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Mephit James

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The Journeying God, the Divided God
Symbol: A swallow bearing a shell and a wheat stalk.
Alignment: CG
Portfolio: Trade, Travel (Sailing, Roads, Rivers, Swallows and migrating birds).
Worshipers: Travelers, sea traders, those seeking an end to an argument.
Cleric Alignments: NG, CG, CN, N
Domains: Luck, Protection, Travel.
Favored Weapon: "Sparrow's Flight" (shortbow).

Dogma: There are wonders waiting to be found in every corner of creation. Find your path and follow it with joy and adventure, you will find your fate along the way. Others have their own paths which might cross yours, but you cannot steal another's fate any more than you can live two lives.

Mythos:When Amletan created the water and land with his hands and breathed life into the world, he sat back and surveyed his work. It was a mighty task and even the Great Ancestor was weary after the task. As he sat on the newly formed beach, leaning onto his thighs, two beads of sweat rolled off his forehead. One landed in the dust and sand, the other was swept out by a wave. Each carried the spark of Amletan's labors, however, and from his divine perspiration sprang two men, each fully formed and bounding with energies.
The first man was formed from the sands of the beach and had the heavily muscled legs of a strong runner. The Creator named him Shon the Vagabond, and pronounced him the first wanderer of this new land. The second man was thinner and with swarthy skin as if he had already spent weeks under the baking sun. He was named Meo the Sailor and was charged with the task of exploring Amletan's new oceans.
The two brothers let loose twin cries of joy and left with all speed to search the world's nascent horizons, Shon sprinting across the headlands and Meo swimming mighty into the surf. For many years they traveled far and wide, becoming experts in all manners of exploration and navigation. When Amletan saw fit to create the first mortals, the Twins befriended them and taught them all they new. Shon walked among the desert nomads and showed them how to find oases, he ran with the tribes of the northern steppes and tamed horses for them to ride, in the northern wastes he wandered with the noble caribou, and in the southern jungles he taught the parrots their many songs.
During the same time Meo showed fishermen how to stitch sails and nets, went seal-hunting with the tribes of the ice flows, raced dolphins in the sunlit tropical seas, and dove with whales in the deep ocean.
Soon, though, an envy consumed the brothers. Every man alive new that Shon was the fastest runner alive but the Vagabond wanted to best his brother at sailing. Meo was acknowledged to be the finest diver in Creation, but the Sailor eyed his brother climbing mountains with jealous eyes. One day, on the peninsula known to this day as Beak of the Twins, the two met to confront each other. Heated words were exchanged, then insults, and before long the two flew at each other in rage. Each was a mighty athelete and the fight was a powerful one. So strong were the blows and furies that the brothers threw at each other that they stirred the air into a shrieking cyclone, many of which plague the Beak annually to this day. When the storm blew itself out, only one figure fell in a heap on the ground. People from the nearby village who had come out of concern for their friends drew back as the man pulled himself up. He was a stranger, they agreed, but there was something familiar about him. The man himself seemed confused, claiming to be both Shon and Meo and not understanding how that could be. At length he realized that the brothers' conflict had drawn them closer together, as conflicts sometimes do, until they coalesced into one being.
Calling himself Epheme, this new god gave a whoop and set out to discover the world anew. He swam across the ocean and climbed mountains on the other side, racing across deserts to dive gracefully off of cliffs on the far side. Eventually, however, his joy became tainted: whenever he was exploring the wide ocean something in his heart longed for the cool forests of the land, and vice versa. Thus Epheme discovered the curse of envy.
Now known as the Divided God or the Journeying God, Epheme is constantly on the move to this day. He naturally gravitates to rivers where he can enjoy some of the joys of the water and the land, but this compromise never lasts. He is the patron of traders and merchants, seeing them as kindred spirits always on the move, and of migrating birds. In the spring or autumn some say they can hear his laughter in the wind as he trails the flocks on their journeys.

