The Elfblood Wanderers Dramatis Personae


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Welcome to the Elfblood Wanderers Rogue's Gallery thread!

And now for the first (and most important :D ) character.... Nystyra Elfblood.

Nystyra is the namesake and unofficial leader of the Elfblood Wanderers. She was born the daughter of a poor wood gatherer, but is fast becoming one of the most powerful magic-users and landowners in Avalon.

(just a note, in this campaign, we use attack and defense skills instead of BAB and AC)

Nystyra Elfblood; Female Half-Elf Wizard lvl. 4, Alignment: LN Age:22 HP: 27
Str. 12 (+1), Dex. 15 (+2), Con. 14 (+2),
Int. 17 (+3), Wis. 12 (+1), Cha. 14 (+2)
Fort. +3
Reflex +3
Will +5
Skills: Spellcraft +7, Concentration +5, Know. (Arcana) +6,
Listen +3, Search +6, Spot +4, Scry +8, Attack (Shortbow) +5,
Defense (Dodge) +4, Bluff +3, Diplomacy +4, Alchemy +6

Spells: Spontaneous Casting
In our campaign, we use the witch spell list. Casting is spontaneous. A character can put up to 25 xp into her/his "Charm." A first level spell costs 1 xp, 2nd lvl. costs 2 xp, etc.

Languages: Common and Elven
Feats: Scribe Scroll, Toughness, Martial Weapon Proficiency: Shortbow

Equipment: Backpack, waterskin, bedroll, flint and steel, candles (9), parchment (3), ink, inkpen, spellbook, spell pouch, map, map case, scroll of Cure Light Wounds, Potions of Cure Light Wounds (3), alchemist's fire (5), a black pearl (86gp), tindertwigs (9), one day's trail rations, loaf of bread

Weapons: Shortbow, 1d6+2
Familiar: Ginger, Female Cat

The skill points were kinda screwed up during the character generation process, but the DM let it go. Also, Nystyra's charater history was detailed in the beginning of the Elfblood Wanderers Story Hour, if you want to know more.

Next up are the stats and history of that loveable gnome, Eliad Pelgrin.


Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Please post them!!

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Eliad Pelgrin

Eliad is a mischievious and annoyingly cheerful gnome who likes shiny objects and "borrowing" from people. He has been traveling with Nystyra since the beginning of her adventures.


Eliad Pelgrin, Male Forest Gnome Rogue lvl. 3
Alignment: CN Hp: 22
Str. 12 (+1)
Dex. 18 (+4)
Con. 17 (+3)
Int. 16 (+3)
Wis. 10 (+0)
Cha. 13 (+1)
Fort. +4
Reflex +7
Will + 3

Skills: Move Silently +8, Hide +14, Disable Device +9, Climb +5, Listen +9, Pick Pockets +11, Open Locks +12, Search +11, Spot +6, Bluff + 9, Attack (Lt. X-bow) +7, Defense (Dodge) +5
Special Abilities/ Feats:
Alertness, Pass Without Trace, Uncanny Dodge, Evasion, Iron Will, Sneak Attack +2d6
Gnome Racial Traits:
+1 attack vs. kobolds, goblinoids, orcs, reptilian humanoids
+2 saving throw vs. illusions
+4 dodge vs. giants
low-light vision
+2 racial bonus on Listen checks
+2 racial bonus on Alchemy checks
Gnomes with Intelligence scores of 10 or higher may cast the following cantrips:
dancing lights, ghost sound, prestidigitation

Languages: Common, Gnome, Sylvan, Elven
Weapons: Light Crossbow (1d8+4, 19-20/x2)
Dagger (1d4+1, 19-20/x2)

Equipment: Backpack, bedroll, lantern, 2 pints oil, rope, silk(50 ft.), thieves tools, tankard, one day's trail rations, loaf of bread, crossbow bolts (20), 18 gp.

" Eliad, who had the attention span of a magpie, and as much inclination toward "borrowing"..."

- Nystyra Elfblood


Question? Comments? Suggestions? Feel free to post them!!

Next up is Eliad's character history, which will be written by Bob Aberton.


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My two favorite characters first! Well of course they are!

Can't wait for the character history of Eliad, so I'll be watching for it.

SaFire and Bob, you two do a great job together!


Bob Aberton

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Eliad Pelgrin (Character History)

Eliad, as he tells the story, was born a "mere" sixty years ago, to Cnorrec and Hrea of the Burrow (Tribe) of the Goldstriped Badger. His Burrow was a happy, almost carefree group of seventy or so Gnomes from six families. Although Gnomes as a rule are inclined to be short, Eliad was even more so. He was just barely over two feet tall, and was the subject of much teasing and ribbing from his taller peers.

Gnomes themselves are a contradiction. Although they are inveterate tricksters, enjoying playing pranks on each other and the stupid, blundering Big Folk, the Big Folk, who rarely see them, call them the Shy People, for they hide from the sight of other peoples. Eliad lived out this contradiction, for despite that his name, Eliad Pelgrin, meant "Foolish Laughter" in Gnomic, he became shy and withdrawn due to his peer's continual tormenting about his height. This shyness, very unusual for a Gnome, only increased the amount of teasing he recieved, which only increased his shyness, which only increased the amount of teasing he recieved. It was a vicious circle.

