D&D General The Double-Edged Sword: Is The New D&D Edition a Cash Grab in Disguise?

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They are creating great content for the base. An even larger base than an adventure can touch.

I think the UA showcased a lot to be excited for. No adventure excites me as much as this project to refine the core rules. Because I like to make/adapt adventures to my own stories.
Depends on whether or not you consider recent WotC content "great". For the most part I'd say no. Planescape was pretty good, but nothing else seems all that, "great".

I know others have already commented on this, but... were you around for that transition? I don't know anyone pining for the days of inferior audio quality, aged casettes with wobbly music playback, and nervewracking unspooling from the guts of a player that decided it was hungry for magnetic tape that day. Your assertion is so preposterous that I have to assume you have no idea what you're talking about, or that you're intentionally trolling. If it's the latter... well, I guess, well done, sir.

Yeah, we're not comparing CDs to records, where there's at least arguments that can be had. Nobody misses the general use of magnetic tape.

A refresh is welcome. It doesn't appear that they've gone and broken the math this time.

I honestly wish they'd also support the OD&D BD&D AD&D math as well. I honestly wish that I know what the RPG player share was between the grouping of OSR (pre-3), 3e, and 5e. I feel like 4e is pretty small. ORR group hasn't done an update in a while.

Mod Note:


It’s entirely possible to disagree with others without being disagreeable. You’re currently failing that metric, accounting for 100% of the complaints in this thread.

There’s decent observations being made in here. Please, tone down the confrontational rhetoric if you don’t want to get booted from your own thread.

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