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The Dojo of Nature's Fury and Harmony is closed after Kith's death...


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Sitting under the willow tree long after her victory, Kith wonders about the possibility of accepting students to teach them what she knows. ‘But what I know is so little!’, she thinks to herself. ‘I don’t even know entirely where I am or how I came to be here! My fighting skills have proved to be strong, but where did I learn them? One of the judges said that my Sensei would be proud of me, but I have no memory of a Sensei! I have no memories at all before the last few days. How can I teach anyone anything when I myself am naught but a tabula rasa, a blank slate upon which to be written?!’

‘I have followed this Path of Honor for it called to me above the rest and therefore must be a true part of myself. If that is true, then I must keep putting myself in contact with others to see what rings true in life for me in other ways. If this be true, then perhaps the best way to interact with some others is as a teacher. But only as a teacher who gives and receives knowledge from her students. For I must learn much to find out who I really am in this life.’

Looking out past the hanging willow tree strands, Kith frowns at the ruined glade that she blasted with her newly tapped Northstar energy. ‘I must heal this land and make right what I have put asunder though. All my styles so far are based heavily on nature and I feel that I should not hurt the natural order like this is I can help it. But if I must, then the least I can do is try to heal the wound that I made. So for now my school will be here until this devastation has been undone. Myself and any students that seek me out shall sleep here under the willow and live in harmony with nature. We have food provided by the nearby fruit trees and shelter under the willow. We have a wide valley to practice and learn our fighting skills, and work to do in setting this glade to rights again.’

Standing up and walking out from under the great willow tree, Kith looks around at this place that she has decided will be her home, for a while at least. Calling on her contact with nature, she summons a strong wind from the skies above. “Winds of Nature, carry my words now to those that wish to hear them! Let it be known that the Dojo of Nature’s Fury and Harmony will accept students that wish to learn harness the Fury of Nature in the styles of the Blizzard, Thunder, or the Northstar! They will also learn to live in Harmony with the natural world and hopefully we will all learn more of our true selves in the process!”

Kith knows that any student that wishes to find their way here will be led by the winds along the proper path. All they must do is keep the wind at their backs and it will help to speed their journey to this place. With her message sent Kith smiles and turns to begin working on healing the glade around her.

This Dojo is now officially open. Any fighter gaining Yellow belt from this point on needs to join a dojo in order to gain their Dojo Style power. The styles Kith is able to teach as Dojo Styles to other Yellow belts are: Blizzard, Thunder, and Northstar. If she someday makes it to Brown belt then she will also be able to teach the West Wind style along with another as yet undermined style. At that time, she will also be able to teach Green belts. Please post IC in this thread and Kith will consider any requests to join.
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Darkwolf approaches the destroyed glade in awe at the destructive fury Kith unleashed.

He walks up to Kith and drops to one knee respectfully.

"I wish to learn from you on how to gain use nature's skills even more so than I have now by being part wolf."


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Kith approaches and asks Darkwolf to please not kneel to her. "Come sit with me under the willow tree. I could use a break now anyway."

As they sit with their backs to the trunk, Kith asks Darkwolf which style he would like to learn from her if she accepts him as a student and why that particular one.

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Darkwolf sits down next to Kith.

"I wish to learn the style of Thunder. Not only is it powerful it always accompanies something getting blasted. Something I hope to do to my opponents using it. It is more wrath than harmony but from what you offer it is the most harmonious since it harmonizes the sky from what the lightning did to it."
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Kith listens to Darkwolf and nods her head. "I will agree to teach you the ways of Thunder. Welcome, my first student, to the Dojo of Nature's Fury and Harmony!

"We will start the lessons by me showing you some of the effects of the blasting which you seek to inflict on your enemies. Come here and look at this spot where Sidhe Li stood during our battle..."


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Kith makes Eldon wait while she goes to get a sheet of scroll paper. Sitting down, she writes something on it then goes to hang it on one of the tree branches nearby. It reads in large bold letters. 'NO KNEELING ALLOWED'

As Eldon stands after seeing the sign Kith has posted, Kith returns to him to greet him. "Hello and welcome Eldon. I am Kith and I would like to know two things from you. Why have you chosen to come here and learn from me, and why do you choose to learn the style of Thunder?"


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Eldon stands and listens to Kith.

"I wish to learn the style of thunder for two reasons. One being the strength in thunder itself is great. Second if you look at my last fight I used the way of plants many times. With thunder usually comes rain. Rain strengthens plants and makes them even stronger." Eldon tells Kith.

"The reason I chose this dojo is because of the harmony it brings from the name. Also the power and the knowledge that can be had from learning from a great warrior."


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Darkwolf smiles.

"Thank you for allowing me to join your great dojo, Sensei."

(ooc: Don't expect to hear about me much this weekend as I'll be unable to access a computer until Sunday night)


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"Flattery aside, I believe that I will accept you as my student in the Thunder style. It seems to be a very popular style so far. Come over here to the glade and meet your fellow student, Darkwolf. Then we can get back to work and study of nature and her ways, both powerful and subtle."

Voidrunner's Codex

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