[sblock]Ranger 20, Horizon Walker 20, Fighter 10, Rogue 20
Large Outsider
Divine Rank: 20
Hit Points: 640 (Outsider 20d8, Ranger 20d8, Horizon Walker 10d8, Fighter 10d10, Rogue 20d6, +20 Epic Toughness)
Initiative: +7 (+3 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
Speed: 80 ft.
AC: 23 (10, +13 divine)
Base Attack Bonus: +20/+15/+10/+5
Attacks: Sparrow’s Flight +64 (+13 Dex, +30 epic bonus, +20 divine, +1 magic), Zephyr +64 (+12 Str, +30 epic bonus, +20 divine, +2 magic).
Damage: Sparrow’s Flight 1d6+13 (+1 magic, +12 Str), Zephyr 1d6+14 (+2 magic, +12 Strength).
Face/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: Nothing specific.
Special Qualities: damage reduction 55/magic, darkvision 120 ft., divine aura, divine checks, divine communication, divine immunities, divine senses, fast healing 40, horizon walker abilities, fire resistance 40, immortality, maximize rolls, portfolio powers, ranger abilities, rogue abilities, spontaneous casting, SR 52, travel
Saves: Fort +66, Ref +66, Will +66 (for all = +12 Outsider, +30 epic bonus, +20 divine bonus, +4 epic feats)
Abilities: Str 35, Con 35, Dex 37, Int 32, Wis 31, Chr 31
Skills: Balance +28 (13 ranks, +13 Dex, +2 Agile), Bluff +20 (10 ranks, +10 Chr), Climb +49 (35 ranks, +12 Str, +4 horizon walker, +2 Athletic), Craft (bowmaking) +34 (23 ranks, +11 Int), Diplomacy +23 (13 ranks, +10 Chr), Disable Device +34 (23 ranks, +11 Int), Escape Artist +38 (23 ranks, +13 Dex, +2 Agile), Gather Information +33 (23 ranks, +10 Chr), Handle Animal +27 (15 ranks, +10 Chr, +2 Animal Affinity), Hide +40 (23 ranks, +13 Dex, +4 horizon walker), Intimidate +21 (11 ranks, +10 Chr), Jump +49 (35 ranks, +12 Str, +2 Acrobatic), Knowledge (geography) +45 (34 ranks, +11 Int), Knowledge (local) +34 (23 ranks, +11 Int), Knowledge (nature) +34 (23 ranks, +11 Int), Listen +39 (23 ranks, +10 Wis, +4 horizon walker, +2 Alertness), Move Silently +40 (23 ranks, +13 Dex, +4 horizon walker), Perform (sing) +33 (23 ranks, +10 Chr), Ride +43 (28 ranks, +13 Dex, +2 Animal Affinity), Search +34 (23 ranks, +11 Int), Sleight of Hand +36 (23 ranks, +13 Dex), Spot +39 (23 ranks, +10 Wis, +4 horizon walker, +2 Alertness), Survival +43 (33 ranks, +10 Wis), Swim +53 (35 ranks, +12 Str, +4 horizon walker, +2 Athletic), Tumble +34 (19 ranks, +13 Dex, +2 Acrobatic), Use Magic Device +33 (23 ranks, +10 Chr).
Feats: Acrobatic, Agile, Alertness, Animal Affinity, Athletic, Bane of Enemies (epic), Blind-Fight, Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Death of Enemies (epic), Diehard, Dodge, Endurance, Epic Fortitude, Epic Reflexes, Epic Toughness, Epic Will, Far Shot, Great Cleave, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Initiative, Improved Precise Shot, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Jack of All Trades, Manyshot, Mobility, Power Attack, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Reach Spell (divine), Repeat Spell (divine), Run, Spring Attack, Track, Two-Weapon Defense, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse,
Salient Divine Abilities: Alter Form, Alter Size, Call Creatures (migratory mammals, migratory birds, migratory fish), Control Creatures (migratory mammals, migratory birds, migratory fish), Divine Archery, Divine Celerity, Divine Dodge, Divine Fast Healing, Footsore, Free Move, Instant Move, Rejuvination, Shapechange, Speak with Animal (migratory mammals, migratory birds, migratory fish).

