I'll highly recommend them, as well. They've been compared to Laurel K.Hamilton's work, but that's not really fair on the DF series, which have more plausible characters, better constructed plots and far less monster porn. I like them both for the humour, (a lot of which comes from the viewpoint of the narrator himself) and for the drama--the series has a rare knack for moving smoothly between comedy and tragedy. A large supporting cast is juggled fairly well, and there's some good worldbuilding going on in the background.
As chance would have it, I read the first six books almost completely back to front. Most of the stuff from previous books gets explained in context, so I wouldn't say reading them in order is critical before the seventh or so. With the first one, there's a definate sense of trying to define what the series is all about, so skip to the second if it's not to your taste.