The Enemy Within

Walking Dad

First Post
Garogram Grimmson

Garogram follows after his brother, his swing more controlled and blazing with righteous might.


move: next to 5
standard: Ardent Strike (1d20+6=7, 1d12+6=15) still hoping AC 15 hits. On hit divine sanction on 5
free: If divine sanction is on 5, Divine Challenge to 3. If not, divine challenge on 5.

[sblock=Mini stat block]
Garogram Grimmson
Perception: 12 Insight: 17 Low-light Vision
AC 19 Fortitude 15 Reflex 12 Will 13
Initiative: +0
Hit Points: 30 / 30 Bloodied: 15
Temporary Hit Points: 0
Saving Throw: -
Action Points: 1 Second Wind: 1
Healing Surge:7 Surges per day: 12 / 12
At-Will Powers: Ardent Strike, Holy Strike
Encounter Powers: Dwarven Resilience, Divine Pursuit
Daily Powers: Blazing Brand


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Dr Simon

The dwarves plough into the mutants and cut them down easily. Hidden in the woods, Hans similarly makes short work of "Goatfoot".

AC15 is enough to hit the non-leader mutants, and you all do more than enough damage to take them down. Only Horns is left (#4 is dying and noncombatant).

Garold to act next, else I'll act for the mutants again tomorrow if I haven't heard anything.


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    Coach fight 5.jpg
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Hans, carrying the gutted "Goatfoot", emerges from the wooded foliage. He tosses the mutant's carcass to the ground before the other remaining enemies. "This will be your fate as well. Flee while we will still let you."

- Move Action: Pick up/carry "Goatfoot", move into clearing.
- Standard Action: Intimidate check against remaining enemies who can see and hear Hans.

EDIT: Blarg. Well, maybe there's a circumstance bonus or something LOL
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Dr Simon

"Horns" turns and fires his crossbow at Hans, the bolt clipping the rogue's shoulder.

"You'll find I'm not so easy, norm," he says as he drops the crossbow and draws his sword.

Horns' crossbow attack on Hans total 22, hits for 5 damage.

Grimssons and Garold up next, note that the overturned coach is between them and the mutant.

Walking Dad

First Post
The dwarf brothers start to circle the wagon with measured steps, each ready to cut down possibly attacking mutants.

Sorry, not much time, we do a long family weekend. Doing normal moves around the wagon, shouldn't be able to actually reach the enemies. Preparing Brash / Ardent Strike on first enemy in reach respectively.


First Post
Garold circles round with Garogram, shield at the ready.

He whispers...

[sblock=dwarven] We use a similar pincher maneuver to get close to angry bears back home. [/sblock]

[sblock=actions] Move around edge of wagon, keeping pace with Garogram.
Standard: Total defense. [/sblock]

[sblock=ooc] Sorry about posting delay [/sblock]

Dr Simon

Updated map. Estimate about 10 ft. between the last remaining mutant and the PCs (Hans and Gorim) on either side of him.

Removed mutant 4, as it is now dead. Also just noticed that I read the damage for Garogram's attack as the attack roll - oh well.

Next up: Hans


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    Coach fight 6.jpg
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Hans, unfettered by the mutant's crossbow attack, advances, brandishing his mace and dagger. "I'm finished talking, mutant. Prepare for the end."

- Move Action: Move adjacent to the remaining mutant.
- Standard Action: Disheartening Strike against "Horns". If this hits, "Horns" takes the damage and is rattled until the end of Hans' next turn.

*** This action only if the attack hits ***
- ACTION POINT to Standard Action: Termination Threat against "Horns". If this hits, since "Horns" is rattled, "Horns" is now also immobilized until the end of Hans' next turn.
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Dr Simon

Horns dodges aside from Hans' attack and snorts derisively. His riposte is off-balance, however, and his sword does little more than nick Hans above the wrist.

Miss on Hans' attack (Need AC 16)

Mutant attack on Hans, hits for 3 damage.

Voidrunner's Codex

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