Divine Aura: Epheme possesses a divine aura which extends 20 miles in all directions. Any mortal or lower-ranked deity within the aura must make a Will save (DC 30) or suffer one of the following effects: daze, fright (shaken and -2 attack, saves, and checks and flee from the deity), resolve (allies receive a +4 morale bonus to attack, saves, and checks, while foes receive -4 penalty to the same).
Divine Checks: Epheme gets a +20 bonus to any skill check, ability check, or caster check.
Divine Communication: Epheme can speak with any creature that has a language within 20 miles, and can remotely project his voice into an area within 20 miles of a site dedicated to him. This communication can be telepathic, audible, or in the form of an omen. He can maintain up to 20 such communications at once.
Divine Immunities: Epheme has the following immunities:
Transmutation: Polymorphing, petrification, or any other attack that alters his form. Any shape-altering powers that Epheme uses on himself work normally.
Energy Immunity: Epheme is immune to electricity, cold, and acid. He is also immune to disease, poison, stunning
Epheme is also immune ability damage, ability drain, energy drain, mind-affecting effects, disease, poison, stunning, sleep, paralysis, death effects, disintegration, and effects that imprison or banish them such as banishment, binding, dimensional anchor, dismissal, imprisonment, repulsion, soul bind, temporal stasis, trap the soul, and turning and rebuking.​
Divine Senses: He can see, hear, and smell things within 20 miles just as well as a human can sense such things when they are close enough to touch. Epheme can also sense anything within 20 miles of a location where his name has been spoken in the last hour, and can remotely sense up to 20 such locations at a time.
Horizon Walker Abilities: As a 10th-level horizon walker, Epheme has the following terrain masteries: aquatic, desert, forests, hills, marsh, mountains, plains, underground. He also has the following planar terrain masteries: aligned, weightless.
Immortality: Epheme does not age and cannot die of old age. He is also immune to death by massive damage.
Maximize Rolls: Epheme always receives the best possible roll on any roll.
Portfolio Powers: Epheme automatically senses anything have to do with his portfolio, no matter the number of people involved. He can also make any action having to do with his portfolio as an automatically successful free action as long as the DC for the task is 30 or less. He receives 20 such free actions a round. He is also able to create any item having to do with his portfolio regardless of whether he has the requisite item creation feats, provided he has all other requisites.
Ranger Abilities: As a 20th-level ranger, Epheme has the wild empathy, woodland stride, swift tracker, evasion, camouflage, and hide in plain sight abilities. He also has three favored enemies: animal +4, magical beast +4, and fey +2. All of these favored enemies he encounters frequently in his travels and has trained himself to deal with them effectively. He doesn’t currently have an animal companion. He also recieves divine spells 6/5/5/5 which he uses in conjunction with his spontaneous casting ability (below).
Because of his Bane of Enemies and Death of Enemies feats, any weapon he wields against a favored enemy is considered a bane quality. Also, when a critical hit is scored against a favored enemy, that enemy must make a Fort save against DC 51 or die instantly.
Rogue Abilities: As a 20th- level rogue, Epheme has sneak attack +10d6, trapfinding, improved evasion, trap sense +6, improved uncanny dodge, and the special ability opportunist.
Salient Abilities: Due to his salient abilities, Epheme can
- As a move action change into any corporeal form from Fine to Colossal size.
- Summon up to 20 migratory birds, each of which can’t have more than 20 HD. This works like a gate spell.
- Take control of up to twenty migratory animals per day, as dominate (target can make Will DC 40).
- Fire a ranged weapon at any target within line of sight and within 20 miles without range increment penalties. He can also fire a bow in melee without incurring an attack of opportunity and can ignore cover bonus to the target’s AC and any miss chance from concealment.
- Act as though hasted for up to 20 minutes a day.
- Avoid blows and area effects 70% of the time.
- Instantly reattach a limb that is pressed against the wound.
- Move up to 80 feet once per round as a free action.
- Sap the energy of up to 20 creatures a day (subjects allowed Fort save DC 40) halving their speeds and making them fatigued. Any mounts or vehicles they ride are similarly slowed.
- Move up to 600 ft. as a move action as per dimension door except that he never ends up in solid objects and can immediately move.
- Return from the “dead” 10d10 days after being destroyed
- Speak with any migratory animal.​
Spontaneous Casting: Because of his ranger levels, Epheme can spotaneously cast any spell he can grant as a cleric casts cure spells.
Travel: Epheme can use teleport without error and planeshift (caster level 20) at will, each time effecting himself and up to 100 pounds of equipment.

Equipment: Sparrow’s Flight (thundering composite shortbow +1 of speed) designed for Epheme’s incredible +12 Strength bonus, Zephyr (scimitar +2).[/sblock]
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First Post
The Lady of Mysteries, The Watcher in the Darkness
Symbol: A pair of eyes staring out of a black field.
Alignment: N
Portfolio: Secrets, Dreams (Deception, Illusion, Knowledge, Darkness)
Favored Weapon: "Unseen Sting" (Hand Crossbow).

Dogma: Knowledge is power, and the fewer who know it, the more valuable it is. Guard your secrets well through misdirection and deceit, while ferreting out those of others.

Mythos: It is said that when the first man whispered the first secret to the first woman, under the moonlight, those words drifted up and out and became the goddess Whisper. Her very substance is made up of hopes, fears, facts and ideas that were never shared with the world at large; only whispered as secrets between individuals. As such, she is worshipped by those who have many such secrets to protect...as well as by those who's trade it is to uncover secrets. She is the patron of spies and those with double lives, as well as some of the more secretive sects of druids and wizards, who pursue lore long lost. Her association with dreams stems from her longstanding reputation as a Goddess of Night, as well as from the cryptic and bizarre...yet meaningful content of dreams. It is thought that dreams come from Whisper, who does not simply -reveal- truths, but rather cloaks them in confusing images and misdrection, so that only the recipient of the dream will be able to understand...thus preserving the secret knowledge within. Those that cannot interpret their dreams may be sent more, or she may give up. Whisper does not coddle fools for long. Those that especially displease her may be sent terrible nightmares. Whisper, and her followers, are known for convoluted plots that are well-researched and almost never what they seem to be on the surface.