It may seem absurd to the Big Folk that the Gnomes would make fun of anyone for being short, but so it was. Gnomes will find any excuse to ridicule or make someone look foolish, and Eliad's height proved to be that excuse. Oh, but he was the subject of many pranks, ranging from the simple - like stealing his clothes over night, enlarging them, and then telling him he shrunk over night - to the cruel - like strapping him to the back of a badger and send the badger shuffling through the Burrow with Eliad strapped to its back for a full half-day (his parents finally found and untied him).

However, one day, the turnaround came

Over many years, Eliad learned to adapt, growing into a bold, comical little Gnome well-liked by most, but he always maintained a secret sore spot about his height. He would fly into a fine fit of rage if anyone even came within a yard of insinuating that he was the slightest bit short. His tormentors when he had been younger soon found the joke on them. At one point, the two ringleaders were found tied to their own pet badgers, wearing clothes (comically too large) that Eliad had bartered for from a few wandering Big Folk he had found near the edge of the Elfinwoods. Needless to say, the Burrow never forgot about that.

Eliad had always had a fascination with the Big Folk. He met them once or twice, while gathering mushrooms at the edge of the Elfinwoods near his Burrow's dwelling. Despite his clan's fear of them, the Big Folk seemed to him innocent and harmless. They would often trade him for some of the "worthless" mushrooms he gathered. Some of these, mushrooms like the Wizard's Cap mushrooms, the King's Throne (a more aristocratic relative of the toadstool), and the Grand Mushroom, were worthless to the Gnomes, except as delicacies, but worth many silver pieces to humans. The Wizard's Cap, it was said, was worth far more than its weight in gold, for its magical properties. The King's Throne was the delicacy of delicacies, and the noble that could afford to serve a dish of King's Throne mushrooms could afford the whole of Avalon, it was said. And the Grand Mushroom was a key ingredient in the stupefying drink know as Firebrandy.

Eliad knew none of this, of course. However, the pretty little pieces of shiny metal the Big Folk gave to him were so very fascinating, even though his Burrow frowned upon it, he continued his illicit mushroom trade (enriching many a poor peasant along the way, no doubt).

However, he had his enemies in the Burrow. In particular, one of his peers who went by the name of Iregh-chah (Inky-Cap, a name he recieved after a nameless Gnome dyed Iregh's beloved hat a sickly black with distilled inky cap mushrooms) had a fair number of bones to pick with Eliad, among them Eliad's dyeing of his cap (the incident which gave Iregh-chah his name), Eliad's shaving of his pet badger (afterward, the pet, though it grew its hair back, was known as The Bald-ger), and most heinous, Eliad's courting of Iregh's sweetheart.

Through much stealthy spying, Iregh discovered Eliad's dealings with the Big Folk, and laid out the sordid story in full before the entire Burrow. Shocked that one of their own could be trafficking with the greedythievingmurderingchildstealingrapinggluttonouslazydrunkencheatingvicious Big Folk, they summarily exiled Eliad.

Eliad, though a bit despondent, was almost glad to start over again in a new place without the baggage of old Burrow. Naturally, he gravitated toward the Big Folk. They assumed he was a changeling, a Fey-child that had been exchanged for a human child at birth, and thus avoided commenting on his height. Eliad quite enjoyed the measure of respect the superstitious Big Folk gave him, for it was the first respect he had ever recieved. All the same, he never quite learned to quit the pranks, and was soon caught picking ("burrowin'") from the pocket of one Nystyra Elfblood, a former apprentice Witch. The rest, as they say, is history.


Well, what do you think?

If the history feels a bit contrived, be it known that I came up with it on the fly. Although, the part about being teased about his height was drawn from my own life experiences:cool: :D :p .


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Diesa Swifthammer

And now for Diesa Swifthammer, the grumpy, irritable Priestess of Freya. (One of my favorite characters, besides Nystyra!)

Diesa Swifthammer, Dwarven Priestess of Freya lvl.3
Alignment: N HP:16

Str. 14 (+2)
Dex. 13 (+1)
Con. 15 (+2)
Int. 15 (+2)
Wis. 17 (+3)
Cha. 10 (+0)
Fort: +5
Reflex: +2
Will: +6
Concentration (+3), Craft: Gemcutting (+3), Heal (+7), Knowledge: Religion (+5), Scry (+3), Spellcraft (+4), Appraise (+5), Attack: Pick (+3), Defense: Parry (+3)
Martial Weapon Proficiency: Heavy Pick
Skill Focus: Heal
Special Abilities
-Turn Undead
-Stonecunning (see PHB)
+2 racial bonus to saving throws against poison
+2 racial bonus on saving throws against spells and spell'like effects
+1 racial bonus on attack rolls against orcs and goblinoids
+4 dodge bonus against giants
+2 racial bonus on Appraise checks that are related to rare or exotic items
+2 on Craft checks that are related to stone or metal

Languages: Common and Dwarven
Domains: Protection and Earth

Backpack, waterskin, trail rations (2 days), bedroll, silver Holy Symbol of Freya, gemcutting kit, healer's kit, belt knife, lapis lazuli (10 gp), 32 gp, flint and steel

Weapons: Pick, Heavy (1d6+2, x4)
Handaxe, MW (1d6+2, x3)

Armor: studded leather

Next up is Diesa's character history (again, courtesy of Bob Aberton) and then Mathonwy of Greattree.

Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Please post them!!


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Oh, I just wanted to add one thing...

Thank you, Taboo, for posting... It "sniff" means a lot to me... (breaks down into tears of gratitude):D :D ;)

Anyway, if anyone who reads this doesn't already visit the Elfblood Wanderers Story Hour, please do. It's very good!!



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Hi everyone!

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. I thought that Bob would do Diesa's character histroy, but seeing as he hasn't yet, I'll be posting the stats for Damara Kha'zaar.

Damara Kha'zaar is a talented warrior and skilled horsewoman who hails from the desert land of Allamid. She began her training as a warrior in order to keep up the family traditon.

Damara Kha'zaar, Female Human Fighter lvl. 3
Alignment: Neutral HP: 36
Str. 17 (+3)
Dex. 15 (+2)
Con. 14 (+2)
Int. 10 (+0)
Wis. 13 (+1)
Cha. 11 (+0)
Fort. +5
Reflex +2
Will +1
Climb (+4), Jump (+4), Ride (+6), Listen (+2), Search (+2), Spot (+2), Wild. Lore: Desert* (+2), Attack: Falchion (+5), Defense: Parry(+7), Handle Animal (+3)
Feats/ Special Abilities
Mounted Combat**
Weapon Focus: Falchion
Ride-by Attack
Spirited Charge

Languages: Common, Allamidian
Equipment: backpack, bedroll, waterskin, tunic emblazoned w/ black hawk against rising sun***, trail rations (2 days), saddle (riding), pot (iron), candle, tindertwigs (3), 8 gp

Weapons: Falchion (2d4+3, 18-20/x2)
Kukri (1d4+3, 18-20/x2)
Armor: Chain Shirt, Buckler, Helmet

Mount: warpony named Sandstorm

Extra Notes:

*Wilderness Lore (Desert) is a class skill for all Allamidians. In addition, they receive 1 free skill rank in it.
** Mounted Combat is a free feat to all Allamidian fighters because horsemanship is such an integrel aspect of Allamidian culture.
***The black hawk against a background of a red rising sun is Damara's coat of arms.

Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Feel free to post!!

Hopefully, Diesa's character history will be written this weekend.


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Diesa's Character History

Hi everyone,
Sorry I have posted lately; I've been kinda busy. Anyway, here is the long- awaited "Character History of Diesa" I wrote this one (and it's my first try) so please excuse the fact that it isn't as good as Eliad's history. Enjoy!

************************************************** Diesa Swifthammer was born and grew up deep underground, in the tunnels and caves of Clan Swifthammer. Her parents did not have a loving relationship with each other, or with Diesa. She became resentful and withdrawn due to their abuse. She was friendless and lonely.

However, one day she met a young dwarven maiden named Torrga Deepdwell. The two soon became inseperable friends. Finally, Diesa had someone who understood her and was always there for her: an escape from the horrors of her home life. Things were looking up for Diesa. She grew into a proud and confident young dwarf, until her life changed on one fateful day.

Torrga and Diesa were exploring the farther reaches of Clan Swifthammer's holdings: Torrga was a very inquistive dwarf, and Diesa was attempting to escape a beating. Then the unthinkable happened. The two young dwarves were taken by surprise by guards of the Longbeard Clan. They had unwittingly wandered into enemy territory. Torrga and Diesa put up a valiant fight, but the odds were hopeless from the start. Torrga, Diesa's only friend and confidante, was killed. Fortunately, Diesa escaped. Badly wounded, she managed to stagger into a chapel dedicated to Freya before collapsing.

Three days later, she awoke. The sights and sounds of her recent battle returned in a rush. Diesa was overwhelmed by guilt, thinking herself responsible for Torrga's death. Nothing anyone could say made her feel better. After recovering from her wounds, she once more become withdrawn and bitter. She swore never to become close to anyone ever again, thinking that it wasn't worth the pain it caused.

Every day, Diesa would go to Torrga's tomb and hold a vigil. She would sit there for hours, weeping and praying to Freya, the dwarven mother goddess, for forgiveness. One day, Freya seemed to speak inside Diesa's head. "Daughter, do not weep. Do not blame yourself... you are forgiven. Come to me, Diesa. Dedicate thyself to my service... you needn't bear your burdens alone."
That evening, Diesa went to the chapel and announced her intentions of training for priestesshood.

After many long years as a novice in Freya's service, the honor of full priestesshood was bestowed upon Diesa. She lost much of her bitterness during training, but is still rather an antagonistic character. Her first task was a quest to find the clan champion, Ulfgar, after his mysterious dissappearance. It was then that she met up with Nystyra and the Elfblood Wanderers. (If you want to know more about that part, read the Elfblood Wanderers Story Hour)


Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Please post them!

Coming up Next: Damara's Character History

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