out of 5 rating for The Darkening of Mirkwood

This is an epic campaign setting for The One Ring and I love it (despite the bittersweet nature of trying to fight the encroaching shadow). C7 has done a superb job of evoking the feel of Middle Earth and this supplement in particular highlights what it feels like to fight against a Darkness that you know you cannot completely defeat--but is still worth fighting. It can also be combined with Tales from Wilderland if you want to run them simultaneously instead of one after the other. It's amazing, and makes me so happy that C7 decided to bring Middle Earth to life for us.


5 out of 5 rating for The Darkening of Mirkwood

This is the an ideal campaign setting which lasts for many decades of game time. You play in the turmuiled region of Mirkwood and surrounding areas interacting with many known heroes (Bard, Beorn, etc) and encountering terible monsters (Nazgul). It is the perfect campaign setting for The One Ring rpg. Actually it is a campaign that influenced the structure of my own dnd campaign that i am playing now. Also it is very well written making the reading of it a pleasure.


5 out of 5 rating for The Darkening of Mirkwood

This is an epic 30 year campaign for The One Ring Roleplaying Game. Very few campaign books are on this level of excellence. For a long time The Great Pendragon Campaign was the best out there. In my view, The Darkening of Mirkwood has now taken that top spot.


5 out of 5 rating for The Darkening of Mirkwood

There are so many great things that set this epic string of adventures apart; the thirty year (in game) span, the amazing evocation of Middle Earth, and Cubicle 7's always top notch production values among others. This is one of the best adventure arcs I've read.

Avi Public

5 out of 5 rating for The Darkening of Mirkwood

This is a campaign that is huge in scope and scale and incredibly well put together. A must-get for The One Ring.

Voidrunner's Codex

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