Minions: Whisper will work with anyone or anything to achieve her objectives, but she is most commonly associated with doppelgangers, shadows, mimics, cloakers, invisible stalkers, night hags, phasms, and sometimes sphinxes. Her human followers are typically rogues and bards, and occasionally wizards, druids (typically looking for secrets and mysteries of nature), and sorcerors. Anyone who has a secret they wish protected however can offer it up to Whisper in a short, commonly known ritual.


First Post
Fire Lord, Destroyer, Eternal Flame, Purifying Fire
Symbol: A bonfire
Alignment: LN
Portfolio: Fire, Destruction (death, magic, purification, war)
Favored Weapon: "Firebrand" (longsword)

Dogma Fire is the great destroyer, cleansing all of imperfections

Lord Wyrm

First Post
the Fallen Lord, Prince of Sadness, the Angelic Fiend
Symbol: the silhouette of an angel knelt in prayer
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Portfolio: Faith, Darkness (the Heavens, the Unknown Past, Sacrifice, Redemption)
Favored Weapon: "Light of Heaven" (Bastard Sword)

Dogma: The gods are false, pretenders to the throne. Educate their followers in the errors of their ways. Give thanks to the first one for he divided infinite and finite. No sacrifice is to great, and no one is beyond redemption.

Mythos: An ancient god dating back to before the memory of even the eldest celestials, Anaziel is thought to be the first god. He existed in the world before this one, and the one before that and so on. One of the last elders he resides in the depths of the Lower Planes, alone. There is one who created Anaziel, and that one is also responsible for the other gods. The Fallen Lord and the other members of the pantheon are but pretenders to the throne, the others gods innocently so for they did not know the light of the one. Anaziel and the others were made to act as a line between the finite and the infinite, and their place in creation was as instruments of the light. But when man was created something happened, the gods who exist now know not of the Fall but memories of chaos. The Fallen Lord remembers it all however and knows.

Minions: Anaziel favors fiends and celestials equally. Kytons with above average intelligence often act as emissaries. The herald of Anaziel is an advanced Astral Deva with the half fiend template. His human servants often count monks and blackguards among their number, although any who has made great sacrifice, been redeemed, or is interested in the distant past may worship Anaziel.

Relations with other gods: As what is to be considered the god of trickery Anaziel is not well liked by the other gods, especially the "Creator" Amletan. The enmity between one who remembers creating the world and one who says that they were the instrument of something greater is relatively high.
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First Post
Major (Life, Community) Minor (Farming, Artifice, Avarice, Nobility)

Divine Ranks: 17
Levels: Outsdier 20, classlevels 44

She wasn't the first to awaken, and the world of life spread before her coming. A myriad species called out for her, for life was frail and ever failing even in its times of prosperity. She awoke to the cries of their souls, and arrived to give them shelter.
Barbarous hearts qualied before her as she took them to her bosom and taught them the skills of civilisation. Beings of sapience, given harmonious direction, lesser beings subsumed into servitude. She gave birth to the farmer, the craftsman, the burocrat and the king, and the world of life learned the lessons of civilisation.

Basically a mother-goddess of civilisation, mostly Lawful and Good (but not strongly aligned). Preferring peaceful and gradual progress towards her goals. Her worshipers can be any race, but tends towards Lawful and Neutral alignments.
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Suicidal Llama

First Post
Mensar, God of mechanus
Major:Knowledge, Machines
Minor:Chaos,artificers, wizards, technology
Alignment:Chaotic neutral
Sign: A blue zzap of lightning.
favored weapon: "Futures wrath" (Heavy repeating crossbow)

Dogma:Knowldege leads to advancement, advancement leads to better technology, more technology is more ways to defeat your enemy and more power. Therefore knowledge is power.

Mensar was born when the first technologies were made and developed. He grew in power from the wonders of technology, and furthered it when it was needed. He reveled in the technological might for it drew power from the imagination and not an element. He then left the small planet he was on and developed craft capable of traveling beyond the stars and were able to bring and build any tech marvel he thought of.
He left in search of a planet he could dominate and turn into a craft world. When traveling he met resistance from other gods on the thousands of planets he was on. ANd now having gathered many followers now tries to bring new technology to the untold worlds

Followers: Anybody who likes to work with technology and new designs, especially artificers

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